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Phrases that make your blood boil.


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I've heard my kids friends say "all the sudden" instead of "all of a sudden". I always want to scream when I hear that.

Or "For all intensive purposes". When people say stuff like that you can tell they aren't deep thinkers who have considered the meanings or language. I guess it's just education...

Could someone please tell me what "woot," means? I keep seeing it and nobody agrees on the meaning of this little word.

Me and my mates make fun of it because it's such a lame thing to say, but if something good happens you would yell, "woot".

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Lemme aks you a question. What is this thread about again?

You know, the words ask being turned into aks is called metathesis. It's a common thing for people to do--like say hangrbur instead of hamburger.

I hate it when poeple use the word "retarded." It's like, seriously? Would you call someone "retarded" in front of someone who has a mental impairment? Then why use it here.

Same with people who say something is "gay," or call someone a "fag" because they're being stupid.



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"You know what I mean?"

It's fine if used sparingly, but jeez, some people use it at the end of every sentence, you know what I mean? It gets annoying really fast, you know what I mean?

My aunt does that. My mom said that in a twenty minute conversation, she counted how many times she said "you know what I mean?" and it came to over fifty! :lol:

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When I lived in the south, many things said made my blood....boil.

The one that really got to me was:

DO WHAT? instead of, "excuse me?"

I told my girlfriend if she said it one more time..... :rant: , because she was a New Yorker.....fer f's sake! :lol:

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When I lived in the south, many things said made my blood....boil.

The one that really got to me was:

DO WHAT? instead of, "excuse me?"

I told my girlfriend if she said it one more time..... :rant: , because she was a New Yorker.....fer f's sake! :lol:

One I've heard a couple of times is "I just must not set my mouth right" or something like that. I know what it means, but it still makes no sense :blink:

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When someone says he or she is, "such a nice person" about just about anyone they know or worse yet, someone I don't like.

I'll reply by saying; "Oh, everybody is."

If the best thing that can be said about someone is that they are a nice person, they a probably boring or they are a little too nice, if you know what I mean. Suspiciously nice.

Or someone who "has their heart in the right place," when really they are being a nosy busybody or being pushy and insensitive.

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I hate it when someone uses "uh" or "um" in real life, and on the net.

I hate it when someone uses wot. What is such a long word, we have to shorten it to wot? <_<

People who use 'wot' look like idiots.

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Or what about "six one, half dozen?"

My boyfriend says that all of the time! I think it's a Southern thing, but I've never heard anyone from the south but him say that!


Funny! I had never heard such weird sayings as when I lived in NC. Things about crows and pigs and snuff... :blink:

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Or what about "six one, half dozen?"

My boyfriend says that all of the time! I think it's a Southern thing, but I've never heard anyone from the south but him say that!


It's "six of one, half-dozen of the other"

In other words, the end result is the same.

I say it pretty often.

But then, I'm down here in "Jaw-ja"

Back on thread...

I hate "irregardless" – it's such a pompous non-word.

"Are you serious?"

No, of course I'm not serious. I just fabricated that entire anecdote for your amusement.

The newest idiot phrase (although I've been guilty of using it in a pinch when I'm not interested enough to give a well thought-out reply... lolo)

"It is what it is"

Wow. Did you come to that conclusion on your own or did you get some help?

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I've heard my kids friends say "all the sudden" instead of "all of a sudden". I always want to scream when I hear that.

I saw this little punk on Maury Povich and he said something like: 'Well, supposesubly she said I hit her!'


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  • 9 years later...

When drunks say: AM I RIGHT???

Football cliches are also damned annoying.

They have to establish their running game. (No walking, please)

They have to stop the big play. (But let the little plays through)

They need to dominate the line of scrimmage. (With whips and leather)

They have to pound it out on the ground. (LIke the civil war drummer boys)

They need to air it out more. (We can smell it in the stands)

They have to open up the passing lanes. (Especially in L.A.)

They have to take care of the football. (What, by not kicking it?)

They should just go out and execute. (Too late for Charles Manson)

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