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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Barack Obama just whipped it out and slapped the GOP in the face.

Yeah okay.

Having 70,000 democrats scream for a democrat is not necessary the face fuck you think it is.

I must say after this speech, McCain should not name his VP tomorrow. Lets the speech settle in. by fir. Everybody will be ripping this apart.

Same old failed democratic policies.

"I am my brothers keeper he say's", but not his half brother apparently.

"Willing to have a debate with McCain". McCain offered numerous debates and Obama refused.

" He will get rid of foreign oil in ten years" without more drilling and a true commitment to Nuclear?

"He will make sure our vets aren't homeless" when it's debunked that only few thousands are homeless with 95% suffering form drug abuse.

Im sorry electrophile, obama just said "legs up, panties down" and you listened.

Just whipped it out, give me a break.

The speech was heading into the right direction. He did make the case why he was differenet from McCain. The problem is he did not convince anyone why he is the right choice.

All in all it;s just another class warfare speech in the wall.

Change, he just wants my change. and everything else.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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Barack Obama =zzzzzzzzzz





ok so there was a lot of feel good rhetoric, but geez if you want zzz tune in to the upcoming Canadian election speeches. Yours is like going to Disney world versus getting a colonoscopy. Trade you BO for Harper? Please?

The US is on the brink of an incredible transformation for the better within and without and people still complain; it's about the best benefit of having eight years of Bush. Do you know how lucky you are?

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You just don't get it......................but I would not expect a "teenage like" mind too. Notice that I did not say that you are a teenager, you just act like one.

Save it, P51.

Now, for the electrophile explosive retort count down. 10......9.......8.......7........6........

Like I said, save it P51. We know who you are, we don't know why you're back.

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Sure was amazing that for a party that prides iteslf on helping the little man, how many multi millionairs were there tonite. I wonder what it cost to party in one of those luxury boxes? I wonder what box Ayres, Rezko and Wright were in? Rezko made his donations months ago before he was sent to the can. Wait a minute, now pictures are in of the Wright sheep:


Ayres, Rezko, Wright and Obama. They deserve each other.

And Biden................. :hysterical:

Why do you continue to spew the same worthless shit all the time? If you have an opinion why don't you share it instead of wasting everyone's time on this thread?

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In typical Obama fasion his speach tonite was full of sound bite talking points with no answers. I wonder which of his handlers wrote it? Wow, a political pep rally. At least his teleprompter was on. I wonder how many millions the circus tonite cost?

A fantastic speech! And I do believe I heard Barack wrote it. And yes, what a rally it was. That many people charged up about the future of America is something to be proud of. I'm sure it cost a pretty penny, but it shows how many people believe that America can do better than we currently are.

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You people just DON'T GET IT...this horse is DEAD...STOP kicking it. Obama will be the next president...it was decided long ago..and McCain KNOWS it. He has resorted to making asinine jokes because his political career is SUNK(about time to put that clueless bastard out to pasture anyway...if he can find it). Having said that, it will probably come down to the wire in November as it makes good theater and serves to divide the nation along ideological lines(a united population would be truly dangerous now wouldn't it?)...of course that is assuming the election even takes place..yeah Georgie might give up the presidency...to be crowned king(google directive 51).Call me crazy, I don't give a fuck(I hope I'm wrong about this part but I am CERTAIN that Obama has been chosen and your votes, support and arguments are a WASTE OF TIME)...Take care of your families and stop being deluded thinking your vote means anything...seriously

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Don't post in this thread or any other political thread then, if you find it all to be a waste of time and think people who are interested in the process and plan on voting (as that's a civic duty we shouldn't take lightly) are nuts and deluding themselves. This clearly isn't the spot for you. There's plenty of other threads that don't discuss politics you might find more your speed.

I think it hilarious when people come into a thread to complain about people talking about what the thread is about, and the bulk of their complaint is that they shouldn't be talking about it. Irony much?

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Don't post in this thread or any other political thread then, if you find it all to be a waste of time and think people who are interested in the process and plan on voting (as that's a civic duty we shouldn't take lightly) are nuts and deluding themselves. This clearly isn't the spot for you. There's plenty of other threads that don't discuss politics you might find more your speed.

I think it hilarious when people come into a thread to complain about people talking about what the thread is about, and the bulk of their complaint is that they shouldn't be talking about it. Irony much?

I think this whole thing is hilarious. Obama is related to 95% of the past presidents and McCain is related to none. You've backed the right horse Elizabeth, and I'm here to let you know it's a foregone conclusion. Vote when it counts(city council, school boards, sherriff, etc) but see the big picture..you're a smart girl

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I think this whole thing is hilarious. Obama is related to 95% of the past presidents and McCain is related to none. You've backed the right horse Elizabeth, and I'm here to let you know it's a foregone conclusion. Vote when it counts(city council, school boards, sherriff, etc) but see the big picture..you're a smart girl

6 Presidents says Chris Matthews. ;)

Guess what, I bet some of us are related on here... hell maybe we are even related to Led Zeppelin! In my best Chris Matthews voice... "HA!"

We all feel at times that our votes don't matter(especially when Bush gets elected to a second term), but that's all the more reason to Vote and get involved locally.

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I think this whole thing is hilarious. Obama is related to 95% of the past presidents and McCain is related to none. You've backed the right horse Elizabeth, and I'm here to let you know it's a foregone conclusion. Vote when it counts(city council, school boards, sherriff, etc) but see the big picture..you're a smart girl

You don't know the outcome of the election any more than anyone else here does, so quit sounding like one of those tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy freaks. It's just.......wrong.

This post needs the "It's a conspiracy!" picture, but I can't find it on my hard drive.

Edited by Electrophile
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Wow. You've got electricity to power your computer

in your underground bunker in the woods, eh? :huh:

[ ncrazyqueenie.gif ]

haha no I live in the desert, no woods here. Underground bunkers are no good anyway, they will just know where to find you when they start dragging folks to the FEMA camps..I'm mobile baby :D

and Elizabeth..the fact that 95% of the presidents have been related, and a a person who was a total unknown 4 years ago who is on the cusp of being the next one also happens to be a relative of said 95% doesn't seem just a little suspicious to you?...can you honestly tell me this is coincidence?

oh and I can't lay my hands on any tinfoil..that stuff is hard to find!!!!(if you have any extra could you send me some Elizabeth?) I have a nice copper bottomed stainless steel dutch oven but it's really heavy, my neck has gotten so big I can't get my zep t shirts on anymore

Edited by PJ Slocum
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Sounds to me like you're living the high life, bub. :wacko:


Nice crib, mobile desert dweller. :D

nah I have a pup tent I made from a thermal blanket to foil the night vision from the black helicopters

and a killer set of coveralls made from the same stuff..quite stylish :D

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Obama, the Scholar does not even have the guts to give his opinion on when life starts. No one is saying who is right or wrong, just have the guts to give an opinion.

speaking of gutless...seems to me you avoided the question i asked you several days ago....

simple question...

which you gonna save from the burning building???

...the one small child crying his eyes out or the 300 frozen embyros???

psst...anybody else feel like we are caught in a holding pattern??? :wacko:

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And Elizabeth..the fact that 95% of the presidents have been related, and a a person who was a total unknown 4 years ago who is on the cusp of being the next one also happens to be a relative of said 95% doesn't seem just a little suspicious to you

No.......it doesn't. I don't waste time thinking about crap like that.

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Who knows, I have never been in a sad situation like that. But unlike Obama, I am not afraid to tell you that I believe that life starts at conception. Any other stupid hypothetical questions?? Do you want to try and trap me again. :lol: LOL

like you said...gutless

i'll make a gutsy move and tell you i wouldn't hesitate to save the small child...(and i'm pretty confident obama would as well... ;) )

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I never thought that I would agree with electrophile on anything around here but PJ, you take the cake. I bet that you do not believe that we landed on the moon either.

The title of this thread is the next president will be?..not who are you going to vote for?

lol thanks for reminding me!!!(I was determined to carry on about every conspiracy theory I could think of and had forgotten about that one!)

oh btw hi Rick :P ...it's a little early in the day to be drinking isn't it?

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