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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Rorer, I have always said that I am the worst speller around here. However, if you are going to quote me please have the guts to quote what I say and not do a liberal edit job on it. You are worse then ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN or MSNBC. LOL

Well,then don't bust on me for a Crist(Christ) typo,okay? I'm not a bad speller.

I thought you'd enjoy my edit, you FOX fanboy :D

The Sarah gimmick still equals XXX..........

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Hi all,

How necessary was your post?

We all know everything there is to know about Zeppelin,what's your excuse Kevin?

Well,Mister or Miss lude,how was insulting someone you don't know,forwarding the discussion?

Guess what ladies and germs,boys and girls of all ages ,according Rorer714,we all know everything there is to know about Led Zeppelin,.....shut down the board Sam!

When did I insult you?Above?Guilty,then.


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As an American, I don’t care what the “global media outlets” SAY or THINK!!!

It’s how the elected officials of their countries work with the elected officials of the United States of America.

I don’t believe any of the leaders of our allies have come out and supported, either Obama or McCain…

I care because as we get further into debt, they get closer to owning our country. We need some brains to turn things around, not a man who's heading into dementia and a Myocardial Infarction away from leaving the Presidency in the hands of a cheerleader. :)

In truth, other countries opinions don't matter to me, but they do see things clearly. If you read what they think, you will see they are right on, lol.

If McCain was really sharp, he would have found a woman with an established reputation. The only reason this broad is making so much news is because nobody knows who she is. She's a nobody. McCain doesn't even know her. How sad is that.

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Here's a funny: A talking head on Fox News actually cited this as Palin's foreign policy experience: She is from a state that borders Russia.

That is her foreign policy experience, per Fox News. And the McCain campaign are going with this. No wonder my dad thinks this election is turning into a joke. And he's a Republican!

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Here's a funny: A talking head on Fox News actually cited this as Palin's foreign policy experience: She is from a state that borders Russia.

That is her foreign policy experience, per Fox News. And the McCain campaign are going with this. No wonder my dad thinks this election is turning into a joke. And he's a Republican!

She has no relevant experience to running the country with a man who is so full of himself, he will be another four years of digging our graves. Accept it! Republicans will bring down America if we give them a third try. Three strikes and we're out! Hey i like that slogan...lol.

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I am seeing that a lot of younger voters are liking Sarah too. She will also help McCain there. She seems like such a real person, not a politician. She is the absolute best thing that could have happened to the Republican party at this time in history. She has taken the word used by the dems so often "Change" and shown that by her pick..............the republicans are the ones for change.

Just in, a late photo of some folks still "star struck" at the Obama speach three nites ago:


They are still in such awe, they just can't leave. Like Opera, their lives have been changed forever :lol::wacko::lol:

McCain / Palin 08..................Great pick for real CHANGE


It took a nobody to knock that comedy routine Obama did on thursday off the front pages.

and it took a huge natural disaster to knock McCain off the front pages.

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Who said anyone here was squirming? You seem to enjoy lying about people, Planet 51. Care to tell everyone why? I mean, you keep accusing people here of doing things they are not doing. I think that speaks more about you than it does about anyone else. I mean, you're not adding anything cogent to the discussion. You're basically trolling. Either actually post something of substance in this thread like everyone else or leave.

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No wonder Dem's are freaking. A little comparison of Palin’s record with Obama’s. Palin’s experience is comparable, but her accomplishments are much more impressive.

From 1992-1996 when Palin served on the City Council of Wasilla, Obama was teaching part time at the University of Chicago Law School and working in private practice part time.

In 1996 when Obama was elected to the Illinois State Senate, Palin was elected Mayor of Wasilla, AK.. Obama worked for legislation that would provide tax credits and subsidies to private developers of affordable housing. Tony Rezko received over $87 million in government funds to renovate and maintain affordable housing units, many of them in Obama’s disctrict. Many of these units lacked heat, had leaking roofs and were infested by rodents. Palin ran her small but growing city with a budget just under six million dollars and about 50 employees, and was reelected in 1999.

In 2003, Palin was appointed to the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. When she uncovered corruption in the organization, and was unable to get Governor Murkowski to take action, she resigned in protest and filed charges again the offenders, taking on entrenched corruption in Alaskan politics. This fight led her to run against Gov. Murkowski in the primary, and then go on to become Alaska’s first female governor in 2006.

In 2004, Obama was elected to the US Senate. The developers who had received government funding as a result of legislation sponsored by Obama served on his campaign finance committee. Many of the buildings they had purchased with government funding were seized for code violations, or foreclosed, and the low-income residents were forced to find housing elsewhere. In 2008, Governor Palin worked with the legislature to provide Alaskans a $1200 rebate from state revenues, and successfully arranged for the development of the Transcanada Pipeline to transport natural gas from Alaska to the lower 48 states.

Do the Democrats really want to talk about this?

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So fun to watch the libs here squirm, squirm, and squirm some more. Sarah Palin was a perfect pick. And I will quote yet again from one of the posters here that is now trying to be a "comedian" :

Accept It

Have you shown any info on this person to back up your claim of "great pick"? Obviously like McCain, you are thinking with the same thing. Seems "great pick" is your catch phrase, and you have nothing else to offer. Accept it, Mr. Slogan. You are rooting for the further demise of the soon to be once greatest country in the world (if people don't wake up and end the plague our country has been infected with the past eight years). Three strikes and we're out!

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You never say anything worth accepting. All you do is troll. You continually make all these blanket statements about people, completely ignoring the fact you're dead wrong. And a joke. You haven't made one salient point in this thread about anything. You keep making these asinine comments "libs this" and "libs that". It amounts to a pile full of nothing.

Let the grown-ups talk now, Skippy.

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No wonder Dem's are freaking. A little comparison of Palin’s record with Obama’s. Palin’s experience is comparable, but her accomplishments are much more impressive.

From 1992-1996 when Palin served on the City Council of Wasilla, Obama was teaching part time at the University of Chicago Law School and working in private practice part time.

In 1996 when Obama was elected to the Illinois State Senate, Palin was elected Mayor of Wasilla, AK.. Obama worked for legislation that would provide tax credits and subsidies to private developers of affordable housing. Tony Rezko received over $87 million in government funds to renovate and maintain affordable housing units, many of them in Obama’s disctrict. Many of these units lacked heat, had leaking roofs and were infested by rodents. Palin ran her small but growing city with a budget just under six million dollars and about 50 employees, and was reelected in 1999.

In 2003, Palin was appointed to the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. When she uncovered corruption in the organization, and was unable to get Governor Murkowski to take action, she resigned in protest and filed charges again the offenders, taking on entrenched corruption in Alaskan politics. This fight led her to run against Gov. Murkowski in the primary, and then go on to become Alaska’s first female governor in 2006.

In 2004, Obama was elected to the US Senate. The developers who had received government funding as a result of legislation sponsored by Obama served on his campaign finance committee. Many of the buildings they had purchased with government funding were seized for code violations, or foreclosed, and the low-income residents were forced to find housing elsewhere. In 2008, Governor Palin worked with the legislature to provide Alaskans a $1200 rebate from state revenues, and successfully arranged for the development of the Transcanada Pipeline to transport natural gas from Alaska to the lower 48 states.

Do the Democrats really want to talk about this?

She's no big deal. If McCain wanted to change our country, he would have choosen a running mate who has real credentials. Obama and his record aside, lets just focus on McCain's choice here. He had so many to pick from, plenty of women Senators who could have really made an impression and maybe even had real contributions to make. He picks a nobody who he himself only met one time prior to deciding. What does this say about him? My theory is he is hoping for some "alone time" with her, lol. If you are going to have, well since you're a bo, lets say Prostate Surgery, do you want a surgeon who's been in practice at Community General Hospital for two years, or do you want someone who has some experience? Well maybe that depends on what the surgeon looks like.

This woman has a good chance (sorry McCain but you're 72, that's old by retirement age standards) and have health issues. Why pick someone so unknown and inexperienced? Dirty old man...

I already posted the stats on Wasilla, population 1/10th the amount of people who were at Live Aid in just Philadelphia. Not impressed. Governor of the 48th "smallest populated" state in America. Not impressed, sorry. But hey, if she gets mad, i bet she's a much better shot than Dickhead Cheney is. That's impressive. And if there's a wolf in your backyard, you have her permission to KILL him. Pro-life, depends on whose life you're talking about. And no worries, i'm sure more truth will be dug up about her (she's already involved in controversy over her sister's exhusband) and using her "authority".

Obama has Biden, and IF VP's are going to actually be important this time around, Biden's the man to make this country great again. Sarah may need to get a degree in nursing to help ole McCain.

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Hmm? Maybe not such a bad idea! :P:lol:


LOL, Dzldoc, I know, the men like the idea of a "take charge" woman, but she won't be in their bedroom, she will be running their country (at least the likelihood is pretty high).

As a parent, think about your son's future and where his country is heading in the hands of more mismanaged leadership.

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Is Palin a mormon? What the hell is she doing with 5 kids? :huh:

She's a Creationist. So, she's more than likely a Fundamentalist, since no one else would push for that to be taught in the classroom. And a good majority of Fundamentalists think it's a woman's job to breed for the state.

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I don't hate Sarah Palin. I dislike and am opposed to basically everything she thinks because we're from opposite parties, but that's it. Why do you feel the need to put words in peoples' mouths? I hate her stances on issues, not her as a person.

There you go again, lying about people. Typical.

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Is Palin a mormon? What the hell is she doing with 5 kids? :huh:

LOL, and i have wondered, how can she take care of them properly and find time to Govern Alaska (good thing it's the 48th least populated state in America). A Down Syndrome child takes constant care. Wait, i read she is good at "mutli-tasking". That's what our country needs, lol. We may find out who she is, eventually. But it's obviously none of our business who the next potential VP, who needs to be prepared for the big job at a moment's notice, is. We are just ignorant Americans letting people with signs of Alzheimer's disease, make decisions for us. Or at least some of us want that. The same people who think our country is just fine as we fall further into deep trouble.

She has five children because she was never taught "birth control" or she's really horny (McCain is hoping so, lol).

edit for typo

Edited by ~tangerine~
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A creationist who thinks abstinence-only education is the way to go. This is who McCain is saying should be President should something happen to him. Because when you're 72 and have a history of health issues, your 2nd in command is an important pick.

That's more frightening than anything else. If something (God forbid) happens to Barack, I think the country would be safe with Biden running the show. But President Palin? I weep. Not because she's a woman, but because she's a complete nutjob.

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