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Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

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  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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LOL...some thoughts from people who know something about her. Since none of us know her any better than McCain himself.

Sarah Palin bio continues to climb

As we noted yesterday, the biography of relatively unknown Sarah Palin was being snapped up by people eager to learn more about John McCain's choice for VP.

Today the book -- "Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska's Political Establishment on Its Ear," by Kaylene Johnson -- is at No. 12 in all of books on Amazon. It is the No. 1 bestseller in Biographies & Memoirs of Women and also No. 1 in Biographies & Memoirs of Leaders and Notable People -- Politicians.

The Wall Street Journal quotes author Johnson as saying that "the book has been selling well in Alaska because people really like her." That's probably an old quote, as the book is now selling well pretty much everywhere.

And some in Alaska aren't Palin-boosters. The Anchorage Daily News says local politicians are "stunned." Republican state Senate President Lyda Green, who, along with Johnson, is from Palin's hometown of Wasilla, said: "She's not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president?"

Many are looking to Johnson's bio for the answer to that question.

-- Carolyn Kellogg

UPDATE: "Sarah" is now, after 1pm Pacific, at #10 on Amazon's sales chart; it's the only biography in the top 10.

Photo credit: Kiichiro Sato / Associated Press

August 30, 2008 in Books, Current Affairs, politics | Permalink



Edited by ~tangerine~
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I was reading up on some other issues Sarah Palin has spoken about, and she's against abortion (like all Republicans) EVEN IN THE CASES OF RAPE AND INCEST. Even stringent pro-lifers will at least make an exception for those cases. She doesn't even think it's acceptable if you've been raped, either by a stranger or a family member.

I think that's worse than the creationist/abstinence-only stances.

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I was reading up on some other issues Sarah Palin has spoken about, and she's against abortion (like all Republicans) EVEN IN THE CASES OF RAPE AND INCEST. Even stringent pro-lifers will at least make an exception for those cases. She doesn't even think it's acceptable if you've been raped, either by a stranger or a family member.

I think that's worse than the creationist/abstinence-only stances.

This always gets me a little. How can someone be pro-life, but still be for the death penalty. I'm sorry, but that is contradictory and hypocricy. But what really upset me about her was the artilcle, i will dig it up, i read about her support of hunting wolves. If you live in Alaska i think you should have great reverence for nature and wildlife.

Well there are so many of these articles about here apparent hatred of wildlife. Bitch.

Latest News

Animals & Money: Palin's fiscal weakness for hunters

Ballot Measure 2, Limit Predator Control: "YES"

Fish and Game Policies Reveal Another Corrupt State Agency

Palin's Wildlife Cartel Represents Circumnavigation of Ethics, Truth

Fish and Game is Doing Lousy Job Managing the State's Wildlife

Zoos not contacted before wolf pup kills

Fish and Game Should be Honest About Killing Wolf Pups

Misuse of Public Funds?

Outsiders' Propaganda is Bad Fuel for the Ol' Wood Stove

Opponents of State Wolf Control are Alaskans

Governor Sarah Palin - Polar Bear Lawsuit by State of Alaska

Comments / Anchorage Daily News / August 4, 2008

So Palin once again bows to the Alaska Outdoors Council which is so worried it might not have enough Alaskan wildlife to kill for trophies, eh? The federal biologists have shown the polar bears are in trouble. Alaska state biologists have warned they are in trouble. Even the Natives along the Northern Coastal Plain have noted how things are getting worse for the polar bears.

But, like Palin, there are commenters in this discussion who are willing to sell Alaska down the drain for a few oil-soaked dollars. I can see the true VECO mentality (?) is alive and well and can be found here in their comments.

Palin allows airborne killing of wolves and bears, wants polar bears to remain huntable for trophies, and has generally shown she is even worse than Murkowski could ever have been when it comes to selling out our wildlife to the highest bidder.

Next >

This 'Predator Control' Thing is Getting Way Out of Control

Friday, 21 March 2008

In response to the March 11 article "Hunters team up for baited bear kills": A thousand years ago, before politically correct phrases like "predator control" (read: slaughter), one has to wonder how the ratio of black bears to moose in Alaska was kept in balance. Hmmm, can we maybe say ... nature?

Yes, I'm the meat-eating, beer-drinking type of guy that is rampant in our state, and I was born here, but even I can't stomach one of the rules of this so-called "hunt." And I quote, "hides and skulls have to be salvaged and sealed; meat does not." Seems to me that not one of the bears soon to die has a set of moose antlers hanging on the wall of his den. Bears don't kill for sport, they kill for survival. But man, the "intelligent creature," likes to kill for pleasure. I hope my life never gets that empty.

Michael Wilber, Wasilla


Sarah Palin...pos.

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Sarah Palin...McCains choice because she likes to make babies...McCain you dirty ole man.

Sarah Palin, likes murder for a sport. And supports Bush on 95% of the issues. Wake up people! McCain will drain our country.

Repubs, but get your hands out of your pants and try to use your brain.




Get Defenders Headlines

Get the latest wildlife conservation news and information... right when we post it online.

Defenders of Wildlife Asks Judge to Shut Down Palin's Wolf Bounty Program

Bounty Law Repealed in 1984 – Alaska Does Not Have Regulatory Authority to Impose New Incentives

Anchorage, AK -- Today Defenders of Wildlife, the Alaska Wildlife Alliance and the Alaska Chapter of the Sierra Club asked the Alaska Superior Court to shut down Governor Palin's $150-per-wolf bounty program citing the fact that Alaska's bounty laws were repealed in 1984 and the State has no current legal authority to implement the bounties.

"The Governor is overstepping her legal authority by offering cash payments for each wolf killed by aerial gunners," stated Tom Banks, Defenders of Wildlife's Alaska Associate. "That's a bounty by anyone's standards regardless of what they call it."

Hoping to boost the number of wolves killed this year by permitees, Palin announced the state would pay $150 for each kill. According to an Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) news release, the bounty was instituted to "motivate permittees to redouble their efforts and to help offset the high cost of aviation fuel, ADF&G will offer cash payments to those who return biological specimens to the department." The state's press release, issued last Wednesday, indicates that "Permittees will be paid $150 when they bring in the left forelegs of wolves taken from any of several designated control areas."

"Governor Palin needs to take a close look at wildlife management practice in her state and restore the use of sound science," concludes Banks. "She said would heed the will of the public, but it's increasingly clear she's only listening to that segment that is willing to sacrifice Alaska's natural heritage for the benefit of a few."

The judge is expected to make a decision fairly quickly.

Defenders and the co-plaintiffs expressed an additional concern that the bounty offered by the State will encourage the illegal killing of wolves outside the control area.

Defenders of Wildlife is represented by Mike Frank of Trustees for Alaska, a public interest law firm, and Valerie Brown, an Anchorage attorney in private practice.


Defenders of Wildlife is recognized as one of the nation's most progressive advocates for wildlife and its habitat. With more than 500,000 members and supporters, Defenders of Wildlife is an effective leader on endangered species issues. For more information visit www.defenders.org

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And even when she knew that she would have a down syndrom baby. You conviently left that out. What a class lady and role model. Now, go back on the attack.

You don't know if she knew that baby was going to be retarded or if she found out when the baby was born. Women also often don't find out until they are in their second term about birth defects. By then, abortion becomes more unpleasant of an option to the average woman. No matter what her case was, doesn't make her any kind of saint.

Sarah Palin encourages killing wolf pups!!! Yeah, what a gal!

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Wow tangerine, you sure are digging deep. I am happy to see that you are in such a panic that you will go so low with statements like that. Now go out and save some "Baby" animal to make yourself "feel" good. Republicans will try to save the Baby humans.

The Libs are in full attack mode now, this is great. Way to go John, great pick. Their anxiety shows that you made a great choice. They are in full panic. Can you say squirm?

McCain / Palin 08......................... Save the Baby Humans, not wolves.

You would be in a panic, too, if you weren't so blind to have noticed how much trouble our country is in. Maybe you don't have children you want a better world for, but i do. You want a dirty ole man who shows no common sense to take over where the failed, last eight years leave us.

Come talk to me about abortion when you need one. Until then, your opinion means nothing. Your disregard of animal life just makes you a low life as a human being.

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McCain and Palin...will continue destroying our great country if given the chance.


Friday, August 29, 2008

The Hail Sarah Pass Open Thread

Picking Sarah Palin was a real desperation move on McCain's part-- and it's going over badly. I'll keep updating all day. Even Rahm Emanuel gets this one right:

"After trying to make experience the issue of this campaign, John McCain celebrated his 72nd birthday by appointing a former small town mayor and brand new Governor as his Vice Presidential nominee. Is this really who the Republican Party wants to be one heartbeat away from the Presidency? Given Sarah Palin's lack of experience on every front and on nearly every issue, this Vice Presidential pick doesn't show judgement: it shows political panic."

And it's no wonder McCain was so antsy about leaking out an "exciting" name to get the attention off Obama. Over 38 million people watched Obama's speech last night.

Nielsen Media Research said more people watched Obama speak than watched the Olympics opening ceremony in Beijing, the final "American Idol" or the Academy Awards this year. Obama talked before a live audience of 80,000 people in Denver.

His TV audience nearly doubled the amount of people who watched John Kerry accept the Democratic nomination to run against President Bush four years ago. Kerry's speech was seen by just over 20 million people.

Obama's audience might be higher, since Nielsen didn't have an estimate for how many people watched Obama on PBS or C-SPAN Thursday night.

Although the McCain campaign is busily re-writing history to make Palin sound like she opposed the corrupt earmarks that have landed Ted Stevens and Don Young in hot water-- particularly their "Bridge to Nowhere" that McCain is always railing against-- Palin was always a big supporter of the Bridges to Nowhere and all the criminal pork Young and Stevens were bringing back to Alaska. In 2006, when she was trying to make the leap from runner up in the Miss Alaska beauty pageant and mayor of Wasilla (population 8,471) to gubernatorial contender, she was asked how she felt about the Bridges to Nowhere. According to the October 5th, 2006 Anchorage Daily News she replied. "I do support the infrastructure projects that are on tap here in the state of Alaska that our congressional delegations worked hard for." In fact, she then started complaining that the federal money for the two horrible projects weren't coming in fast enough!

In fact, Palin has always been a pork-crazed maniac, the kind of straw man McCain loves to bash on the stump. This year Alaska received nearly $100 million more In pork than any other state ($379,669,715). According to the Senate Lobbying Disclosure Database, Palin employs the lobbying firm Wexler & Walker Public Policy Associates to seek earmarks for the state of Alaska. You think the vetters missed that when they were looking into her past? If so they also missed this: According to that same Senate Lobbying Disclosure Database, Palin paid the lobbying firm of Hoffman Silver Gilman & Blasco to lobby on behalf of the City of Wasilla while she was mayor and according to Citizens Against Government Waste, in 2000 the City of Wasilla received a $1 million transportation earmark for the Wasilla Intermodal Facility for bus and bus related facilities while Wasilla's Life Quest Community Mental Health Center gobbled up a $500,000 earmark, same amount as the town's emergency shelter, although less than the $600,000 earmark for the Wasilla city bus facility. Meanwhile Wasilla received a $1 million earmark for the Wasilla Regional Dispatch Center, a $1.5 million earmark for water and sewer improvements, and a $2.6 million transportation earmark for an alternative route project. And back then only 5,000 people lived there. Now that's pork. So, as inexperienced as she is about everything else, she sure knows how to rook the federal government out of boucoup taxpayer dollars. I wonder if McCain will still be screamin' and hollerin' about earmarks and Bridges to Nowhere now that she's on his ticket.

My friend David said this reminded him of Bush's ill-fated choice of Harriet Myers for the Supreme Court. "They can't judge women... (Or pick women judges... ) They're at a loss when they have to leave the country club and cigars and hang with" real people. Jonathan Singer goes further and sees Spiro Agnew in her.

It has been forty years since someone as inexperienced as Sarah Palin has been put on a national ticket, and surprisingly enough there are some real similarities between Palin and her unprepared predecessor, Spiro T. Agnew, who also had been governor less than two years at the time Richard Nixon picked him to be his number two and who also had a corruption problem lingering in the background that would end up causing his running mate problems.

...But the comparisons between Palin and Agnew do not end there. Just as a corruption scandal from Agnew's time as Maryland Governor plagued him throughout his Vice Presidential tenure-- in the end forcing him to resign-- so too does Palin have a corruption problem brewing in the background. What's more, her corruption and abuse of power problem is one easily understood by voters: She allegedly attempted to have fired a state trooper in a custody battle with her sister.

...Do we really need to put another wildly inexperienced, purely political choice into the White House, only to see issues from that candidate's past potentially stain the Vice Presidency?

Labels: GOP vice presidential selection, Sarah Palin, Why McCain will lose

posted by DownWithTyranny @ 10:30 AM

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At 11:57 AM, Ida Jurie said...

This is not just about Troopergate 2 (Now with substance!) and Palin's other corruption issues. It's a panic move. Putting such an inexperienced person on the ticket, also shows the Republican contempt for the people of our country in placing such a person potentially a heartbeat away from the highest office in the world. The questions that need to be asked are not just about McCrankpot's, age, lack of judgement, and bad temperment, there is also the simple question of would Palin be on the ticket if she were a man? The answer is no. This choice is not just a panic move, it's a pandering to women and Jesus jihadists move.

At 12:30 PM, Anonymous said...

So, is 'Palin' Inuit for 'Ferraro'?

At 1:02 PM, dguzman said...

It's hard to fathom what the hell McCain and his handlers were thinking with this one. Unless they weren't thinking at all. The scary part is that some people will STILL vote for him.

At 1:34 PM, Bil said...

I think Palin is Inuit for Quale, only less experienced.

I DO think she makes McSame look a lot taller than his reported 5'7" (5"5"). (he WOULD have been taller but he was a POW).

At 3:54 PM, dongshow said...

as an Alaskan this makes me nervous. the attention the pfd will receive is going to do nothing but confuse the rest of the country. the comedic value will be off the chart though.


At 4:02 PM, Distributorcap said...

was he going for the hot chick factor?

all i know is those animals in anwr better move to canada

At 4:27 PM, Kathleen said...

In Alaska there is always a connect the dots. Hoffman, Silver,Blasco, et al....is the firm former Chief of Staff Jim Clark (convicted as part of the Corrupt Bastards Club) worked for for decades. They are also in thick as thieves with Ted and Don. Their tactics were good enough for her when she was in Wasilla.

At 4:40 PM, Anonymous said...

@dongshow -- As an Alaskan, I share you fears about the attention this will bring to Alaska. Not so much the dividend, but the fact that (a) our own state legislature is rife with corruption (B) our congressional delegation is rife with corruption and © most of us Alaskans just want the rest of the world to butt out.

To America -- Sarah Palin DOES NOT speak for all Alaskans. Nor does she REPRESENT all Alaskans. Please don't judge us based on her.

At 3:36 PM, gulfhagas said...

Dear @dongshow - you shouldn't worry - there is little probability that the masses in the lower 48 will judge Alaskans as a group from this. We do note however, the Stevens thing and we tend to resent that the State of Alaska gives money to people simply for living there. Also, some of us might wonder what 115 thousand of you were thinking when you elevated this utterly uninspired individual to such a prominent position in your state, but then most of us have been hoodwinked at one time or another and can empathize. What you can and probably should do is to keep making noise wherever you possibly can and work to ensure that the arctic hare pulled from Senator McCain's hat doesn't prevail into the status of nightmare for the country.

At 11:31 PM, Anonymous said...

Isn't it true, that of the four candidates, Governor Palin is the only one WITH executive experience? So, who is the most qualified of this lot?

All of them are lacking in my opinion.

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McCain/Palin: More Bush Failure and Corruption

John McCain, desperately clinging to the maverick image he once had, has openly promised us nothing but the same failed policies of the Bush years. About the only thing that one can say about McCain is that he is, for a Republican, relatively free of scandal, if you ignore his role in the infamous Savings and Loan scandal. But with his choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate, McCain has now shown that he openly embraces the Republican culture of corruption that has plagued America under Bush. McCain/Palin offers America more Republican failure and corruption.

Looking on the bright side, I think we can all admit that this year's presidential election is a serious blow to the sexism and racism that right wing extremists have been pushing. For the first time in American history, America will see either a black or a woman as President or VP. And, given McCain's age, if McCain wins, there is a pretty reasonable chance that America would see its first woman president. So America is likely to have either a black or a woman President soon enough, and so those idiotic questions I have heard since childhood of "Is America ready for a woman President?" or "Is America ready for a black President?" can finally be answered with a resounding, "Yes...we...ARE!"

Of course, remember that McCain is merely doing what Democrats already did long ago when he picked a woman as his running mate. Democrats were of course the first with the Mondale/Ferraro ticket, so McCain did not make history yet with his choice.

But making history aside, the choice of Sarah Palin was a massive mistake on McCain's part because it allies him with the most corrupt state party in America: the Alaska Republicans. The Alaska Republicans are mired in a bunch of scandals, from the VECO scandal that has sent several Republican state legislators to prison and threatens both Republican Congressman Don Young and Republican Senator Ted Stevens, to Sarah Palin's own recent scandal of petty vindictiveness and abuse of power. By choosing Palin, McCain abandons any remnant of the maverick image he once had. With McCain, the Republican Party remains the Party of Corruption. Sarah Palin is currently UNDER INVESTIGATION for corruption and the Alaska Republican Party she is part of is full of indictments, investigations and corruption like no other Republican Party in the nation. It is a disgrace that of all the great women McCain could have chosen, he chose someone so mired in corruption. It is yet one more example of the Republican disregard for the rule of law.

This is what Planned Parenthood has to say about Palin:

What might have been encouraging news for women was just the opposite — somehow McCain had managed to find a woman running mate even more conservative than he is on women's rights.

It was heartbreaking news, especially on the heels of such an inspiring week. Right now there is so much shameless rhetoric from the Republicans about breaking the glass ceiling, especially from McCain and his running mate. What good does it do to break a glass ceiling with a woman who wants government to control women's reproductive health? That isn't the world I want for my two daughters.

A day later, and I'm still having trouble expressing the depth of my anger about McCain's choice of a running mate. This shameless pandering to women — with a woman who doesn't trust other women to make their own decisions about childbearing — has really got me going.

My dear friends and supporters, the stakes in this election just got unbelievably higher. More than ever before, the November 4 election is the most important vote for women's rights of my generation. And our actions in the next eight weeks — yours, mine, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund's — have never been more critical. Believe me, I don't say that lightly. It's time to get to work — and hard.

If you can only do one thing, it should be to tell every woman you meet that McCain and Palin are the most anti-choice, anti-women pair imaginable. Don't stop at just telling your friends. You can bet that I'll be telling strangers in the checkout line at the grocery store, the women I see at the gym, parents at my kids' schools.

Women trust other women to tell them the straight truth — and the straight truth is that McCain and Palin would take us back to a time when women had absolutely no right to decide whether or not to have a child ... zero. It's been widely reported that Palin is against abortion even in the cases of rape and incest!

More regarding Sarah Palin (from MoveOn.org):

Who is Sarah Palin? Here's some basic background:

She was elected Alaska's governor a little over a year and a half ago. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage. She has no foreign policy experience.1

Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.2

She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000. 3

Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.4

She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change.5

She's solidly in line with John McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. She's pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won't be ready for years. She also sued the Bush administration for listing polar bears as an endangered species—she was worried it would interfere with more oil drilling in Alaska.6

How closely did John McCain vet this choice? He met Sarah Palin once at a meeting. They spoke a second time, last Sunday, when he called her about being vice-president. Then he offered her the position.7

This is information the American people need to see. Please take a moment to forward this email to your friends and family.

We also asked Alaska MoveOn members what the rest of us should know about their governor. The response was striking. Here's a sample:

She is really just a mayor from a small town outside Anchorage who has been a governor for only 1.5 years, and has ZERO national and international experience. I shudder to think that she could be the person taking that 3AM call on the White House hotline, and the one who could potentially be charged with leading the US in the volatile international scene that exists today. —Rose M., Fairbanks, AK

She is VERY, VERY conservative, and far from perfect. She's a hunter and fisherwoman, but votes against the environment again and again. She ran on ethics reform, but is currently under investigation for several charges involving hiring and firing of state officials. She has NO experience beyond Alaska. —Christine B., Denali Park, AK

As an Alaskan and a feminist, I am beyond words at this announcement. Palin is not a feminist, and she is not the reformer she claims to be. —Karen L., Anchorage, AK

Alaskans, collectively, are just as stunned as the rest of the nation. She is doing well running our State, but is totally inexperienced on the national level, and very much unequipped to run the nation, if it came to that. She is as far right as one can get, which has already been communicated on the news. In our office of thirty employees (dems, republicans, and nonpartisans), not one person feels she is ready for the V.P. position.—Sherry C., Anchorage, AK

She's vehemently anti-choice and doesn't care about protecting our natural resources, even though she has worked as a fisherman. McCain chose her to pick up the Hillary voters, but Palin is no Hillary. —Marina L., Juneau, AK

I think she's far too inexperienced to be in this position. I'm all for a woman in the White House, but not one who hasn't done anything to deserve it. There are far many other women who have worked their way up and have much more experience that would have been better choices. This is a patronizing decision on John McCain's part- and insulting to females everywhere that he would assume he'll get our vote by putting "A Woman" in that position.—Jennifer M., Anchorage, AK

So Governor Palin is a staunch anti-choice religious conservative. She's a global warming denier who shares John McCain's commitment to Big Oil. And she's dramatically inexperienced.

In picking Sarah Palin, John McCain has made the religious right very happy. And he's made a very dangerous decision for our country.

In the next few days, many Americans will be wondering what McCain's vice-presidential choice means. Please pass this information along to your friends and family.

Thanks for all you do.

–Ilyse, Noah, Justin, Karin and the rest of the team


1. "Sarah Palin," Wikipedia, Accessed August 29, 2008


2. "McCain Selects Anti-Choice Sarah Palin as Running Mate," NARAL Pro-Choice America, August 29, 2008


3. "Sarah Palin, Buchananite," The Nation, August 29, 2008


4. "'Creation science' enters the race," Anchorage Daily News, October 27, 2006


5. "Palin buys climate denial PR spin—ignores science," Huffington Post, August 29, 2008


6. "McCain VP Pick Completes Shift to Bush Energy Policy," Sierra Club, August 29, 2008


"Choice of Palin Promises Failed Energy Policies of the Past," League of Conservation Voters, August 29, 2008


"Protecting polar bears gets in way of drilling for oil, says governor," The Times of London, May 23, 2008


7 "McCain met Palin once before yesterday," MSNBC, August 29, 2008


Once again, John McCain represents nothing but a Bush third term.

By Matt on Aug 29th, 2008 at 11:33 am

McCain’s VP Choice Is Under Ethics Investigation For Abuse Of Power In Alaska»

In Dayton, OH today, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) will announce that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will be his vice presidential running mate. Palin, who entered office in 2006 after running as a reformer, is touted by conservatives as being “a politician of eye-popping integrity.”

But Palin’s reformer image took a hit last month when she was accused of attempting to get a state trooper fired. That state trooper was her former brother-in-law who had gone through “a messy divorce” with her sister. After the trooper’s boss wouldn’t act on the governor’s request, she fired him. Though Palin says she doesn’t “have anything to hide” and she “didn’t do anything wrong there,” an investigation has found that one of her aides pushed the firing:

Gov. Sarah Palin on Wednesday revealed an audio recording that shows an aide pressuring the Public Safety Department to fire a state trooper embroiled in a custody battle with her sister.

Palin, who has previously said her administration didn’t exert pressure to get rid of trooper Mike Wooten, also disclosed that members of her staff had made about two dozen contacts with public safety officials about the trooper.

Palin’s scandal envelops her in the constellation of scandal-plagued lawmakers currently serving in Alaska. Here’s a brief overview:

Sen. Ted Stevens: Last month, long-serving Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens was indicted by a federal grand jury “with seven counts of making false statements for failing to disclose” gifts of over $250,000 from the oil services company VECO Corp.

State Sen. Ben Stevens ®: The senator’s son, Stevens is being investigated by the FBI for his involvement in “an alleged payment scheme involving fisheries legislation brought by his father.” When VECO’s Bill Allen “pleaded guilty to bribery and conspiracy charges, he stated that almost a quarter of a million dollars in consulting fees paid to the younger Stevens was in fact bribery.”

Rep. Don Young ®: Last year, it was revealed that the senior House Republican was “under criminal investigation” involving “possible political favors for a company in Alaska.” In April, Young’s legal fees exceeded $1 million.

Last week, Palin placed her boards and commissions director, Frank Bailey, on paid leave while the investigation into the suspect firing continues.

UPDATE: In 2006, Sen. Ted Stevens endorsed Palin. Watch his ad endorsing her:

UpdateLast month, after Stevens was indicted, Palin refused to call for his resignation, saying that he had "dedicated his life to the betterment of the state." She had previously called for another indicted lawmaker to resign.Comments 90 Share This Share This Close


and a few more links for anyone interested in finding out about the nobody for change...lol...




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You would be in a panic, too, if you weren't so blind to have noticed how much trouble our country is in. Maybe you don't have children you want a better world for, but i do. You want a dirty ole man who shows no common sense to take over where the failed, last eight years leave us.

Come talk to me about abortion when you need one. Until then, your opinion means nothing. Your disregard of animal life just makes you a low life as a human being.

You know that "dirty ole man" comment. Is quite rude.

I mean what if somebody says that "I don't want a black man to run my country who can't admit he is wrong on the surge" or "A thug who will allow the death of millions of babies due to third term abortions"

or "I don't want an elitist to solve the housing crisis when we all know he got a deal from a known criminal"

I want a better world for my sisters and that involves protecting our country at all cost. So do I really want a guy who never had any military experience or any experience of any sort!

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Hilary Clinton is not my idol. I can't stand her actually. If Sarah Palin were named Dave Palin, I'd still think it was a boneheaded pick, so her gender has nothing to do with it. No one here on either side of the aisle has been "freaking out" about anything. If you think discussion and debate = freaking out, you're a moron.

And you actually think the War in Iraq was "the most successful war in history"? Sweet Jesus, you're insane. And a complete and total liar. Liar, liar, liar. See the first paragraph of this post for evidence of that. All you've done is just lie about people and what they're saying or what they're thinking. Just lie, lie, lie, lie, lie.

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You know that "dirty ole man" comment. Is quite rude.

I mean what if somebody says that "I don't want a black man to run my country who can't admit he is wrong on the surge" or "A thug who will allow the death of millions of babies due to third term abortions"

or "I don't want an elitist to solve the housing crisis when we all know he got a deal from a known criminal"

I want a better world for my sisters and that involves protecting our country at all cost. So do I really want a guy who never had any military experience or any experience of any sort!

Give me a break. McCain is trying to sell sex in addition to whatever other lame reasons he chose a nobody. I try hard not to resort to distasteful name calling, but in this case, i believe it is warranted in making an obvious point to the people who thinks she's a "great pick". He is old and his decision in picking an inexperienced "runner up Miss 48th smallest populated state in America" quacks like a duck to me.

You don't think millions of people aren't prejudice against Obama due to race, color, culture?

If you are intelligent, then just look at the possibility, given McCain's age and health history, of Palin winding up in his place. Is she your idea of good for the country?

Read up on her and open your eyes.

I am not an Obama cheerleader (find a post where i mention my feelings towards him), but i strongly feel he is a "better" choice than ole, washed up, arrogant as hell McCain. His choice of Palin just confirmed his stupidity/desperation.

I would feel perfectly safe with Biden by Obama's side, because i strongly believe Joe will make a huge impact on the Presidency. As for Foreign policy, Joe Biden is the man. Confession, yes i wanted Joe Biden for President.

What military experience does Palin have (keep in mind, she may be the big boss)? Oh yeah, she hunts innocent bears and wolf pups for $150 a head...very sad. Palin and Cheney, the hunters of the Vice Presidency, lol. Keeping the sport of killing alive, but against abortion. Hypocrites.

and GWB served his country prior to being elected?...lol.

With all due respect to you Pb Derigable, this combination is just another term of the same old sh*t. I love my country, and i am afraid for it. I have felt the impact of the Bush Administration on my every day life, and i am bitter.

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Allow me:

The women around here just can't handle a successful Lady. Of course they are use to their idol Hillary.

Calm down there ~*Electrophile*~ I did not mention you by name.

Unless my gender changed between you posting the above quote and me responding to it, you were referring to me and all the other females who have posted in this thread. So by saying you WEREN'T referring to me when you were, you lied again. And then you accused me of being paranoid, which everyone here knows I am not, and that was another lie.

You are a liar.

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And by the way, the war in Iraq is won. Thank you President Bush for handling the most successful war in history.

I never heard that before. Let me think.

I am not sure about that, you have to wait until Obama pulls us out too early and we would have to send them back in for the third Iraq war.

Oh wait, he has changed his mind, He may leave some there and would not pull out until commanders on the ground tells him too. Im not sure he ran on that platform, did he?

and it's weird he won't admit that the surge work, even though his stance on Iraq now looks better since we are winning the war, due to the surge he and Biden oppose.

and the fact Iran is willing to talk, due to the fact we are kicking ass in Iraq, due to the surge, makes obama argument look better about talking to the evil in the world.

Maybe Obama's idea of solving the problems of the world should be left up to the UN and not the United States by itself. Darfur anyone?

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I am proud to say that I would rather see one human baby saved then all the small little cute furry wolfies out there. Between Humans and animals, there is no choice. Humans come first in my book.

Accept It

You are talking about killing animals for "no reason". In many cases kids who hurt animals at a young age often grow up to be Sociopaths. I think i've heard enough from you. btw...you have shown nothing to support your "great pick", just a bunch of slobber coming from you.

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Hilary Clinton is not my idol. I can't stand her actually. If Sarah Palin were named Dave Palin, I'd still think it was a boneheaded pick, so her gender has nothing to do with it. No one here on either side of the aisle has been "freaking out" about anything. If you think discussion and debate = freaking out, you're a moron.

And you actually think the War in Iraq was "the most successful war in history"? Sweet Jesus, you're insane. And a complete and total liar. Liar, liar, liar. See the first paragraph of this post for evidence of that. All you've done is just lie about people and what they're saying or what they're thinking. Just lie, lie, lie, lie, lie.

This person, whoever he is, seems like a waste of our time to even converse with.

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Give me a break. McCain is trying to sell sex in addition to whatever other lame reasons he chose a nobody. I try hard not to resort to distasteful name calling, but in this case, I believe it is warranted in making an obvious point to the people who thinks she's a "great pick". He is old and his decision in picking an inexperienced "runner up Miss 48th smallest populated state in America" quacks like a duck to me.

yeah, like you know who Biden (45 smallest population) and Obama was before the race started

You don't think millions of people aren't prejudice against Obama due to race, color, culture?

If you are intelligent, then just look at the possibility, given McCain's age and health history, of Palin winding up in his place. Is she your idea of good for the country?

Yes, A Gov. of any state for two years is better than any senator for 4.

Read up on her and open your eyes.

I am not an Obama cheerleader (find a post where i mention my feelings towards him), but i strongly feel he is a "better" choice than ole, washed up, arrogant as hell McCain. His choice of Palin just confirmed his stupidity/desperation.

I would feel perfectly safe with Biden by Obama's side, because i strongly believe Joe will make a huge impact on the Presidency. As for Foreign policy, Joe Biden is the man. Confession, yes i wanted Joe Biden for President.

I rather have Condi. Rice, but i will get drunk and vote McCain

What military experience does Palin have (keep in mind, she may be the big boss)? Oh yeah, she hunts innocent bears and wolf pups for $150 a head...very sad. Palin and Cheney, the hunters of the Vice Presidency, lol. Keeping the sport of killing alive, but against abortion. Hypocrites.

She ran the Alaska National Guard. McCain ran a navy fleet. Obama, a subcommitee that never held a metting

and GWB served his country prior to being elected?...lol.

Texas Air National Guard

With all due respect to you Pb Derigable, this combination is just another term of the same old sh*t. I love my country, and i am afraid for it. I have felt the impact of the Bush Administration on my every day life, and i am bitter.

With all due respect, If you are afraid for this country, the most powerful country in the world, than there is no hope even if god comes and runs on the Green ticket.

McCain is stupid you say because he picked Palin? I’m not sure what the point of an election is, is it to have the best ticket or to win the fucking election.

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