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Ted Nugent On Meeting Pagey.....Why I hate Ted

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Hi all,

he couldn't do it now, though.....

No,and to tell you the truth he barely did it then.That was when the band was you know doing chemicals :) They had/have better songs then Ted,.....

KB(Ridin' into town by the light of the moon.)

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mangani, I will leave you with this,

The Second Amendment:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

beatbo, you are so easy to put in your place.................I will cut you some slack this time and not go there.

And suz, you have been hanging around with your kitties way too long......................

Sigh....this was borne of a comparison of free society in England, and the US.....you pointed out that things couldn't be equal, as Mangani doesn't have the right to bear arms. Maqngani pointed out that he has the right to consume alcohol wherever he pleases, not exactly the kind of subject that a subsection of a country's manifest is founded on, but a strong enough point to put comparisons of our countries free societies back on equal terms.

Keeping that in mind, it is difficult to understand why you keep parroting the same point about the 2nd amendment as if you are simply out of further points to actually try to get "one up' in this debate.

Damn, answered my own question! B)

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mangani, this guy is socially retarded. felons in america can't own firearms, either (citizens in good standing)

Good to hear that.. :)

the fact that they still do is probably a good reason for some gun reform right there.

Would be difficult to enforce though I guess.

even the NRA wouldn't badmouth england as bad as fiddy-won. please ignore him. we are trying to trade him to new guinea for some tropical plants and a filming permit....

Hehe. :D

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You didn't answer my question.

I'm too old to get drafted.

Yes but there are plenty of others who wouldn't be. :)

There is no draft in this country.

And there is no need for one right now either. But it there was ever a 'need' then there would be. It's already happened...even as relatively recent as the 1960s.

There is a major war going on right now.

I wouldn't call it major. In a historical context it will be considered a pretty minor one. It's more of a major media interest than a major war.

Your 'free' as you put it, to drink a beer in public.

Yup, but if the government so chooses to enforce a draft in the case of war (WW2, Vietnam) we are not 'free' enough to say "up yours, leave me alone!". That goes both for my country and yours.


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mangani, I will leave you with this,

The Second Amendment:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

But when was that amendment written, Planet51? Times have changed. This is 2008.

America now has a regular army, a national guard and a police force. America doesn't need a 'Militia' to ensure it's security as a free state, does it? Back then when the Constitution was written, life was very different and the above didn't exist.

By the way Hickory Man, thank you for your input. Cheers. :)

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But when was that amendment written, Planet51? Times have changed. This is 2008.

America now has a regular army, a national guard and a police force. America doesn't need a 'Militia' to ensure it's security as a free state, does it? Back then when the Constitution was written, life was very different and the above didn't exist.

By the way Hickory Man, thank you for your input. Cheers. :)

I agree, the 2nd amendment was drafted by colonists to protect themselves fom governmental tyranny.

The ruling that was just overturned was a ban on handguns in Washington DC.....wow, no political pressure in that town is there? B)

This country has turned into a state of fear, whether gun enthusiasts wan to call it that or not....they believe everybody should have the right to carry a handgun, so everybody knows the score. "Fuck with me, and you will die". These same people look down on gangbangers for doing the same.

Hypocritical bunch we are, we've glamorized guns so much through popular culture that we actually need the 2nd amendment laws to be upheld so we can protect ourselves from each other.

Great basis for a society huh? :rolleyes:

It just bugs me when people hold the 2nd amendment up like it's the most important part of the constitution, It's been there the whole time...it's only become more of a prevelant issue as we've allowed the country to deteriorate into a crime scene.

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Comparing law abiding citizens with legal carry permits to gangbangers carrying guns illegally is about as stupid as it gets. Check the statistics, in States that have allowed carry permits to responsible citizens the crime rate goes down. Like I said, there are over 2000 laws in regards to owning and using firearms illegally. The problem is that when someone kills or hurts someone with a firearm thay usually get a slap on the hand instead of what they deserve. The problem has never been the law abiding citizens owning or carrying guns, its the criminals. I guess that is just to easy to understand for some.

Out of my whole post speaking philosophically about the effect of the gun culture on our country, all you can do is pick out the off handed remark about gangbangers. Mind wide shut, eh' P51?

Keep your statistics, nobody will ever convince that this country needs handguns.

Oh, and as far as your last comment...make guns more common, make gun incidents more common, the public becomes desensitized, sentences for those crimes go down. I guess that is too hard for some to understand.

You and others with your narrow thought process have made your bed.


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I am glad that you asked that question. Just two weeks ago The Supreme court of The United States of America heard only the second case in the history of our country in regards to the Second Amendment. In a landmark decision, they upheld that "The People", specifically too, have the right to bear arms.

Only the second case? So it doesn't come up often then?LOL.

Why, would your goverment think that self deffense is not a reason to own a firearm in your own house?

Probably the same reason they don't think self defense is reason enough to own hand grenades and bombs and rocket launchers. Do you think we should be allowed to have those too? If not, why not?

In England, the people coming into your house to threaten your security are unlikely to be carrying guns themselves so there is little reason to thus arm ourselves. :)

I'm quite happy with a block of wood and my crocodile skinner knife, thank you. That will do the job.

You are happy with your gun. Good for you. I'm not suggesting you take it away. Simply explaining to you why gun ownership 'rights' are not an issue here. We just don't care about them. Just like you obviously don't care about having the right to drink a bottle of beer in peace.

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Try looking it up in one of your philosphy books.

Ahhh I see you trying to use that word in the OIL at 144 $ a barrel thread..... you see, in the context you are trying to use it the word is clique not click.

Still wondering why people don't take you seriously Rick?

Try cracking a basic english textbook. ;) Slip it into Guns and Ammo if you think it'll help....

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And you in France don't too? :rolleyes:

Sorry, I should have elaborated my answer. I was refering to the recent stories that make the headlines in London newspapers at the moment. I've just moved to London and I'm quite surprised by what I read and heard. I thought it was fair (since you raised the question of cultural differences) to point out that violence doesn't need guns to be carried out. Now, the news aren't that tragic around Paris, then again, media are what they are and you never know what's really going on, are you?

I think we need another thread in "Ramble on" :rolleyes:

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Sorry, I should have elaborated my answer. I was refering to the recent stories that make the headlines in London newspapers at the moment.

Yes they make headlines because they are the news right now after a recent high profile spate of knife murders.

England doesn't have a knife death/murder level of the same ratio (per head of population) as America's gun death/murder level. America has large numbers of knife deaths/murders on top of the gun death/murders.

I've just moved to London and I'm quite surprised by what I read and heard.

Well, that's the British media for you. They go in fits and starts with the latest 'concern'. Right now, the vogue is reporting knife crimes and murders. Last year it was hoodie youth violence. The year before is was binge drinking concerns. The year before that it was terrorism. That's what the British press are like. Whatever the 'thing' is at the time they tend to latch onto it and go on and on and on.

I thought it was fair (since you raised the question of cultural differences) to point out that violence doesn't need guns to be carried out.

I know that, friend. You can't go and massacre 2 dozen college students with a Swiss Army knife though. :o

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Yes they make headlines because they are the news right now after a recent high profile spate of knife murders.

England doesn't have a knife death/murder level of the same ratio (per head of population) as America's gun death/murder level. America has large numbers of knife deaths/murders on top of the gun death/murders.

Well, that's the British media for you. They go in fits and starts with the latest 'concern'. Right now, the vogue is reporting knife crimes and murders. Last year it was hoodie youth violence. The year before is was binge drinking concerns. The year before that it was terrorism. That's what the British press are like. Whatever the 'thing' is at the time they tend to latch onto it and go on and on and on.

I know that, friend. You can't go and massacre 2 dozen college students with a Swiss Army knife though. :o

Even if they'd just enforce the laws we already have, things would improve some.

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Oh WOW, I used a word wrong. This is a thread on a forum on the internet. People spell and use words wrong all the time..................but leave it to the "Philosophy" major to point it out. LOL

Still wondering why people don't take you seriously....





Any of your other other BANNED screen names?

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You know mangani, you talking to me about the Second Amenment is about as weak as if I were to try to talk to you about Dr. Who. [ Yes, I have seen some episodes (IMHO Tom Baker was the best) but I am not from the UK so my opinion does not stand up.

What are you talking about now? Did I say your right to firearms is wrong? Nope.

Did I say your right to own firearms should be changed? Nope.

All I said was that the Constitution was written over 200 years ago at a time when the world (and America)was different. In your Constitution it explains why the right to bare arms is there........but that was before you had a regular army, a national guard, a police force, the FBI, the CIA etc etc etc. It is NOT the same situation now so the 'reasons' why you have a right to bare arms possibly need a little updating.

It would be like having a written constitution where it explains the right to make homemade booby traps in case Napoleon's Grande Armée invades.

By the way, you would have every right to have an opinion about Dr Who. I certainly wouldn't stop you. Led Zeppelin were 4 Englishmen (er from England) yet nobody here would say "you're American, you're opinion on them isn't as valid".

Likewise, how can you argue the RIGHT to bear arms, when you do not have that RIGHT??

Who is arguing it? This is what you don't seem to get. I'm not arguing it. I haven't said you shouldn't have that right. All I have said is that maybe it shouldn't be as easy to obtain a gun there (as that guy who carried out the Virginia Tech massacre proved) as it is. I would think every right minded American agrees.

In England, we just don't care about guns and it's a non issue. There isn't even an 'argument' here.

And what part of the fact that there are over 2000 laws on the books against illegal ownership and use of firearms do you not get?

I don't get the fact that you were complaining about all the different laws that the British have for gun ownership when you have your own laws....as you have just said 2,000 of them LOL.

You kept banging on about being 'free' to own a gun.......yet you aren't free' enough to be allowed to take your handgun down to the supermarket just in case you get mugged in the car park there......are you? You aren't 'free' enough to be able to take your gun with you when you go drinking in a bar for the night in case somebody picks a fight with you....are you?

Yes, you have the right to own a gun for 'self defense'....but you're not allowed to take it with you to too many places so what's the point? People are in most need of self defence when they are outside, not when they are at home in their houses.

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