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I am currently a Senior Systems Analyst. I help support a HR/Payroll system running on SAP software. 18 years in the computer industry.

Former lives.....Accounting for about 8 years, Real Estate(new construction sales) for about 4 years. Real Estate stories provided on request.

Almost 31 years out of college, so the numbers seem to add up.

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Union Pipefitter. Because of my job, I was on top of the Sears Tower doing a helicopter lift, in a nuclear power plant, a steel mill, an Oil refinery, Fermi lab, Argonne Natl. Laboratory, and a waste water treatment plant. Yeah, a grocery store and an ice rink.

I used to fix TV's.

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off and on with one of my stepfathers installing computer systems security systems and telephone systems. we've wired houses for electricity on the side too. we smoke weed pop pills and listen to rush between destinations. him moreso.

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we've wired houses for electricity on the side too. we smoke weed pop pills and listen to rush between destinations.

:lol::lol: Lucky I am not one of those owners of the houses you guys wire for electricity after your "recreational time" between destinations.... :lol::lol::lol:

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I'm a film-maker - features, shorts, TV etc

Pretty interesting, Cactus.. B)

Have you ever thought... if you had been asked to make a movie on LZ who would you choose as actors to star as the band's members, how would you tell their story, which songs to be played on the movie soundtrack, etc? :)

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Pretty interesting, Cactus.. B)

Have you ever thought... if you had been asked to make a movie on LZ who would you choose as actors to star as the band's members, how would you tell their story, which songs to be played on the movie soundtrack, etc? :)

Yes and I have made preliminary enquiries regarding rights and various things...

How to tell the story? Not sure, but I think there is a pretty strong 3 act structure to the band's history - Act 1 formation of the band, they become very popular and very big, Act 1 ends with the car accident with Robert Maureen and Scarlet etc, where their money is a good force, as it allows them to pay for aeroplanes etc. Without the money, she would have died. Act 2 ends with the Oakland incident and Karac's death (the massive scale of the band, with unsavoury types such as Bindon begins to be a burden - they got too big. And for what - no ammount of fame or money can bring back Karac. Why don't Jimmy and JPJ go to the funeral? We see the bond between JB & RP, mates from before the band started and mates to the end). Act 3 ends with the death of Bonham. Roll Credits.

That's very rough of course....cast? I havn't given it a lot of thought, but I recently saw Grand Theft Parsons and think Johnny Knoxville would make a good Richard Cole.

What would be absolutely unreal is getting access to the band and those who were close to them, to set the record straight on some things and get some fresh information no-one else has. How do you convince them to do that? Who knows???!!

The most important aspect of a Zeppelin film is securing the music rights and therefore the blessings of the band. Without the music there is no way you could do it, and no point in doing it. How would you use the music? Of course there would be on-stage moments, but how much I don't know. The music would be loosely chronological, the music reflecting what is going on in their lives.

One day I hope to see the Led Zeppelin film. Whether I will be involved in it is another matter....

Edit: I should add that with the recent sales figures for Zeppelin releases, and the press reaction to the reunion show, I don't think you would have trouble getting the Zeppelin story financed by a big studio, provided you could find the right script/writer. If Cameron Crowe decided to do it (doubtful) it would definitely get made.

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I will be working in a proffesion... I want to be a musican (flautist)...

I was playing the flute since I was 8. And since then I'm going

to the Music School. Now, I'm in the 3'rd class on the 2'nd degree...

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I am pretty much unemployed right now, even though I have three jobs.

1. I am a checker at a grocery store 2 times a week unless I have something to do with school going on.

2. I work in my school's writing center about 10 hours a week as a writing consultant.

3. I am a student at Boise State University--16 credits this semester--and I'm student teaching at a junior high school. (I have a stack of literary analysis essays in front of me right now--I read an essay, grade it, I hit F5 on .com...good arrangement, LOL.)

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I'm a graphic artist.

I work on an army base and layout/design a monthly magazine.

I'm also the photographer, and although I still consider myself a hack, I've learned a lot about photography and take very passable pics.

But photoshop is my passion.

I just got back from a 4-day photoshop conference in Orlando - mind-blowing.

So yeah, I get paid to photoshop - life is good.

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I'm a soldier, but won't be for long. Beyond that, I am not sure what I'll do.

Too many interests, too capable, and too indecisive. What do I do?

Maybe I'll spend some time living under a bridge.

Well other than porn, retail sales is most financially rewarding career and real-estate has created the most wealth in America.

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Well other than porn, retail sales is most financially rewarding career and real-estate has created the most wealth in America.

I dunno, I think DRUNK would be perfect for a career in porn.


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