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People who own vinyl?


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I recently brought some albums out of storage, record player sadly did not make the trip.

Lots of you here own records so anything you would care to recommend .Nothing fancy just a

basic record player.

Many thanks.........cecil

This post is dedicated to the chap who managed lose said record player...Twerp!

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I recently brought some albums out of storage, record player sadly did not make the trip.

Lots of you here own records so anything you would care to recommend .Nothing fancy just a

basic record player.

Many thanks.........cecil

This post is dedicated to the chap who managed lose said record player...Twerp!

Technics from what I hear have a very nice Turntable out at the moment. A friend of mine is going to buy one. I think he said it was around $400,,, add the cartridge on top

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Mine is a Pioneer, it's very basic. It plays 45s too. It has a play button, stop button, and arm elevation. It also has a strobe light so you can control the pitch by sliding a little nob thing. It's fairly inexpensive for a turntable. It isn't a cheaply made one, just inexpensive. I really like it, it sounds great. http://shopping.msn.com/Prices/shp/?itemId=24089595"" target="_blank">Pioneer PL 990

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Technics from what I hear have a very nice Turntable out at the moment. A friend of mine is going to buy one. I think he said it was around $400,,, add the cartridge on top

I have a technics also. I think it may be in the $200 range. A freind of mine gave me a $200 needle he had lying around when he was working at the Panasonic/Technics return center in Ill.

But make sure your stereo has a Phono input. I bought a $800 marantz Receiver and completely forgot to check. It didn't have one. At the time i couldn't find a good preamp for it, so i just stacked my old receiver under it and used that as a preamp so i could run the Turntable to my marantz.

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Do some searching in second hand stores, I worked in one last summer and we frequently had them in and most were in working condition, but then again we had an older retired gentleman who repaired certain appliances for us for nothing.

I have a early 70's Pioneer turntable and receiver that was my dad's. It works very nice and you can still get replacement parts for it.

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Do some searching in second hand stores, I worked in one last summer and we frequently had them in and most were in working condition, but then again we had an older retired gentleman who repaired certain appliances for us for nothing.

I have a early 70's Pioneer turntable and receiver that was my dad's. It works very nice and you can still get replacement parts for it.

I had one of those too. Belt drive and easy to fix. Some of the direct drives are a little more complicated. No matter what, a great cartridge is a must. For me it would be a Stanton 681 EEE. They were the stylus of choice by FM radio stations in the 70's

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I had one of those too. Belt drive and easy to fix. Some of the direct drives are a little more complicated. No matter what, a great cartridge is a must. For me it would be a Stanton 681 EEE. They were the stylus of choice by FM radio stations in the 70's

A couple of summers ago I did replace the belt because the old one was slipping and got a new needle too.

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A couple of summers ago I did replace the belt because the old one was slipping and got a new needle too.

I wish that I'd kept mine. I bought a direct drive Dual afew years later and when it had a problem in later years it was quite expensive to repair. I don't know if you can buy a belt drive these day's unless it's used

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I wish that I'd kept mine. I bought a direct drive Dual afew years later and when it had a problem in later years it was quite expensive to repair. I don't know if you can buy a belt drive these day's unless it's used

Me either, so that's why I'm suggesting getting second hand one. If it's a name brand you can find replacement parts online along with directions sometimes or if you have a small shop in town that specializes in audio equipment they usually have the pieces you need or can get them for you. In my town the man who runs the shop even has record cleaner you can use with those spongy D4 record cleaner brushes. :lol:

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Me either, so that's why I'm suggesting getting second hand one. If it's a name brand you can find replacement parts online along with directions sometimes or if you have a small shop in town that specializes in audio equipment they usually have the pieces you need or can get them for you. In my town the man who runs the shop even has record cleaner you can use with those spongy D4 record cleaner brushes. :lol:

Ha Ha. I remember them. Nice little case that you could store it in. Sat right beside the turntable. We used to get all pissed if someone put a record on and didn't use the cleaner. That was, untill the party really kicked in :o Those LP's used to fly around like frizzbies :D

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Ha Ha. I remember them. Nice little case that you could store it in. Sat right beside the turntable. We used to get all pissed if someone put a record on and didn't use the cleaner. That was, untill the party really kicked in :o Those LP's used to fly around like frizzbies :D

The bad thing is my dad still has one of those D4 brushes with the original box- he keeps everything. :lol: I'll have to give that a try, I have a record that's so scratched it doesn't play any more.

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The bad thing is my dad still has one of those D4 brushes with the original box- he keeps everything. :lol: I'll have to give that a try, I have a record that's so scratched it doesn't play any more.

Just be careful what direction you throw it in. You could take a head off with it :D or heaven forbid,,, an eye

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My dad has a Dual record player.....it's older than me. I have a stereo that has a turntable attached to it.....I think it cost something like $200.

Dual made a great turntable in the 70's. I still have mine and although I don't use it as much as I used to, It still serves me well. They were considered a little high end in those day's but with the right needle and an album in decent condition, they sounded much richer than CD's. Sure you'd get the odd crackle and pop but if you ever get a chance to listen to Zeppelin 1 on that stereo that your Dad has then you'll see what I mean

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I had to listen to my vinyl on his record player before I got my own, so I know how good it sounds.

Well, there you go. I still search for vinyl when ever I can

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I'm still looking for a couple of Zep albums I don't have on vinyl. I'm afraid to buy them off ebay because you don't know what you're getting.

I haven't tried ebay for vinyl. We have a couple of great stores that I frequent from time to time and twice a year there is a huge record swap which is usually great for finding all sorts of gems

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I haven't tried ebay for vinyl. We have a couple of great stores that I frequent from time to time and twice a year there is a huge record swap which is usually great for finding all sorts of gems

There use to be a shop that sold records in my town but they went out of business last year then there's another place that sells CD's and records but their selection is really bad. I guess I'll have to wait until people start having yard sales again, I got a whole box of decent records from one awhile back.

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There use to be a shop that sold records in my town but they went out of business last year then there's another place that sells CD's and records but their selection is really bad. I guess I'll have to wait until people start having yard sales again, I got a whole box of decent records from one awhile back.

Yeah, that can be a great way to get some gems ! It's amazing what some people get rid off.

We have more than the two stores I mentioned but they are very good at sorting out the junk and I've never had any problems with anything I've bought from them.

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Yeah, that can be a great way to get some gems ! It's amazing what some people get rid off.

We have more than the two stores I mentioned but they are very good at sorting out the junk and I've never had any problems with anything I've bought from them.

I bought 300 vinyls from a garage sale for $50. It basically had every great album from 1968 to 1985. Nothing was close to being mint, but i just like the idea of having something like that. They all play good.(well im assuming) My good buddy has 6 milk crates of records that his brother used to DJ with in the 90's. i told him ill give him $200 for it. He said he wants to keep them so he can listen to them. They sit in a shitty garage with crap stack on top of them. I got so pissed with him, i went go and took a few of the good ones with me. Fuck him. Like i said, im not a collector, but i think it's cool to have.

The indi store near me has a nice section of vinyls. i usally buy the 5 for $5 ones.

But still i have 500 vinlys but i basicly just listen to the Led Zeppelin. Im not sure if i have gems, and i donlt care either way.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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I'm still looking for a couple of Zep albums I don't have on vinyl. I'm afraid to buy them off ebay because you don't know what you're getting.

I have most of my vinyl from Ebay, and I've not been disappointed. You have to pay attention to the grading scale the seller uses and don't be afraid to ask questions and ask for pictures. I always do. If the album comes with extras like a sticker set, posters, lyric sheets, anything like that....make sure you ask if they have it and what condition it's in.

Best rule of thumb, read the seller's feedback. If it's all positive and you read lots of the same compliments; "great description", "great packaging", "quick delivery".....they're someone you can trust.

The Goldmine Grading Scale is what most people use and it's fairly accurate.


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It's nice when people give you old records for nothing. The woman who was in charge of the second hand store I worked at last summer gave me records for free. They only sold them for 25 cents but she said they wouldn't miss a quarter here and there so she just let me have them. Then I had an old guy who was having a yard sale and he let me take as many as I wanted for free because his wife was the organ player at church and didn't want her son's satanic music in her house. :lol:

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