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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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I had no idea it was produced and written by her. So that is not the reason. But considering i don't find her funny that explains why i am not fond of the show.

So those credits they run at the start went past ya, huh?

But yeah, humor is subjective. I'm just not stunned at your response to Fey.

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Why would you stupidly assume that someone is voting for Barack Obama because of an advertisement? Don't the advertisements just re-affirm the reasons why someone would be voting for him? If you're voting for him by now, it's certainly not because of a 15-second spot wedged between commercials for Viagra and Tampax. I find it hard to believe that with exactly 14 days to go, there are any real "undecideds" left in this country. Early voting has started in 43 states (I'm voting tomorrow morning), so all these ads are really doing is just hammering the point home, same with McCain's ads. They're not meant to sway new voters, they aren't long enough or detailed enough for that.

You would have to go their respective websites to read up on their platforms if that's what you wanted to do.

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I watched an excellent documentary about GITMO last night on HBO. It showcased everything that the Bush Administration has done wrong with its idiology with fighting the war on terror and how its warped message was successful in mind fucking most of America.

What was the biggest surprise (not really)? When Bush signed his Immunity Act that pardoned him and Cheney and Rumsfeld from breaking habeus corpus and exempting them from all other war crime charges, but not our troops who were ordered to commit certain acts authorized by the White House and the CIA. Instead, many were prosecuted, jailed and dishonorably discharged. And our infamous Miss Capt. America with her cigarette and her big fat smile standing next to a hooded detainee wasn't. She was reassigned to a training school in Arizona. American justice, served.

Another sign how mentally starved some people have become in this country is their refusal to accept well documented and reported information, but insanely dismiss viable material if they feel it somehow contrasts from their political beliefs, their way of life, or their sense of "Americanism." . They refuse to accept the obvious truth when its two feet in front of them, bleeding from the eyes, with sagging, black teeth decaying of internal abuse. They'd rather believe the simple, often confused and wrong explanation; political party slander from the left or the right. That's where education has failed such wonderers. An actual education and the ability to judge clarity from treachery.

And as the one freed detainee said a US Commander said to him when he was leaving Cuba, "If you weren't a terrorist before you came here, you're probably one now."

Good job guys!

First job of the new Prez: Close Gitmo, extradite all prisoners to their countries of origin to await trial, and assign a commitee of international heads to look into what abuse of powers were executed by the Bush Administration under habeus corpus: the original law of conduct of the modern world.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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Why would you stupidly assume that someone is voting for Barack Obama because of an advertisement? Don't the advertisements just re-affirm the reasons why someone would be voting for him? If you're voting for him by now, it's certainly not because of a 15-second spot wedged between commercials for Viagra and Tampax. I find it hard to believe that with exactly 14 days to go, there are any real "undecideds" left in this country. Early voting has started in 43 states (I'm voting tomorrow morning), so all these ads are really doing is just hammering the point home, same with McCain's ads. They're not meant to sway new voters, they aren't long enough or detailed enough for that.

You would have to go their respective websites to read up on their platforms if that's what you wanted to do.

Why do you stupidly assume everyone who votes does the research into what each candidate is about? Advertisements are effective, otherwise companies wouldn't pay millions of dollars for time slots in the Super Bowl.

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First job of the new Prez: Close Gitmo, extradite all prisoners to their countries of origin to await trial, and assign a committee of international heads to look into what abuse of powers were executed by the Bush Administration under habeus corpus: the original law of conduct of the modern world.

Im not starting war.

But it would be be far fetch for that any international law would be followed by any current U.S. president concerning a former president. Once you except international law on U.S. soil, you have basically excused our supreme court on any decision based on anything that would smell close to what laws Bush did or did not break. That would mean International law would dictate all action of the president of the U.S. I think you can agree that Obama can send troops into Pakistan to capture Osama and would get away with breaking our laws to go get Osama. But once you accept International law, Obama act could get him into a shitload of trouble.

Still, no international committee is capable of doing anything base on how these things are setup. Like how we can't punish Russia for Georgia, because Russia has veto power.

Obama won't close Gitmo base on he won;t take the flack for releasing any POW. He already got supreme court ruling that gives these guys a choice of judges, who would rule on if they can get let go. Sending our POW to their countries to stand trail. Comon. You might as well release them outside of gitmo to save on gas.

Anyways, all these power Bush gave him or abused and not yet or will not be prosecuted in the U.S. won't go away. We already discuss that Gitmo is there until we run out of troops or we will just move it. Obama already said wiretaps are okay. Do you really think a standing president would give up any power he has, especially when he has a majority in both houses.

Im not starting a war, But Bush will live the next 10 years worry free, than the secret service leaves, and then he has to pay somebody else to guard him.

Still, is it in the best interest of the U.S. to prosecute a former president. Unless you don't want the president to be the most powerful man in the world and give that title to somebody else, I would just assume we try to make the best out of our given situation. Understand your thoughts, im just saying it won't happen.

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Im not starting war.

But it would be be far fetch for that any international law would be followed by any current U.S. president concerning a former president. Once you except international law on U.S. soil, you have basically excused our supreme court on any decision based on anything that would smell close to what laws Bush did or did not break. That would mean International law would dictate all action of the president of the U.S. I think you can agree that Obama can send troops into Pakistan to capture Osama and would get away with breaking our laws to go get Osama. But once you accept International law, Obama act could get him into a shitload of trouble.

We're breaking international laws right now in pursuing Al Qaeda and the Taliban by illegally crossing borders, killing civilians, and paying off warlords who can help us that day. But the world accepts this as a necessary element to fight these people, or so we (as a world) seem to non-chalantly agree upon.

Still, no international committee is capable of doing anything base on how these things are setup.

The truth behind the hold up is no American-based set up is possible in the eyes of most because we are so far up our own divided political belief asses, one side would cry bloody murder if it didn't fit in with their beliefs. And in all honesty, for it to work, dozens of people who supported Bush would have to go turn-coat and that ain't gonna happen.

Anyways, all these power Bush gave him or abused and not yet or will not be prosecuted in the U.S. won't go away. We already discuss that Gitmo is there until we run out of troops or we will just move it. Obama already said wiretaps are okay. Do you really think a standing president would give up any power he has, especially when he has a majority in both houses.

Gitmo is a human rights disaster. I've been against the Iraq War from Day 1, but have mixed sentiment from international opinions about it. Gitmo, on the other hand, I completely agree with international sentiments. It is the biggest stain to our "wholesome" image out there right now and should be removed like the cancer it is.

Im not starting a war, But Bush will live the next 10 years worry free, than the secret service leaves, and then he has to pay somebody else to guard him.

Funny you mention the SS. I know someone who is one of his bodyguards. Don't get to talk to him often as its a 24/7 job, but he has told us on numerous occasions how much of an asshole Bush is. And this is a guy who has served under Reagan, Bush 41 and Clinton, who all he spoke very highly of as being engaging and friendly. Bush 43, a down right asshole.

Still, is it in the best interest of the U.S. to prosecute a former president. Unless you don't want the president to be the most powerful man in the world and give that title to somebody else, I would just assume we try to make the best out of our given situation. Understand your thoughts, im just saying it won't happen.

Knowing our legal system and knowing when we should do the right thing, we won't (in this case), I know we hate to show weakness of our supposed trusted leader of the free world. Fact is, the rest of the world knows we don't trust him. His own party doesn't trust him. Why should they? He's been almost as liberal as Clinton was, he was just better at masking his game..and kept his pants on. People can say "Impeach Bush" all they want about Iraq, the false intelligence, the oil, revenge for Daddy, lack of armor and supplies and Cheney basically saying "Fuck it, you go with what you have," killing (by our reports) 250,000 civlians and successfully bankrupting us, possibly out of a capitalist democracy and into something unforseen in the 21st century.

Never mind all that. If anything, get him for being the fucking caniving liar he is and nail him with humanitarian violations, torture charges, and deception of the American People. That's justice We The People deserve, whatever your political affiliation may be.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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We're breaking international laws right now in pursuing Al Qaeda and the Taliban by illegally crossing borders, killing civilians, and paying off warlords who can help us that day. But the world accepts this as a necessary element to fight these people, or so we (as a world) seem to non-chalantly agree upon.

The truth behind the hold up is no American-based set up is possible in the eyes of most because we are so far up our own divided political belief asses, one side would cry bloody murder if it didn't fit in with their beliefs. And in all honesty, for it to work, dozens of people who supported Bush would have to go turn-coat and that ain't gonna happen.

Gitmo is a human rights disaster. I've been against the Iraq War from Day 1, but have mixed sentiment from international opinions about it. Gitmo, on the other hand, I completely agree with international sentiments. It is the biggest stain to our "wholesome" image out there right now and should be removed like the cancer it is.

Funny you mention the SS. I know someone who is one of his bodyguards. Don't get to talk to him often as its a 24/7 job, but he has told us on numerous occasions how much of an asshole Bush is. And this is a guy who has served under Reagan, Bush 41 and Clinton, who all he spoke very highly of as being engaging and friendly. Bush 43, a down right asshole.

Knowing our legal system and knowing when we should do the right thing, we won't (in this case), I know we hate to show weakness of our supposed trusted leader of the free world. Fact is, the rest of the world knows we don't trust him. His own party doesn't trust him. Why should they? He's been almost as liberal as Clinton was, he was just better at masking his game..and kept his pants on. People can say "Impeach Bush" all they want about Iraq, the false intelligence, the oil, revenge for Daddy, lack of armor and supplies and Cheney basically saying "Fuck it, you go with what you have," killing (by our reports) 250,000 civlians and successfully bankrupting us, possibly out of a capitalist democracy and into something unforseen in the 21st century.

Never mind all that. If anything, get him for being the fucking caniving liar he is and nail him with humanitarian violations, torture charges, and deception of the American People. That's justice We The People deserve, whatever your political affiliation may be.

Bush is an asshole, but the guy who got blowjobs in the white house while his wife was in the west wing is not an asshole. Im sorry, i really think your friend is telling you a tale.

Still, we impeach Clinton for lying and we have not impeach Bush for lying. Tells you one thing, its not going to happen and you have mistaken the hatred you seen for Bush. I really don't think the leaders of the Democratic party care about what Bush did or did not do. You listen the way Obama and Pelosi talk about the man and you soon realize that they just say what you want to hear. I will admit they may take a run at him (impeachment) after the election as a payback, but they will be more concern about gerrymandering if Obama gets in, or devising another way to scare the american voters into thinking everything is the Repubs. fault.

Still, Biden already said a big international incident will happen if Obama gets in. I would just like to announce it will be all of Obamas fault because unless something happen in the next 3 months, Bush would accomplish the one thing he had to do since 9/11. is not let it happen on his watch. Question his ways, but you can't question his results. Even top Dems. have admitted that.

Still, I know from first hand Obama is a complete dick, but what happens in a union meeting stays in a union meeting. I won't mention how he had the rainbow coalition raid a few jobsites after we questioned him on issues related to our work. I would also not mention how a big job was delayed by environmentalist until the day after we announce our support to him.

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Americans we are up against a political and fundraising machine the likes of which we have never seen before in modern politics. A machine designed for one purpose: to aid the Osama Bi laden Democrats' power grab and return America to the higher taxes, bigger government, and failed defeatist policies of the past.

You now know what to do.

Vote John McCain

That's getting pretty tiresome... but I guess it's to be expected.

I'm voting for Obama.

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Here in ny, last week there were first -sarah palin letters mailed out and then -mccain letters. The sarah palin letter asks for 50-5,000dollars.

The -john mccain letter has "emergency notice" on the envelope and he only asks for 35-500dollars.

Quite interesting...and alittle late to starting their grassroots campaign.

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Still, Biden already said a big international incident will happen if Obama gets in. I would just like to announce it will be all of Obamas fault because unless something happen in the next 3 months, Bush would accomplish the one thing he had to do since 9/11. is not let it happen on his watch. Question his ways, but you can't question his results. Even top Dems. have admitted that.

What makes you think the enemy isn't capable of planning an attack after he leaves office just to enammer (Lakey) the next guy in office? If you wait and attack the next guy, it proves no US President is safe from an attack while they're running around. And to be blunt, under Bush's watch, we haven't gotten the bad guy yet (even when we had the chance(s) too).

And say what you want about Clinton, yes, 9/11 had alot to do with his adminstration, but the Bush Administration in 2001 dropped the ball- BIG TIME on pre-9/11 intell because they were too concerned about another middle eastern province- Iraq.

And my friend isn't a Democrat or Republican. Why would he be biased? Even if Clinton was an asshole for what he did, he wasn't an asshole when engaging conversation with people, especially those who are sworn to protect his life. By his account, Bush is an asshole to anyone he feels he can talk down upon, even those who would take a bullet for him.

And FWIW, I'm disappointed you didn't discuss more about the situation with GITMO rather than what Obama/Biden have in store.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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Here in ny, last week there were first -sarah palin letters mailed out and then -mccain letters. The sarah palin letter asks for 50-5,000dollars.

The -john mccain letter has "emergency notice" on the envelope and he only asks for 35-500dollars.

Quite interesting...and alittle late to starting their grassroots campaign.

Women, new voters, cross over voters and Palin put the nail in McCains election coffin. Plain and simple.

I do have respect for the elderly though.

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Women, new voters, cross over voters and Palin put the nail in McCains election coffin. Plain and simple.

I do have respect for the elderly though.

Well, just forget about all types and groups of people for a minute and think about all the individuals who never were in any groups all along through life. I've done some travelling up to maine, upstate ny and in nc and sc and there are alot of independant minded people out there.

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Well, just forget about all types and groups of people for a minute and think about all the individuals who never were in any groups all along through life. I've done some travelling up to maine, upstate ny and in nc and sc and there are alot of independant minded people out there.

Yes, absolutely.

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The liberal mainstream media is also doing their part. In the daily newspapers and nightly news programs, they have condoned the misleading Osama Bi laden distortions and dishonest attacks against Republican candidates through their slanted reporting in favor of the opposition.

Vote for an American

Vote John McCain

You mean like what you're doing now?

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I'm studying abroad for my last semester of college and was unable to get the absentee ballot figured out, but if I did vote it would be for Ralph Nader. He'd probably appoint some sweet redwood as secretary of state and a bonzai as the attorney general. I could get behind that.


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The liberal mainstream media is also doing their part. In the daily newspapers and nightly news programs, they have condoned the misleading Osama Bi laden distortions and dishonest attacks against Republican candidates through their slanted reporting in favor of the opposition.

Vote for an American

Vote John McCain




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"The message is credited to a frequent and apparently respected contributor named Muhammad Haafid.

However, Haafid is not believed to have a direct affiliation with al-Qaida plans or knowledge of its operations, according to SITE."


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