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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Its the old dem "Class envy trick". Everyone knows that the dems have as much money as the Republicans....................they just like to lie about it. You know, Kind of like the way that :notworthy: obama :notworthy: lies about Ayres and Rezko.

I hope the Republican party rewards you well for all the dirty work you do on their behalf. You're a good servant to your master.

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Well judging by the polls, and provided there are no major incidents before election day, I'd say Obama has the Presidency pretty much wrapped up.

I wouldn't count my chickens too soon, American's are smart enough to know things have been bad and smart enough not to throw the baby out with the bath water.

We all know polls don't mean squat! it's the voters that haven't been polled that will show up to vote enmass :ph34r:


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Oh, so you think that the rich vote Republican to keep their money...but tell everyone that the economy is in better hands with the Democrats?

Well, the rich can't get richer with no consumers left :( They rely on a sound economy also.

I invite everyone to look at Obama's tax plan. Any questions you might have are most likely answered on his site. He is quite clear about how he will tackle the issues that concern the American people now:


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I know I don't post much anymore.. school has sucked up a lot of my time.. but I just wanted to post these couple of videos. They got me fired up and, like I said on another forum I post at, I can't imagine people rationalizing these statements/actions as anything less than blatant ignorance. Discuss.

^^ The guy in the last video was caught by a CBS camera waving his sick monkey during a speech made by Palin. What did he do? He crumpled up the Obama sticker in his hand and gave the stuffed monkey to a little boy sitting nearby.. a "gift" apparently.

I don't usually make my political feelings known around here because most of us are here for the music, but this just really has me fired up. I respect other opinions, but not when expressing them blurs the lines between reasoned thinking and clouded, racist judgment.

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Of course it's disgusting. It's less disgusting than someone shouting "kill him" or "off with his head" or "terrorist" when Obama is mentioned, but it's only marginally less. Like, 51% to 49%.

These people will feel this way whether a black man is running for President or not. It's just that now they have a public forum in which to espouse these views. If McCain and Palin didn't court these lunatics, maybe things would be different for them.

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Well, the rich can't get richer with no consumers left :( They rely on a sound economy also.

I invite everyone to look at Obama's tax plan. Any questions you might have are most likely answered on his site. He is quite clear about how he will tackle the issues that concern the American people now:


Here's a summary of what is proposed by the two candidates tax plan

Damn html :angry: here's the link anyhow www.parade.com/news/intelligence-report/archive/how-much-would-you-pay-taxes.html

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Check out Rolling Stone's cover article (scroll down to the bottom for a peak of the cover):

John McCain: Make-Believe Maverick

Puts his war experiences into perspective (without discrediting what he went through...)

I read the first page.

I now wish to insert a carniverous earwig into my brain.

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