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favorite USA president?


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because we're about to put in the 44th President on the USA... it seems appropriate to talk about the other 43

My favorites would have to be (in no special order)

Washington-set our country on the right path, we could use more "What Would Washington Do?" in politics today

Jackson- probably the strongest will of any US president, preserving the power of the central gov't over states when he threatened to invade South Carolina

Lincoln- seems like a cliche choice, but his #1 goal during the civil war was to preserve the union and had he not died, reconstruction of the south and the 100 years of unrest that followed may have been avoided

Teddy R- had the sense and will to regulate only some of the monopolies and big business during the early 20th century and not try to eliminate them all... he did the most for American socialy then anyone (even more then his cousin FDR)

Reagan- I dont totally agree with his domestic policies, but he was the greatest president in terms of foreign policy and foreign affairs

I like those 5 because of their strong will and unwavering leadership for the USA

As for who I like the least...

we'll get to that later

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In no particular order

Washington-We wouldn't even exist without him

Lincoln-He made the country whole again. Without him, we may still be divided

Reagan-Cleaned up mess Carter made

Bush-just kidding

Teddy Roosevelt-Besides the perhaps abuse of power that was the funding of the Panamanian Rebellion, he did everything right. From helping to end the coal strike to his creation of national parks and his monopoly-busting he simply was a giant of a president.

Franklin Roosevelt-Yeah, he's not the most liked by conservatives, and his Social Secutriy and whatnot put us into todays mess. But, he did help get this country through World War II and the Great Depression and that sure as hell counts for something

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Nixon-no reason but the 70's were GREAT!!!

Kennedy-If you were around when he was you would know why.

Kennedy was charismatic so I can buy that arguement even though people tend to overlook his mistakes.

But Nixon??? N.F.W........

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Barack Obama!!! or should i say Obama Binladen lol (you had to of watched lou dobbs to understand)

lou dobbs is a FOX NEWS guy who somehow ended up on CNN :)

if Barack does everything he says he will do, we may talk about him as a GOAT presdient

but, lets stick with presidents 1-43 so the thread isnt infected 4 posts in!

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Kennedy was charismatic so I can buy that arguement even though people tend to overlook his mistakes.

But Nixon??? N.F.W........

Did Kennedy have any real victories? Most of his presidency is mistake after mistake. Yeah we got through the Missile Crisis ok. But he's got Vietnam and the Bay of Pigs under his belt.

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lou dobbs is a FOX NEWS guy who somehow ended up on CNN :)

if Barack does everything he says he will do, we may talk about him as a GOAT presdient

but, lets stick with presidents 1-43 so the thread isnt infected 4 posts in!

Pardon my liberal humor...holy cow...infected?!? and people say i start shit!!! fuck man all i want is peace.

you want my answer?!?!....George bush!!!

he had to lie for the right reasons.

did you know that Obama is related to Bush?

now let me take it that your gunna cry and say this post is infected again

Fox News Honks on Bo-Bo...The picture quality of the broadcast is poor and They have Geraldo Rivera as i reporter(did you happen to see his poor reporting in Iraq?)...Can't get any worse. I'd chose a blue eyed reporter like anderson cooper over anyone on Fox News. Bottom line...Fox is too corny.

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That's what the history books teach you but were you there?

Does it matter?

My mom and dad were. My grandparents were. They voted for him (probably because he was Catholic like us) and in the end, they regretted their decision. My parents didn't like his policies either. He was a great guy to see on TV, but his presidency and his politics were jacked up.

I don't think he even won the presidency in the first place

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Does it matter?

My mom and dad were. My grandparents were. They voted for him (probably because he was Catholic like us) and in the end, they regretted their decision. My parents didn't like his policies either. He was a great guy to see on TV, but his presidency and his politics were jacked up.

I don't think he even won the presidency in the first place

Buddy...they voted for him because they felt his "energy"

It's like what the Stones said in sympathy for the devil..."I souted out who killed the Kennedy's, when after all...It was you and me.("me" meaning the devil) The people killed the Kennedy's. He was implementing on stiffer laws, so the mob whacked the whole family. The history books are a good source of information i hear.


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Dwight D. Eisenhouer-WW11 Hero

Harry S. Truman-Ended WW11

Ronald Reagan-Ended the Berlin Wall

George Washington-Leader of the Continental Army

Abraham Lincoln-For abolishing Slavary

William Clinton-For signing the Family Medical Leave Act ( FMLA )

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Buddy...they voted for him because they felt his "energy"

It's like what the Stones said in sympathy for the devil..."I souted out who killed the Kennedy's, when after all...It was you and me.("me" meaning the devil) The people killed the Kennedy's. He was implementing on stiffer laws, so the mob whacked the whole family. The history books are a good source of information i hear.


My grandparents were lifelong Republicans who liked Nixon...but they voted for the Catholic, plain and simple. America as a whole voted for him for his energy. Voting because of what someone gives off is stupid. Kennedy is the best example for it. He was charismatic, but what the hell did he do in office? Nothing! And if your only argument is, "You had to be there" or something, thats just laughable. 60,000 American men died in Vietnam.

Guess one had to be there huh?

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My grandparents were lifelong Republicans who liked Nixon...but they voted for the Catholic, plain and simple. America as a whole voted for him for his energy. Voting because of what someone gives off is stupid. Kennedy is the best example for it. He was charismatic, but what the hell did he do in office? Nothing! And if your only argument is, "You had to be there" or something, thats just laughable. 60,000 American men died in Vietnam.

Guess one had to be there huh?

17 year old little punk thinks he knows the world and how it go's round...

do you Vietnam's governmental situation before the war started?

ya buddy...you had to be there...to understand it, that is.(don't trust anyone...so that means you got to see it to believe...no?)

how do you portray Kennedy as being charismatic? explain.

60,000 people died in nam...maybe to make the world a better place?

i want some answers punk!!!



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The Original American Action Hero.

Didn't want the job, the entire country voted for him.

Because of his lead and seemingly calm stance on issues like the French Uprising, Presidents were and are expected to uphold dignity and refined judgment in office.

Refused to shake hands with anyone because he felt everyone was beneath him as President.

Resigned after two terms because he didn't want to deal with the bullshit of Philadelphia politics, his 'two term' reign helped salidify all future Presidents' time in office. *Except FDR. 24th? Amend*

Has a state and the US Capital, not to mention thousands of other buildings, monuments, parks, arenas, bridges, last names, schools, hospitals in his name.

Is the American Julius Caesar or Alexander the Great.

Despite being remembered in history as a commanding presence to his troops and a struggling new nation, he is actually one of the worst commanding generals in military history with a record of 3-6. Washington's most noble deed while in command of his troops was his presence amongst the men in all conditions, good or bad. Thus winning the respect of the his men, he ensured his name in history as a 'great' leader to go with his infamous "Battle of Trenton" victory on Christmas Day, 1776.

Inspirational for all who seek or have won office despite their physical attractions being less than inspiring. (Had one tooth by the time he became President, face scarred from smallpox)

His picture of him "Crossing the Delaware" is the most iconic American painting of all time.

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17 year old little punk thinks he knows the world and how it go's round...

Did I say that..?

do you Vietnam's governmental situation before the war started?

Do I what Vietnam's governmental situation before the war started? Understand? Yeah, I like to think so

ya buddy...you had to be there...to understand it, that is.(don't trust anyone...so that means you got to see it to believe...no?)
Thats not true at all.

Then no one alive can understand the Civil War because we weren't there. We don't comprehend Reconstruction because we weren't there.

Maybe Andrew Johnson was a good president, you just had to be there :rolleyes:

how do you portray Kennedy as being charismatic? explain.
You want me to exaplain how he was charismatic...well I'll start off by saying he had charisma.

Smartassing aside, he knew how the charm the general public. He was a young good-looking man, with a good-looking wife. He was a great public speaker and the public got a sense of knowing him without meeting him.

Shall we go more in-depth or does that satisfy your curiosity?

60,000 people died in nam...maybe to make the world a better place?

i want some answers punk!!!



To make the world a better place? We failed...and ended up making it worse...

Score one for Kennedy :wacko:

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Despite being remembered in history as a commanding presence to his troops and a struggling new nation, he is actually one of the worst commanding generals in military history with a record of 3-6. Washington's most noble deed while in command of his troops was his presence amongst the men in all conditions, good or bad. Thus winning the respect of the his men, he ensured his name in history as a 'great' leader to go with his infamous "Battle of Trenton" victory on Christmas Day, 1776.

His picture of him "Crossing the Delaware" is the most iconic American painting of all time.

I'm actually really surprised you don't think he was a good commanding officer. yeah he lost a lot, but in the end, he made up for it I think. He was the mastermind behind the entire military strategy of the war. Yeah the French saved us (they regretted that one I'm sure) but I think he had a lot to do with beating the Brits.

He had a good eye for talent though. Putnam and Nathaniel Greene were good generals. Arnold was...well talented...if not a little gold-hungry

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To make the world a better place? We failed...and ended up making it worse...

Score one for Kennedy :wacko:

I think we completely failed as a nation during the Vietnam war, everything from the war protest and the actual fighting of the war itself. The biggest thing we did wrong as a country, was how our vets were treated when they got home. The world is not safer because of the Vietnam war, but thats the major reason we have to finish the fight in Iraq wrong or right we have to make sure we leave the world in a better place then it was before we go there. Vietnam was a war we could not of won, for the fact that winning was not seen as a good thing.

Kennedy was just a good looking face, with a great talent as a speaker, I don't think he hurt our country, but he definitely didn't help it. I do like his foresight into space exploration.

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He had a good eye for talent though. Putnam and Nathaniel Greene were good generals. Arnold was...well talented...if not a little gold-hungry

That he did, and Arnold was the best officer Washington ever had. It was one reason why he never fully trusted anyone thereafter.

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I'm actually really surprised you don't think he was a good commanding officer. yeah he lost a lot, but in the end, he made up for it I think. He was the mastermind behind the entire military strategy of the war. Yeah the French saved us (they regretted that one I'm sure) but I think he had a lot to do with beating the Brits.

He was a great commanding officer, but for other reasons besides tactics. It's true that he made terrible errors in judgment, several times was saved by blind luck, and on a couple occasions, the weather. He was inexperienced and didn't know what he was doing, but then again, none of them did. What he had going for him was the love and respect of his men, and all of America. And he would not quit, no matter what. While others may have withered in the face of insurmountable odds, and thrown in the towel, Washington would not. He kept his small, hungry, poorly-paid army together, and gave them and the country hope. So when looking at the big picture, he was a great general, but from a battlefield X's and O's standpoint, he made several crippling blunders. But he got the job done!

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