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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Hey PJ Fastcum, when Electrophile sends you that

tinfoil,.. you might find the AFDB website helpful:

Good luck, dude.

Make that tinfoil beanie!

..they're coming to get you!



I'm painting mine dark blue with a big star(GO COWBOYS)

I'll finally be able to go out in public without looking like an idiot

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And just when the Obama "side show" was kicking into high gear. McCain shows the world real change. Instead of picking a "used up typical" politician like Obama did with his Biden choice, McCain picks a woman that we can all admire. A lady that practices what she preaches. A true role model in every sense of the word. Thank you for picking Sarah Palin, she is a breath of fresh air.

Obama talks change LOL (Talk is cheap)

McCain steps up and delivers change, Sarah is awesome. What a great pick, I wonder what Obamas handlers are thinking about now?

You are a douchebag.

You just solidified my vote with that silly ass post.Crist,he would have fared better if he nominated Al Sharpton.He's TOAST now!

Obama is shaking in his boots,isn't he?

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I think the use of a biogrpahy is brilliant! -ben franklin/history channel had another good idea....why shouldnt politicians do this all the time?

One of the quotes from last night was intersesting in regards to that event. They said: here some of participants paid a thousand dollars to be there and some of the past political events folks would have paid a thousand dollars to leave the event.

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Rorer you have been a Obama groupie for months now. He is your superhero, I know that. McCains pick of Sarah today is what will end up ruining your day. LOL She is Awesome!! Good luck libs. You are going to need it.
It's a Hillary gimmick... he knows that he's sunk and now he's grasping for straws.It won't work.

That post of yours sounded like the one dumb family member on Family Fued that's going for the win and comes up with the most stupid answer and his family says,"Good answer,good answer" but they know it's,in fact,a terrible one and they get XXX'ed out. :D

Try again!

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Gosh rorer, no trash mouth name to call me this time? Who is Crist?????? rorer you are a whole lot more fun then any game show! LOL

well who is Crist?...do you mean Christ and can't spell it?

I'm laughing so hard at you right now!

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Gosh rorer, no trash mouth name to call me this time? Who is Crist?????? rorer you are a whole lot more fun then any game show! LOL

A typo is all you have? Keyreist almighty!!!

Oh,wait a minute you've got old man McCain on your side.God bless you.You're going to need it.Hell,he's going to need it too.

"Gosh rorer" What's that, Beaver Cleaver talk?......Me thinks you're more of an Eddie Haskell :rolleyes:

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It's a Hillary gimmick... he knows that he's sunk and now he's grasping for straws.It won't work.

Grasping for straws? That's what BO is doing. A candidate running on a platform of 'change' picking a 'same old' Washington insider like Biden? :lol: Please. If he was really serious about change he would have picked Hilrod. No, McCain's choice of Gov. Palin was a genius move and dems are left scratching their heads what to do next. All the DNC Convention thunder has been silenced and people are now looking at America's Margaret Thatcher in the making. This is going to be fun, bring on the debates! B)

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So if McCain did win the Presidency, and something happened to him, you supporters would feel comfortable with a "44 year old, unknown, former small town mayor" (quoted from the Sydney Herald) as our Commander in Chief...ugh...stupid pick. I have a hard time believing any intelligent people would feel otherwise.

Her experience? Former mayor of Wasilla (what's the population of that city)? The census approximates it in 2005 at 8,471. Laughable. Okay, sorry, also the Govenor of Alaska for two years. Has she been to the White House?

This choice is showing ominous signs of early dementia :)

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Grasping for straws? That's what BO is doing. A candidate running on a platform of 'change' picking a 'same old' Washington insider like Biden? :lol: Please. If he was really serious about change he would have picked Hilrod. No, McCain's choice of Gov. Palin was a genius move and dems are left scratching their heads what to do next. All the DNC Convention thunder has been silenced and people are now looking at America's Margaret Thatcher in the making. This is going to be fun, bring on the debates! B)


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I took this article to be in favor of her. I can't find any reason that would qualify her to be VP and god forbid, if it ever were to come about, President. I'm not going to further express my opinion, i'm just hopeful this plan of McCain's proves to be as ludicrous to the rest of the country as it is to me.


From Times OnlineAugust 29, 2008

Who is Sarah Palin?

(Brian Wallace/AP)

Sarah Palin during a controversy over the dismissal of a state trooper involved in a bitter divorce with her sister

Hannah Strange

Sarah Palin, a former runner-up in the Miss Alaska beauty contest, burst on to the political scene in 2006 by becoming both the first female and youngest governor in Alaskan history at the age of 42.

She had previously gained statewide attention as a gutsy maverick unafraid to speak truth after whistleblowing on ethical violations by state Republican Party leaders during her time on the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.

A "soccer-mom" type with telegenic appeal, Mrs Palin is a real life Miss Congeniality — she won the title in the Wasilla beauty pageant back in 1984.

But the mother-of-five combines her homely air with a keen grasp of the issues and a formidable campaigning style.

Related Links

McCain picks female governor as running mate


Reaction to Palin on the web

A strong social conservative and a staunch supporter of gun rights, she is hugely popular in Alaska — a poll published last month showed her approval rating at 80 per cent.

Mrs Palin is strongly pro-life — typified, observers say, by the fact that her fifth child, born in April, has Down's Syndrome. The Palins also have teenage son, Track, and three young daughters, Bristol, Willow, and Piper.

She also opposes same-sex marriage, but has often sympathised with the concerns of gay community about discrimination and has implemented legislation ensuring equal benefits for same-sex couples.

After running her gubernatorial campaign on clean government, Mrs Palin has successfully pushed through an ethics Bill as well as shelving pork-barrel projects supported by fellow Republicans. She is a spending hawk, having slashed the state's construction budget by $237 million - the largest cuts in Alaskan history.

After taking office, she followed through on a campaign promise to sell a Windward II jet purchased on state credit. Placing it on eBay three times, she eventually sold it to the highest bidder for $2.7 million.

Mrs Palin's energy stance dovetails nicely with that of Mr McCain — promoting resource development while also taking steps to address climate change and environmental issues. She has recently announced plans to create a new sub-cabinet group of advisers, tasked with reducing greenhouse gas emissions within Alaska.

However, Mrs Palin is not entirely free of scandal. She is currently under investigation by the state legislature for possible abuse of power surrounding the dismissal of the commissioner for public safety, Walter Moneghan. Mr Moneghan alleges that he was fired because he was reluctant to sack a state trooper who was involved in a bitter divorce and custody battle with her sister, Molly McCann. The governor is said to be co-operating with the investigation, which is being overseen by Democratic State Senator Hollis French.

An Alaskan through and through, Mrs Palin grew up with a love of traditional outdoor pursuits. As a child she regularly got up before dawn to go moose-hunting with her father and is still a strong believer in gun ownership. She is a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association.

Before entering politics she had a number of unconventional jobs including sports reporter and commercial fisherman, the latter alongside her husband Ted, who is a Yupik Innuit.

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So if McCain did win the Presidency, and something happened to him, you supporters would feel comfortable with a "44 year old, unknown, former small town mayor" (quoted from the Sydney Herald) as our Commander in Chief...ugh...stupid pick. I have a hard time believing any intelligent people would feel otherwise.

Her experience? Former mayor of Wasilla (what's the population of that city)? The census approximates it in 2005 at 8,471. Laughable. Okay, sorry, also the Govenor of Alaska for two years. Has she been to the White House?

This choice is showing ominous signs of early dementia :)

I think we can all agree that 44 year old, unknown, former small town mayor" is better than 46 year old community organizer"

She has done more in 1 1/2 years as the Gov. of the largest state, than senator Obama has done in 2 1/2 years in the senate, by the way, at least a year of that has been solely dedicated to his run for POTUS.

Yeah, being a senator is really tough decision making. You make a vote, 99% of the time it’s not the deciding vote, sometimes its gets sent to the house, then it goes to the president, than the judges look at it.

Gov and a mayor makes a vote and it immediately impacts the lives of all the citizens of that town or state.

When he decided to run in bill Ayer’s house, she was already an elected official.

By the way, I’m going to take a page from the dem. playbook.

Any critizing of Sarah will be met with call of sexism and if McCain/Palin does not win, we are no better than any Muslim country where females are treated secondary citizens.

I’m pretty sure when somebody ask Sarah a question, she doesn’t respond, “it’s above my pay grade”

Sorry, Obama fans, It looks like thats a debate that Sarah is willing to have.

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I would feel much, much better with Sarah in charge of our Country and military then Obama. She practices what she preaches. When told while pregnant that her child would have down syndrom she said that her child is a gift from God and that she would happily accept it into the world. She has stood up to unethical Republicans in Alaska. She has said no to Congress on pork barrel spending. She has appointed Democrats and Republicans to help her govern. She has belonged to unions along with her husband. She is for drilling while at the same time looking out for our enviroment. She is not afraid to stand up for our military and what she believes in. No one will question if she loves her Country. She is an outstanding choice and once again proves that the Republicans are the party of change. She will hammer the "Little pit bull" Biden in the debates.

Yes, I would much rather have her as President then Obama, or Biden. She is a real person, not another Washington Fake.

Silly. She's an ex "runner up" Miss Alaska (would be great if some Vanessa Williams type scenario were to evolve, lol), and a soccer mom. Two things that do not impress me. Her values do nothing for me either. She sounds very similar to a female GWB from what i have read. As for keeping a Down Syndrome child, that was her choice. I would not think ill of anyone who would choose to abort a child in that condition. Women are given the option to test for birth defects if they are in a high risk group (over 35) so that they have a choice of whether to keep the baby. I chose not to be tested when i was pregnant, reason being, i wouldn't have aborted, so i didn't want to know. But i still maintain, i would not blame anyone who wouldn't feel capable of carrying a child who is retarded to term. I see sickness every day. I am fully aware of how hard it is to be sick and the hard choices people make about "quality" of life. Sarah wants to revoke that choice from women who are pregnant. Same old Republican story. To me, worse than a man who wants to take away a woman's right to choose, is a woman who wants to do that.

Anyone can become a mayor of a small city. I met a mayor recently of a small Pennsylvania city who told me, basically, it's really not that big a deal. She lacks experience where our country needs it, her resume is lame to me, and i will repeat god forbid she ever winds up running our country.

Our country needs reform from what has happened the last two elections, imo. This will be more of the same.

If McCain thought a woman would bring him Hillary voters, that is sad. Hillary voters love Hillary for her, not because she's a female.

As for Senator Joseph Biden, nobody can say anything against Joe that bothers me. He is a great man and i am elated to see him getting a chance to fix the sad state our country has become the past 8 years!

edit for typo

Edited by ~tangerine~
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I don't view any human being as a "superhero", so that's where you are YET AGAIN wrong about me. You continually make these assumptions about me, what I think, what I feel, etc., and it keeps getting thrown back in your face because you have no clue who I am at all.

People who think Barack Obama is some demigod are complete buffoons and I'm embarrassed by them. He's human, just like McCain. Just like everyone else. If you want to continue thinking that I think something I don't, continue embarrassing yourself. It makes me happy.

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I think we can all agree that 44 year old, unknown, former small town mayor" is better than 46 year old community organizer"

Gov. of the largest state

Are you kidding? If everyone agreed with you, there would be no discussion. The approval ratings wouldn't be so close. I think we can all disagree with your statement, lol.

As for Alaska, population 670,000, http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/02000.html, as of 2006. That puts Alaska at the 47th smallest populated state in America, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._...s_by_population. It's the population, not the square footage that matters when you are counting votes, lol. In this case, i think size does matter. She represents one of our smallest states for a mere two years. I find that underqualified to represent my favorite country.

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Are you kidding? If everyone agreed with you, there would be no discussion. The approval ratings wouldn't be so close. I think we can all disagree with your statement, lol.

As for Alaska, population 670,000, http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/02000.html, as of 2006. That puts Alaska at the 47th smallest populated state in America, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._...s_by_population. It's the population, not the square footage that matters when you are counting votes, lol. In this case, i think size does matter. She represents one of our smallest states for a mere two years. I find that underqualified to represent my favorite country.

Fair enough.

Now you know how I feel about the freshman senator from my state. 2 1/2 years does not cut it for me either.

At least we know she defeated the incumbent republican and the democratic contender to get where she was.

While Obama beat Alan Keyes, who moved to Illinois two weeks before the election. The best thing, every newspaper was saying Jack Ryan will be it, but he decided to have sex with his wife in a sex club, and not with someone else, and was forced off the ballot.

But I was right, Alaska is the largest state, Delaware is the second smallest. In terms of population, Delaware is ahead by 200,000.

Still, it's great to read and watch some other left wingers. She is extreme on abortion because she allowed her own Down syndrome child to be born. Yeah that’s an extreme stance, unlike Obamas allowing underage girls to cross state lines, without telling their parents, and get one of those less extreme third term abortions.

Even still, McCain and Obama probably are not the best of what both parties can offer. Biden and Palin is the exact same thing. They both fill in big holes.

Obama: Inexperience and Foreign Policy

McCain: Old and the same

Biden: Experience and Foreign Policy driven

Palin: Young and not the same

Yes, this was a move to get the most votes. If Hilrod was VP, Romney would be it. but there is a reason why she is not VP. All Sarah has to do is answer one question, and thats about the Iraq war. After that, she can match up well with Biden in the debates. Obama should win the women by 10% and he is only winning it by 2% now, all she has to do is not lose votes. A women losing women votes

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McCain / Palin 08, Not Talk,.............. But real change.


real change to what? The same old conservative agenda?

There's no change going on there: let's keep drilling for oil, let's keep the guns, let's keep the dealth penalty, let's keep the church influence in the state, let's rehash the cold war... where does the 'change' come into it?

Sarah Palin is just Dick Cheyne in a skirt.

Edited by I have got a horsey
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real change to what? The same old conservative agenda?

There's no change going on there: let's keep drilling for oil, let's keep the guns, let's keep the dealth penalty, let's keep the church influence in the state, let's rehash the cold war... where does the 'change' come into it?

Sarah Palin is just Dick Cheyne in a skirt.

I hate to keep agreeing with you, but, I think you have it right again. I don't see any real change on either side. Same ol same ol from a black man on the dem side, same ol same ol from a woman on the repub side.

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