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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Nah... 'tis okay.

:peace: Thanks.

Anyway, last thing before I'm out of here; there have been all sorts of stories

about how the rest of the world is celebrating Obam's win. I read this in one

article about Kenya partying after hearing about Obama's victory:

"I feel so very good now because my neighbor Barack Obama is president of the United States," said Richard Onyango, 30, an unemployed resident. "My area has been poor for such a long time, but now I think Obama will make things better."

Jeez, talk about putting pressure on the guy...not only is he expected to fix the mess

in the U.S., but now people think Obama's going to fix their country's problems, too?

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I thought South Park had a great episode on Wednesday. Basically it said that the Republicans were overreacting because they think the whole world is just going to crash down and burn whereas Obama supporters are counting on him way too much and think of him as too much of our country's savior.

Just my 2 cents

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Hi all,

Let them all celebrate.Lets see what happens,.....


I saw a report on CNN two nights ago (11/5) showing people from countries all over the world, including Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Kenya...etc... it was so heartwarming to see how elated people who didn't have to "live" with Bush for eight years could feel. They have true "empathy" for us :)

When has any other President been so joyously congratulated by the world?

Anyway, Obama is left with a mess beyond words (and comprehension). I think reasonable people understand this and will keep their expectations of him "reasonable". I do anticipate a better country in the next few years. Obama is only human, but at least he's that. Bush is inhuman imho. Time to rebuild our country with strong leadership and if the response of the rest of the globe is any indication, we have hope on our side. I feel optimistic about our government for the first time in (eight!!!) years.

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By terrorists? Never

By the rest of the world? Who cares?

By average/common people in all parts of the world. The people CNN showed looked just like the same types of people you find at a New Years Day parade. I didn't notice any terrorists cheering. Who cares? Well that's how George W. Bush thought/thinks. Look where that got us...

as the old saying goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

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By average/common people in all parts of the world. The people CNN showed looked just like the same types of people you find at a New Years Day parade. I didn't notice any terrorists cheering. Who cares? Well that's how George W. Bush thought/thinks. Look where that got us...

as the old saying goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

My point is that it shouldn't matter who the rest of the world wants elected in our country. That's ours to decide.

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My point is that it shouldn't matter who the rest of the world wants elected in our country. That's ours to decide.

When we're constantly invading foreign countries and thereby involving foreign armies, our actions have a direct effect on other people. People whose foreign policy at times can hinge on what WE do, obviously have a stake in who our next President is. That doesn't mean they should be allowed to vote, but their opinions and feelings on the subject are no less valid.

If people around the world want to be happy we elected someone who has more than just a narrow view of world policy, then so be it. They aren't hurting anyone.

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I not sure you can screw up anymore than the Bush Administration.

I just hope Obama does not start a trade war with the rest of the world,the last thing this sorry global economy needs.

I have to agree with the first part mostly.... He could have dropped those bombs on Iran or Russia which he left open at all times. I was ready to start packing daily when Georgia went at it with Russia and we did absolutely shit to help them, all the while we are still goofing about in Iraq because Saddam threatened Shrubs daddy Bush. BTW daddy bush was a way better president. But then any one of the spice girls would have sufficed also.

As far as a trade war, we could always keep outsourcing our asses. I say keep our jobs here, STOP bailing out banks, if they crash too freaking bad. Let them crash so we have a real sheet to look at where investors can be on the same page.

I say give Obama a shot, after all "We The People," voted him in.


Oh yeah, good morning :coffee:

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In just a short time if Obama starts making decisions

or has a crises to handle and is not dealt with correctly

even the ones wetting themselves in Chicago's Central Park last night

will start d bushinizing him.

It's the nature of the business B)

Why don't you try quoting an entire post or get a hobby making ash trays or something?

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Cute! She looks a little Chinese.


Maybe she's related to Jimmy.

My point on leaving this for last was in fact she was in Paris, much as any black person could or mixed heritage person could be. And that those are tears of joy in her eyes. This one teared me up.

People around the globe do care about Americans. Only racists and war mongering people think people on the other side of the world don't care about Americans.


If we all cared about each other and turned the page we would be far better off. Bringing up the civil war to mock the south or make their 'heritage' look sweeter does nothing for either point but dredge up hard feelings.

Many have relatives who died in those fights.

The confederate flag is a personal option AFAIAC. I just wouldn't suggest flying it on the White House lawn any time soon.

The United States has a pretty lengthy list of hate crime laws. And they are enforced.

Turn The Page (as someone else relayed).



Edited by Mary Hartman
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When we're constantly invading foreign countries and thereby involving foreign armies, our actions have a direct effect on other people. People whose foreign policy at times can hinge on what WE do, obviously have a stake in who our next President is. That doesn't mean they should be allowed to vote, but their opinions and feelings on the subject are no less valid.

If people around the world want to be happy we elected someone who has more than just a narrow view of world policy, then so be it. They aren't hurting anyone.

I'm not saying they can't have an opinion on the matter.

But if someone casts a vote because of who the world wants, that's simply idiotic

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The American people & world have been "bought" by Obama. It's outer surface talk. If this election was done with fairness I believe more people would respect and feel Obama as deserving this position. But overall, I and believe can speak for 1/2 this country believe we were cheated of fair election. "The oblivious are blind." And CNN, MSNBC & NBC have been sucked in to the closed minded souls. B)

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I'm not saying they can't have an opinion on the matter.

But if someone casts a vote because of who the world wants, that's simply idiotic

WHO do you think does that? Who even mentioned anything remotely like that?

and it is "wonderful" that people around the globe are happy about Obama's election. It shows they have some brains. I bet foreigners view Bush they way we view the great dictators in history. Good has prevailed over evil this election!

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The American people & world have been "bought" by Obama. It's outer surface talk. If this election was done with fairness I believe more people would respect and feel Obama as deserving this position. But overall, I and believe can speak for 1/2 this country believe we were cheated of fair election. "The oblivious are blind." And CNN, MSNBC & NBC have been sucked in to the closed minded souls. B)

I believe there's a straight jacket waiting for you in a nearby mental facility.

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and it is "wonderful" that people around the globe are happy about Obama's election. It shows they have some brains. I bet foreigners view Bush they way we view the great dictators in history. Good has prevailed over evil this election!

Well to be fair, we don't know that yet. But I'm certainly hoping you're right. :)

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Well to be fair, we don't know that yet. But I'm certainly hoping you're right. :)

I meant a "good" person has prevailed over an "evil" one...we know Bush is evil :) and i think the McCain/Palin team would have been more evil government. Obama may not reach the high expectations of him, but i know he cares about the people and wants to. Bush never cared and Palin certainly would not had she been elected.

Edited by ~tangerine~
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The American people & world have been "bought" by Obama. It's outer surface talk. If this election was done with fairness I believe more people would respect and feel Obama as deserving this position. But overall, I and believe can speak for 1/2 this country believe we were cheated of fair election. "The oblivious are blind." And CNN, MSNBC & NBC have been sucked in to the closed minded souls. B)

Oh I see, you were cheated because Obama more than doubled your candidate's electoral votes. Right.

And all of a sudden, because your candidate lost, 'it's not fair!'


Get over it.

Edited by Matthew!
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That's a scary thought.

We almost got nuked under Kennedy's watch. Anyone remember the Cuban missile crisis?

I don't mean hes exactly like him. You get a genuine feeling from him when he speaks. He sounds like he truly cares, and will try to make things better. I don't know what will happen, but I hope its for the good.

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