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The Platform above and Dining facility below


The Boat Landing with Swing Ropes to Swing like Tarzan to get on and off by Boat not used out here much. Use them quite a bit on shelf Platforms.


Another picture of our Galley


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One of our Lifeboats on a test run


Our Hallway our rooms are up and down usually we have two to a room one works night one works days so on your off time you have your room to yourself.


One of our backup Control Rooms


The Production Deck being lifted at the shipyard .We had several decks this size placed on top of the Hull once it was placed in the Gulf.The Pipe rack,The Drill deck,Utility deck,production deck, Deck 10


The Hull heading out of Corpus Christie TX on its way to be set in the water

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Great photos Al. I don't think I'll be visiting you at work though. :o Has anyone ever fallen "overboard" or been swept away? :o

Not here but yes that has happened. There are many hazards in the industrial enviorment and offshore has that plus a few more.

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I'm a registered nurse. My actual job is Chief Nursing Officer. List of jobs before college range from waitress to international telephone operator. I think the most interesting job that I've had was college professor. Unfortunately, professors don't make much money as a rule, at least not in the area where I was located. My favorite job was working with children.


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:rolleyes: I joined Her Majesty's Civil service on a six-month contract .... that was in 1991 !

I've been with the department ever since, in fact on 24th june it will be my 17th 'anniversary'.

What is HM Civil service? Is it similar to a medical corps service contract?

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The Hull heading out of Corpus Christie TX on its way to be set in the water

Question. what is this in the oil process...i see drill, or anchoring lines...does this piece go in the ocean floor or what? How is this floating and being barged like that...is it capped? i see no floatation going on...amazing.

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I'm a Public Servant. Civil Servant to those in the U.K. Typing my life away. Not too bad really. Formally in the Telecommunications Industry for for 18 years until made redundant late last year. On the side I write poetry and am also a singer in a (just beginning) three piece band called "Dry Argument" I've only just "discovered" the absolute joys of Led Zeppelin in the last few years and loooooooooove the Blues. Got the blues right now... Kidding. :)

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Well NBC 's Dateline is comming to My Platform in the Gulf to do a Special.We were featured on Really Big Things earlier this Year .Then on local news in Lafayette LA now Dateline.The Oil Buisness is getting real popular.

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Well NBC 's Dateline is comming to My Platform in the Gulf to do a Special.We were featured on Really Big Things earlier this Year .Then on local news in Lafayette LA now Dateline.The Oil Buisness is getting real popular.

Well if You watched NBC Today Show or NBC Nightly News or CNBC today they featured the Genesis Production Platform.I was misinformed about the Dateline thing.I actually spent the last two days helping the camera crew .This is a new thing for Me and I love doing new things hope to have some pictures soon Janet Shaliman is supposed to send Me some.

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Just a Mechanical Engineer here.. dorky, I know, but I'm fresh out of college and make $52k a year working for Bosch, so can't complain! <insert the thumbs up emoticon here since I can't figure out how to make it>

(And thank god too.., I'm just a measley $100k in debt from college)

If only traction control and ABS was as cool/interesting as Led Zeppelin. <insert sad emoticon here, see above>

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Just a Mechanical Engineer here.. dorky, I know, but I'm fresh out of college and make $52k a year working for Bosch, so can't complain! <insert the thumbs up emoticon here since I can't figure out how to make it>

(And thank god too.., I'm just a measley $100k in debt from college)

If only traction control and ABS was as cool/interesting as Led Zeppelin. <insert sad emoticon here, see above>

ahhhh typical engineer... :lol:

...here's a hint...click on it...

...here's another hint...insert gum,left, chomp, right, chomp, left, chomp, right, chomp...

(sorry, i couldn't resist, as i am married to one of these types)

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ahhhh typical engineer... :lol:

...here's a hint...click on it...

...here's another hint...insert gum,left, chomp, right, chomp, left, chomp, right, chomp...

(sorry, i couldn't resist, as i am married to one of these types)

Sounds simple yes.., but you forgot 'REMOVE GUM FROM WRAPPER'. Thank god I don't have any cavities otherwise it would've been agonizing...

McDonalds tried skipping steps like that once. The results? Someone spilled hot coffee on themselves and McDonalds got themselves a lawsuit.

Engineering Code of Ethics - Page 1: Safety shall be at the forefront of design.

As for the smileys... I don't know what happened but I don't have anything to click... same goes for the formatting toolbar... it disappeard on me <insert mad face here>

P.S., not lol'ing @ "these types"... Grrr. Sorry, lol.

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