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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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So how did things get so bad in America that it is 'helpful' to own a gun? It's certainly not the case here...

I don't know about other places, but here, the vast majority of gun related violence happens in the minority enclaves in the big city's and is gang related. Either them shooting each other or citizens protecting themselves from them.

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I don't know about other places, but here, the vast majority of gun related violence happens in the minority enclaves in the big city's and is gang related. Either them shooting each other or citizens protecting themselves from them.

Well I'm just interested to know why the USA seems to be one of the very few 'western' countries where it is considered helpful or advisable to own a gun

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Well I'm just interested to know why the USA seems to be one of the very few 'western' countries where it is considered helpful or advisable to own a gun

We have the right to do so, so many choose to own them. If the Constitution said you have the right bear claws, everyone would be eating pastries left and right and defending their right to eat them and Charlton Heston would have said something like "You can take this bear claw when you pry it from my cold, dead hands".

We're funny like that. I don't own one, I do not plan on owning one and they scare the shit out of me. That said, if you legally buy one, have a license and you are trained at using it, that's your right, I have no leg to stand on re: saying you can't have it.

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We have the right to do so, so many choose to own them. If the Constitution said you have the right bear claws, everyone would be eating pastries left and right and defending their right to eat them and Charlton Heston would have said something like "You can take this bear claw when you pry it from my cold, dead hands".

We're funny like that. I don't own one, I do not plan on owning one and they scare the shit out of me. That said, if you legally buy one, have a license and you are trained at using it, that's your right, I have no leg to stand on re: saying you can't have it.

But you see the argument from a lot of people, when gun laws are suggested, is that you need a gun to protect yourself from the bad guys, and it just makes me wonder is America really that dangerous that it's advisable to have a gun? And how come it's not the same in Europe or Australia?

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Those are old poll numbers that were done right after the DNC convention but before the VP Palin pick, so of course they are skewed towards BO. The Zogby poll numbers that I posted earlier take Palin into account.

The latest nationwide survey, begun Friday afternoon after the McCain announcement of Palin as running mate and completed mid-afternoon today, shows McCain/Palin at 47%, compared to 45% support for Obama/Biden.

In other words, the race is a dead heat.


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At least Hillary ran for Pres. off her own bat, she wasn't plucked out of obscurity to be a Presidential accoutrement or a White-House race side-dish or garnish. McCain's camp is so clearly resorting to the old token-female-on-the-ticket trick. Obama picked Biden because he knows he needs someone with experience and Washington cred to help him in the office, in a similar, but less vulgar way that Bush needed Cheyne to run the country.

And if 'Change' is Obama's election gimmick, then Palin is clearly McCain's...

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At least Hillary ran for Pres. off her own bat, she wasn't plucked out of obscurity to be a Presidential accoutrement or a White-House race side-dish or garnish. McCain's camp is so clearly resorting to the old token-female-on-the-ticket trick. Obama picked Biden because he knows he needs someone with experience and Washington cred to help him in the office, in a similar, but less vulgar way that Bush needed Cheyne to run the country.

And if 'Change' is Obama's election gimmick, then Palin is clearly McCain's...

Hitlery, would be a total political unknown if it was not for her cheating and womanizing husband. The former governor of Arkansas and President of the United States.

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Those are old poll numbers that were done right after the DNC convention but before the VP Palin pick, so of course they are skewed towards BO. The Zogby poll numbers that I posted earlier take Palin into account.


If those numbers are correct that McCain is in the lead before the convention

with no Pres. Bush or Vp Chenny speaking

With Arnold speaking

With a women VP speaking

With Huckebee

With Romeny

With Mayor Guilianne

and it will show that the Govt. has learned from it mistake in Katrinia and Bobby kicking ass.

McCain/Palin will have a lead going into the debates, where everbody knows thats the only way McCain has a chance to win is in the debates.

Obama is going to have to play dirty and he has to do it without hurting his messiah complex

This is going to be a very fun election even if Obama wins.

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I would feel much, much better with Sarah in charge of our Country and military then Obama. She practices what she preaches. When told while pregnant that her child would have down syndrom she said that her child is a gift from God and that she would happily accept it into the world.

ok...you seem to be glossing over an important point here...

if she had no plans to consider an abortion, why would she take the risk to have the test in the first place?? it sounds like a reckless, stupid decision to me!!!

i, like tangerine, declined to take the test and possibly risk harming the fetus, because i knew i was going to keep my baby no matter what...she took an unnecessary risk for no reason!

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This always interested me, and I'd love to get some input on it. Republicans always say, "well, if Obama is so galldurn wonderful, why isn't he leading by 20 points?" Which is a fair point.

However, if Obama is such a steaming pile of shit and unqualified to be President......why isn't McCain leading by 20 points? You'd think if he was that bad and clearly duping the people, McCain would have a Reagan '84-sized lead here. I never see anyone making that point. They always talk about how Obama DOESN'T have a huge lead, but they never turn around and wonder why McCain isn't trouncing him....like he would if Obama really did suck.

Both candidates have issues, I don't deny that. I can also respect the opinions of people who say that they don't think either one of them are that good and they're sitting this one out. However I just don't get why the same people who "gloat" about Obama not having a double-digit lead, don't also get worried that McCain doesn't have one himself. Because like I said, if Obama really is the anti-Christ, or a secret Muslim or a terrorist or whatever the Rush O'Hannity meme is today, McCain should be cakewalking right now. The fact he's not should tell you something.

Edited by Electrophile
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God, I just realised something...we've really only got 2 months left of Bush... Talk about the end of an era... I wasn't around for the Nixon days, but I've never lived through a President who was so divisive, one who was so lampooned, so praised on one side but so hated and ridiculed on the other...God, there goes my youth...

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I agree with this Democrat and former Clinton administration official's assessment:

( yeah, I know she works for Fox News. Save your fatuous bashing of them/ her and address the points she makes if you want, thanks)


SHE'S just a beauty queen.

She's another Dan Quayle.

And ironically, the biggest criticism of Sarah Palin, John McCain's veep choice, is she has no experience. Funny, coming from the Barack Obama camp.

First of all, Fox News " is " Republican Central, always biased, always will be. That is a well known fact.

Truth, she is a friggin "hockey" mom, ex runner-up Miss Alaska. Yeah, when i watch a beauty pagent i think to myself, gee, she would make a great VP some day, not. The rest of her credentials are lame as well. John McCain was thinking with his , lol....figures. With the country in the sad place we are, i had hoped for a more responsible choice. Just shows his character (or lack of).

The main reason i answered this post is because i find it sad that the Dems will feel the need to tippy toe around this bitch. I say speak up, and don't let the female gender be an issue. She can take it. She's a gun shooting, wolf shooting supporter, death penalty supporting (isn't that a contradiction to the pro-life stance???), big woman with the Oil men, broad. I don't see why anyone should have to watch what they say. I bet she can curse like a sailor any day, lol. I do hope that Hillary will have the guts to speak up for the rest of women who are ashamed of McCain's insinuation that we are too stupid to see his plot for what it is.

The outsiders looking in see things clearly:


McCain's Pick Palin Gets Mixed Review From International Media

It's fair to say that most Americans were not familiar with the name Sarah Palin prior to John McCain's decision to pick her as his vice presidential candidate. So it's pretty clear that people around the globe – even politically interested ones who follow the campaign closely – had never heard the name Sarah Palin before Saturday's announcement.

So it's no surprise that many global media outlets (as did many U.S. outlets) headlined their reports about John McCain's running mate similar to how Berlin's Tagesspiegel did, simply asking "Who is Sarah Palin?" And also not surprisingly many news organizations then spent most of their time answering that question for themselves and their audiences by drawing up a basic biographical sketch of the Alaska Governor.

Analysis of what Palin means for McCain, Obama and the world followed only as a third step. Germany's Die Welt argues in an article titled "McCain and his women" that with the selection of Palin, McCain essentially scratched his main argument against Obama - experience. Instead, writes the paper, McCain's goal is to lure Hillary Clinton's 17 million supporters over to the Republican side with the help of Sarah Palin, his wife Cindy and his high profile advisers Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman.

Italy's La Republica (via Handelsblatt) agrees that by putting Palin on the ticket, McCain hopes to steal votes from the Democrats especially from Hillary supporters. "This is McCain's attempt to trump Obama", comments the paper. Dutch daily De Volkskrant (via Handelsblatt) takes a similiar stance and writes that with the surprising choice of Palin, McCain underscored that he is a more dangerous opponent than Democrats may have thought.

Finally, The Austrialian doesn't mince words: "Palin? For the US, she might be a great vice-president - her reformist agenda is admirable and she has star quality and a fascinating life story. But that's for Americans to debate...Australia, rightly, has no say in the electoral process in the US. We are observers. But this is a poor decision," editorializes the paper and concludes that "as an ally who has fought alongside the US forces in every conflict America has been involved in for the past 100 years, there is reason to be worried. As an ally, we deserved better than this from McCain."

Michael Knigge 31.08.2008, 19:49

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global media outlets

As an American, I don’t care what the “global media outlets” SAY or THINK!!!

It’s how the elected officials of their countries work with the elected officials of the United States of America.

I don’t believe any of the leaders of our allies have come out and supported, either Obama or McCain…

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[source: RealClearPolitics.com]

Are you weeping yet, Medhb?


Funny how you only post polls that take in the dem convention.

You seemed to have stopped posting polls when McCain was, for all intents and purposes, EVEN with B.O. going into the convention (where the convention party ALWAYS gets a bounce)?

The Biden announcement couldn't even bring a dead-cat bounce :lolo:

One Drop's 2-question poll:

Who do you think those 17% (cell phone only users) are more likely to support?

Progressive candidate Barack Obama or Old-timer candidate John McCain? :whistling:

Who do you think those 31% (landline only users) are more likely to support?:

Progressive candidate Barack Obama or Old-timer candidate John McCain? :whistling:

Point taken? ;)

One Drop's 1-question poll:

Who do you think "newly registered voters" are more likely to support?

"Change" candidate Barack Obama or "More of the Same" candidate John McCain? :whistling:

Funny how the dems are always targeting NEW voters every 4 years.

That's because they haven't gotten much experience in the real world yet.

And those are the ones dems/libs have the best chance of snookering.

"Look at us, we're hip, cool and oh so different"

Get yer tattoos and piercings to show your individuality, just like the other 100 million people who have done the same thing.

First of all, Fox News " is " Republican Central, always biased, always will be. That is a well known fact.

Truth, she is a friggin "hockey" mom, ex runner-up Miss Alaska. Yeah, when i watch a beauty pagent i think to myself, gee, she would make a great VP some day, not. The rest of her credentials are lame as well. John McCain was thinking with his , lol....figures. With the country in the sad place we are, i had hoped for a more responsible choice. Just shows his character (or lack of).

The main reason i answered this post is because i find it sad that the Dems will feel the need to tippy toe around this bitch. I say speak up, and don't let the female gender be an issue. She can take it. She's a gun shooting, wolf shooting supporter, death penalty supporting (isn't that a contradiction to the pro-life stance???), big woman with the Oil men, broad. I don't see why anyone should have to watch what they say. I bet she can curse like a sailor any day, lol. I do hope that Hillary will have the guts to speak up for the rest of women who are ashamed of McCain's insinuation that we are too stupid to see his plot for what it is.


Hmmm, let's run that post through the Minority Stereotype/Slur Translator and see how it would sound if a conservative were to use this response about B.O.

Truth, he is a friggin bourgie, ex athlete. Yeah, when i watch a basketball game i think to myself, gee, he would make a great POTUS some day, not. The rest of his credentials are lame as well. John McCain was thinking with his , lol....figures. With the country in the sad place we are, i had hoped for a more responsible choice. Just shows his character (or lack of).

The main reason i answered this post is because i find it sad that the Republicans will feel the need to tippy toe around this n-word. I say speak up, and don't let the black race be an issue. He can take it. He's a A-K shooting, GQ dressing, NAACP supporting, big man with the Oil men, broad. I don't see why anyone should have to watch what they say. I bet he can curse like a gangster rapper any day, lol.

Imagine if that had been said about B.O.

THEN everyone would be up in arms, because we know how racist those conservatives are.

THEN noone would be up in arms, because we don't care how sexist those liberals are.

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If Republicans like to trot out the line that Palin has more executive experience than Obama, and therefore he is even more unqualified.....why don't they ever think about the fact she also has more executive experience than McCain? If that's the case, aren't you therefore dumping on your own candidate? Why isn't she running for President if she's soooooooooooooo much more experienced than everyone else?

Executive experience is only as useful as the amount of work you have to do. The Mayor of LA does a shizzle-ton more work than the mayor of the town I live in currently. The Governor of Texas or even Illinois has far more work to do than the governor of a much smaller state. She was the mayor of a town of 9,000 people and has been governor of a state that has a smaller population than metropolitan Omaha. This is supposed to trump the work that Obama, McCain and Biden have all done in the US Senate and their respective states? Seriously? I find that difficult to accept. I'm not impugning the work she HAS done, because she's obviously done something. That doesn't mean she's a viable VP designate. In that case, anyone who has ever been mayor of any city/town no matter the size, no matter the workload can be VP because they have "executive experience".

Conservatives are saying that this choice was "real" change. She's no different than any other Republican out there and shares the same stance on issues that 99.9% of Republicans have. How is that change? Same could be said of course for Obama choosing Biden, but in his case, he is admittedly weak in foreign policy and chose someone who can shore that up. McCain chose Dick Cheney in a skirt. She's not change from anything except the gender of the nominees, but why should gender matter? You choose someone who is best qualified to help you run the country (or run it after you should something happen). Considering he's 72 years old, he's basically saying "If I kick off, she's the next President." Which would be MORE OF THE SAME FAILED REPUBLICAN POLITICS. Again, not change. So that meme needs to slowly disappear.

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The truth is that...

The Republicans pick a fresh new face in the party. Yes I will agree, this was a terrible pick:

Sarah Palin is the worst nightmare. Go ahead and talk about her LOL The Republican party has not been this re'energized in years.

On Sarahs worst day she would be a better Comander in Chief then Obama on his best.

McCain / Palin...................fresh new politics, a Barnum and Baily Circus

And to again quote one of the more prominent poster's around here:

Accept It

I knew you'd come around to our side....Sarah as a Comander in Chief...I think someone needs spelling lessons too :rolleyes: XXX

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You don't know these politicians in your party very well do you, Derigable?

Fyi, their names are Cheney, Huckabee, Romney, and Giuliani. ;)

(Fwiw, I understand why you didn't take a stab at 'Schwarzenegger'. ^_^ )

[edited to add: maybe "Guilianne" is a more fitting name though, eh? :whistling:]

"with no Pres Bush or VP Chenny speaking".

Your party is that proud of Bush and Cheney, huh? :hysterical:

"with a women VP speaking".

First of all, Palin is just one woman, not multiple women. Secondly, by not citing Palin by name, but referring to her merely as "a woman VP" you've just revealed that all Palin is to you repugs is a "token" female. ..a gimmick. ..a stage prop. :rolleyes:

A republican political gimmick,.. exploiting gender?

That's not change you can believe in, my friends. :P


GOP drops convention's opening night as Gustav nears.

That's the right thing to do. All things politics notwithstanding, I'd like think repubs and dems are united in hoping for the best for our fellow citizens.. the people of the Gulf Coast.. whose lives are about to be hugely impacted by Gustav. :(

Sorry I was going to make corrections, but I didn't think you will be around long enough to notice.

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Hi all,

You notice that Hermit,one drop, only posts in Ramble On forum?That's a problem,...chronic,....


What kind of problem? He's a chronic pain in your ass? Bend over KB and take it like the man/girl that you are.I'm sure you'll get used to it,everyone else does :D

Who killed Kenny? :o

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It is so fun to see the libs around here squirm now with McCains awesome pick for VP. They know that this is a winner for him. If he had picked one of the others they would be saying how no thought went into the pick, same old style, :blahblah:. With the pick of Sarah Palin, he stepped up to the plate and hit a grandslam for his party. Every Republican that I know, and I know many are all fired up. Now it is fun to sit back and watch the libs be hypocrits and try and tear her appart. Sarah can handle it, no problem there.

Stooping to the use of sex...just shows how warped, or is that early onset dementia setting in for McCain. lol. What would be funny is if McCain goes shooting with her one day. Maybe we can have another Dickhead Cheney incident...:) Okay, low blow...

If this was reversed and she was the Dem pick, you wouldn't be singing her praises. You are set on the country being led from bad to worse. Republicans are blind to how bad the condition of the United States is because of their last two picks. If you haven't opened your eyes over the past eight years, there is no hope for you...

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