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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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And how do you think I get health insurance? My parents pay for it, I can't. School takes up most of my time so I can't really work that much. I talked about it with them over the summer. Chances are, they'll help me until I say stop, which might be next year, when i can actually work for above-minimum wage money. My apologies for putting school first.

wannabe, you're a cool guy but seriously- get back to us in 5 years on this.

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I just responded with a nice long post that got lost in cyberspace. So, to make it easier on both of us, could you please explain the logic you came up with to craft the response above? It seems to defy logic to me....maybe I'm missing something.


You are not the one missing something Medhb. :)

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Ahhh, thank you Tange....I was beginning to worry that the last birthday suddenly fried my brain :lol:

Your welcome, Medhb. :) You are intelligent and logical (as eveyone here knows), but you can't expect to understand all of the jibberish some of the McCain/Bush lovers are slurring... :) it hurts too much to try... confused0068.gif

new McCain campaign blunder: everbody, lol... more similarity to GWB, McCain is making up new words now... and then he has a new ad (saw the story on MSNBC) where he looks like he is ready to kiss Hillary Clinton (are we desperate here?)...

here's to hoping for a happy ending on Nov 4th... happy0042.gif




30 Oct 2008 02:07 pm

A reader just noticed this: maybe it's been noticed before... Twelve seconds in to this McCain ad about Joe The Plumber...



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» McCain Campaign: FAIL from What Do I Know?

Via Marc Ambinder, this classic FAIL from the McCain campaign, from their latest ad. Hopefully, McCain will get the votes of everbody with this ad. while Obama gets the votes of everybody else.... [Read More]

Tracked on October 30, 2008 4:59 PM

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Im not against Universal Health care, Im just against it in a capitalist society. and if you are against capitalism, sell your computer,sell your car, sell your cell phone, sell everything you own that was invented in America. because without Americas capitalist society, we will still be lighting oil lamps.

Oh please :rolleyes: lol

America is the only country in the world that's capitalist?

And Pb, the computer and the car weren't invented in America...

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Oh please :rolleyes: lol

America is the only country in the world that's capitalist?

And Pb, the computer and the car weren't invented in America...

Im sorry, it was IBM,Microsoft, and Apple who made the PC what it is today

and Ford had something to do with the mass production thing.

and any one who calls me a McCain lover is going to get whacked.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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Now on to your last statements: i didn't say you were aggressive. I wasn't addressing that part of your post because it didn't phase me. And i am not Australian or pony boy...and just because i have an opinion, my panties are in a bunch? Pretty immature assessment of me. Scotty is it?


Yes, Scotty is my real name, is Tangerine yours? :rolleyes:

Since this forum became "the official Led Zeppelin site", and we had to re register, I have had this screen name, JimmyPage1977.

I was replying to two different posts...one was yours and one was from Gainsbarre, who now posts under " i've got a horsey"...or something like that.

I never made any assessment of you. I find it a bit odd that you can't figure out that it was not you I was referring to. I guess that I should have separated the reply by the two different quotes.... my apology for my laziness.

Edited by JimmyPage1977
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Oh please :rolleyes: lol

America is the only country in the world that's capitalist?

And Pb, the computer and the car weren't invented in America...

And I'm fascinated that a union worker could say those things, aren't you? Why back in the day (and ,uh, NOW as well) unions were the enemy of capitalists! Right? Am I missing something?

Sorry, pb, I was too lazy to find your post.

Edited by Suz
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And I'm fascinated that a union worker could say those things, aren't you? Why back in the day (and ,uh, NOW as well) unions were the enemy of capitalists! Right? Am I missing something?

Sorry, pb, I was too lazy to find your post.

Without capitalists, unions would be unnecessary and unneeded. In a socialist country, the entire workforce is taken care of by the government.

Unions are in place to negotiate as a group with business entities to secure fair compensation for their work. America would be a far different place without capitalism, a sad, dark, poor place. I work hard every day to keep a group of union workers working. If corporations are not doing well, they don't need new office buildings, their executives don't need downtown condos, retail space, etc. and we have no work. You have to balance things, between the corporations doing well and keeping the middle class working. Idealism is great and easy to gain appeal for, until the paychecks stop coming in.

Balance is the key. You must have balance or it will all go bad.

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Union are capitalist.

Think about.

Union members are paid as much as the market can bear.

When a union asks for too much (like most in Chicago now) they start losing work. Still, Union are run like companies, you may have 2,000 guys sitting on the bench, but you can have more money pouring into the Pension and Health care fund because of increase wages. Which benefits everyone. Like a trickle down effect. I think that is wrong, but it does provide some sort of Darwinism, those who can't get work, leave. Which improves the overall quality of the union. But raise the wage too much, you lose work and money. Leave it too low, your recruitment dries up.

I am totally against the end of secret union election which Obama will be pushing if he gets in.

even after all that i disagree with union, i will still make more in my job than 65% of the college grads out there. Thats why im union.

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Union are capitalist.

Think about.

Union members are paid as much as the market can bear.

When a union asks for too much (like most in Chicago now) they start losing work. Still, Union are run like companies, you may have 2,000 guys sitting on the bench, but you can have more money pouring into the Pension and Health care fund because of increase wages. Which benefits everyone. Like a trickle down effect. I think that is wrong, but it does provide some sort of Darwinism, those who can't get work, leave. Which improves the overall quality of the union. But raise the wage too much, you lose work and money. Leave it too low, your recruitment dries up.

I am totally against the end of secret union election which Obama will be pushing if he gets in.

even after all that i disagree with union, i will still make more in my job than 65% of the college grads out there. Thats why im union.


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Union are capitalist.

Think about.

Union members are paid as much as the market can bear.

When a union asks for too much (like most in Chicago now) they start losing work. Still, Union are run like companies, you may have 2,000 guys sitting on the bench, but you can have more money pouring into the Pension and Health care fund because of increase wages. Which benefits everyone. Like a trickle down effect. I think that is wrong, but it does provide some sort of Darwinism, those who can't get work, leave. Which improves the overall quality of the union. But raise the wage too much, you lose work and money. Leave it too low, your recruitment dries up.

I am totally against the end of secret union election which Obama will be pushing if he gets in.

even after all that i disagree with union, i will still make more in my job than 65% of the college grads out there. Thats why im union.

A bumper sticker I always wanted to see: UNION YES! UNION POLITICS, NO!!

I'm on a pension from the Laborer's Union and I always gritted my teeth when I'd go pay my dues at the hall and there was a huge Clinton/Gore poster staring me in the face. <_<

And the political placards are now growing like weeds along our roads here. I am so damned sick of the TV commercials that I want to throw a brick through the screen. There should be a law banning the last week of this crap. If you don't know who you're voting for by now then you better just sit home and watch 'That 70's Show'.


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A bumper sticker I always wanted to see: UNION YES! UNION POLITICS, NO!!

I'm on a pension from the Laborer's Union and I always gritted my teeth when I'd go pay my dues at the hall and there was a huge Clinton/Gore poster staring me in the face. <_<

And the political placards are now growing like weeds along our roads here. I am so damned sick of the TV commercials that I want to throw a brick through the screen. There should be a law banning the last week of this crap. If you don't know who you're voting for by now then you better just sit home and watch 'That 70's Show'.


:thumbsup: Ditto

Had to remove myself from the mailing list, I was getting so much political spam :angry:

No More Spam!

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Posting this in both threads:

"John McCain, not Hussein" chant at Palin rally

They obviously were stupid to realize that Hussein is merely his middle name, and therefore....not what he's addressed as. But hey, when your enemy is making a fool of themselves, don't interrupt.

What President Clinton thinks of Sarah Palin and Joe Biden (D.Letterman)


Not a goof as of 2203hr 11.01.2008

Edited by Mary Hartman
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I just saw a video of Obama saying anyone making over $96,000 is in the top 6% and therefore don't deserve a tax cut.

Atleast i know Im in the top 6.5%

Obama tax hike, tax cut line keeps shrinking. it was 250,000 net, than 250,000 gross, than $200,000, than $165,000, than $150,000, than $135,000. and the fact the democratic party is already downplaying the Obama "Change" mantra. Saying Obama first 100 days would be 1,000 days. and Biden saying that, "what we do in the future, may not look right at first". Im really starting to think that asshole is going to tax everyone, and do you know what. I think thats fair, it's wrong, but fair.

You heard it here first, it would be months before obama addresses any economic or Iraq policy change. Pelosi is going to throw Global warming, gay rights, abortion, fairness doctrine and that shitty union policy into the mix right away. They are going to kick every G.O.P. member out of any committee, so for those expelled members to get back into those committees, they are going to have to vote for one or all of those things.

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I just saw a video of Obama saying anyone making over $96,000 is in the top 6% and therefore don't deserve a tax cut.

Atleast i know Im in the top 6.5%

Obama tax hike, tax cut line keeps shrinking. it was 250,000 net, than 250,000 gross, than $200,000, than $165,000, than $150,000, than $135,000. and the fact the democratic party is already downplaying the Obama "Change" mantra. Saying Obama first 100 days would be 1,000 days. and Biden saying that, "what we do in the future, may not look right at first". Im really starting to think that asshole is going to tax everyone, and do you know what. I think thats fair, it's wrong, but fair.

You heard it here first, it would be months before obama addresses any economic or Iraq policy change. Pelosi is going to throw Global warming, gay rights, abortion, fairness doctrine and that shitty union policy into the mix right away. They are going to kick every G.O.P. member out of any committee, so for those expelled members to get back into those committees, they are going to have to vote for one or all of those things.

Oh! Where did you see that one at? American Television?

If there are any GOP members who hallucinate and act like delusional. Let's hope to hell they kick them out.


Edited by Mary Hartman
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Union are capitalist.

Think about.

Union members are paid as much as the market can bear.

When a union asks for too much (like most in Chicago now) they start losing work. Still, Union are run like companies, you may have 2,000 guys sitting on the bench, but you can have more money pouring into the Pension and Health care fund because of increase wages. Which benefits everyone. Like a trickle down effect. I think that is wrong, but it does provide some sort of Darwinism, those who can't get work, leave. Which improves the overall quality of the union. But raise the wage too much, you lose work and money. Leave it too low, your recruitment dries up.

I am totally against the end of secret union election which Obama will be pushing if he gets in.

even after all that i disagree with union, i will still make more in my job than 65% of the college grads out there. Thats why im union.

wow...anybody else having bush flashbacks?

really pb...maybe you should consider running for political office on the republican ticket. :thumbsup:

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Yes, Scotty is my real name, is Tangerine yours? :rolleyes:

Since this forum became "the official Led Zeppelin site", and we had to re register, I have had this screen name, JimmyPage1977.

I was replying to two different posts...one was yours and one was from Gainsbarre, who now posts under " i've got a horsey"...or something like that.

I never made any assessment of you. I find it a bit odd that you can't figure out that it was not you I was referring to. I guess that I should have separated the reply by the two different quotes.... my apology for my laziness.

Since you only quoted my post in your response, it looked like you were only addressing me. So since i saw it as you calling me pony boy, i called you by Scotty (was pretty sure it was you, but i wasn't 100% and that is why i asked, not to be sarcastic). I remember you as ScottyZeppelin on the Electricmage board. As for my name, well tangerine was the nickname my best friends gave me back in 77' when we became Zeppelin fans (as pre-teens). I think you know it's not my real name :)

i don't see an answer to my post to you, oh well.

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