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Phrases that make your blood boil.


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"You can't have your cake and eat it too"........Hmm...What exactly did you think my plans were for that cake ?

"Have a good one !"........:wacko:    The possibilities are endless, but I'm single, so I usually think dirty thoughts.

"Let sleeping dogs lie".......Not on my couch !

"Be careful what you ask for....you might get it."   Mind if we worry about that angle AFTER my twisted and selfish wish is granted ?

"You opened a can of worms"......Usually said by someone who's never been fishing in their lives.  You can tell because worms never come in cans.




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11 hours ago, Bong-Man said:

"You opened a can of worms"......Usually said by someone who's never been fishing in their lives.  You can tell because worms never come in cans.




Nightcrawlers come in cardboard cups.

When chicana's say: Cuz it's like, you know! 

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16 hours ago, IpMan said:

Fake News

I mean, c'mon, can't these clowns come up with something original? After all, both Hitler and Stalin used this exact phrase over and over again. Only idiots and morons take such silly bait.

Well, when we read CRAP like this:


Melania Trump Orders Removal of Near-200-Year-Old Tree From White House

Sydney Pereira
NewsweekDecember 26, 2017

Update | The historic Jackson Magnolia has been on the south facade of the White House since the 1800s—making it the oldest on the grounds. But Tuesday, Melania Trump reportedly made the decision to have it removed after tree specialists determined “the overall architecture and structure of the tree is greatly compromised,” reported CNN.

CNN obtained documents from specialists at the United States National Arboretum, which determined the magnolia tree must be removed. The tree is “completely dependent on artificial support,” the document read.

The document said, “Without the extensive cabling system, the tree would have fallen years ago. Presently, and very concerning, the cabling system is failing on the east trunk, as a cable has pulled through the very thin layer of wood that remains. It is difficult to predict when and how many more will fail.”

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6 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

Well, when we read CRAP like this:


Melania Trump Orders Removal of Near-200-Year-Old Tree From White House

Sydney Pereira
NewsweekDecember 26, 2017

Update | The historic Jackson Magnolia has been on the south facade of the White House since the 1800s—making it the oldest on the grounds. But Tuesday, Melania Trump reportedly made the decision to have it removed after tree specialists determined “the overall architecture and structure of the tree is greatly compromised,” reported CNN.

CNN obtained documents from specialists at the United States National Arboretum, which determined the magnolia tree must be removed. The tree is “completely dependent on artificial support,” the document read.

The document said, “Without the extensive cabling system, the tree would have fallen years ago. Presently, and very concerning, the cabling system is failing on the east trunk, as a cable has pulled through the very thin layer of wood that remains. It is difficult to predict when and how many more will fail.”

That is quite the phrase. Not an english major I gather?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I HATE "business buzzword bullshit"! They are just trying to sound like they know what they are talking about!

For example: "At the end of the day...", just say "the result will be..."

or "Going forward" instead of "in the future" or "from now on".

Invent your own meaningless buzz phrases here: Corporate BS generator

Edited by chef free
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oh man, speaking of business speak...

EVERYTHING is now an acronym. It kills me. I have a hard enough time with songs on this forum that are sometimes compressed to the initials. My job now is constantly deciphering these damn acronyms.


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1 hour ago, rm2551 said:

oh man, speaking of business speak...

EVERYTHING is now an acronym. It kills me. I have a hard enough time with songs on this forum that are sometimes compressed to the initials. My job now is constantly deciphering these damn acronyms.


TBH...LOL :drumz:

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On 1/11/2018 at 2:53 PM, greengrass said:

Ive always hated this, introducing a band as The  Led Zeppelin or The  Black Sabbath or The whatereverthefukc . The Who lol

that sound like a midwestern thing. My aunt in Wisconsin will always say things like " I went to the Walmart" even when it isnt a specific one. Or she will say, "did you see I Love Lucy on the TV?" 

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  • 5 months later...

One that is used frequently by Liverpudlians (heard mainly on local radio phone in's) is "I'm made up", it drives me nuts. Please just say something like "I'm really pleased" or "I'm thrilled", but "I'm made up", do me a favour, go and jump in the Mersey.

Edited by JTM
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  • 4 weeks later...

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