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Texas Poligamy Bust


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Honesty is the best policy.

Unfortunately, in today's world, everyone has to be politically correct. If they aren't, they get ruthlessly attacked. This has created an environment where people cannot speak freely because they are afraid of the consequences.

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People are indoctrinated into a world of political correctness, and find themselves thinking it is true, and then going to great lengths to defend these ideas, without really knowing why. They just know it's the "right" thing to do.

Their immediate response to those that don't speak politically correct are that they are "racists" and other things of that sort. Really, it's their only defense because society has told them the people that don't agree with it, automatically they fall into those categories.

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Sometimes the truth to be told does come off that way....you seem bigoted because your speaking out against a whole movement or class or whatever and sometimes it holds and IS the truth.

Self righteous people are quick to condemn those that fall out of societies norms, but when those same condemned ones speak out against the larger 'group' in that society they're seen as bigoted. We can down talk individuals all we want if we see them as outcasts from the norm, but if that individual casts an ill light on the larger whole they're not in the right, they're 'blanketing' a group, bigotry. Sometimes the group needs to be blanketed and stereotyped.

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No, she didn't do the right things, and I would expect that behavior from someone like her.

Let's be honest here:

1. She was molested. That automatically makes her fucked up.

2. She's jewish.

Enough said.

Enough said? Not hardly... or perhaps you've actually said 'too much'.

I've known some people who were molested as kids. Some of them were/are "fucked up". Some got some help, counseling, or whatever, and are NOT "fucked up". You are "fucked up" for automatically assuming the things you do.

As for your insinuations because 'she's jewish'... therefore, what?


Honesty is the best policy.

Unfortunately, in today's world, everyone has to be politically correct. If they aren't, they get ruthlessly attacked. This has created an environment where people cannot speak freely because they are afraid of the consequences.

Sometimes the unPC statements are wrong, or hateful, etc. Just because someone says something unPC, it doesn't automatically mean they're actually right or just being honest.

I agree that honesty is the best policy, but assuming that anyone objecting to statements you make (like the one I quoted above) is just a refusal to take responsibility for the effect your words can have on someone else. Your statements, which you claim to be "just honest" are as out-of-line, crass, or whatever as the automatic priest=molestation stuff that some folks have said.

I assume you must like the taste of toe jam... or you wouldn't stick your foot in your mouth as often as you do.

What's too bad are those sensitive fucks who are shocked or insulted by the non PC speaker and create the consequences. It's not the unPC speak that causes the problem, it's the reaction.

Sometimes. Sometimes the unPC speak can and does cause a problem. Sometimes the 'reaction' is the problem, sometimes it's the idea or whatever that was said. Same goes for PC speak, for that matter.

Sorry, but there are things a "non PC speaker" might say that I would be highly offended at... not because what was said was "unPC" but because it was offensive and/or hurtful... and that wouldn't automatically mean I'm a "sensitive fuck".

If y'all want to paint things with that wide a brush, you can come do my house. B)

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Enough said? Not hardly... or perhaps you've actually said 'too much'.

I've known some people who were molested as kids. Some of them were/are "fucked up". Some got some help, counseling, or whatever, and are NOT "fucked up". You are "fucked up" for automatically assuming the things you do.

As for your insinuations because 'she's jewish'... therefore, what?

My words were a little unkind, but mostly true.

I have known or have known of plenty of girls who were molested, and unfortunately, they usually have severe psychological issues, and my advice to a man would be to STAY AWAY. Unless you enjoy complicated painful relationships.

Basically, I trust experience and real life examples, of which I have and have seen plenty of. Based off of that, I have seen this combo several times, and I said I am not surprised what happened to this other guy in thread, with his ex wife and all.

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Honesty is the best policy.

Unfortunately, in today's world, everyone has to be politically correct. If they aren't, they get ruthlessly attacked. This has created an environment where people cannot speak freely because they are afraid of the consequences.

I'm one of the most politically incorrect people I know DRUNK. There's politically incorrect, and then theres just stupid. If someone says, "I ain't voting for that Obama nigger" than it becomes, not politically incorrect. Learn the difference. Theres a time and place for everything, that comment was just plain retarded, fucking stupid.

"Next time you have a thought, just let it go"

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My words were a little unkind, but mostly true.

I have known or have known of plenty of girls who were molested, and unfortunately, they usually have severe psychological issues, and my advice to a man would be to STAY AWAY. Unless you enjoy complicated painful relationships.

Basically, I trust experience and real life examples, of which I have and have seen plenty of. Based off of that, I have seen this combo several times, and I said I am not surprised what happened to this other guy in thread, with his ex wife and all.

Are you not the one who is telling everybody not to judge the many on a few? You said we shouldn't judge Muslims as decent people because we've only met a few

You are a hypocrit. You are probably mentally challenged. You sir, are a jack*butt

*edited: wouldn't want to get banned or anything :rolleyes:

Edited by wanna be drummer
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I'm one of the most politically incorrect people I know DRUNK. There's politically incorrect, and then theres just stupid. If someone says, "I ain't voting for that Obama nigger" than it becomes, not politically incorrect. Learn the difference. Theres a time and place for everything, that comment was just plain retarded, fucking stupid.

"Next time you have a thought, just let it go"

Get your terms right. He's not a "nigger" :o, he's a mulatto.

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Are you not the one who is telling everybody not to judge the many on a few? You said we shouldn't judge Muslims as decent people because we've only met a few

You are a hypocrit. You are probably mentally challenged. You sir, are a jack*butt

*edited: wouldn't want to get banned or anything :rolleyes:

When you grow up, then you come talk to me. If there was an ignore function here, then you'd be on it. If there is one, then I recommend you do the same.

Nevermind, there is one, and you're on it! Congratulations.

Now I don't have to deal with your stupidity. One day when you grow up, you ask me to remove you, and I'll consider it.

Edited by DRUNK
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When you grow up, then you come talk to me. If there was an ignore function here, then you'd be on it. If there is one, then I recommend you do the same.

Nevermind, there is one, and you're on it! Congratulations.

Now I don't have to deal with your stupidity. One day when you grow up, you ask me to remove you, and I'll consider it.

You have yet to prove me wrong in anything I've told you. You don't want to listen to yourself thats your business, but don't bring that shit here. You have an unhealthy hatred of people you clearly don't understand. Then, when you tell EVERYONE to not judge a group as a whole based on a few, you go right ahead and do the same damn thing twice.

I hope you get to read this, if only that maybe you'll understand why you're so fucked up

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ahhhhh, look. he responded again. Can't handle being ignored?

All the little kiddies of today, with their "need to be recognized, give me attention, I have ADD" bs.

This hurts you more than it hurts me. You have been abandoned, ignored, rejected. Have a nice stay.

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ahhhhh, look. he responded again. Can't handle being ignored?

All the little kiddies of today, with their "need to be recognized, give me attention, I have ADD" bs.

This hurts you more than it hurts me. You have been abandoned, ignored, rejected. Have a nice stay.

Just so everyone knows, I couldn't care less if the people who don't give a shit about me block me. It's like if someone I just fist-fought came out and said, "I'm never talking to you again"

Who gives a shit ya know? But anyways, I'm done with this obviously, and...yeah thats it

Kinda off-topic but is "poligamy" with an i or a y?

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2. She's jewish.

Please explain this.

Not the molested part. That I get, although I know a girl who was molested (yes, by an Uncle), and she has no issues. Granted, she goes twice a week to a psychologist, but with his (I've met the psychologist... the psychologist is a he, and a very good man... God is saving a place for this man in Heaven, that's for sure) help, she's just fine, if a little reserved.

However, I'd like you to go into more detail into your second point. She's Jewish. How is that a problem? What's wrong with Jews?

As for you Audacity... you "appreciate his honesty?"

Did you appreciate Hitler's honesty, too?

(Note to DRUNK: I am in NO WAY comparing you to Hitler. My mention of Hitler is to prove a point and has absolutely NOTHING to do with you.)

Edited by Nathan
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