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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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He won.... we all need to get over that and focus on the task at hand: coming together and resolving the issues that have been plaguing us as a nation for the past few years. We have been given an opportunity to actually have some input in our government policies this time around, so I really hope people will be able to put their disdain aside and actively participate in some of the things we need to tackle, collectively, as a country.

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Agree totally. Time to get off the Bush bashing over and over and start talking about what your instant hero Obama is going to do. Does he have a magic wand that he is going to wave and fix everything? He said that he cant do it overnight and perhaps even in one term. Well everyone knows that. But he will be scrutinized by the right very closely from the moment he takes the oath. I hope is is successfull for the sake of all of us. But Im not going to jump up and down like a child like many of you and declare him a hero just yet. He has much to prove.

Funny how people wouldn't hold Bush to the same standard... given he has done little to prove himself as an asset to the country. But, I'll stop with the Bush bashing per your request. It's not healthy to dwell on mistakes :blink: .

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Very wrong about two major things, first off he won't be known for singlehandedly bankrupting this country it is the 06 congress's fault, the economy was at RECORD highs before them, and if they didn't think Bush's plans were good they could have turned them down but they didn't beacuse they wanted to see this country in a semi-disaster to get more power, to quote Howard Dean "Were just watching and waiting". And about the whole "failed" war thing BS violence is now down 80%, it is VERY rare for soldiers to be in a fire fight and if it is it is only a few guy who pop out of nowhere and then quickly flee, the police force is now properly functioning and people are living better lives than they ever did with Saddam, schools are opening, I could go on all day.

The economy was going along smoothly, but our own treasury was crumbling from within because we were borrowing so much money. When outsourcing jobs becomes a huge level to balance the economy, that's a sign your shit doesn't smell right. The Iraq War is a failure in the belief that our leaders are to govern us, WE THE PEOPLE, in our best interests. Invading a country that was no threat to our interests, abroad or domestic, minus oil, is absolute neglect of power and failure to uphold the Constitution of this country. But..they sold it to us on the basis the war would pay for itself with oil revenues. Instead, we've had to borrow between 400-700 billion dollars from China, India and Saudi Arabia to pay for our presence in Iraq.

This war is a failure because we didn't listen to the "right" intelligence presented to us before we invaded. All surrounding countries in the region warned of civil war upon Saddam's removal, and also an emboldened Iran with him gone. Our best military minds warned us not to invade. Stormin' Norman Schwarzkopf, the man whose military opinion I take over anyone in this country, said from Day 1 this will be a disaster that will cost us for generations to come. And that was before the invasion. But..they didn't listen. Why have so many generals been replaced? Or resigned and come out and spoken about the absolute failure in planning, coordination and leadership within the military for Iraq.

The violence has gone down, the troop surge helped. But the money we'd been pissing away finally found the right people. A troop surge doesn't turn the violence that had been raging the way it had been for so long, off overnight the way it did. No, someone got paid off. BIG time and that's why the bullets have stopped. (And if you want more, I've got confirmation from a friend who is in the Marines. He just got back from his 4th Tour.) His word, not mine, or yours is what matters most. And his word is a telling one. They want out. They want the job to be done, which they feel it is and they want out.

In closing, the Democratically-elected Congress of 2006 is by far a fucking joke. I hate Pelosi and Reid as much as I hate Parmesian cheese. They were asleep at the wheel when the shit was hitting the fan and did nothing. And now we're fucked. But don't fucking try and dishonor my memory by suggesting Bush didn't single handedly financially fuck us when the information is there, in broad day light, smoking a cigarette on the corner, blowing smoke in your face and copping a feel at the same time.

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Agree totally. Time to get off the Bush bashing over and over and start talking about what your instant hero Obama is going to do. Does he have a magic wand that he is going to wave and fix everything? He said that he cant do it overnight and perhaps even in one term. Well everyone knows that. But he will be scrutinized by the right very closely from the moment he takes the oath. I hope is is successfull for the sake of all of us. But Im not going to jump up and down like a child like many of you and declare him a hero just yet. He has much to prove.


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Ok Donkey. I mean Speed Racer. I voted for my local offices which happen to matter. Obama has plenty to prove. I pay taxes and am just as much a citizen and an American as you are you dumb ass.

You are a name caller, and a racist. As far as whatever kinda drugs you consume to make you see these things, that's your business too. Just don't let social services know.

Goooo OBAMA.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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In just a short time if Obama starts making decisions

or has a crises to handle and is not dealt with correctly

even the ones wetting themselves in Chicago's Central Park last night

will start d bushinizing him.

It's the nature of the business B)

Isn't my fault you feel badly because someone won office for American President.

Or his.

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Im a name caller? You are the one that started calling me names in case you have forgotten. A racist? Not really. I have said things in the past based on human experience. Ive been robbed several times by certain individuals that belong to by coincidence the same race. At knifepoint the night before I saw Led Zeppelin in fact. My story is in the Timeline. Its hard to walk away from several very bad experiences without holding some negative views. I have made racial comments before and Im sure im not the onlyl one here that has. At least Ill admit to doing so. I really dont hate any entire race but I do dislike a certain group that exists within some races that are differant than my own. You Im sure are perfect and have at no time ever uttered anything racist? Yeah right. You are full of shit Racer.


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"Good evening. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world.

And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. "Mankind."

That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore.

We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it's fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom...

Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live.

To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice:

"We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!" We're going to live on! We're going to survive!

Today we celebrate our Independence Day!"

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No mandate for Obama, no lopsided Congress

November 5, 2008

ROBERT NOVAK novakevans@aol.com

WASHINGTON -- The national election Tuesday was not only historic for the election of the first African-American president in the nation's history but also for how little the avalanche of Democratic votes changed the political alignment in Congress...blah blah blah.

Robert Novak? You're kidding, right? You're posting a story by Robert effing Novak?!?

He's one of the biggest hack fraud journo's around(cf. Valerie Plame), with about as much

credibility as Del, Pg, FirstLedZep and the other Bush teabaggers here, so what Novak says

means zilch, nada. You might as well post an Ann Coulter article.

John McCain wins :D

Sarah Palin Rocks :D

Obama = the abyss :mellow:

ad nauseam

THE FIRST LEDZEP loses :console:

If we agree that it's a new day, and that Obama wants to bring everyone together, would you consider dropping the term "Confederate states"? The southern states are part of the USA and haven't been a confederacy for quite some time now.

That would be nice if the Southern States would actually ACT like they are part of the USA.

But they don't. I've spent quite a few years living in the South before, and just recently

spent a couple of weeks there driving through and going to some of the McCain/Palin


And, with the exception of a few pockets of rational educated people, it's a cesspool.

In fact, at some of the McCain/Palin events, it was like being at a KKK rally. Guns, beer

and idiots is a scary combination.

What does it say about a region that still has antiquated concepts such as "dry counties"

and "blue laws"?

You see, the problem with the South is that they've never gotten over losing the Civil

War. In fact, from almost the beginning, the South has been a drag on the rest of the

USA. First was the whole slavery issue. Then, after the Civil War was lost, there was

the shame of Jim Crow, and the officially sanctioned violence against the Civil Rights

movement, and well, you just pick any time in this nation's history, while the majority

of the country was progressing, the South was doing all it could to keep its head in the

sand and stick to its hateful, bigoted ways.

Consider this, people in the Northern and Western states have never had any problems

voting for a politician from the South. Yet, all you ever hear when a politician from the

North runs for President is "will people in the South vote for him?".

And while you are driving thru the south, listening to the radio you will hear the scariest

crap coming from these asshole evangelical preachers...stuff that makes the Rev. Wright

look like a docile lamb of god. One can only imagine the grotesqueries one would hear

inside one of their horrid big-box churches that mar the landscape of the South.

That whole myth of the golden days of the "Plantation era" and the Southern belle is

a crock, too. Never seen more skanks in my life than in the South. Delusional women

whose ideal of masculinity is this cartoonish macho man with a cowboy hat and guns.

Small wonder then, that most of them end up in abusive relationships with these bozos.

Most knowledgable women in the south will tell you that, like a man trying to compensate

for his lack of virility by buying a sports car, the more guns a guy has, the smaller his


Oh, and let's not forget that the divorce rate is higher in red states than in blue states;

way to uphold the sanctity of marriage.

And as for the confederate flag being about heritage...give me a break; so a German

flying the Nazi flag is just honoring his heritage?

Just this morning, I was reading an article about how these ignoramuses in the South

are boo-hoo-hooing Obama's victory and saying they "fear for their way of life" and

that Al Qaeda has won...are they kidding with this crap? A large percentage of the

South still think Obama is a Muslim terrorist and he's gonna take away their guns

and send them to re-education camps and force them to have abortions.

But what do you expect when the only news source they get their information from is

Fox news, aka Faux News...everytime you go into a bar or hotel in the South, the tv's

are turned to Fox.

Nah, I am sick of the South and their out-of-proportion hold on the electoral map...it's

time for them to get with the program and join the 21st century; hell, I'd even settle for

them joining the 20th century.

Until then, the South can lick my balls.

Edited by Strider
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Robert Novak? You're kidding, right? You're posting a story by Robert effing Novak?!?

He's one of the biggest hack fraud journo's around(cf. Valerie Plame), with about as much

credibility as Del, Pg, FirstLedZep and the other Bush teabaggers here, so what Novak says

means zilch, nada.

THE FIRST LEDZEP loses :console:

That would be nice if the Southern States would actually ACT like they are part of the USA.

But they don't. I've spent quite a few years living in the South before, and just recently

spent a couple of weeks there driving through and going to some of the McCain/Palin


And, with the exception of a few pockets of rational educated people, it's a cesspool.

In fact, at some of the McCain/Palin events, it was like being at a KKK rally. Guns, beer

and idiots is a scary combination.

What does it say about a region that still has antiquated concepts such as "dry counties"

and "blue laws"?

You see, the problem with the South is that they've never gotten over losing the Civil

War. In fact, from almost the beginning, the South has been a drag on the rest of the

USA. First was the whole slavery issue. Then, after the Civil War was lost, there was

the shame of Jim Crow, and the officially sanctioned violence against the Civil Rights

movement, and well, you just pick any time in this nation's history, while the majority

of the country was progressing, the South was doing all it could to keep its head in the

sand and stick to its hateful, bigoted ways.

Consider this, people in the Northern and Western states have never had any problems

voting for a politician from the South. Yet, all you ever hear when a politician from the

North runs for President is "will people in the South vote for him?".

And while you are driving thru the south, listening to the radio you will hear the scariest

crap coming from these asshole evangelical preachers...stuff that makes the Rev. Wright

look like a docile lamb of god. One can only imagine the grotesqueries one would hear

inside one of their horrid big-box churches that mar the landscape of the South.

That whole myth of the golden days of the "Plantation era" and the Southern belle is

a crock, too. Never seen more skanks in my life than in the South. Delusional women

whose ideal of masculinity is this cartoonish macho man with a cowboy hat and guns.

Small wonder then, that most of them end up in abusive relationships with these bozos.

Most knowledgable women in the south will tell you that, like a man trying to compensate

for his lack of virility by buying a sports car, the more guns a guy has, the smaller his


Oh, and let's not forget that the divorce rate is higher in red states than in blue states;

way to uphold the sanctity of marriage.

And as for the confederate flag being about heritage...give me a break; so a German

flying the Nazi flag is just honoring his heritage?

Just this morning, I was reading an article about how these ignoramuses in the South

are boo-hoo-hooing Obama's victory and saying they "fear for their way of life" and

that Al Qaeda has won...are they kidding with this crap? A large percentage of the

South still think Obama is a Muslim terrorist and he's gonna take away their guns

and send them to re-education camps and force them to have abortions.

But what do you expect when the only news source they get their information from is

Fox news, aka Faux News...everytime you go into a bar or hotel in the South, the tv's

are turned to Fox.

Nah, I am sick of the South and their out-of-proportion hold on the electoral map...it's

time for them to get with the program and join the 21st century; hell, I'd even settle for

them joining the 20th century.

Until then, the South can lick my balls.

Glad you could get that off your chest, Strider. Hope you feel better now. Sleep well.

Edited by Kentuckygirl
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Now, to LakeofShadows, eternal light, Suz, Hermit and some of the other Obama

people here, beware the saying: Be careful what you wish for.

With Obama winning and the Dems controlling both the Senate and the House, it

is now up to the Democrats to put up or shut up.

Let's hope they have learned the lessons of 1976 and 1992.

I have faith in Obama. But I have zero faith in Nancy Pelosi. She knows about

as much about the economy as Sarah Palin does about Russia. And just as the

Republicans have a few right wing nutjobs, so too do the Dems have some looney

libs that will only do Obama and the Dems harm if they get off-track and try to

implement dubious economic legislation or pander to the 9/11 conspiracy crowd.

Even with the recent economic woes, history has shown that the best economic system

is still free-market capitalism combined with a democratic government.

Marxism, socialism, communism, whatever you want to call it, does not work...and

never will.

The Dems will also have to beware the shenanigans that rich right-wing wackos like

Richard Scialfe and Harold Simmons will be trying to use to undermine any attempt

by Obama to govern...and let's hope the media doesn't take the bait like they did

with Whitewater and the Swiftboat ruses.

Whatever happens now, it is going to take a long time to fix the mess we've gotten

ourselves in...there are no quick fixes. And sacrifices will have to be made.

But after last night, for the first time in 8 years, I have hope that better days are

still to come and the good old U.S. of A. will be back on its feet and we can again

be a shining beacon for liberty, equality and justice.

Edited by Strider
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