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"Ignore User" function


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I really like this option. :) I've blocked 5 people* so far and I'll be happy to block more if necessary.

Let me explain: It's not that there's a lot of terribly awful peeps on here who offend me to the extreme or whose posts are completely worthless. It's just that some people's posts seem to bring out the worst in me and I know I'll pick a fight if I comment. Like in real life I don't want to mingle with some people and that's where the "ignore user" function comes in handy. Silly? Maybe. An overreaction? You bet. But it helps me enjoy this board.

Do you ignore people? Would you ever? And if so, what would it take for somebody to land themselves on your ignore list?

*) An updated list will be available upon request. Inquire within. :)

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Personally, I would never use it... I like to see and hear opinions from all different angels and perspectives and I can only see it as a help to me to gain knowledge. Closing myself off, just so I can dance around merrily in my own little bubble, where no one angers or provokes various emotions from me just doesn't seem to sit right...

If someone makes me feel like I want to really argue something or challenge something it's just a show of passion from both sides, which I don't think should necessarily be suppressed... B)

(That's a very long-winded explanation, I know.. :whistling: )

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I wouldn't use it, either. To me, it's something that in theory, would be nice to be able to enact, but realistically, I think it's kind of childish. (Sorry, Fuzzy, I'm not trying to be mean--if you haven't put me on your ignore user list, this may offend you. B) ) When I see posts I don't think are worthwhile, I just don't reply to them--unless I see posts that are ridiculously a waste of everyone's time--then I do say something.

But meanwhile, same goes with those threads we've been talking about--I simply ignore them, even if they irritate me.

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Personally, I would never use it... I like to see and hear opinions from all different angels and perspectives and I can only see it as a help to me to gain knowledge. Closing myself off, just so I can dance around merrily in my own little bubble, where no one angers or provokes various emotions from me just doesn't seem to sit right...

If someone makes me feel like I want to really argue something or challenge something it's just a show of passion from both sides, which I don't think should necessarily be suppressed... B)

(That's a very long-winded explanation, I know.. :whistling: )

I think your right when you say it shows a passion from both sides, we are all pasionate about what we say. I think also that when someone challenges your post or vice versa it can sometimes make you re think about their opinion and can often make you rethink about your point ! then get common ground. Fierce debate is good !! ROARRRR !!

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I don't need an ignore "function" to be able to ignore someone. If I

don't want to read someone's posts, I simply don't read their posts.

..kinda like I choose to ignore a lot of threads even

though there's no "ignore thread" function, ya know?


so.. uhh.. fuzzy,..


..who are the five?


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I don't need an ignore "function" to be able to ignore someone. If I

don't want to read someone's posts, I simply don't read their posts.

..kinda like I choose to ignore a lot of threads even

though there's no "ignore thread" function, ya know?


so.. uhh.. fuzzy,..


..who are the five?


If you don't get an answer... You may be one of them! :lol:

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I'll just reply to the one post since that should address all the points raised so far.

I wouldn't use it, either. To me, it's something that in theory, would be nice to be able to enact, but realistically, I think it's kind of childish. (Sorry, Fuzzy, I'm not trying to be mean--if you haven't put me on your ignore user list, this may offend you. B) )

I should have clarified this before: It's not single posts that put me off as much as certain attitudes. It's not about whether I agree with an opinion or not - that's a matter of debate - but whether I feel that I can actually debate with a person based on the way they present their opinion (or themselves) in their posts. I don't have a problem with you at all, you come across as a warm, caring, friendly person, i.e. somebody I enjoy talking to even if our opinions differ. I'm not saying that people I choose to ignore are in some way "bad" either. It's just a matter of personal preference.

When I see posts I don't think are worthwhile, I just don't reply to them

What if you see posts that rile you up but you know replying to them would be a waste of time?

--unless I see posts that are ridiculously a waste of everyone's time--then I do say something. But meanwhile, same goes with those threads we've been talking about--I simply ignore them, even if they irritate me.

That's the next point. I've been sorely tempted to say something rather caustic on several occasions, always in reply to the same poster, simply because their posts seemed like a major waste of time to me. But I reckon they got as much of a right to post here what they think is funny or interesting as I do. I ignore threads that I don't want to read - and the ignore function helps me to ignore posters whose posts I don't want to read. IMO things are a lot easier that way.

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I can see your point. It's definitely a logical approach and I'd imagine it would make things a much more pleasant experience in the long run..

I feel the same way you've described on threads sometimes... You get so riled that you want to say your piece, but at the same time you think to yourself, "It's just going to make me feel even angrier if I get embroiled in this..."

To summarise.. Yes, it's a perfectly logical idea, depending on your approach to the board. B)

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I can see your point. It's definitely a logical approach and I'd imagine it would make things a much more pleasant experience in the long run..

I feel the same way you've described on threads sometimes... You get so riled that you want to say your piece, but at the same time you think to yourself, "It's just going to make me feel even angrier if I get embroiled in this..."

To summarise.. Yes, it's a perfectly logical idea, depending on your approach to the board. B)

Thanks. Right now I'm basically just trying to figure out whether it works for me - that's why I'd like to know whether it works for other people. It sure seems like a cop out in some ways. :)

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I think it is nice to hear everyone s view, and not just what you want to hear.

Sometimes I'm not interested in what a group of people or one person has to say, because I already know what they're going to say and I either don't agree with it or don't like it. There's no rule that says I must read every nugget of information that each poster here puts forth. In fact, if I'm on peoples' ignore lists......I'm happy. If they don't want to read what I say, they're well within their rights to want to do that.

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Sometimes I'm not interested in what a group of people or one person has to say, because I already know what they're going to say and I either don't agree with it or don't like it. There's no rule that says I must read every nugget of information that each poster here puts forth. In fact, if I'm on peoples' ignore lists......I'm happy. If they don't want to read what I say, they're well within their rights to want to do that.

Come to think of it. This is actually a great function because then people can talk behind other people's backs without them knowing what is being said.

Like right now --


Peter Grant, Led Zeppelin Manager

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I think it's stupid. I'm perfectly capable of ignoring posts/people on my own. I don't like quite a few people on the forums, but as has been said it's nice to get their opinions on things...sometimes. I think it should be fair, so people should be told when they're being ignored and who by B). That way they don't have to waste their time responding to something their ignorer posted and could "retaliate" if they so chose to. It only makes sense. I doubt that is the situation, but I'm not sure I would know.

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I think it's stupid. I'm perfectly capable of ignoring posts/people on my own. I don't like quite a few people on the forums, but as has been said it's nice to get their opinions on things...sometimes. I think it should be fair, so people should be told when they're being ignored and who by B). That way they don't have to waste their time responding to something their ignorer posted and could "retaliate" if they so chose to. It only makes sense. I doubt that is the situation, but I'm not sure I would know.

Good points

It's called "alternate reality" if you aren't made aware of things that bother you... then they don't really happen.

I can understand the block function on PM's and emails. But to set up your 'reality function' to filter out what is being said in an open forum is pretty lame and pathetic. And of course that it the general consensus already in this thread. Lame, pathetic and very sad. An indication that someone may not really be coping well with the realities of everday life.

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I'm wonderin' who everyone's blocking now. :lol:

I totally ignored the "ignore user" feature until I read this thread. :lol:

Fuzzy--if I know that replying to a post that is really "getting to me" is useless, I just don't do it. There are a few posters on this board (and a lot on the old board) that do get on my nerves sometimes, (more than not), but every once in a while, every once in a teeny, weeny while, they have things that I am interested in reading. That's why I am not using the ignore feature.

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