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Keith Richards, and marijuana.


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I have come across a jerk or two, and saw it mentioned here once innocently, that Keith Richards has turned totally anti-drug. I always suspected this was not the truth:

UK: Keith Richards Admits He Smokes Weed 'All the Time'


27 straight major drug policy studies done over a century recommend decriminalization of marijuana possession. All of them.

Yeah, I listen to Zeppelin, and I toke. Crusaders need only monitor their own behavior. If you will not put me in a cage for smoking a joint, I will not advocate cutting off you heads at the guillotine for witch hunting.


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I have come across a jerk or two, and saw it mentioned here once innocently, that Keith Richards has turned totally anti-drug. I always suspected this was not the truth:

UK: Keith Richards Admits He Smokes Weed 'All the Time'


27 straight major drug policy studies done over a century recommend decriminalization of marijuana possession. All of them.

Yeah, I listen to Zeppelin, and I toke. Crusaders need only monitor their own behavior. If you will not put me in a cage for smoking a joint, I will not advocate cutting off you heads at the guillotine for witch hunting.


What a hypocrite! Keith Richards just needs to shut the f**k up!

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What a hypocrite! Keith Richards just needs to shut the f**k up!

I see no contradiction here. I'm no expert but clinically narcotics seem to be much more harmful than marijuana. The risk of dependency and overdose is much higher. Who ever heard of somebody overdosing on Mary Jane? Marijuana might be habitual but I dont think that habit is the same as addiction.

Its no different from someone who only drinks wine or beer but eschews the hard liquors.

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Keith Richards can say what he pleases.

Memory loss in common in his age group. :lol:

He damn near died after his fall, give the rocker a break.

:lol: 'Struth... er, what were we talking about?

pot is probably like taking an aspirin a day for -keith richards.

No kidding. :D

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I have come across a jerk or two, and saw it mentioned here once innocently, that Keith Richards has turned totally anti-drug. I always suspected this was not the truth:

UK: Keith Richards Admits He Smokes Weed 'All the Time'


27 straight major drug policy studies done over a century recommend decriminalization of marijuana possession. All of them.

Yeah, I listen to Zeppelin, and I toke. Crusaders need only monitor their own behavior. If you will not put me in a cage for smoking a joint, I will not advocate cutting off you heads at the guillotine for witch hunting.


this guy seriously needs to die. I don't like Keith Richards he doesn't show Zeppelin, a better band respect. and its disrespectful to his father by snorting his ashes. he needs to die. he looks like a fucking zombie and will probably die of something related to drugs or drinking.

Edited by JimmyPageZoSo56
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this guy seriously needs to die. I don't like Keith Richards he doesn't show Zeppelin, a better band respect. and its disrespectful to his father by snorting his ashes. he needs to die. he looks like a fucking zombie and will probably die of something related to drugs or drinking.

Wow what a disgusting post.

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pot never killed anyone. the only reason it is illegal (at least in the US) is because the alcohol companies push congress to keep it illegal because they don't want to lose any profit. end of story. and keith richards can do whatever he wants.

I think the marijuana "industry" makes more money than the alcohol industry does.

For sure!

this guy seriously needs to die. I don't like Keith Richards he doesn't show Zeppelin, a better band respect. and its disrespectful to his father by snorting his ashes. he needs to die. he looks like a fucking zombie and will probably die of something related to drugs or drinking.

That is quite distasteful. Why would you say that anyone needs to die?


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I think the marijuana "industry" makes more money than the alcohol industry does.

For sure!

That is quite distasteful. Why would you say that anyone needs to die?


because he's an asshole.

you don't snort your fathers ashes!

I am sorry if you Rolling Stones fans are upset with me, I apologize.

I shouldn't have said it and yes Knebby, it was a disgusting post. I am just upset that he is a hypocrite and because he snorted his father's ashes. You don't do that to a family member. I can't think of anyone that would do that. I don't care that he smokes dope, cuz I know people that have and as well as my... yea, you get it, Anyway, I think a lot of others here have; it's not a big deal. Just his actions bother me. So once again, I am deeply sorry.

Edited by JimmyPageZoSo56
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I have no problem with Keith or his choices, I do have a problem with anti-drug crusaders misusing

his life as an argument tool. I actually do not think what he puts in his mouth is really any of my business.

As for the whys of prohibition, marijuana is illegal mainly because of racist tendencies

and middle class mommie paranoia, i.e. the parents group movement. The history is clear:

The History of the Marijuana Laws


The Forbidden Fruit and the Tree of Knowledge: An Inquiry into the Legal History of American Marijuana Prohibition


I suppose, after ten years of hearing political opponents point to Keith as a zero tolerance lifestyle example, when I suspected strongly he toked all the way through... ha. The truth is the truth. I did see some idiot on another thread I posted here spouting zero tolerance nonsense, and it offended me.

I could wax about Carl Jung and his theories for why musicians tend to prefer to intoxicate (a craving for enhanced sensation), but really, who cares... I seem to recall a pipe of Leonardo DaVinci's was found to have THC residue in it...

I will not have to hear about good 'ole Keith again, not in that context. I like hearing him verbally spar with Robert, at least there is still some ball in the bull left. Big egos like to talk, and they both have enormous

egos, with a touch of vanity to boot.

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