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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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I read the first page.

I now wish to insert a carniverous earwig into my brain.

Not too long ago Time magazine did a cover story about Nelson Mandela and leadership. It too chronicled his younger years and how passionate but undisciplined he was. He admitted as much himself. Why would presenting McCain's past disturb you so? Sometimes people feel uncomfortable questioning someone's past if they've been through traumatic things, but if it's an honest probe, it shouldn't be ignored.

Mandela's twenty seven years in prison changed him into the man he is today. The same can be said of McCain, though I'm not implying that they've learned the same things or have grown in the same way.

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So why do they vote Republican if they want that sound economy that the Democrats apparently bring about miraculously?

Darlin'...the original topic we were discussing was how many, many billionaire republicans are touting Obama.

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That Rolling stone thing was fucking retarted.

Yeah, we been vetting the wrong guy.

Helllo, this wasn;t if McCain was fit to be pres. this was all about Obama being fit to be pres.. If McCain is not fit, im pretty sure there there isn't one person in this world who thinks Obama is.

"I think the Media was vetting the wrong guy" Im sorry, was he talking about Sarah Palin. Because when Palin was nominated, over 200 reporters went to alaska. When Wright broke out, there was 5, when that board that Obama and Ayers ran released its papers, there was only 4 reporters who looked over that mess.

If Obama went to get any other Govt. job, he would be disqualified based on his assoc. with Ayers alone. Thats a true fact. Any background check would've flagged him. So don't tell me Obama was vetted.

When you go work in the Nukes, you give them five people names and they call them and ask them 10 questions from How long you known them (all five have to be 5 years) to If you think they are capable of terrorism. Than they run a background check and I got flagged for going to school with a mexican who is on a no fly list. I had to go get verification from three teachers that stated I had limited (none) contact.

Do you really think Obama would past that test now. Nope .But yet, he can run for Office.

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Not too long ago Time magazine did a cover story about Nelson Mandela and leadership. It too chronicled his younger years and how passionate but undisciplined he was. He admitted as much himself. Why would presenting McCain's past disturb you so? Sometimes people feel uncomfortable questioning someone's past if they've been through traumatic things, but if it's an honest probe, it shouldn't be ignored.

Mandela's twenty seven years in prison changed him into the man he is today. The same can be said of McCain, though I'm not implying that they've learned the same things or have grown in the same way.

I said that because a: It's the Rolling Stone, which I really don't care about and b: because it was comparing McCain to one man who was a lifetime-career soldier, so the comparison makes no sense to me.

In any case, I didn't read it because I needed food and had to leave my dorm to get it :P

Darlin'...the original topic we were discussing was how many, many billionaire republicans are touting Obama.

He named 6 guys Med...I can assure you that the rich are voting Republican as they always do. Naming 6 billionaires doesn't change that. That's my whole point.

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^ PbD, Is it the information presented about McCain that you find incorrect (the style of writing is intended to incite, so I can see how supporters of McCain would find it grating) or that BO didn't get the same scrutiny that bothers you?

Even if it is true that far fewer reporters picked up the Ayers story when it came out, hasn't it been researched and pretty much debunked?

Edited by Patrycja
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^ PbD, Is it the information presented about McCain that you find incorrect (the style of writing is intended to incite, so I can see how supporters of McCain would find it grating) or that BO didn't get the same scrutiny that bothers you?

If it is true that only five reporters picked up the Ayers story when it came out, hasn't it been researched and pretty much debunked?

Depends who you ask

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I read the first page.

I now wish to insert a carniverous earwig into my brain.

I'm surprised at you Wanna...burying your head in the sand? Very informative article, thanks for posting Patryja.

I knew a lot of that stuff but not all of those details.

Wanna, don't you see that it is an important article becuase McCain has made conscious effort to glorify his military career and he's overblown it to the point of lying. Since many in this election are voting for him based on his 'war hero' status I think it is important the the people see the real John McCain. The spoiled brat that never cared about anyone except himself. The only reason he even got into politics because he was not going to get promoted in the Navy...he actually was lucky to make as far as he did...and that's the truth!! I'm sorry if that hurts anyone but....we have to know these things.

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^ PbD, Is it the information presented about McCain that you find incorrect (the style of writing is intended to incite, so I can see how supporters of McCain would find it grating) or that BO didn't get the same scrutiny that bothers you?

Even if it is true that far fewer reporters picked up the Ayers story when it came out, hasn't it been researched and pretty much debunked?

All I have to say about that report. is there two sides of every story.

We just don't know about Ayers. The media in Chicago mentions Ayers like he is some guy out in the desert, when all of the media knows that he has been a mainstay in Chicago for a long time. He is still employed to Univ. Of IL Chicago. Daley has said he has been a great contributor to Chicago.

The whole way the media reacts to Obama in Chicago is kinda weird. It has been said numerous times that being a reporter with the Obama campaign has been a very bad experience. The plane is cramped and smells. And the way the campaign has treated the media has been very bad. I know he has burnt alot of bridges in Chicago. All of the union leaders and most of the democratic part in Illinois have a bad taste in there mouth about Obama. He has not gone on a single Chicago Tv or Radio show since Oprah.

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That Rolling stone thing was fucking retarted.

Yeah, we been vetting the wrong guy.

Helllo, this wasn;t if McCain was fit to be pres. this was all about Obama being fit to be pres.. If McCain is not fit, im pretty sure there there isn't one person in this world who thinks Obama is.

"I think the Media was vetting the wrong guy" Im sorry, was he talking about Sarah Palin. Because when Palin was nominated, over 200 reporters went to alaska. When Wright broke out, there was 5, when that board that Obama and Ayers ran released its papers, there was only 4 reporters who looked over that mess.

If Obama went to get any other Govt. job, he would be disqualified based on his assoc. with Ayers alone. Thats a true fact. Any background check would've flagged him. So don't tell me Obama was vetted.

When you go work in the Nukes, you give them five people names and they call them and ask them 10 questions from How long you known them (all five have to be 5 years) to If you think they are capable of terrorism. Than they run a background check and I got flagged for going to school with a mexican who is on a no fly list. I had to go get verification from three teachers that stated I had limited (none) contact.

Do you really think Obama would past that test now. Nope .But yet, he can run for Office.

Please remember that the board he served on with Ayers was a republican founded project and it was a repbulican that asked both Ayers and Obama to sit on the boardl

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Please remember that the board he served on with Ayers was a republican founded project and it was a repbulican that asked both Ayers and Obama to sit on the boardl

Its republican.

and your point is.

Does it make it better.

Did John McCain started that board.

Did any republican serving or running in any political office was on that board.

What is also sad is that board has been a failure.

And when there was improvements, it was Paul Vallas doing things that counteract what the board was trying to do.

Im sorry once again. Was Rezko a Republican. But we all know that Wright was a former marine just like Lee Harvey Oswald and that makes it better right.

Oh I know, The guy who sweeps up the office of ACORN is a republican.

It may be a republican founded project, but it was no republican project. The main purpose of tha group was to get the kids to be more political about the school system. The put almost all the money in teaching kids to question there teachers than actual teaching of the core subjects.

Can you say Tax Shelter.

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I'm surprised at you Wanna...burying your head in the sand? Very informative article, thanks for posting Patryja.

I failed to read the whole thing because I went to dinner, as I said before :P

But again, McCain never wanted to be, nor did he plan on being a life-time soldier as the man in ther first page of that article obviously was, so the usage of that man is clearly bias. I'm sure it's a good article and I will read it later, but i'm just giving my "impartial" answer if you will. Evaluating from both sides is all

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I..........don't have words for this. This right here is a prime reason for why my parents left the Republican Party.

Typical of racists and organized crime IMO.

Edit: To elaborate, I don't we should have a government who uses scare tactics or threats to make citizens feel this way.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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Oh, so you think that the rich vote Republican to keep their money...but tell everyone that the economy is in better hands with the Democrats?

Did I say that little bit you tagged on there? No.

All I'm saying is the rich vote Republican because:

a) they believe the democrats will target them for tax increases

b ) they believe a Republican government will be more advantageous to their business interests.

Not everyone can be top of the heap. There will always be poor. There will always be people who are mentally challenged or disadvanted in life for all the many millions of reasons, now you may think that they get what they deserve, but I don't. I believe Government has obligations to the people. I don't believe in Government that is there to service its own needs.

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Sorry to go off subject but looking at this pic of Liz Taylor and last night seeing a bit of the movie "Cat on a hot Tin Roof", man what a differance 40 yrs makes huh? Who is the dude on the far left next to Liza Minelli?

That's David Gest, who was very briefly Liza's husband. I think he claimed in the divorce proceedings that Liza beat him up.

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I..........don't have words for this. This right here is a prime reason for why my parents left the Republican Party.

Come on.... surely you don't think that those were examples of the majority of the people at those speeches? The guy that videotaped these had an extremely biased take on things and asked very leading questions, attempting to fool the people he was....ummm.... "interviewing". :rolleyes:

Why didn't he compare Obama's experience with McCain's experience? The argument doesn't work that way? How convenient!! <_<

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Has anybody heard the latest Nancy Pelosi Bullshit.

She said that the Bailout was a primary a Repub. bill with Dem. votes. That the next stimulus will be strictly democratic written and supported.

If i was mistaken, all those earmarks where mostly Democratic. The Republicans. where the ones against it. The dems, lead by Frank, Dodd, Pelosi and Schummer, negotiated the entire bill by themselves.

and now they want a 160 billion bailout on top of Barrack new 60 billion economic policy and they have no clue where they are going to get the money. They even said that Profit caps on oil companies are gone now since gas went down.

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Did I say that little bit you tagged on there? No.

All I'm saying is the rich vote Republican because:

a) they believe the democrats will target them for tax increases

b ) they believe a Republican government will be more advantageous to their business interests.

Exactly my point...

Not everyone can be top of the heap. There will always be poor. There will always be people who are mentally challenged or disadvanted in life for all the many millions of reasons, now you may think that they get what they deserve, but I don't. I believe Government has obligations to the people. I don't believe in Government that is there to service its own needs.

Right on :hippy:

People should not be afraid of their governments, Governments should be afraid of their people.

Damn rightB)

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I'm glad McCain changed his "campaign slogan" again.

First it was "Experience."

Then he picked Palin. :rolleyes: Not so much..

Then it was "Change."

Hoping anyone whose into politics would forget "that one" already had that one locked up.

Now it's "Fight."

Something he's good at, something he needs to do.

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I'm glad McCain changed his "campaign slogan" again.

First it was "Experience."

Then he picked Palin. :rolleyes: Not so much..

Then it was "Change."

Hoping anyone whose into politics would forget "that one" already had that one locked up.

Now it's "Fight."

Something he's good at, something he needs to do.

Check the "flip flop" articles i posted a while back. What's really comical is that McCain picked the slogan "change" when it was already Obama/Biden's slogan.......weird scared0005.gif

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I'm surprised at you Wanna...burying your head in the sand? Very informative article, thanks for posting Patryja.

I knew a lot of that stuff but not all of those details.

Wanna, don't you see that it is an important article becuase McCain has made conscious effort to glorify his military career and he's overblown it to the point of lying. Since many in this election are voting for him based on his 'war hero' status I think it is important the the people see the real John McCain. The spoiled brat that never cared about anyone except himself. The only reason he even got into politics because he was not going to get promoted in the Navy...he actually was lucky to make as far as he did...and that's the truth!! I'm sorry if that hurts anyone but....we have to know these things.

You're welcome ;) Glad you liked it.

What you're zeroing in on, Medhb, is the way the information that's out there is repackaged. Again, if done respectfully, information presented ought to be unraveled. Transparency is really important, especially now in a world of almost too much information, and we have to sift through to get at what's a - relevant and b - truthful. And I do agree - he was lucky, but he's crafty, too. Earlier to WBDrummer I compared past experiences of McCain and Mandela. While the latter's changed him drastically, McCain seems to be obviously more mature (no one's saying he's the same reckless guy of his youth), but the pattern behind his decisions over the course of his career shows him to be someone solidified in a way of making choices, rather than someone whose decision making abilities were drastically altered because of his past experiences (like Mandela). Sometimes that's a good thing, in McCain's case, not necessarily so. He's temperamental and sometimes reckless, and this gets spun as 'maverick'. What's in a name?

All I have to say about that report. is there two sides of every story.

We just don't know about Ayers. The media in Chicago mentions Ayers like he is some guy out in the desert, when all of the media knows that he has been a mainstay in Chicago for a long time. He is still employed to Univ. Of IL Chicago. Daley has said he has been a great contributor to Chicago.

The whole way the media reacts to Obama in Chicago is kinda weird. It has been said numerous times that being a reporter with the Obama campaign has been a very bad experience. The plane is cramped and smells. And the way the campaign has treated the media has been very bad. I know he has burnt alot of bridges in Chicago. All of the union leaders and most of the democratic part in Illinois have a bad taste in there mouth about Obama. He has not gone on a single Chicago Tv or Radio show since Oprah.

Absolutely. And whereas Medhb rightly pointed out that info can be manipulated (and probing these massaged messages shouldn't be discouraged because someone's a war hero or pope or whoever), you rightly point out that some information simply doesn't get brought up. Both are ways of misinforming.

You say Chicago I think Bulls dynasty, Oprah, and city with second largest number of Poles (gotta represent :D ). So I clearly cannot intelligently comment about media coverage of BO or his relationship with the Dems in Illinois. Transparency includes probing both sides to an equal degree, and not whitewashing the info that does come out. If it is legitimate, it'll stand up to scrutiny.

Edited by Patrycja
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Bush's rise and fall are most evident in the 2002 election, which brought him control of both houses of Congress, and the 2006 election, which reversed that triumph. The president's chosen Manichean worldview and his rigid refusal to consider other viewpoints have resulted in a disastrous administration and damage the nation will be living with for generations, according to Greenwald (How Would a Patriot Act? 2006). Greenwald begins by documenting Bush's political collapse and then explores the core beliefs that have driven Bush's decision making, as well as the broader philosophical and political dangers of such strong convictions. He details how the president's absolutist moralistic worldview, the simple identification of good and evil, overshadowed decisions that required more nuanced views in the lead-up to the war in Iraq. Advisors with other points of view were ignored as Bush's strong ends-justify-the-means approach resulted in such decidedly un-American practices as indefinite detentions, use of torture, and preemptive war. This is a compelling examination of how moral beliefs can drive political decisions, with disastrous consequences. Bush, Vanessa --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.


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