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People's knowledge of collocations and idoms.

Complete the second half of each phrase with the first word(s) that come to mind.

Please let me know if English is NOT your first language.

busy as a beaver

flat as a pancake

hard as :blush: err, a rock

sly as a fox

quick as a bunny

fits as I would actually say "fits like" a glove or "Fit as" a fiddle

happy as a clam

poor as a church mouse

hungry as a wolf

slow as molasses

old as dirt

dull as dirt (too)

drink like a fish

work like mad

live like there's no tomorrow

sing like a bird

fight like a junkyard dog

swim like a fish

cool as Jimmy Page... :)

pleased as punch

quite as nice

neat as a pin

sharp as a knife

strong as an ox

sober as a judge

clean as can be

stubborn as a mule

good as gold

blind as a bat

fat as yo' mamma :P

sleep like a log

eat like a horse

laugh like mad

run like the wind

shake like a tree

watch (someone) like a hawk

God what an awful collection of cliches... now there's a nice writing assignment, come up with responses to those that aren't so well known and boring...

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The assignment is to analyze the given data and to see if they make sense based on the idioms and collocations I know as an English speaker. She really only wants us to focus on poetic devices or repeated phonemic sounds within the answers.

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Allways willing to help out with research......here ya go

People's knowledge of collocations and idoms.

Complete the second half of each phrase with the first word(s) that come to mind.

Please let me know if English is NOT your first language.

busy as a bee

flat as a pancake

hard as nails

sly as a fox

quick as mustard

fits as a fiddle

happy as Larry

poor as a church mouse

hungry as a wolf

slow as mud

old as the hills

dull as dust

drink like a fish

work like a mad irishman (northern England expression)

live like a king

sing like a nightingale

fight like cat and dog

swim like a fish

cool as a cucumber

pleased as punch

quite as (Quiet?) a mouse

neat as a new pin

sharp as a knife

strong as an ox

sober as a judge

clean as a whistle

stubborn as a mule

good as gold

blind as a bat

fat as a pig

sleep like a log

eat like a horse

laugh like a drain

run like hell

shake like a leaf

watch (someone) like a hawk

Dont you need background info like age, education level etc otherwise all you can do is generate percentages.

Even with two or three general variables your data analysis would be so much more interesting, sorry this kind of stuff is my job.

Edited by Northern Monkey
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Allways willing to help out with research......here ya go

Dont you need background info like age, education level etc otherwise all you can do is generate percentages.

Even with two or three general variables your data analysis would be so much more interesting, sorry this kind of stuff is my job.

Finally...........facts!! :)

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busy as a bee

flat as pancake

hard as a rock

sly as a fox

quick as a whip

fits as liok a glove

happy as a pig in slop

poor as dirt

hungry asa bear

slow asmolasses

old asflint

dull as a butter knife

drink like a fish

work like a mule

live likeit is your last day

sing like a bird

fight like your lif depends upon it

swim like a fish

cool as a cocumber

pleased as a peanut

quite as

neat as a pin

sharp as tack

strong as an ox

sober as a church mouse

clean as as bristle

stubborn as a mule

good as gold

blind as a bat

fat as a pig

sleep like a baby

eat like it is going out of style

laugh like a hyena

run like deer

shake like leaf

watch (someone) like a hawk

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People's knowledge of collocations and idoms.

Complete the second half of each phrase with the first word(s) that come to mind.

Please let me know if English is NOT your first language.

busy as a bee

flat as a board

hard as a rock

sly as a fox

quick as a wink

fits as a glove

happy as a lark

poor as a church mouse

hungry as a bear

slow as shit

old as dirt

dull as dish water

drink like a fish

work like a horse

live like there's no tomorrow

sing like a bird

fight like cats

swim like a fish

cool as a cucumber

pleased as punch

quite as much

neat as a pin

sharp as a marble (contrary to sharp as a tack)

strong as an ox

sober as a cleric

clean as a whistle

stubborn as a mule

good as gold

blind as a bat

fat as a house

sleep like a baby

eat like a pig

laugh like school girl

run like the wind

shake like a leaf

watch (someone) like a hawk

hope this helps! good luck!!

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I collected my data for my project in the early afternoon yesterday. I'm sure my teacher would love to see the rest though.

I turned in my project today, and the assignment suggested that you try to get "at least one" other person beside myself to do it. It also asked that you get different age groups, different sexes of people, and as many different geographical regions across the country as possible. I got at least one person from every US region, a Canadian from the West, one from the East and one from the middle; and a few UK residents as well.

I did write in my report that I posted this on www.ledzeppelin.com and I explained the "old as Keith Richards" and "sing like Robert Plant," and "cool as Jimmy Page." She laughed and thought it was funny.

When I'm on the other computer, I'll post my report and my data where I broke it down by answers. Mainly, I just listed all of the different answers I received.

I am expecting a good grade since I got so much data and I analyzed all of it. I will let you guys know what she thinks about it all. I turned in about 20 sets of data, including mine and one of my friend's, my mom's, aunt's and grandmother's responses. I was worried she's be overwhelmed by it, but she was estatic to see a 30+ page packet plopped into her inbox, ROFL. I didn't think that part through--I'm an undergrad student whose major is English Education, not lingustics. She's got a bachelor's, a master's and a Ph.D. in linguistics. Linguistics is her life, LOL.

I'm editing this for the third time because I forgot to say THANK YOU to everyone to helped me out!

I really, really appreciate it, and when I have a few minutes, I will add answers I put in when I did the exercise myself. I'll also add all the data I compiled later on.

Edited by manderlyh
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People's knowledge of collocations and idoms.

Complete the second half of each phrase with the first word(s) that come to mind.

Please let me know if English is NOT your first language.

busy as bee

flat as pancake

hard as rock

sly as fox

quick as ? can be

fits as like a glove

happy as can be

poor as mouse

hungry as wolf

slow as turtle

old as the hills

dull as ?

drink like bottemless well

work like donkey

live like theres no tomorrow

sing like ? a dove

fight like bull?

swim like fish

cool as a cucumber

pleased as can be?

quite as you must mean quiet as a mouse

neat as pin

sharp as tack

strong as an ox

sober as ?hmmmm

clean as ?

stubborn as a mule

good as gold

blind as a bat

fat as a cow?

sleep like a log

eat like pig

laugh like a hyena

run like the wind--or as my friend would see like all they see is the stripe of my nike

shake like ? california--the shaky state

watch (someone) like a hawk

dang again I should have read the other pages and I'd a known you wee done already...I didn't read cause I wanted it to be genuinly what came to my mind..not what I read already. ohhhh welll was fun anyway

Edited by katydidgood
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I was serious on the ones I knew, but I was an ass on the rest of them. You know me! :P Hope I help anyway.

busy as a bee

flat as a pancake

hard as a rock

sly as a fox

quick as a cat

fits as (it took me too long to think of anything, so I'll leave this blank :P)

happy as Tom Cruise?

poor as a college student?

hungry as a hippo

slow as a turtle

old as dirt

dull as Al Gore?

drink like a camel

work like a bee

live like there's no tomorrow

sing like no one's listening

fight like a brave

swim like a fish

cool as a cucumber

pleased as (took me too long again haha)

quite as (is that quiet? if so a mouse)

neat as a pin

sharp as a tack

strong as a horse

sober as a Mormon?

clean as a whistle

stubborn as a mule

good as the Plant bulge

blind as a bat

fat as a cat

sleep like a baby

eat like a horse

laugh like Tom Cruise?

run like Katie Holmes?

shake like a rattle

watch (someone) like a hawk

Edit: And I already knew Mandy was done, but she told me I should fill it out anyway, so I did. I'm so bored at work right now...

Edited by BonzoEqualsGoodStuff
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I was serious on the ones I knew, but I was an ass on the rest of them. You know me! :P Hope I help anyway.

busy as a bee

flat as a pancake

hard as a rock

sly as a fox

quick as a cat

fits as (it took me too long to think of anything, so I'll leave this blank :P)

happy as Tom Cruise?

poor as a college student?

hungry as a hippo

slow as a turtle

old as dirt

dull as Al Gore?

drink like a camel

work like a bee

live like there's no tomorrow

sing like no one's listening

fight like a brave

swim like a fish

cool as a cucumber

pleased as (took me too long again haha)

quite as (is that quiet? if so a mouse)

neat as a pin

sharp as a tack

strong as a horse

sober as a Mormon?

clean as a whistle

stubborn as a mule

good as the Plant bulge

blind as a bat

fat as a cat

sleep like a baby

eat like a horse

laugh like Tom Cruise?

run like Katie Holmes?

shake like a rattle

watch (someone) like a hawk

Some form of wichcraft i see. :DB)

have you ever seen a hawk guide in a storm? pretty intense.

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People's knowledge of collocations and idoms.

Complete the second half of each phrase with the first word(s) that come to mind.

Please let me know if English is NOT your first language.

busy as a bee

flat as a pancake

hard as nails

sly as a fox

quick as a flash

fits as (I'd say "fits like a glove")

happy as Larry (or more colloquially, a pig in poo!)

poor as a church mouse

hungry as ?

slow as ?

old as the hills (or Methuselah)

dull as ditchwater

drink like a fish

work like a dog

live like a king

sing like a bird

fight like cat and dog

swim like a fish

cool as a cucumber

pleased as Punch

quite as (should this be "quiet as"? If so, I'd say as a mouse)

neat as a new pin

sharp as a knife

strong as an ox

sober as a judge

clean as a whistle

stubborn as a mule

good as gold

blind as a bat

fat as a pig

sleep like a log (or a top, or a baby)

eat like a horse

laugh like a drain

run like the wind

shake like a leaf

watch (someone) like a hawk

English is my first language, and I am English! :D

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People's knowledge of collocations and idoms.

Complete the second half of each phrase with the first word(s) that come to mind.

Please let me know if English is NOT your first language.

busy as a bee

flat as a board

hard as a rock

sly as a fox

quick as wink

fits as a glove

happy as a clam

poor as a church mouse

hungry as a bear

slow as mollassis (in January)

old as dirt

dull as dishwater

drink like a fish

work like a dog

live like a king

sing like an angel

fight like cats and dogs

swim like a fish

cool as a cucumber

pleased as punch

quite as a mouse

neat as a pin

sharp as a marble

strong as an ox

sober as a judge

clean as a whistle

stubborn as a mule

good as new

blind as a bat

fat as

sleep like a baby

eat like a pig

laugh like children

run like the wind

shake like

watch (someone) like a hawk

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Awesome that you're studying linguistics, that's what I want to do next year. We've just been doing the exact same thing in my Year 12 English Language class. Funfun! I live in Australia, by the way.

busy as a bee

flat as a pancake

hard as rock

sly as (no idea)

quick as a flash

fits as (?)

happy as a pig in shit (or muck, if I'm not allowed to swear)

poor as (?)

hungry as (?)

slow as a snail

old as time

dull as dishwater

drink like a fish

work like a dog

live like the wind

sing like a bird

fight like (?)

swim like a fish

cool as a cucumber

pleased as Punch

quite as

neat as (?)

sharp as a tack

strong as a bull

sober as (?)

clean as a whistle

stubborn as a bull

good as gold

blind as a bat

fat as fuck (LOL, sorry)

sleep like a log

eat like a pig

laugh like a hyena

run like the wind

shake like a willow tree (I'm serious, sorry)

watch (someone) like a hawk

Crrrrrrrrrrrrrap. I didn't read any of the other posts either. Trust me to do that. Sounds like it went well, anyway.

"Old as Keith Richards". I'm gonna use that.

Edited by Mrs. Wisty
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busy as a bee

flat as a board

hard as a rock

sly as a fox

quick as a wink

fits as

happy as a clam

poor as

hungry as a wolf

slow as a fat lady in a cactus patch

old as dirt

dull as

drink like a drain

work like a dog

live like a king

sing like a dove

fight like a tiger

swim like a fish

cool as a cucumber

pleased as a peach

quite as a mouse

neat as

sharp as a blade

strong as an ox

sober as

clean as

stubborn as an ass

good as gold

blind as a bat

fat as idk

sleep like a log

eat like a horse

laugh like a drunk

run like the wind

shake like a polariod picture

watch (someone) like a hawk

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People's knowledge of collocations and idoms.

Complete the second half of each phrase with the first word(s) that come to mind.

Please let me know if English is NOT your first language.

Ha - Ha! you should have asked my Grandmother because she was full of idioms and sayings.

busy as - a bee

flat as- a pancake

hard as- rock

sly as - fox

quick as - a wink

fits as - a fiddle or "fits like a glove"

happy as - a clam

poor as - a church mouse

hungry as - as a bear

slow as - molasses in January

old as- Methusela

dull as - a butter knife

drink like - a fish

work like - the devil

live like - as a king

sing like - a bird

fight like - cats and dogs

swim like - a fish

cool as - a cucumber

pleased as - punch

quite as - (if you meant quiet)... as a mouse

neat as - a pin

sharp as - a tack

strong as - an ox

sober as - a judge

clean as - a whistle

stubborn as - a mule

good as - gold

blind as - a bat

fat as - a cow

sleep like - a baby

eat like - a horse

laugh like - a fool

run like - the wind

shake like - a leaf

watch (someone) like - a hawk

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