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Texas Poligamy Bust


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What is your postion. I rather not try to figure it out from your prev post.

Do you think it was wrong to go in?

Or do you think it was right for them to try to stop this nonsense?

I think it was right for them to go in. This is an area when I feel gov. has a roll in our society. Not because I have a problem with religion but because I think our children need to be protected from gross manipulation. Again, I will wait for some confirmation that the accusations are true before I fully decide whether or not anyone is in fact guilty of anything

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I think it was right for them to go in. This is an area when I feel gov. has a roll in our society. Not because I have a problem with religion but because I think our children need to be protected from gross manipulation. Again, I will wait for some confirmation that the accusations are true before I fully decide whether or not anyone is in fact guilty of anything

Okay thanks. I wasn't sure. We somewhat agree.

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"Uncle Roy" :hysterical::whistling:

It's always an uncle.

I hope the women turn on the pervy men. Some have said they might just to get their kids.

Their monotone angel voice is too sick. These women need a big dose of reality.

The pervs should be sent to a mexican jail, for life. :)

Oh, yeah, the religon isn't a defense, as the so called religon is based on screwing little girls and keeping them dumb and pregnant.

And just because something was done in the old days, doesn't apply. We are here and now. They used to chop heads off too.

Edited by Hotplant
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"Uncle Roy" :hysterical::whistling:

It's always an uncle.

I hope the women turn on the pervy men. Some have said they might just to get their kids.

Their monotone angel voice is too sick. These women need a big dose of reality.

The pervs should be sent to a mexican jail, for life. :)

Yep. I reckon if there is in fact guilt here then, Capital punishment would be in order. This isn't a sex crime. It's a hate crime

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And just because something was done in the old days, doesn't apply. We are here and now. They used to chop heads off too.

Well what i said that the practice of marring young is still valid, but i believe that the sick things that go on there is horrible. If a 13 year old marries a 17 year old. I don't have a problem because they have their own society and they are self reliant. What they do is fuck little girls. I don't believe a girl in normal society should get married until 18. But our society is different. We have laws. As i said before as soon as they get gov. aid in any way, all bets are off, they must follow our rules.

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Let's be very clear here. What they do is RAPE little girls. And brainwash them. And beat them. And deny them their rights, including the most important one, freedom of religion.

The government has every right to go in and protect these childrens' human rights.

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My god are you brainwashed. So typical, so expected, this is another gold standard line of thinking: "just join the KKK. You are just like them! blah".

It's hilarious.

So your solution is that anyone that has an opposing view on subjects such as we've talked about, is a racist, a bigot, and should join a group that promotes that, or is already a member of a group like that.......

That is pretty weak.

Another example of how you are brainwashed by the politically correct western world.

No DRUNK. I do not think anyone who has an opposing view should go join the KKK. An opposing view is simply one that differs from mine. However, the KKK are a group of biggotted white men who think they know all and have a severe bad habit of lumping in the many with the few: blacks, Jews, Muslims, etc, etc, etc. They condemn the entire group of these minorities because they are biggotted and believe the fanatical few represent the views of the whole society.

This is why I think you should join. Because lumping in the many with the few is exactly what you are doing. Again, I bring up the example of the Japanese back in WWII. The US did this exact thing when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. And yet most Japanese Americans were pro-America, and while we held them in camps.

You need to get out and talk to some American Muslims. They may be Muslim by religion, but they grew up (at least a portion of them) in America and support America. Again, I go back to the Muslims I know, and they all support America. They hate what happened on 9/11 and mourned with the rest of us, for the same reasons we mourned. They think suicide bombing is evil, and those that I've talked to even think what the fanatics are doing is the short road to Hell, not Heaven. They believe that these fanatics from the Middle East will find nothing but torture on the other side. Torture and pain for their evil deeds.

And I have no reason to believe they are lying to me or tricking me. These are friends and acquaintances, and my friends love my religion of Judaism as much as they love their own. And, to me, their reverence for their religion is a moving experience, in a good way.

So no, I don't think you should join the KKK because you have a different viewpoint then me. A lot of people here have a different viewpoint then I do. But you're the only one I think should join the KKK. Why? because you're biggotted. You don't think about it, you don't open your eyes, you are incredibly close-minded (despite your admission that you aren't), and you lump in the whole culture with the fanatics.

That's called a bigot, DRUNK, and that is what you are.

Now, I would like to apologize for derailing a thread which is focused on an incredibly important subject, and I think this thread should be put back on track.

Edited by Nathan
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drunk, you have as much a risk of having something horrible done to you by muslim terrorists as you do of your own president or prime minister

I don't think I would feel very safe traveling to Pakistan.

And I am not so sure you could tell me that it would be safe.

But beyond personal safety, you can't disagree that there are Muslims fighting, all over the world. And you also can't disagree, that most Muslims look to America and the western world in an unfavorable way. Some of it is understandable.

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No DRUNK. I do not think anyone who has an opposing view should go join the KKK. An opposing view is simply one that differs from mine. However, the KKK are a group of biggotted white men who think they know all and have a severe bad habit of lumping in the many with the few: blacks, Jews, Muslims, etc, etc, etc. They condemn the entire group of these minorities because they are biggotted and believe the fanatical few represent the views of the whole society.

This is why I think you should join. Because lumping in the many with the few is exactly what you are doing. Again, I bring up the example of the Japanese back in WWII. The US did this exact thing when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. And yet most Japanese Americans were pro-America, and while we held them in camps.

You need to get out and talk to some American Muslims. They may be Muslim by religion, but they grew up (at least a portion of them) in America and support America. Again, I go back to the Muslims I know, and they all support America. They hate what happened on 9/11 and mourned with the rest of us, for the same reasons we mourned. They think suicide bombing is evil, and those that I've talked to even think what the fanatics are doing is the short road to Hell, not Heaven. They believe that these fanatics from the Middle East will find nothing but torture on the other side. Torture and pain for their evil deeds.

And I have no reason to believe they are lying to me or tricking me. These are friends and acquaintances, and my friends love my religion of Judaism as much as they love their own. And, to me, their reverence for their religion is a moving experience, in a good way.

So no, I don't think you should join the KKK because you have a different viewpoint then me. A lot of people here have a different viewpoint then I do. But you're the only one I think should join the KKK. Why? because you're biggotted. You don't think about it, you don't open your eyes, you are incredibly close-minded (despite your admission that you aren't), and you lump in the whole culture with the fanatics.

That's called a bigot, DRUNK, and that is what you are.

Now, I would like to apologize for derailing a thread which is focused on an incredibly important subject, and I think this thread should be put back on track.

The KKK is nothing but a circus side show, a joke, so how about you stop mentioning them, because it makes you sound ridiculous.

I'm not lumping anything, but you certainly are. You are taking the example a few Muslim people you know, and then thinking that the rest of the Muslim population is like that, and proclaiming it to everyone. Well, that's some small minded thinking right there, because there are 1.2 billion Muslims on earth, and 90%+ live in the middle east. Have you ever been to the middle east? How do you know anything about the majority of Muslims? You have only seen a minority.............a very small one..

If you were a Jew living in Turkey, and a bunch of Jews did a serious of massive terrorist attacks that rocked the whole nation, would you ever indicate to your Turkish friends that you had any sort of supportive ideas of that? I don't think so. I think you'd claim to be "totally against" what happened, and you would condemn it. You would do this because it would be the politically correct thing to do, and you wouldn't want to alienate your friends or have it be known that you support that sort of thing, because to do so, would probably ruin your life in a way. No one would want to be friends with you, maybe they make some shit up against you, report you, vandalize your house, beat your ass, who knows?

So, do you really think you are going to get any sort of honest opinion from these people? They'll NEVER tell you what they really think. They will play the politically correct blame game, but that's because they have no other choice.

They will go to your services any time they can. Why? Because what better way to make it appear like "we" are not like what we REALLY are.

It's a game of perception.

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Hi all,

No DRUNK. I do not think anyone who has an opposing view should go join the KKK. An opposing view is simply one that differs from mine. However, the KKK are a group of biggotted white men who think they know all and have a severe bad habit of lumping in the many with the few: blacks, Jews, Muslims, etc, etc, etc. They condemn the entire group of these minorities because they are biggotted and believe the fanatical few represent the views of the whole society.

The KKK?The leading a**holes in the States?Now where on this green earth as these people speaking out against this happy-horse-s***?David Duke?Al?Jesse J?

This is why I think you should join. Because lumping in the many with the few is exactly what you are doing. Again, I bring up the example of the Japanese back in WWII. The US did this exact thing when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. And yet most Japanese Americans were pro-America, and while we held them in camps.

A very dark and shame-filled part of Americn history.They thought and believed in America,and were legal American citizens.Just like my 3rd generation grandparents were called,drunks,Mick's wops,and greaseballs,.....

You need to get out and talk to some American Muslims. They may be Muslim by religion, but they grew up (at least a portion of them) in America and support America. Again, I go back to the Muslims I know, and they all support America. They hate what happened on 9/11 and mourned with the rest of us, for the same reasons we mourned. They think suicide bombing is evil, and those that I've talked to even think what the fanatics are doing is the short road to Hell, not Heaven. They believe that these fanatics from the Middle East will find nothing but torture on the other side. Torture and pain for their evil deeds.


a ton,back in school,mostly men from Iran,loved it here,good folks,they dealt with their upbrings,still didn't stop them from doing what they did,...this was 1979,you remember that?

And I have no reason to believe they are lying to me or tricking me. These are friends and acquaintances, and my friends love my religion of Judaism as much as they love their own. And, to me, their reverence for their religion is a moving experience, in a good way.

>>Religion,has killed more people than Cecil B. DeMille<<

So no, I don't think you should join the KKK because you have a different viewpoint then me. A lot of people here have a different viewpoint then I do. But you're the only one I think should join the KKK. Why? because you're biggotted. You don't think about it, you don't open your eyes, you are incredibly close-minded (despite your admission that you aren't), and you lump in the whole culture with the fanatics.

That's called a bigot, DRUNK, and that is what you are.

Now, I would like to apologize for derailing a thread which is focused on an incredibly important subject, and I think this thread should be put back on track.

Don't,you spoke your mind and that is your right to do so,...

Raping little girls in the temple,why would any one care,.... :burp:

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The KKK is nothing but a circus side show, a joke, so how about you stop mentioning them, because it makes you sound ridiculous.

Mmmm... so you would prefer a group more serious in their bigottry, then?

That's your admission, not mine.

I'm not lumping anything, but you certainly are. You are taking the example a few Muslim people you know, and then thinking that the rest of the Muslim population is like that, and proclaiming it to everyone. Well, that's some small minded thinking right there, because there are 1.2 billion Muslims on earth, and 90%+ live in the middle east. Have you ever been to the middle east? How do you know anything about the majority of Muslims? You have only seen a minority.............a very small one..

You're the one saying all Mulsims are evil. I'm the one telling you that you're wrong. Not all Muslims are evil. I know many that aren't. I don't know every Muslim on this planet. If I did, I'd probably be in the Guinness World Book of Records as the most travelled, most well-known person on the planet. As I've never been outside the East Coast of the USA, that is not gonna happen... ever.

However, I know Muslims that prove your statements wrong, and that is enough.

If you were a Jew living in Turkey, and a bunch of Jews did a serious of massive terrorist attacks that rocked the whole nation, would you ever indicate to your Turkish friends that you had any sort of supportive ideas of that? I don't think so. I think you'd claim to be "totally against" what happened, and you would condemn it. You would do this because it would be the politically correct thing to do, and you wouldn't want to alienate your friends or have it be known that you support that sort of thing, because to do so, would probably ruin your life in a way. No one would want to be friends with you, maybe they make some shit up against you, report you, vandalize your house, beat your ass, who knows?

Yet again, you make the sorry assumption that you know me. If I lived in Turkey and Jews committed such a horrible, disgusting crime, then yes, I'd be outspoken against it and would damn all the fucked up Jews who committed the crime. But it would be no show, DRUNK. It would be 100% sincere. Why? Because human life is human life, no matter how you look at it and what you believe. And as a proud Jew, I would go so far as to disown my religion if this is how all Jews thought. And not to save my own ass from frear. I'd do it because that is what I would truly believe. Such a heinous crime is just that: a crime. I don't care if it's committed by Jews, Italians, Americans, white men, or Catholics (all of which is a part of me). i would be against it.

I know me a million times better then you know me, DRUNK. You are right that I would speak out against. But you are wrong as to the reason.


So, do you really think you are going to get any sort of honest opinion from these people? They'll NEVER tell you what they really think. They will play the politically correct blame game, but that's because they have no other choice.

They will go to your services any time they can. Why? Because what better way to make it appear like "we" are not like what we REALLY are.

It's a game of perception.

They are my friends and I know them to be honest. They have never lied to me, and I will never believe otherwise. If my Dad, an actor, psychologist, a Cantor, someone can see a lie where a lie-detector fails, and someone who has spent his life studying people, can trust my Muslim friends and can see that they are honest about what they say, then why shouldn't I believe them, too?

The only person wallowing in the game of perception, DRUNK, is you.

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You're the one saying all Mulsims are evil.

As I've never been outside the East Coast of the USA, that is not gonna happen... ever.

Yet again, you make the sorry assumption that you know me.

If I lived in Turkey and Jews committed such a horrible, disgusting crime, then yes, I'd be outspoken against it and would damn all the fucked up Jews who committed the crime. But it would be no show, DRUNK. It would be 100% sincere. Why? Because human life is human life, no matter how you look at it and what you believe. And as a proud Jew, I would go so far as to disown my religion if this is how all Jews thought. And not to save my own ass from frear. I'd do it because that is what I would truly believe.

They are my friends and I know them to be honest. They have never lied to me, and I will never believe otherwise.

If my Dad, an actor, psychologist, a Cantor, someone can see a lie where a lie-detector fails, and someone who has spent his life studying people, can trust my Muslim friends and can see that they are honest about what they say, then why shouldn't I believe them, too?

Never said all Muslims are evil

You have never been outside the East Coast of the US...........that explains a lot. I've been all over the world.

I do know "you". I've seen your kind a million times. When they grow up, travel, meet a lot of people, get some life experience etc, they wise up and find themselves thinking totally differently than they would have ever imagined.

You are missing the point in my "Jew in Turkey" example. I am not talking about you and your possible beliefs about a terrorist attack, I am talking about human reactions in society. Whether or people agree or disagree with what happens, both groups will be saying the same thing.

They are your friends and they've never lied to you. Wow, that's naive.

No wonder why you are the way you are. Your dad's a psychologist.............I have never known a psychologist's kid that wasn't horribly influenced, and they usually turned out to be fucked up. That's unfortunate.

You need to have less faith in and less admiration for your daddy. It's very disappointing when you grow up one day and realize your perfect parents are in fact perfectly fucked up, making your entire image of them shattered, leaving everything you've ever believed in doubt.

That will happen.

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People are people. Is that brainwashing? Is trusting my own judgement when I meet people some kind of politically correct conspiracy?

People HATED my Irish ancestors. Said they were dirty, filthy pigs who bred like rabbits. People did not trust them. What the hell's the difference? And don't tell me it's terrorism, because the IRA was funded in part by American donors. Now we've had Irish American presidents, and here in my district we have a Muslim congressman. What benefit do you get from your paranoia?

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People are people. Is that brainwashing? Is trusting my own judgement when I meet people some kind of politically correct conspiracy?

What the hell's the difference? And don't tell me it's terrorism,

What benefit do you get from your paranoia?

Meeting people and judging them is great, but you can't go ahead and say that every person like them IS like them, just because you've met a few. That's where the mistake is.

The Irish and Muslims can't be compared, period.

Paranoia is necessary because there are 1.2 billion Muslims out there, and the majority of them would love to see the western world destroyed because it directly opposes their entire belief system.

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Meeting people and judging them is great, but you can't go ahead and say that every person like them IS like them, just because you've met a few. That's where the mistake is.

The Irish and Muslims can't be compared, period.

Paranoia is necessary because there are 1.2 billion Muslims out there, and the majority of them would love to see the western world destroyed because it directly opposes their entire belief system.

When did I say that every person is like them? And what makes you think I've only met a few? This is pointless. Build your bunker, and when we all run screaming for the hills we'll get down on our knees and praise the all-knowing, all-seeing DRUNK for his warning we didn't heed.

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Do you want this sort of thing happening in America? Because it will, unless it is prevented. Look to Europe, who haven't done anything, and now they are being destroyed.


I am with you on this one. If you cannot defend your own country then you do not deserve to live in it as a citizen. I've been all over and America is still the best place to live and/or defend IMO.

As far as the Muslims go? I wouldn't trust any of them. Not when it comes to America.

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Meeting people and judging them is great, but you can't go ahead and say that every person like them IS like them, just because you've met a few. That's where the mistake is.

It appears, its your mistake as well

The Irish and Muslims can't be compared, period.

No kidding. One's a heritage, ones a religion ;)

Paranoia is necessary because there are 1.2 billion Muslims out there, and the majority of them would love to see the western world destroyed because it directly opposes their entire belief system.

I believe this works vice versa as well. If you use that argument, then you must argue this one as well: that much of the western world would like to see the Middle East destroyed, because they're radical, they're different, they appear to dislike us, they're dangerous, they hold different values, and they hold a large amount of oil

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It appears, its your mistake as well

No kidding. One's a heritage, ones a religion ;)

I believe this works vice versa as well. If you use that argument, then you must argue this one as well: that much of the western world would like to see the Middle East destroyed, because they're radical, they're different, they appear to dislike us, they're dangerous, they hold different values, and they hold a large amount of oil

It's not my mistake because I think the evidence shows that the majority of Muslims are as I have described. I mean, I can start looking for links to the hundreds and thousands of absolutely horrible, brutality that has come from Islam.

It does work vice versa, but there's quite a big difference.

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Well, I don't trust Catholics. They molest little boys. And the FDLA? Well, we know they molest little girls. And those Muslims with their goddamned head scarves, not to mention those Jews with their money and those Hindus with their red dots, and those damn peace loving Buddists.

We still don't have Bin Laden, but we sure have Iraq, don't we? Who are those fuckers to be pissed at us? After all, the entire middle east is one big country full of backwards people. And of COURSE, the Arabs or Muslims here are all just an extension of that, with an evil plan to invade economically depressed, undereducated sections of middle America and get them eating dates with explosives in them for breakfast.

It's not like we're having a health care/jobs/mortgage/education/crime/drugs crisis or anything. No, we need more help from outside to fuck things up. And a perfect target to blame it all on, right in our own backyards. Good show. Germany 1930's, anyone?

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It's not my mistake because I think the evidence shows that the majority of Muslims are as I have described. I mean, I can start looking for links to the hundreds and thousands of absolutely horrible, brutality that has come from Islam.

It does work vice versa, but there's quite a big difference.

I can find hundreds of thousands acts of brutality from Hindus (who have the single largest terrorist group in the world, did you know that?), should we hate them all too? I can find you thousands links of good-hearted Muslims preaching peace and stability, shall we do that?

And the only difference I see, is that theres a hell of a lot more Westerners than Middle Easterners. Maybe they should hate us, maybe they have that right, considering we don't like them (as you've pointed out for us)

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I can find hundreds of thousands acts of brutality from Hindus (who have the single largest terrorist group in the world, did you know that?), should we hate them all too? I can find you thousands links of good-hearted Muslims preaching peace and stability, shall we do that?

And the only difference I see, is that theres a hell of a lot more Westerners than Middle Easterners. Maybe they should hate us, maybe they have that right, considering we don't like them (as you've pointed out for us)

This is getting lame.

Ok. Now we blame the Hindu's. As far as I know, the only reason the Hindu's have done anything is because the lunatic Muslims in Pakistan started terrorizing them. I am not worried about the Hindu's because they aren't threatening the western world.

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This is getting lame.

Ok. Now we blame the Hindu's. As far as I know, the only reason the Hindu's have done anything is because the lunatic Muslims in Pakistan started terrorizing them. I am not worried about the Hindu's because they aren't threatening the western world.

So Darfur doesn't bother you, because it's not affecting the Western world either?

And where am I "blaming Hindu's"? Blaming them for what...?

I was just pointing out Sikhs and Hindus in India fight Muslims just Muslims fight us, but no one ever seems to take notice.

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