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I finished listening to Good to be bad album. If this is their last one, then I'm happy they ended this way. There are some great, catchy tunes and Coverdale's voice is still powerful and still kicks ass :) . I expected more bluesy stuff, but heck, it's a great album and I'm really happy they didn't blow it up. Can't wait to see them in July.

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...yeah, and I don't even like the hair metal version of Whitesnake. :blink::D

That's the version of Whitesnake I was referring to. I never minded the early stuff but when they got into imitating Zep just to sell records they were impossible to tell apart from any of the other dozens of "Led clones" that were out there at the time.

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I only have two of their 80's albums, can't remember the titles and a greatest hits CD.

I love their older music. But their Zeppelinian Still of The Night (80's) still gives me goosebumps.

ALTHOUGH the early albums like Lovehunter and Come and get it are my faves, Still of the Night is just epic, even if it Zep like, that to me is a compliment. John Sykes is a stunning guitarist.

By the time Steve Vai came along and ripped the soul out of the band I thought that was it, but this new album is great classic rock full of very tasty riffs.

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Never were much of a fan of Whitesnake. I thought David Coverdale borrowed way to much from Robert's vocal style as well. The "Still Of The Night" video was a joke using a bow on the guitar. Oh, that was so original (sic). I thought David wasn't bad on Coverdale/Page, but not great. He did a particulary good job on "Don't Leave Me This Way". That was definitely my favorite on the album.

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