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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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I didnt read they were hardwired right into -washinton, just that there is no record and that there are mysteries about them. I have heard brief mentions about them on cable news and apparently they do block tens of thousands of folks who are now not allowed to vote. These machines were brought about by the republican party during the -bush presidency.

And we get all up in arms about other countries processes. We should fix our own before we go off on tizzy's about others.

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Did anyone catch Sarah Palin on SNL earlier? Yeesh. I clearly wasn't expecting much, just the usual they do when they have a politician walk-on the show, but still. She's horrible, even at pretending to watch people make fun of her. It's almost like the joke continued to go over her head and what's worse....it went over her head right to her face.

Politicians do not belong on SNL, regardless of party. They just flat-out suck at it.

Don't ask me why, but I honestly thought it would be better. But for a few laughs, the whole show was pretty bad. I'm still surprised at how not funny it is. Glory days are gone. Anyway, yeah, Palin was flaccid at best. I've seen marionettes with more zip. She just got dangled here and there, kinda like with her Rep party, come to think of it.

Anyway, here are the scales being tipped again :thumbsup: :

Powell Backs Obama

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Democrats are already planning a victory Party that you and I know is premature. They are celebrating the possibility of having liberals in control of the White House, the Senate and the House.

If this happens, they will take more of our hard earned money and “spread the wealth around” as Barack Obama told Joe the Plumber.


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Don't ask me why, but I honestly thought it would be better. But for a few laughs, the whole show was pretty bad. I'm still surprised at how not funny it is. Glory days are gone. Anyway, yeah, Palin was flaccid at best. I've seen marionettes with more zip. She just got dangled here and there, kinda like with her Rep party, come to think of it.

Anyway, here are the scales being tipped again :thumbsup: :

Powell Backs Obama

Wow. I seriously wasn't expecting that. That means the last 4 Republicans that had any respect for him.....just lost it.

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Democrats are already planning a victory Party that you and I know is premature. They are celebrating the possibility of having liberals in control of the White House, the Senate and the House.

If this happens, they will take more of our hard earned money and “spread the wealth around” as Barack Obama told Joe the Plumber.


Seriously TFLZ, does your rant book have a page two?

Please turn to it.

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Wow. I seriously wasn't expecting that. That means the last 4 Republicans that had any respect for him.....just lost it.

It's good to know that they didn't just tow the party line. A clearer message can't be sent than respected Reps crossing over.

I've always respected Powell, even more so after I saw this. Clear, eloquent, and quite moving:

Edited by Patrycja
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Obama believes we should take more money from hard working Americans like you to pay for programs supported by the liberal left wing of his party.


Oh yes, and what do you think those programmes are? The All-American Marxist-Leninist School for Communist Ideology? Socialist Realism for the Proleteriat in Knitted Tableaux classes?

It's my human compassion that seems to prevent me from adopting the seemingly ubiquitous Conservative right-wing attitude of "fuck 'em, they get what they deserve"

Edited by I have got a horsey
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Colin Powell has officially endorsed Obama :D

I caught Meet the Press this AM and that was awesome! I love how Colin admitted that the Iraq War was over misguided intelligence reports about WOMD that never existed. I loved when he mentioned that Obama "opposed" the war from the start (we all know this, but shows great insight on Obama's part, something Bush doesn't have). I love how he explained "WHY" Obama is his choice. I hope some of the Republicans here saw this interview. What is most important is OUR ECONOMY, Healthcare, Education, The Environment...and McCain just represents more of Bush's failed leadership/policies/nonsense...and Colin said that (after 25 years of respecting McCain, that he will basically be MORE OF THE SAME, to paraphrase).

one thing that bothers me from Biden, Obama, and now Colin Powell, they are all too nice when addressing the "incompetent" pick of Sarah Palin. At least Colin made it clear she is not ready to be President and he questions McCain's judgement because of her.

Here's crossing my fingers that in a little over 2 more weeks we will be rejoicing in a new direction, one that among other great things will be "multi-generational" and good for all Americans, not just the rich.

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Just cast my vote!

Ok, so it's not the most scientific of polls, still, it is interesting in terms of global opinion. That they bother to vote shows to whatever extent an awareness of and concern for the international ramifications of this election. Check out Iran's results so far. But what's with Macedonia?

If the World Could Vote

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It's good to know that they didn't just tow the party line. A clearer message can't be sent than respected Reps crossing over.

I've always respected Powell, even more so after I saw this. Clear, eloquent, and quite moving:

What I loved most about that interview is his smackdown of the GOP over the whole "Barack Obama is a Muslim....ZOMGSEKRETTERRIST!" garbage.

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It's good to know that they didn't just tow the party line. A clearer message can't be sent than respected Reps crossing over.

I've always respected Powell, even more so after I saw this. Clear, eloquent, and quite moving:

That's, frankly, an incredible endorsement.

But I always had a feeling that Powell, in the end, either felt embarrassment or unease about his involvement in the Bush Administration and decided to get out of there.

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I caught Meet the Press this AM and that was awesome! I love how Colin admitted that the Iraq War was over misguided intelligence reports about WOMD that never existed. I loved when he mentioned that Obama "opposed" the war from the start (we all know this, but shows great insight on Obama's part, something Bush doesn't have). I love how he explained "WHY" Obama is his choice. I hope some of the Republicans here saw this interview. What is most important is OUR ECONOMY, Healthcare, Education, The Environment...and McCain just represents more of Bush's failed leadership/policies/nonsense...and Colin said that (after 25 years of respecting McCain, that he will basically be MORE OF THE SAME, to paraphrase).

one thing that bothers me from Biden, Obama, and now Colin Powell, they are all too nice when addressing the "incompetent" pick of Sarah Palin. At least Colin made it clear she is not ready to be President and he questions McCain's judgement because of her.

Here's crossing my fingers that in a little over 2 more weeks we will be rejoicing in a new direction, one that among other great things will be "multi-generational" and good for all Americans, not just the rich.

To be frank, if they were completely honest in their public assessment of the choice, they'd be labeled misogynistic bullies and completely run out of town. I'd prefer they use diplomacy if anything, just to be respectful.

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Democrats are already planning a victory Party that you and I know is premature. They are celebrating the possibility of having liberals in control of the White House, the Senate and the House.

If this happens, they will take more of our hard earned money and “spread the wealth around”


This might cheer you up, teenager. innocent0006.gif

"your" hard earned money, lol. I doubt it. Anyway, i say "spread that wealth around, baby"!

Edited by ~tangerine~
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To be frank, if they were completely honest in their public assessment of the choice, they'd be labeled misogynistic bullies and completely run out of town. I'd prefer they use diplomacy if anything, just to be respectful.

I know it's the respectable thing to do...and unlike McCain's campaign of hate and lies, the Dems have proven to have taken the higher road, winning them more voters.

I keep remembering the SNL spoof after the Biden and what's her name debate (this part still cracks me up):

Joe played by Jason Sudeikis : My goal tonight was a simple one, to come up here and at no point seem like a condescending, egomanical bully. And i'm gonna be honest, i think i nailed it. Sure, there were moments when i wanted to say, HEY, THIS LADY'S A DUMMY! But i didn't, because Joe Biden is better than that. I repeat, Joe Biden is better than THAT (pointing to Tina Fey as she waves) happy0005.gif

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I know that Colin Powell said he wasn't looking for a cabinet position regardless of who wins, but if Obama wins, I'd like to see Powell as Secretary of Defense, if anything. I think a 4-star general would do well in that role, might help to cut out some of the cheese.

Edited by Electrophile
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That's, frankly, an incredible endorsement.

But I always had a feeling that Powell, in the end, either felt embarrassment or unease about his involvement in the Bush Administration and decided to get out of there.

Yes it is an incredible endorsement! :D I agree with you on that. He was feeling that he better get out of there while he still could. Good for him! :D

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Just cast my vote!

Ok, so it's not the most scientific of polls, still, it is interesting in terms of global opinion. That they bother to vote shows to whatever extent an awareness of and concern for the international ramifications of this election. Check out Iran's results so far. But what's with Macedonia?

If the World Could Vote

Fascinating! Thanks for sharing that Patrycja!

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That's, frankly, an incredible endorsement.

But I always had a feeling that Powell, in the end, either felt embarrassment or unease about his involvement in the Bush Administration and decided to get out of there.

I wholeheartedly agree with that assessment. He was really used by his party.....I still believe if they would have listened to HIM we would never have gotten into this situation. Instead, he got duped...

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