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I'd like to clear something up, not every woman or girl is complicated. Some just think too much of themselves. Find someone simple, those girls do in fact exsist.

Where are they?? Are you talking about this planet? :blink::blink::blink:

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I disagree. Being a woman myself I'd say women get lame too when they are trying to snag a guy. Not all women of course but the really desperate ones that will sacrifice their true identity so they don't end up "alone"

I've seen it so many times. They pretend to like sports, or the same music as the guy and when they become a couple they get all psycho. And even worse are the guys who put up with such behaviour because at least they're "getting some."

Bottom Line: It's 50/50 right down the middle. Men play games and women play games. You can read as many books about 'Figuring Men/Women out..' or watch all the Oprah specials you'd like, and that won't change a thing.

You have to figure it out from your own experiences in life. Relationships are hard work. Without compromise and understanding you can kiss it goodbye. And both men and women need to keep the lines of communication open. We have the luxury of language yet we seldom make good use of it choosing instead to play games.

With men, i mean they turn soft, whipped, controled, whatever you want to call it. The worst are men who allow women to change the way they dress. That has to be one of the worst examples. I have seen it. And it would be horrible to be with a woman that wanted to change you to begin with.

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Just always remember if it's regarding a female and your drunk, forget it at least until your sober. I see your 20, that has nothing to do with your maturity however your insight to women needs to mature and even at 50 most men are still inmature about women and why we do the things we do. All I know is when God made us, she knew what she was doing.

I am older than him and i look at what women do maturely and it is still messed up.

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Myself personally I always give 100% and have found I would get 110% in return. If I get burned oh well such is life, I just won't keep score. :)

If a woman gives to me 100% i will return it. Depending on the circumstances and if what she is giving is what i want.

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I am older than him and i look at what women do maturely and it is still messed up.

Oh please, you're the one who when your girlfriend moved in, on your first night together at the apartment, you said "see ya honey, I'm going out" and you couldn't understand why she was upset...

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Oh please, you're the one who when your girlfriend moved in, on your first night together at the apartment, you said "see ya honey, I'm going out" and you couldn't understand why she was upset...

Yes. Because that stuff is not important to me at all. There are no rules that say you have to sit home and cuddle in front of the tv on your first night in what was already my home. We were gonna see each other plenty and would have seen her and hung out when i got home.

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Yes. Because that stuff is not important to me at all. There are no rules that say you have to sit home and cuddle in front of the tv on your first night in what was already my home. We were gonna see each other plenty and would have seen her and hung out when i got home.

That's why you don't have a girlfriend...

"Because that stuff is not important to me at all" i.e. her feelings...

It wasn't about you, it was about her, it was her first night to come and live with you in the flat, and it was about how she felt that night, and you basically said "I'm not interested in how you feel"

If all you are concerned about is your own feelings, then forget being in a relationship. It won't happen.

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Spats, I really really try to reason and understand you. Here comes the but. If a girl gives you 100%, and you return it, that probably means pulling a chair out for her every now and again. Can you handle that?

I have never really hooked up with old fashioned women. Women that expected me to do that. I am not attracted to those type of women. And in the relationships where she started going in that direction i would just realize that she was not the one for me. I am not really a traditionilist in any way.

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That's why you don't have a girlfriend...

"Because that stuff is not important to me at all" i.e. her feelings...

It wasn't about you, it was about her, it was her first night to come and live with you in the flat, and it was about how she felt that night, and you basically said "I'm not interested in how you feel"

If all you are concerned about is your own feelings, then forget being in a relationship. It won't happen.

I will have a girlfriend again. I have been like this since i got out of highschool and i still got girlfriends.

It goes both ways. She should have thought about my feelings too.

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It's like when you're a kid and a sibling is trying to get under your skin and is annoying you. Your mom tells you, "she's just trying to get a rise out of you, ignore her and she'll get bored and go away."

I am discussing things with other people. Not trying to get under anyone's skin. You are making out it to be something it's not. If you don't agree with me then you don't. That's just how i live my life.

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I've dated some serious jerks--been lied to, cheated on, stolen from, threatened, etc.--but I don't think I would come to a forum and start a topic about it. Men can be just as messed up as women can, Trust Me! But that's life. And just because I've had some crappy experiences with a FEW men, doesn't mean that I think ALL men are bad. Just as you shouldn't generalize all women as being bad because of one bad one...

I try not to throw all women into the same pile of bad or uncool women but when you are contantly meeting women like that it's hard. Because it makes you believe the majority are like that and it makes you jaded and gives you a negative attitude about the situation. I keep trying though.

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Dude, i never come near you or mention you. Please do the same in return. Live and let live.

Fine, but you do understand that every thread you participate in ultimately becomes about you, right? Three or four people arguing with you about your views, you responding to every post, and it becomes a Spats-fest. You're a classic thread derailer. I'm trying to remind people that we don't need to go down that road, again, because it'll be yet another thread that gets ruined or we have to stay away from because we're tired of the same old shit.

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Fine, but you do understand that every thread you participate in ultimately becomes about you, right? Three or four people arguing with you about your views, you responding to every post, and it becomes a Spats-fest. You're a classic thread derailer. I'm trying to remind people that we don't need to go down that road, again, because it'll be yet another thread that gets ruined or we have to stay away from because we're tired of the same old shit.

I agree. That if they don't like how i live my life or don't agree with my opinion they should just leave it. But you called me a troll. And that's not right. I am just being me and giving my honest opinions on things and telling about my experiences. I am not trying to get anyone pissed or anything.

And it's on topic. We are talking about women. I don't go into a baseball thread and talk about my experiences with women. I am not the only one talking about their experiences with or about the opposite sex.

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