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Why I hate most humans!


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this is absurd!!! I can't believe that they can't find another way to deal with the issue other than killing them all. they look so cute also...

an idea can be the rebelling back and scare them off...you know...chase them away and give them the evil look. they weigh up to 20 pounds...how hard is that.

people afraid of monkeys...fucking brutal...no wonder theres so many people out there who think the worlds going to shit.

but I don't!!!! :D

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Unless the apes were really annoying. Maybe they can't afford to have them relocated.


It's a bunch of luxury hotels. They can afford the relocation.

"Britto said he determined that the monkeys posed a danger to public health."

Humans too, are a danger to public health...

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One of the same reasons I hate some people. :( I've heard of people doing the same thing to cats and dogs too.

You think they could find a zoo willing to take them in seeing as they are probably somewhat tame after being around so many people.

Edited by LadyRaven
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Why don't they feed them Valium or something. When they're all doped up, capture them, and send them somewhere else?

I think like this at times. Some people are just impossible to deal with. I say thorazine push.....straightjacket....rubber room no windows.

In reality though, the people who are impossible to deal with it's best to ignore up to a point.

Whatever happened to compassion?

I just don't see it in younger people nowadays. I think it's not only parents, but society and the media too.

Oh well, let's focus on the good souls, the weirdos will destroy themselves.

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If it could be determined that there is nothing actually wrong with the apes - healthwise and the like, and there would be a negligible impact, the Army could take the extraneous apes and set them loose in Africa. They apparently have had to import them many times, so why not do an export?

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