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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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When men have the right to make us have babies with Downs Syndrome and from rape.

and no affordable health care then

lorenabobbittonabc.jpgLorena Bobbitt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorena_Bobbitt should head NHC http://www.nhccare.com/

Choose the intelligent candidate:


Barack Obama on trail with Blackberry (smart phone) :book:

Edited by Mary Hartman
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Good morning Suz...gotta run, work to do :running:

Mornin'! Been reading articles about the final countdown to our new prez. I really think there will be a pbs documentary about all this weirdness someday, just like there are now about times past. And I'll watch it and just shake my head all over again. I have to say I recently saw one about Reagan that was very enlightening. He was a lot smarter than I thought he was. And nowhere near as bad as these sleazeballs (Rove, etc) who took his *gulp* legacy (yes, I said it) and shit on it and used it to divide our country and insult our intelligence. You know who I feel the most sorry for? Evangelicals (yes, I said it)! Those people got bullshitted the most. Cheney, Rove, Rumsfled- those a-holes never gave a shit about the "moral majority." They used them like whores.

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Hi all,


Unions were called socialist, communist, and a lot of other things. In fact, back in the day many union members WERE socialists.

True,now what does that tell you?

You know why unions came about?

Where would you be without them?

A better question is where are we now,.....


Edited by zepyep
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When men have the right to make us have babies with Downs Syndrome and from rape.

and no affordable health care then

lorenabobbittonabc.jpgLorena Bobbitt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorena_Bobbitt should head NHC http://www.nhccare.com/

Choose the intelligent candidate:


Barack Obama on trail with Blackberry (smart phone) :book:

Down Syndrome children don't deserve to live?

See entire post. I put it here again so it wont be complicated for you :huh: To make it perfectly clear I know some of these kids have upwards of 700k yr in health care bills.

Wouldn't it be nice to afford health care or have a universal plan.

As far as abortion I'm pro choice.

Cheers WBD

Edited by Mary Hartman
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Long story short, I was riding my bicycle and the front wheel hit a cut-out planter in the sidewalk and pitched me over the handlebars, smashing the bone right below the kneecap. The kneecap as a result was depressed and the bone was broken in a herringbone pattern. A regular set-and-cast wasn't an option, I needed a plate to cover both bones to facilitate healing because otherwise, it wouldn't heal properly.

Ouch. A buddy of mine had something similar happen and he broke his collarbone. Does it still give you problems now? I have a friend who is a Giant blackhawks fan who would purposely injure himself to get worked on by The Blackhawks doctor. :rolleyes::D

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Answer the question

I will try to answer it in more detail as soon as I have the time WBD :)

Controversial subject and no hard feelings.

The answer for me is it should be left up to the parents and the physician after Amniocentesis and ultrasound.

My friend who had a child with Downs decided the baby should live. The Palin's had the same choice. Downs is a very very difficult disease to deal with. The babies get infections at a sneeze and in all sincerity can fall along a spectrum from spontaneous abortion to a happy, self assured, loving productive person. Hers was impossible to get to sleep, had liver surgery, heart surgery, Eustachian tubes replaced because of constant ear infections and after almost 20 months of constant surgeries and meds, they still didn't know for sure if the child would live. Again, this isn't the case for all Downs kids.

Pro choice. Does the child deserve to live a tortured life if thats the case?

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I will try to answer it in more detail as soon as I have the time WBD :)

Controversial subject and no hard feelings.

The answer for me is it should be left up to the parents and the physician after Amniocentesis and ultrasound.

My friend who had a child with Downs decided the baby should live. The Palin's had the same choice. Downs is a very very difficult disease to deal with. The babies get infections at a sneeze and in all sincerity can fall along a spectrum from spontaneous abortion to a happy, self assured, loving productive person. Hers was impossible to get to sleep, had liver surgery, heart surgery, Eustachian tubes replaced because of constant ear infections and after almost 20 months of constant surgeries and meds, they still didn't know for sure if the child would live. Again, this isn't the case for all Downs kids.

Pro choice. Does the child deserve to live a tortured life if thats the case?

Very good explanation of your point of view. I agree with you! :thumbsup:

I DO have a huge problem with women who use abortion as a method of birth control. I consider it murder. Once again, I'm looking for balance. Abortion should not be used frivolously, but only to protect a woman's health or to save a human embryo from being born into tortured existence. Abortions for pregnancies that involve incest and rape are also acceptable in my opinion. The far right will not agree with me, nor will the far left...that's right where I like to be! :D

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Yeah, because registration fraud is so much worse than election fraud :rolleyes:

There was a good article the other day about how a computer hacker hacked into a "fake" electorial system and changed every vote within 7 seconds just to make a point. :rolleyes:

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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Very good explanation of your point of view. I agree with you! :thumbsup:

I DO have a huge problem with women who use abortion as a method of birth control. I consider it murder. Once again, I'm looking for balance. Abortion should not be used frivolously, but only to protect a woman's health or to save a human embryo from being born into tortured existence. Abortions for pregnancies that involve incest and rape are also acceptable in my opinion. The far right will not agree with me, nor will the far left...that's right where I like to be! :D

Thank you..

There was a good article the other day about how a computer hacker hacked into a "fake" electorial system and changed every vote within 7 seconds just to make a point. :rolleyes:

Isn't that the truth? Just who does have access to those cards after hours :D Back to paper ballots for everyone huh?

I get it....I knew Palin had that nerdy thing going on.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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I've commented on this before because this is mystifying - why does the US not have ONE voting system nationwide? Make it simple so it's easier to implement coast to coast - not computers or punch cards or whatever, just a card stating the candidates and the party, and a writing tool with which to mark a clear "X" on the card. Then the card goes into a box, box gets put away, votes get counted. Why are the current systems so different and convoluted (if not illegal - Virginia had a print out stating that due to the large turnout, Republicans would vote on Nov. 4th and Democrats on Nov. 5th???????)?

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I've commented on this before because this is mystifying - why does the US not have ONE voting system nationwide? Make it simple so it's easier to implement coast to coast - not computers or punch cards or whatever, just a card stating the candidates and the party, and a writing tool with which to mark a clear "X" on the card. Then the card goes into a box, box gets put away, votes get counted. Why are the current systems so different and convoluted (if not illegal - Virginia had a print out stating that due to the large turnout, Republicans would vote on Nov. 4th and Democrats on Nov. 5th???????)?

Because having controversal voting results is American as apple pie.

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I've commented on this before because this is mystifying - why does the US not have ONE voting system nationwide? Make it simple so it's easier to implement coast to coast - not computers or punch cards or whatever, just a card stating the candidates and the party, and a writing tool with which to mark a clear "X" on the card. Then the card goes into a box, box gets put away, votes get counted. Why are the current systems so different and convoluted (if not illegal - Virginia had a print out stating that due to the large turnout, Republicans would vote on Nov. 4th and Democrats on Nov. 5th???????)?

They cannot all agree on one thing. It's about that easy. Plus they needed to buy tons of computers which will not stay repaired and updated for billions of dollars to wind up in landfills.


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Because having controversal voting results is American as apple pie.

They cannot all agree on one thing. It's about that easy. Plus they needed to buy tons of computers which will not stay repaired and updated for billions of dollars to wind up in landfills.


Well stupid stupid me for such a ridiculous question and suggestion, then! :slapface:;)

apple pie mmmmm...

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