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Ok, everybody has their fav band members and everyone loves Page, plant and talks about Bonzo and how he was the greatest drummer you know and all that but don't you think that JPJ is getting a bit ignored i mean he was also a great bassist at the time that LZ started and was 2nd to jimmy but no one really talks about him.

i just want to know if anyone else feels the same way about this or if you couldn't give a monkeys about it.

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He sucks......naa I'm kidding he is great. He came up with some great bass tones and great riffs - GTBT, Black Dog!!. His bass on ALS is amazing. His work on keys gave the music a texture it would otherwise have lacked. He was great and an equal member of the band - not just some bass player.

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Frankly, I don't think most Led Zep fans could care he was even in the band. All anyone ever gives a shit about is Plant and Page, which I guess is only to be expected as they were in the spotlight more.

People who are bassists or really into the music are very aware of JPJ and his contribution, but people who are just into the glamour or the teeny idol worship just focis on Plant, or Page.

It's very self-evident on this forum with countless threads along the lines of "Hottest Robert Plant Pants" or "cutest Robert Plant smile" or "sexiest Jimmy period" or "Best Robert Plant Shirley Temple-style hair do..."

This is mainly due to the fact that Plant and Page were out there, projecting their sex symbol image. Rather like Jim Morrison. The rest of the band gets forgotten because Jim Morrison was the sex symbol.

Still, JPJ did have a shot at the sex symbol image:


Either that or he's mocking Robert :P

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I don't agree - he gets left out of the sex-symbol-type threads because as you point out, he wasn't thought of that way by many. That doesn't mean he's forgotten at all - it just means that girls tend to prefer to drool over P&P. It doesn't mean the same girls don't appreciate the musical contributions of JPJ as much as those of P&P.

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I don't agree - he gets left out of the sex-symbol-type threads because as you point out, he wasn't thought of that way by many. That doesn't mean he's forgotten at all - it just means that girls tend to prefer to drool over P&P. It doesn't mean the same girls don't appreciate the musical contributions of JPJ as much as those of P&P.

Well, yeah, that's probably true, but you have to admit, JPJ, and even Bonzo, are little discussed on this forum.

I mean even on the official JPJ forum, it's just me and a guy who lives in Dorset. We're the only ones who post, apart from a couple of stray newbies. Honestly, if you were to visit that forum, you'd think me and this guy were the only two JPJ fans in the world.

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I mean even on the official JPJ forum, it's just me and a guy who lives in Dorset. We're the only ones who post, apart from a couple of stray newbies. Honestly, if you were to visit that forum, you'd think me and this guy were the only two JPJ fans in the world.

The official JPJ forum only seemed to pick up when he was actively touring but with the exception of that stint with Mutual Appreciation Society he hasn't done so for nearly ten years. Many of my inquiries pertaining specifically to JPJ have been posted here on the official Led Zeppelin board. I am certainly another loyal enthusiast of John Paul Jones.

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Well, yeah, that's probably true, but you have to admit, JPJ, and even Bonzo, are little discussed on this forum.

I mean even on the official JPJ forum, it's just me and a guy who lives in Dorset. We're the only ones who post, apart from a couple of stray newbies. Honestly, if you were to visit that forum, you'd think me and this guy were the only two JPJ fans in the world.

Yes unfortunately the site is so rarely updated, people can smell the staleness...

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i think people do not talk about him as much because that's the way he likes it.

when he plays live he doesn't rush up to the front of the stage shaking his hips and twirling his bass all around. off stage he's always been more private and reserved as well. people and fantards relate more to the fantasy of being the center of attention, the person perceived to be in the middle of the action.

i don't think he's underappreciated as a force in zeppelin's music and as a musician.

i can't hear any zeppelin songs without thinking of him. everything from

the organ on your time is gonna come. the intro to dazed and confused and his line

in it during jimmy's solo. how many more times. a lot of the album presence is him.

the keys in kashmir. acoustic guitars and mandolins . and on and on.

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I LOVE JPJ and have never overlooked him. I still hear new things in Zeppelin songs, and when I do- guess who it is!

And there is a hot pics of John Baldwin thread, but there just aren't as many pictures of him. He doesn't seem to pose much :lol:

JPJ :wub::cheer: I'd grab his ass, how bout you?

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i think people do not talk about him as much because that's the way he likes it.

when he plays live he doesn't rush up to the front of the stage shaking his hips and twirling his bass all around. off stage he's always been more private and reserved as well. people and fantards relate more to the fantasy of being the center of attention, the person perceived to be in the middle of the action.

He has talked about Page and Plant encouraging him to come up the front of the stage more, and he said he would try, but usually after the first song he would make his way back to his spot next to the drum kit, where he felt more comfortable and musically better able to lock in with Bonzo. So it wasn't a case of him being shoved back there at all, that's where he wanted to be.

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The official JPJ forum only seemed to pick up when he was actively touring but with the exception of that stint with Mutual Appreciation Society he hasn't done so for nearly ten years. Many of my inquiries pertaining specifically to JPJ have been posted here on the official Led Zeppelin board. I am certainly another loyal enthusiast of John Paul Jones.

Yeah, the board does get stirred up every now and then when he does some sort of major activity like album release or tour.

Yes unfortunately the site is so rarely updated, people can smell the staleness...

Well it does get news and photo updates, but that's about it, really.

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Even 1 post a week on JPJ is better than the load of shit that pops on planet zep. My ad blocker goes fucking crazy when i browse around with all the fucking adware and botnets.

Page got lucky when he got Plant and Bonzo to join. Plant and Bonzo made zep great. Jones made Page great becasue Page didn't have to carry the music load.

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He has talked about Page and Plant encouraging him to come up the front of the stage more, and he said he would try, but usually after the first song he would make his way back to his spot next to the drum kit, where he felt more comfortable and musically better able to lock in with Bonzo. So it wasn't a case of him being shoved back there at all, that's where he wanted to be.

john paul jones and bonzo played together as a team, they both worked together at taking a song in a different direction when jimmy and robert took the song in another direction. john paul and bonzo worked at doing there stuff and bringing it back to jimmy and robert which at the end of the song is what made it a led zepplin song.If it was'nt for john paul and bonzo; led zep would'nt be led zep!

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Ok, everybody has their fav band members and everyone loves Page, plant and talks about Bonzo and how he was the greatest drummer you know and all that but don't you think that JPJ is getting a bit ignored i mean he was also a great bassist at the time that LZ started and was 2nd to jimmy but no one really talks about him.

i just want to know if anyone else feels the same way about this or if you couldn't give a monkeys about it.

The truth is that john paul jpones was the quite a "REBEL"in the band he used to play jokes on people in the band .What about when bonzo was asleep in a chair "drunk"and john paul jones smashed up the hotel room and put a samerai sword in the arms of the drunken bonzo to wake up and see ;one hell of a mess.He (jonesie)wasn't the quite man that most people think he was.

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The truth is that john paul jpones was the quite a "REBEL"in the band he used to play jokes on people in the band .What about when bonzo was asleep in a chair "drunk"and john paul jones smashed up the hotel room and put a samerai sword in the arms of the drunken bonzo to wake up and see ;one hell of a mess.He (jonesie)wasn't the quite man that most people think he was.

Yeah, but I think the joke was he never told anyone that he did it at the time!

He let John wake up in his junked hotel room to think he had done the damage himself!.

He probably laughed himself silly when Bonzo came to pay the bill as well!

JPJ is extremely underrated,both as a Bass player and multi instrumentalist , possibly by his own design.

He was always trying to avoid the limelight,even going to the extreme of wearing disguises.

He did try to leave the band once!

There is a scene, appropriately in a "Fantasy" seqence in The Song Remains The Same movie where he enthusiastically receives a telegram informing him of an upcoming gig.I am informed that this scene is even more fake than the wig he was wearing, and if it had happened in real life he would have rather aggressivly shown the mail man where to put his pen!.

As a side note,I remember in the late '70's, Led Zeppelin were acused by the "new wave" journalists of using backing tapes and miming at their concerts.

Years later, I realised that it came from the fact that people didn't know that JPJ (or any other Human Being for that matter) could play a keyboard whilst maintaining the bass line with his feet!.(The Doors were not well known in England at the time).

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Yeah, but I think the joke was he never told anyone that he did it at the time!

He let John wake up in his junked hotel room to think he had done the damage himself!.

He probably laughed himself silly when Bonzo came to pay the bill as well!

JPJ is extremely underrated,both as a Bass player and multi instrumentalist , possibly by his own design.

He was always trying to avoid the limelight,even going to the extreme of wearing disguises.

He did try to leave the band once!

There is a scene, appropriately in a "Fantasy" seqence in The Song Remains The Same movie where he enthusiastically receives a telegram informing him of an upcoming gig.I am informed that this scene is even more fake than the wig he was wearing, and if it had happened in real life he would have rather aggressivly shown the mail man where to put his pen!.

As a side note,I remember in the late '70's, Led Zeppelin were acused by the "new wave" journalists of using backing tapes and miming at their concerts.

Years later, I realised that it came from the fact that people didn't know that JPJ (or any other Human Being for that matter) could play a keyboard whilst maintaining the bass line with his feet!.(The Doors were not well known in England at the time).

john paul jones was involved with the "fish/shark scandel as well ?I cant quiet remember the story line but he has said Lately that he was stoned (smoking pot) when that happened.Can you tell us the story behind the "fishie" joke.

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