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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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It's hypocritical to congratulate the opponent for winning...?

So were Liz's. But why did you point out my behavior and not hers?

I've posted reasons I don't like Obama too...apaprently you're selective of what you read/remember?

No one but you jumped on me. No one.

It would be for "ME" (hypocritical to congratulate McCain had he won)...because i have been against him, and that would have still been the case.

Liz is ecstatic like so many of us sick to death of the Bush Administration are...i can relate to her. and (i'm more scared of her than i am of you :) )

I don't agree with your issues with Obama. Many here didn't agree with my issues about McCain and Palin. I was bashed often by a few people here. I didn't run off or cry in my milk. I work in the real world everyday, this stuff is tame for me.

I did read one post that mentioned they were happy you followed up your "previous" post...

you said what you did, and i said what i did...it's once again called freedom of speech and i don't get all bent out of shape over it. happy0022.gif

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It would be for "ME" (hypocritical to congratulate McCain had he won)...because i have been against him, and that would have still been the case.

It would be polite...

Liz is ecstatic like so many of us sick to death of the Bush Administration are...i can relate to her. and (i'm more scared of her than i am of you :) )
I don't care who you're scared of, but it's still selective reading.

I don't agree with your issues with Obama. Many here didn't agree with my issues about McCain and Palin. I was bashed often by a few people here. I didn't run off or cry in my milk. I work in the real world everyday, this stuff is tame for me.

I never cried, simply wondered why you would bitch about me saying Fuck Obama when I've been reading Fuck Palin for months.

And if it's because it would be "hypocritical" then why'd all you libs bitch when McCain stood there as people chanted "terrorist" about obama. Surely he just didn't want to be hypocritical :rolleyes:

I did read one post that mentioned they were happy you followed up your "previous" post...

you said what you did, and i said what i did...it's once again called freedom of speech and i don't get all bent out of shape over it. happy0022.gif

Actually, ya surely did.

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I don't hate gay people.

I do think they are messed up in the head.

I do think they should have the same rights as everyone else.

I don't think marriage is a state given right, but a religious right

So civil union I am cool with.

I just think the Judges in this case stepped over the heads the voters and I am completly against that.

If California wanted Gay marriages, they would've voted for it two years ago, instead of overwhelming voting against that.

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It would be polite...

I don't care who you're scared of, but it's still selective reading.

I never cried, simply wondered why you would bitch about me saying Fuck Obama when I've been reading Fuck Palin for months.

And if it's because it would be "hypocritical" then why'd all you libs bitch when McCain stood there as people chanted "terrorist" about obama. Surely he just didn't want to be hypocritical :rolleyes:

Actually, ya surely did.

Polite is for fakeys...i am polite when the situation calls for it.

I was being facetious on that one...i'm really not scared of anyone here who doesn't know where i live :)

Sorry if you didn't like the Palin bashing, like on the spats thread, if you don't like it, don't read it...

actually, you really can't see me through your commputer, and NO i was not bent out of shape, lol... don't go into Psychology, you don't read people very well.

...back to celebrating Obama and Biden...a chance for our country to heal!

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According to CNN "the polls say age played a bigger factor than race in the election", when a paragraph later they show that 96% of blacks voted for Obama...

and this is surprising? So what, many white people did, too! I venture to say, many who probably never thought they would.

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^but a major thing they talk about is that the majority of the youngest demographic of voters, 18-30, had a much bigger turnout than usual presidential elections.

But really, who cares?

This is going to be a hard job for either of the candidates. I love how McCain told us that he'd be there to help out America in anyway he can.

McCain's a class act---even though I didn't vote for him.

Stats Anne Curry gave on NBC:

67% of Hispanics voted for Barack

66% of young people who are eligible to vote, who voted did so for Obama.

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Polite is for fakeys...i am polite when the situation calls for it.

I'm pretty sure you're just saying that. And that's terrible.

I was being facetious on that one...i'm really not scared of anyone here who doesn't know where i live :)
Don't piss off joel then.

Right Mary?

Sorry if you didn't like the Palin bashing, like on the spats thread, if you don't like it, don't read it...

Then to you I say you didn't have to read mine.

actually, you really can't see me through your commputer, and NO i was not bent out of shape, lol... don't go into Psychology, you don't read people very well.

No, I'm sure you were.

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^but a major thing they talk about is that the majority of the youngest demographic of voters, 18-30, had a much bigger turnout than usual presidential elections.

But really, who cares?

This is going to be a hard job for either of the candidates. I love how McCain told us that he'd be there to help out America in anyway he can.

McCain's a class act---even though I didn't vote for him.

Stats Anne Curry gave on NBC:

67% of Hispanics voted for Barack

66% of young people who are eligible to vote, who voted did so for Obama.

I do believe McCain will redeem himself, but he did fight a nasty campaign and his co-chair was even meaner. I think they both owe a few apologies to Obama (even if it's done without the public to view). I truly believe our country will regain the respect of the rest of the world, with both sides working together now. Bush was truly a divider (and the worst communicator i have ever seen).

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i don't have flash, what was the outcome?

California Proposition Results

Proposition 1A, High-Speed Rail

49.4% Yes, 50.6% No

Proposition 2, Farm Animal

61.9% Yes, 38.1% No

Proposition 3, Children's Hospitals

49% Yes, 51% No

Proposition 4, Abortion Notification

49.3% Yes, 50.7% No

Proposition 5, Drug Offenses

38% Yes, 62% No

Proposition 6, Criminal Justice

31.1% Yes, 68.9% No

Proposition 7, Renewable Energy

34.6% Yes, 65.4% No

Proposition 8, Gay Marriage Ban

52.9% Yes, 47.1% No

Proposition 9, Victims' Rights

54.8% Yes, 45.2% No

Propositon 10, Alternative Fuels

37.2% Yes, 62.8% No

Proposition 11, Redistricting

52.8% Yes, 47.2% No

Proposition 12, Loans for Veterans

61.9% Yes, 38.1% No


Edited by eternal light
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I'm pretty sure you're just saying that. And that's terrible.

Don't piss off joel then.

Right Mary?

Then to you I say you didn't have to read mine.

No, I'm sure you were.

This entire post is stupid...^^^

Joel, Mary?

and once again, you don't know me and at your age i don't trust your judgement anyway :)

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Congrats to Joe Biden on being the next V.P.

Too bad Hermit is in jail for dipping his wick in "young" candles.

Hey, all i saw was a story on the news about how the feds caught a guy doing little girls and hermits gets kicked off.

I just put two together.

Than I saw the guy get out on bond.

Hermits comes back.

Than the guy gets convicted.

No more hermit since.

Ok, you're now officially a major asshat asshole. I may disagree with your political viewpoints but I never considered you to actually be a jerk. Thanks for clarifying that.

Congratulations to Barack Obama and to the U.S.A.

John McCain has given a very dignified, classy concession speech (despite some tools in the crowd).

How wonderful to witness such a historic moment.


Ditto. :hurrah::hurrah:

I'm glad to see the McCain of old instead of what was presented to us these last few months.

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I welcome the change as Obama will most likey be superior to Bush plus the fact he's a democrate and has the race card will improve international relations BUT I do think many are setting themselves up for disapointment. As with the tories in the 80's/90's here in the UK it seems to me that Bush while far from a good president has become a scapegoat for many wider problems in american scoiety, racism, imperialism and unequal disitrbution of wealth are not going to vanish overnight.

Edited by greenman
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I welcome the change as Obama will most likey be superior to Bush plus the fact he's a democrate and has the race card will improve international relations BUT I do think many are setting themselves up for disapointment. As with the tories in the 80's/90's here in the UK it seems to me that Bush while far from a good president has become a scapegoat for many wider problems in american scoiety, racism, imperialism and unequal disitrbution of wealth are not going to vanish overnight.

American politics and United Kingdom politics are entirely different. The news you view is geared for the United Kingdom. Many of the "wider problems" here could have been prevented long long ago. Instead they put our money in wars and bull shit research like the star wars endeavor all the while telling the world it was for WMD and a better approach for peace.

Now where is that 700 dollar hammer anyhoo?

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