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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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That's not going to happen, dream on...

McCain is a puppet at this point, doing what he is told. Sad really, because I like John McCain and voted for him when I lived in AZ. I always liked that he was an independent thinker, he's not anymore!

I think the Dem's have this one in the bag. And come Tuesday, I pray we are a little closer to having Barack as the nominee. It might take her a few days to bow out, but she needs to go.

I know one thing, Hillary and McCain don't have the people behind them like Barack does. His campaign has an amazing grassroots base that is making this happen.

There has NEVER been a poll saying Obama can win Pennsylvania. He didnt even go there because they are chaulking it up as a loss. What makes you think you will be closer on Tueday? As for the McCain guy, there is no way he can win in a landslide. I would never say never about him winning after the last two, but there will be no landslide. If Hillary wins, McCain being unpopular with right wingers, many will cross party lines especially women. It wont matter if its Obama, because he had the black vote locked up but wont get white republican women to cross over like Hillary can. Just stating facts.

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That's not going to happen, dream on...

McCain is a puppet at this point, doing what he is told. Sad really, because I like John McCain and voted for him when I lived in AZ. I always liked that he was an independent thinker, he's not anymore!

Doing what he's told? Who's telling him what to do? Most Republicans don't even like him or his policies that much...

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There has NEVER been a poll saying Obama can win Pennsylvania. He didnt even go there because they are chaulking it up as a loss. What makes you think you will be closer on Tueday? As for the McCain guy, there is no way he can win in a landslide. I would never say never about him winning after the last two, but there will be no landslide. If Hillary wins, McCain being unpopular with right wingers, many will cross party lines especially women. It wont matter if its Obama, because he had the black vote locked up but wont get white republican women to cross over like Hillary can. Just stating facts.

I agree there is no poll saying Obama can win PA. I think we will be closer(and I admit alot of it is "Hope" ;) because all we have to do is hold our ground or even only allow her to have a slight gain and it does bring him that much closer since PA is supposed to be a big state for her and at this point Barack is ahead by about 150 delegates. And the Obama campaign is definitely campaigning heavily in PA, so I'm not sure what you are talking about there. I don't think we are going to lose at 16 points... those were the numbers a while back, but in recent polls it looks as though Obama may have narrowed that gap. There are undecided voters still, so who knows. What can I say... we're Hopeful.

I think it's a good argument that some Rep.'s will go for Hillary but every Republican I know(and trust me, I know a boatload) they all hate Hillary and like Obama better. But maybe that's because I am from the great suburb of Chicago... Wisconsin!

Doing what he's told? Who's telling him what to do? Most Republicans don't even like him or his policies that much...

I think it's very obvious McCain has to go along with his religious right base at this point. They are the staple of that party and as McCain wasn't their ideal candidate that's who they got stuck with so to speak and he will cater to that during the election process.

Edited by allthekingshorses
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Did anyone see the news on CNN about this RFK assasination theory? They are saying that Siron Siron could not have fired the fatal shots because he was never in position to do it. concluding that there was a second gunman.

I miss the stories of that Kennedy cousin who used a golf club to dispose (must be PC) of his teenage sweetheart in Connecticut. Did they ever find out if he was driving, chipping or putting? Did he replace the divot?

Where's Oliver Stone?

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I miss the stories of that Kennedy cousin who used a golf club to dispose (must be PC) of his teenage sweetheart in Connecticut. Did they ever find out if he was driving, chipping or putting? Did he replace the divot?

Where's Oliver Stone?

Im sure you already know, but in case you dont, he was tried and convicted with the help of Mark Furman. As for the RFK thing, I believe it is far more believable than the second gunman in JFks assassination.

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Did anyone see the news on CNN about this RFK assasination theory? They are saying that Siron Siron could not have fired the fatal shots because he was never in position to do it. concluding that there was a second gunman.

here's a link; http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2008/0...ref=videosearch

I'm not sure why it's a news story, they are just restating the same old things again.

From all I've seen, there is plenty of room for doubt in the RFK killing, not so much with JFK.

edited to add: I'm not sure what this has to do with this thread though B)

Edited by Uncle Bill
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Im sure you already know, but in case you dont, he was tried and convicted with the help of Mark Furman. As for the RFK thing, I believe it is far more believable than the second gunman in JFks assassination.

Oh that's just because he fucked up the OJ prosecution.

Mark's work was focused on the angle of the wound to that girl's head. He compared the trajectory of the divot with Michael Skakel's golfswing. This mcx47c.jpg

was also found at the scene, and in this case, the glove did fit. B)

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here's a link; http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2008/0...ref=videosearch

I'm not sure why it's a news story, they are just restating the same old things again.

From all I've seen, there is plenty of room for doubt in the RFK killing, not so much with JFK.

edited to add: I'm not sure what this has to do with this thread though B)

I didnt know where else to put it and it was during the presidential race. Thought it would be a break from the usual bickering over McCain, Hillary, and Obama. Pennsylvania is tomorrow so Im sure this thread will see some action on Wednesday.

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With tomorrow's PA primary looming, bear this in mind..

Clinton Needs Record Margins, Turnout to Catch Obama

April 21 (Bloomberg) -- To overtake Barack Obama in the nationwide popular vote, Hillary Clinton needs a bigger win in tomorrow's Pennsylvania primary than she has had in any major contest so far. And that's just for starters.

After more than 40 Democratic primaries and caucuses, Obama, the Illinois senator, leads Clinton by more than 800,000 votes. Even if the New York senator wins by more than 20 percentage points tomorrow -- a landslide few experts expect -- she would still have a hard time catching him.

Clinton needs "blowout numbers,'' says Peter Fenn, a Democratic consultant who isn't affiliated with either campaign. "The wheels would have to come off the Obama bus, and the engine would have to blow.''

*Read on..*


Go Obama! :cheer:

Yeah,.. I'm back. :wave:


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hey there hermit, order has returned to the galaxy!!!

or atleast this thread :D

im not expecting barack to win... but then again, this IS hillary's state... large #'s of union members, rural workers and senoirs

the fact that hill's nearly 30% lead has dropped to single digets is a remarkable thing and the trend of hill coming in with support and losing a majority of it to barack, is something the clinton campaign should be worried about

my line for the election...

hill vs. barack (+6)

in other words, barack wins or loses by less then 6%... its a "victory" any other result is a victory for hillary

but then again, it doesnt matter since the delegates and 700,000 more people who have voted for barack speek for themselves

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*Thanks, Hotplant. :) *

*Hiya zosodude :wave: *

Its rather apparent to everyone but diehard Clintonistas that nothing that happens in

PA tomorrow will bring Hillary any closer to winning the Dem nomination. She's done.

The undercard bout has gone on too long; its time

for the main event to begin: Obama vs McCain!

Regarding the upcoming Obama vs McCain race,.. the only thing

more laughable than the notion that Obama is "totally unelectable"

is the notion that McCain would beat Barack Obama "in a landslide".


*cue Michael Buffer..*

"Let's get ready to rumbllllle!"




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General Election: McCain vs. Obama

Latest poll results:



[edited to add]

Its just a hunch, but it seems to me those poll results will shift decidedly in Obama's favor

once Hillary is officially out of the race and dem support solidifies behind Barack Obama.

..just a hunch. ;)

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Hillary will be on Larry King Live tonight at 9. I know you all cant wait. haha. she is behind in delegates but ahead on superdelegates from what CNN said today. so I dont see how in the hell you can count her out yet. that is a mistake. Whe would get far more older Republican white women to cross the line and vote for her than Obama. The magic number is not within reach of either candidate. The popular vote is in reach of BOTH. Not just Obama who seems to have the support of many here.

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Personally, I think Obamas affiliation with Reverend Wright lost him the presidency. He's simply polarized the moderates, the independents, and I think they're going to simply vote against him rather than vote for McCain.

But who knows, I've been wrong once or twice in my life ;)

Glad to see ya back Hermit B)

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Hey there, wannabe bro. :beer:


I see we have a few Hillary supporters still clinging to their dream. That's fair enough;

I don't begrudge them that. In fact, I surely do appreciate their.. "audacity of hope". B)

However,.. the cold, hard fact of the matter is that Hillary needs to win PA and every remaining

primary by such huge margins that reasonable observers recognize it just ain't gonna happen.

Gallup Daily: Obama Regains Lead Over Clinton, 49% to 42%

PRINCETON, NJ -- Support for Barack Obama's nomination bid has rebounded among national Democratic voters, who now favor him over Hillary Clinton by a seven percentage point margin, 49% to 42%.


This is first time Obama has had a statistically significant advantage over Clinton since the race collapsed into a dead heat late last week. Prior to that, Obama was enjoying his longest front-runner streak since the start of Gallup Poll Daily tracking in January.



Contrary to what my good friend wannabe thinks, I don't think the Rev Wright issue is gonna matter one bit during the general election. Anyone who won't vote for Barack due that non-issue issue wasn't likely ever gonna vote for him anyway. Furthermore, anyone who questions Obama's patriotism or commitment to America is simply looking for a reason.. any reason.. to not vote for him. To those people I say go ahead and exercise your right to vote for McCain.. the torture supporting, tax breaks for the wealthy supporting, Iraq war supporting, Iran war mongering, Shia-Sunni confusing, flip-flopping, pandering, more-of-the-same, Bush clone. More power to ya! If you're better off now than you were 8 years ago.. if you think America as a nation is better off now that it was 8 years ago.. then by all means do vote for More-Of-The-Same-McCain. But don't waste your breath trying to convince me that john McCain.. The Torture Advocate.. is somehow more patriotic.. more qualified to be POTUS.. than Barack Obama. Obama not patriotic enough to be POTUS? Gimme a frickin break. :rolleyes:

If you're not better off than you were 8 years ago.. and you don't think America as a nation is better off than it was 8 years ago.. then I'd think you'd vote for change; I'd think you'd vote for the democratic party candidate.. I'd think you'd vote for Barack Obama.

Out with the old (in McCain's case, the "very old").. and in with the new! :thumbsup:

Go Obama :cheer:

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I'd say the fact that McCain was a POW and a war hero, that would certainly make him more patriotic.

Who knows if Obama could have or would have been one also. We can't say, but Obama isn't going to win the "who is a bigger patriot" debate.

If McCain is smart, he will focus on that. All he has to do is highlight what he went through, put the pictures and video on TV. It will make a big difference.

Obama in the debate: "McCain, although you are an American War hero, and I recognize and appreciate that, it doesn't change the fact that you voted for and supported the war in Iraq."

That has been working for him, but will be failure in the election. I can think of plenty of McCain responses that will knock statements like that to ground and backfire on Obama.

I think you are deceiving yourself if you think that this would be an easy victory for Obama.

I also think you are deceiving yourself if you think Hillary is done. They are extremely close all over the country, including delegate counts.

The only reason why people is saying she is done is because the media is telling them she is done. "She is mathematically eliminated if A, B, or C happens." Yeah, ok. That's a load of BS.

The media loves Obama.

To count Clinton out would be foolish.

Remember, I don't support anyone, but you need stop believing in the propaganda campaign, and slow down the one of your own.

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Given that Hillary in the last debate stooped to the sleazy tactic of trying to create a perception of a cozy relationship between Louis Farrakhan and Barack Obama, I wonder what she and her supporters think about PA governor Ed Rendell's (one of her most outspoken PA supporters) 1997 praise of Louis Farrakhan.

Clinton surrogate/PA Gov. Ed Rendell praises Louis Farrakhan

In April 1997, Ed Rendell -- then the mayor of Philadelphia and currently the governor of Pennsylvania and a major Clinton surrogate -- delivered a passion-filled speech lauding the work of Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.

"I would like to thank the Nation of Islam here in Philadelphia," Rendell said to the crowd, as Farrakhan looked on approvingly. "To thank you for what you stand for and what you stand for all the good it does to so many people in Philadelphia. And if there is anybody out here... who doesn't know, this is a faith that has as its principles, the family. This is a faith that doesn't just talk about family values, it lives family values. This is a faith where men respect their women and children and they manifest that faith by staying in the home with them. This is a faith that doesn't just talk about being against drugs but is out there every single day and night fighting against drugs. This is a faith that just doesn't talk about the value of education, it imbues in their children and schools that education is the way to opportunity.


"There were many people," Rendell proclaimed, "who [said] we were running a great risk by sharing this platform with the National of Islam. But you know, I know and everyone here knows the terrible toll that racism has taken in our city. And we know that the real risk is not being able to talk about our differences and try and make progress. And if everyone cares about ending racism and I believe they do, if anyone cares they should have been here. They should have been ready to talk and they should have been read to listen."

*see the Rendell video here*


And I wonder how Clintonistas feel about the fact that..

Clinton Surrogate Ed Rendell Praises Fox News For "Most Objective," "Balanced" Coverage.

March 31, 2008: Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, a strong supporter and prominent surrogate of the Hillary Clinton campaign, appeared on Fox News' morning show "Fox & Friends" today and praised the network for its "objective" and "balanced" coverage.

"I think during this entire primary coverage, starting in Iowa and up to the present, Fox has done the fairest job, has remained the most objective of all the cable networks," Rendell told host Steve Doocy. "You actually have done a very balanced job of reporting the news, and some of the other stations are just caught up with Senator Obama, who is a great guy, but Senator Obama can do no wrong, and Senator Clinton can do no right."

*source: Politico.com*

Uhhh.. is something strange afoot at the The Circle K?




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