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Zodiac Sign

Heaven Knows

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I'm a child of the sun and it resembles me perfectly.

I am the wind and the rain.

I am the sun and all that shines.

I am that which holds the heavens and all that does not shine.

I am the all of all-ness and the no-thing of nothingness.

I am you - the very source of your being.

That which breathes you as you breathe me.

I am that which creates through my breath and the sounding forth of my words.

I am that which uses care in making myself known to you, for unto man comes a mighty resistance to claiming me as I Am That I Am.

For in so doing, one claims the self as I Am That I Am.

I reside in your heart and in your mind.

I reside in the all of you, your fingers and toes, your organs, your emotions, your thoughts and indeed in your actions.

For good or for naught matters not for I do not judge myself.

I am love, so great and so vast, that I reside in a state of namelessness and formlessness for no-thing can I create can contain me, for I Am That I Am.

To limit myself by these very words diminishes my being by encapsulating my breath, my words into the world of form.

Each word I speak, in this moment, is creating for I am that which manifests myself without definition or containment.

As the rock creates a ripple in the pond, I create ripples with my breath. Upon each exhale, I send myself forth to materialize in the world of man through action, through inspiration, through the very beingness of the hearts of my heart.

If you, who is me, visualize me, I am not containable in a single form, or any form for I am un-ending - the alpha and omega. I have no face or body. I have no religious right or left. I have no direction. I possess no correctness and know not the concept of wrong, of judging, of being evil or of being good.

If you welcome me into your thinking, feeling, acting body, you may find that as I am unleashed in the power of one, who is you, creation is everflowing, unstoppable.

I surround you now in fields and flowers, stars and comets, rain and thunder. I surround you now in the suit of skin that cloaks your bodyworks, your organs and cells and arteries.

I am all that and more.

Yet, oftentimes, you see me not in the workings, the appearance of all things for you understand not the mind of god, which is no mind at all, for I Am Love.

A love so vast it responds immediately to the smallest cry, the tiniest of whimpers of desire. If one wishes to experience the thrill of terror, one will surely find terror on the doorstep. If one holds the smallest particle of doubt, doubt will surely appear. For I hold no limit in my expression.

I Am That I Am.

You have seen me in your lover's eyes and the tiny fist of a newborn child.

You have seen me in the warships and in the bloom of a flowering plant.

You have witnessed my phenomenal appearance with every breath you take, in the all of which you are surrounded.

You live, move and have your being in me as I, in you.

We are not separate.

I am you.

I am divine perfection.

I am known to you.

I live in you.

I express in you.

I am creator and creation in one.

I am unity.

Edited by Geralds Game
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i have an acquaintance who's a numerologist. he gave me a free astrological chart reading.

it was pretty accurate. it even described what parts of my body should look like . just having a zodiac sign reading isn't enough. you need to get a full reading. other stuff in that can counter against your birth sign.

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I'm a child of the sun and it resembles me perfectly.

I am the wind and the rain.

I am the sun and all that shines.

I am that which holds the heavens and all that does not shine.

I am the all of all-ness and the no-thing of nothingness.

I am you - the very source of your being.

That which breathes you as you breathe me.

I am that which creates through my breath and the sounding forth of my words.

I am that which uses care in making myself known to you, for unto man comes a mighty resistance to claiming me as I Am That I Am.

For in so doing, one claims the self as I Am That I Am.

I reside in your heart and in your mind.

I reside in the all of you, your fingers and toes, your organs, your emotions, your thoughts and indeed in your actions.

For good or for naught matters not for I do not judge myself.

I am love, so great and so vast, that I reside in a state of namelessness and formlessness for no-thing can I create can contain me, for I Am That I Am.

To limit myself by these very words diminishes my being by encapsulating my breath, my words into the world of form.

Each word I speak, in this moment, is creating for I am that which manifests myself without definition or containment.

As the rock creates a ripple in the pond, I create ripples with my breath. Upon each exhale, I send myself forth to materialize in the world of man through action, through inspiration, through the very beingness of the hearts of my heart.

If you, who is me, visualize me, I am not containable in a single form, or any form for I am un-ending - the alpha and omega. I have no face or body. I have no religious right or left. I have no direction. I possess no correctness and know not the concept of wrong, of judging, of being evil or of being good.

If you welcome me into your thinking, feeling, acting body, you may find that as I am unleashed in the power of one, who is you, creation is everflowing, unstoppable.

I surround you now in fields and flowers, stars and comets, rain and thunder. I surround you now in the suit of skin that cloaks your bodyworks, your organs and cells and arteries.

I am all that and more.

Yet, oftentimes, you see me not in the workings, the appearance of all things for you understand not the mind of god, which is no mind at all, for I Am Love.

A love so vast it responds immediately to the smallest cry, the tiniest of whimpers of desire. If one wishes to experience the thrill of terror, one will surely find terror on the doorstep. If one holds the smallest particle of doubt, doubt will surely appear. For I hold no limit in my expression.

I Am That I Am.

You have seen me in your lover's eyes and the tiny fist of a newborn child.

You have seen me in the warships and in the bloom of a flowering plant.

You have witnessed my phenomenal appearance with every breath you take, in the all of which you are surrounded.

You live, move and have your being in me as I, in you.

We are not separate.

I am you.

I am divine perfection.

I am known to you.

I live in you.

I express in you.

I am creator and creation in one.

I am unity.

Time for your pills, bud.

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Thanks, it's just that i'm at work tonight so i didn't want to forget about it. By the time i get home in the morning i will have blurred vision and probably not know my name... :D

I can upload it to Imageshack for you and when you get home, when you have gotten some rest, you can just save it from the link:


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Haha, being in love with a Libra, and having a Libra father, i can tell you don't fit your sign...LOL. Libra's are wonderful and so i suggest you try to be more like you were born to be.

:o I am a good guy. I may not be Mr.Knight in Shining Armor who gets on one knee for women. But i am a good friend to my buddies, etc.

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I wasn't judging you, Spats. In all honesty, i have read almost none of the interactions you have had with members on this board. You seem like a nice guy to me. I commented because i know Libra's can be some great people, and you said you're not like your sign. No offense meant to you at all.

Oh Ok. I misundertood. :D

I actually just looked at that last link and i am a little like what it described. But one link said libras are romantic and i am not. And that spurred me saying that i am not like that. But that last link had a few things i am similar too. Not spot on though.

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Sun: Pisces. Moon: Cancer. Ascendant: Leo.

My horoscope said that I "like to be in charge" and that I'm "bossy". I won't argue with that- I usually do end up as the boss. :D

I don't know if it's the astrology, or that I'm the eldest child. Both? Who knows. :rolleyes:

I think it's great fun. Although I've been accused of much darker things than I think I'm involved in. :blink:

If that were the case, I'd just take over the world (I think NOT!) :D


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I am an Aries.

Symbol: the Ram

Ruling Planet: Mars

Ruling House: First House

Element: Fire

Quality: Cardinal

Body Parts: head, face

Keyword: SELF

Date with destiny: Leo, Sagittarius

Run for the hills: Cancer, Capricorn

Where you glow: pulling the strings

What makes you tick: excitement

Fitness forecast: tae kwon do

Play date: rock climbing

Perfect jobs: firefighter, aerobics instructor

Best accessory: hats

A sure thing: wearing red

Destination: Carneval in Rio

Pleasure: action, new beginnings, assertion

Pain: follow-up, sharing, losing

What's my line? Get out of my way!

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I'm a perfect Cancer - the more "childlike" one, rather then the typical "motherly" Cancer. Though I have a lot of maternal-ness in me as well. My moon-in-Leo was a lot more typical of me as a younger person. My rising sign is Scorpio, which again is a very good description of my self.

My bf is a Cancer too, and I think we'd drive eachother nuts if his moon wasn't in capricorn. Otherwise... too many emotions!

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Who is the best match up for a Libra?

A Gemini. Other Librans, Leos, Aries and Aquarians aren't bad either.

Capricorns are probably at the other end of the compatibility spectrum.

Edited by Virginia
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I knew i should have mentioned this: not the same year as Robert was born. Robert is old enough to be my grandfather!

And whats wrong with Granfathers.

I am a Leo

I like to be the boss most of the time but every now and then I chill a bit.

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Who is the best match up for a Libra?

Hey Spats-here are all of the compatibility things for Libra, so that you may read them and make up your own mind:

Gemini-Libra Compatibility

This combination creates a mutual appreciation of all that is refined, artistic, beautiful, sociable, interesting and informative. Gemini likes to communicate, so is happy to share with Libra who, in turn, is not satiated or complete when alone. Gemini and Libra have so much in common that sometimes there's no needs for words.They both need to feel an intellectual rapport with their paramour, because neither can fall for fools. The luscious Libran way of wooing will truly transform the twin, who'll be drowned under a delicious deluge of love letters, passionate poems and sometimes snatches of songs. In return, that Geminian quick wit will keep the Libran laughing and those sudden swings of mercurian mood, from rumbustious pompishness to ravishing romance in the time it takes a heartstrings to ping, will make sure the Venusian valentine never veers from the path of true love.

Libra-Leo Compatibility

Since both signs enjoy life, they will share a lot of happy times. Libra, who likes to keep things balanced, may think Leo to be lavish, extravagant or flamboyant. Leo likes to be the boss. Libra gets things done through tact and manipulation. Love makes the world go round even faster and more furiously than ever when cupid sets his sights on a luscious Libran and a lovely Lion and brings them together with his arrow of amour.When the two signs of love meet for a romantic rendezvous it'll be love all the way. This couple will tug at each other's heartstrings and play a merry melody. They'll discover that they have stacks of stuff in common.They're both barmy about beautiful things. Music will gush out at all hours of the day and night and their walk-in wardrobes will be bursting with all kinds of clothes. The airy element of the liberated Libran will fan the flames of the fire of loving Leo, causing a beautiful blaze that will caress the cockles of their huge hearts. Because these friendly feline folk are fixed , the Leo will be able to temper the extravagance of his airy friend.

Libra-Sagittarius Compatibility

This union increases the qualities of love, success, happiness and ability to enjoy life. Although Libra needs to share things with someone special he is tactful enough to allow Sagittarius that much love, freedom and independence. Sagittarius is generous to allow Libra to indulge in little pleasures and luxuries.They gad about the globe together.Both of these seasoned travelers are imbued with a sense of adventure and enjoyment and their bonding about abroad will be a bundle of laughs. Even when they are at home, they'll have such a myriad of mates. Their social life will sizzle as they're inundated with invitations to parties and get-togethers galore. If they're both fairly free and easy in their feelings, they can have fantastic fun together, because fundamentally they'll be friends. Even if they're married they can lead a liberated life. But there'll be trials and tribulations if one of them has got Venus, the planet of love, in sultry and suspicious Scorpio, because then they'll want a more loyal and lasting liaison than the other one will be able to give. If one of them wants a more anchored affair than the other one can cope with, they should call the whole thing off.


They can share the pleasures together because Libra is the epitome of a personal lover whereas Aquarius is the universal lover, who needs to share the interest and affection with others. When Aquarius becomes aloof or unpredictable, Libra uses tact and diplomacy rather than anger to handle the situation. Neither of them will make impossible demands on the other. If Aquarius is allowed freedom by Libra, it can be an excellent union. This couple click the first time their eyes meet across a crowded room, because it's mental magic when these two get together.The ingenuity and inventiveness of the unorthodox Aquarian will knock the lively Libran for six, because these folk are always on the lookout for buddies who are brainy and brilliant.Their conversations will be captivating, their laughter loud and their enthusiasm infectious.But when it comes to luscious love, the Aquarian may find they've bitten off more than they can chew.Uranus,the water carrier's ruler,is a perplexing planet that pops up and parades about when you least expect it,leaving lashings of chaos and confusion in its wacky wake. Love can find a way for this couple and it won't matter which sex is which sign. It can take a lot of hard work, though. For example, if the Libran wants to keep their Aquarian coming back for more armor,then they've got to get every sex book under the sun and then put it all into practice.

Libra-Scorpio Compatibility

This relation can create physical, emotional and sexual attraction. However, Libra will find Scorpio more overwhelming at times. The secret of joy is to find a common point to share which gives pleasure and satisfaction to both.There is a mutual attraction between Libra's charming allure and Scorpio's sex appeal. Libra is the sign of relationships, whether it's amorous affairs, best buddies, extreme enemies or close kith and kin.And Scorpio is the sign of sex and deep desires.Those lovely librans always aim to be balanced, which means they pretend not to get excited about anything.But Scorpios are some of those fortunate folk who can entice a few shakes, rattles and rolls out their Libran lovers. With their never-ending need to be one half of a harmonious happy family, Librans think they like to be possessed, in a mental as well as a physical fashion.Sometimes the infinite intensity of the Scorpio can be a wee bit too much for the mentally-motivated Libran, who likes to keep life light and airy. As long as they can keep their cuddles caring and caressing without becoming complicated and claustrophobic, both lovers should be laughing.

Libra-Capricorn Compatibility

This combination of Libra with Capricorn cannot easily combine as there should be some common purpose or destiny to form long term association. Capricorns are not demonstrative and do not openly indicate warmth of love and affection which Libra needs. Libra enjoys ease, luxury and self-indulgence. Capricorn takes life seriously, shoulders responsibility and can cope with austerity much better than Libra. Capricorn should remember that sharing love, affection and beautiful things is as vital to Libra as food and water.These two will support each other through thick and thin and the longer their liaison lasts, the better it will become. And because they're both cardinal creatures , they'll understand each other's ambitions. The Libran expects the Capricorn to leap on to a bend knee every now and then.The Capricorn's love may be there under the surface, but it might not be tender enough for the delicate digestion of the Libran lover.

Libra-Pisces Compatibility

Although Libra is affectionate and Pisces of a different nature, yet there can be an affinity because both appreciate beauty, entertainment, arts, harmony, love, affection, gentleness and the magic of romance. Libra will help Pisces in moments of confusion, indecision and to be impartial. Both signs prefer to shut their eyes to anything awful and when reality becomes too ugly or unpleasant, they block it out. One thing's for sure-if they live together, their abode will abound with objects.Because they belong to the water element, friendly fish can be clingy. Librans will love that, but in the aftermath of amour, they like to be left alone.They'll have a quick cuddle with their partner in passion, but after that they like to lie on their backs and fall fast asleep. If the fish turns on the tears, their libran can feel hemmed in and shackled by sex and that's the last thing this lot like. But if this couple can come to a compromise, they'll be a terrifically tender twosome.

Libra-Taurus Compatibility

Bond between the Taurus and the Libra will depend on feelings and affections or mutual appreciation of beauty and finer things of life. Harmony is their common point and they avoid provocation. Diplomatic Libra can tactfully manipulate stubborn Taurus. They both need pleasures and luxuries. Because they're both ruled by Venus- the planet of love, it makes them exude energy in different directions.Taureans belong to the earth element, so Venus will make them more tactile and supremely sensuous. But because Librans are air signs they are like peaches and cream, honey and roses. The Bulls and their balanced buddies have a lot in common.They both want an existence that's perfectly peaceful and an atmosphere with their amour that's buzzing with beauty, not brickbats. If they rule out the realms of romance and become business partners or something similar, the Venusian influence may not be strong enough to keep them ticking over together and they could drift off in different directions.

Libra-Cancer Compatibility

Cancer is easily hurt, unless the peace-loving Libra is provoked. Libra will appreciate Cancer's natural desire to love, and protect but sometimes will impose on the Cancerian's desire to give. Due to excess of emotions of Cancer, Libra's balance between emotions and reasons may be disturbed. The secret of heavenly happiness comes from complete captivating communication. When each half of a partnership is receiving those sexy signals loud and clear on their romantic receivers, the airwaves of amour will be pulsating with pleasure. A Cancer girl cannot get well with a Libran man. She would be always nagging and crying an dfull of emotions. But the Libran man needs some peace and happiness that he shall go out in serach of true love.Oddly enough, things take a turn for the better when the sexes are swapped.

Libra-Virgo Compatibility

There is an apparent contract between them. They both are fastidious and seek some degree of perfection. Emotion and mind complement each other. Libra aims to achieve balance and beauty, so it is not likely to provoke the critical side of Virgo. For loving Librans, it's a case of their hearts ruling their heads.The virgos, though, are the other way round and their heads tell their hearts what to do. So when these two ask each other for an emotional attachment it'll be a clash between Venusian love and Virgoan logic. Luscious Librans need a love that isn't too steamy on the sexual side. And Virgoans need a pristine pairing.The Virgoans are mesmerisingly matter-of-fact in the realms of romance and can limit their litanies of love to once a year or only on high days and holidays.Their romantic restraint can send their Libran lovers into a frustrated flurry.

Libra-Libra Compatibility

These are agreeable signs of beauty, peace, harmony and balance. Discord or conflict really upsets Libra, so each will avoid or leave unfinished anything likely to cause this. Both are easygoing and lack fighting spirit. So they do not make a progressive team. But are well matched in emotions, physical sex, elegance and have attractive and pleasing tastes. These folk find it hard to make up their minds at the best of times, even if it's over what sort of sock to sport. When it comes to the realms of romance, these airy amours are really in a pretty pickle. Librans have sleepless nights over the prospect of being spurned. They're often frightened to make the first move in a prospective partnership and won't stick their necks out in case they get their heads chopped off . When two librans like each other, one of them must be assertive enough to take the initiative, otherwise they'll daydream for ever.

Libra-Aries Compatibility

Fiery Aries and Airy Libra have natural affinity though they are opposite signs. They can repel as well as attract If conflict arises, Aries triumphs while Libra becomes upset and leaves. Initially, there is often a strong physical or emotional attraction between these two. The archetypal Arian and his sexy sidekick -a real libran lass is a good duo. Librans will say they don't like the sound of that one bit, but once they get going, they'll enjoy every minute of it and the eroticism will awaken alll sorts of urges and surges inside them. When Aries teams up with Libra they make a most delicious duo, with the laid-back, luscious Librans completely contrary to those rough and tumble Rams.This twosome are so terrific for each other they're bliss to behold. Assertive Arians will teach their Libran lovers to stand up for themselves more and not act like doormats, so all and sundry can stomp all over them. They'll tell them that though togetherness can be terrific, everyone's unique in some way or other.

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And whats wrong with Granfathers.

I am a Leo

I like to be the boss most of the time but every now and then I chill a bit.

It's a lot of fun being the boss. I like things my way too- Leo ascendant. :D

But I will allow/lead others to "believe that they had the idea"- and it's "brilliant".


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Hey Spats-here are all of the compatibility things for Libra, so that you may read them and make up your own mind:

Gemini-Libra Compatibility

This combination creates a mutual appreciation of all that is refined, artistic, beautiful, sociable, interesting and informative. Gemini likes to communicate, so is happy to share with Libra who, in turn, is not satiated or complete when alone. Gemini and Libra have so much in common that sometimes there's no needs for words.They both need to feel an intellectual rapport with their paramour, because neither can fall for fools. The luscious Libran way of wooing will truly transform the twin, who'll be drowned under a delicious deluge of love letters, passionate poems and sometimes snatches of songs. In return, that Geminian quick wit will keep the Libran laughing and those sudden swings of mercurian mood, from rumbustious pompishness to ravishing romance in the time it takes a heartstrings to ping, will make sure the Venusian valentine never veers from the path of true love.

Libra-Leo Compatibility

Since both signs enjoy life, they will share a lot of happy times. Libra, who likes to keep things balanced, may think Leo to be lavish, extravagant or flamboyant. Leo likes to be the boss. Libra gets things done through tact and manipulation. Love makes the world go round even faster and more furiously than ever when cupid sets his sights on a luscious Libran and a lovely Lion and brings them together with his arrow of amour.When the two signs of love meet for a romantic rendezvous it'll be love all the way. This couple will tug at each other's heartstrings and play a merry melody. They'll discover that they have stacks of stuff in common.They're both barmy about beautiful things. Music will gush out at all hours of the day and night and their walk-in wardrobes will be bursting with all kinds of clothes. The airy element of the liberated Libran will fan the flames of the fire of loving Leo, causing a beautiful blaze that will caress the cockles of their huge hearts. Because these friendly feline folk are fixed , the Leo will be able to temper the extravagance of his airy friend.

Libra-Sagittarius Compatibility

This union increases the qualities of love, success, happiness and ability to enjoy life. Although Libra needs to share things with someone special he is tactful enough to allow Sagittarius that much love, freedom and independence. Sagittarius is generous to allow Libra to indulge in little pleasures and luxuries.They gad about the globe together.Both of these seasoned travelers are imbued with a sense of adventure and enjoyment and their bonding about abroad will be a bundle of laughs. Even when they are at home, they'll have such a myriad of mates. Their social life will sizzle as they're inundated with invitations to parties and get-togethers galore. If they're both fairly free and easy in their feelings, they can have fantastic fun together, because fundamentally they'll be friends. Even if they're married they can lead a liberated life. But there'll be trials and tribulations if one of them has got Venus, the planet of love, in sultry and suspicious Scorpio, because then they'll want a more loyal and lasting liaison than the other one will be able to give. If one of them wants a more anchored affair than the other one can cope with, they should call the whole thing off.


They can share the pleasures together because Libra is the epitome of a personal lover whereas Aquarius is the universal lover, who needs to share the interest and affection with others. When Aquarius becomes aloof or unpredictable, Libra uses tact and diplomacy rather than anger to handle the situation. Neither of them will make impossible demands on the other. If Aquarius is allowed freedom by Libra, it can be an excellent union. This couple click the first time their eyes meet across a crowded room, because it's mental magic when these two get together.The ingenuity and inventiveness of the unorthodox Aquarian will knock the lively Libran for six, because these folk are always on the lookout for buddies who are brainy and brilliant.Their conversations will be captivating, their laughter loud and their enthusiasm infectious.But when it comes to luscious love, the Aquarian may find they've bitten off more than they can chew.Uranus,the water carrier's ruler,is a perplexing planet that pops up and parades about when you least expect it,leaving lashings of chaos and confusion in its wacky wake. Love can find a way for this couple and it won't matter which sex is which sign. It can take a lot of hard work, though. For example, if the Libran wants to keep their Aquarian coming back for more armor,then they've got to get every sex book under the sun and then put it all into practice.

Libra-Scorpio Compatibility

This relation can create physical, emotional and sexual attraction. However, Libra will find Scorpio more overwhelming at times. The secret of joy is to find a common point to share which gives pleasure and satisfaction to both.There is a mutual attraction between Libra's charming allure and Scorpio's sex appeal. Libra is the sign of relationships, whether it's amorous affairs, best buddies, extreme enemies or close kith and kin.And Scorpio is the sign of sex and deep desires.Those lovely librans always aim to be balanced, which means they pretend not to get excited about anything.But Scorpios are some of those fortunate folk who can entice a few shakes, rattles and rolls out their Libran lovers. With their never-ending need to be one half of a harmonious happy family, Librans think they like to be possessed, in a mental as well as a physical fashion.Sometimes the infinite intensity of the Scorpio can be a wee bit too much for the mentally-motivated Libran, who likes to keep life light and airy. As long as they can keep their cuddles caring and caressing without becoming complicated and claustrophobic, both lovers should be laughing.

Libra-Capricorn Compatibility

This combination of Libra with Capricorn cannot easily combine as there should be some common purpose or destiny to form long term association. Capricorns are not demonstrative and do not openly indicate warmth of love and affection which Libra needs. Libra enjoys ease, luxury and self-indulgence. Capricorn takes life seriously, shoulders responsibility and can cope with austerity much better than Libra. Capricorn should remember that sharing love, affection and beautiful things is as vital to Libra as food and water.These two will support each other through thick and thin and the longer their liaison lasts, the better it will become. And because they're both cardinal creatures , they'll understand each other's ambitions. The Libran expects the Capricorn to leap on to a bend knee every now and then.The Capricorn's love may be there under the surface, but it might not be tender enough for the delicate digestion of the Libran lover.

Libra-Pisces Compatibility

Although Libra is affectionate and Pisces of a different nature, yet there can be an affinity because both appreciate beauty, entertainment, arts, harmony, love, affection, gentleness and the magic of romance. Libra will help Pisces in moments of confusion, indecision and to be impartial. Both signs prefer to shut their eyes to anything awful and when reality becomes too ugly or unpleasant, they block it out. One thing's for sure-if they live together, their abode will abound with objects.Because they belong to the water element, friendly fish can be clingy. Librans will love that, but in the aftermath of amour, they like to be left alone.They'll have a quick cuddle with their partner in passion, but after that they like to lie on their backs and fall fast asleep. If the fish turns on the tears, their libran can feel hemmed in and shackled by sex and that's the last thing this lot like. But if this couple can come to a compromise, they'll be a terrifically tender twosome.

Libra-Taurus Compatibility

Bond between the Taurus and the Libra will depend on feelings and affections or mutual appreciation of beauty and finer things of life. Harmony is their common point and they avoid provocation. Diplomatic Libra can tactfully manipulate stubborn Taurus. They both need pleasures and luxuries. Because they're both ruled by Venus- the planet of love, it makes them exude energy in different directions.Taureans belong to the earth element, so Venus will make them more tactile and supremely sensuous. But because Librans are air signs they are like peaches and cream, honey and roses. The Bulls and their balanced buddies have a lot in common.They both want an existence that's perfectly peaceful and an atmosphere with their amour that's buzzing with beauty, not brickbats. If they rule out the realms of romance and become business partners or something similar, the Venusian influence may not be strong enough to keep them ticking over together and they could drift off in different directions.

Libra-Cancer Compatibility

Cancer is easily hurt, unless the peace-loving Libra is provoked. Libra will appreciate Cancer's natural desire to love, and protect but sometimes will impose on the Cancerian's desire to give. Due to excess of emotions of Cancer, Libra's balance between emotions and reasons may be disturbed. The secret of heavenly happiness comes from complete captivating communication. When each half of a partnership is receiving those sexy signals loud and clear on their romantic receivers, the airwaves of amour will be pulsating with pleasure. A Cancer girl cannot get well with a Libran man. She would be always nagging and crying an dfull of emotions. But the Libran man needs some peace and happiness that he shall go out in serach of true love.Oddly enough, things take a turn for the better when the sexes are swapped.

Libra-Virgo Compatibility

There is an apparent contract between them. They both are fastidious and seek some degree of perfection. Emotion and mind complement each other. Libra aims to achieve balance and beauty, so it is not likely to provoke the critical side of Virgo. For loving Librans, it's a case of their hearts ruling their heads.The virgos, though, are the other way round and their heads tell their hearts what to do. So when these two ask each other for an emotional attachment it'll be a clash between Venusian love and Virgoan logic. Luscious Librans need a love that isn't too steamy on the sexual side. And Virgoans need a pristine pairing.The Virgoans are mesmerisingly matter-of-fact in the realms of romance and can limit their litanies of love to once a year or only on high days and holidays.Their romantic restraint can send their Libran lovers into a frustrated flurry.

Libra-Libra Compatibility

These are agreeable signs of beauty, peace, harmony and balance. Discord or conflict really upsets Libra, so each will avoid or leave unfinished anything likely to cause this. Both are easygoing and lack fighting spirit. So they do not make a progressive team. But are well matched in emotions, physical sex, elegance and have attractive and pleasing tastes. These folk find it hard to make up their minds at the best of times, even if it's over what sort of sock to sport. When it comes to the realms of romance, these airy amours are really in a pretty pickle. Librans have sleepless nights over the prospect of being spurned. They're often frightened to make the first move in a prospective partnership and won't stick their necks out in case they get their heads chopped off . When two librans like each other, one of them must be assertive enough to take the initiative, otherwise they'll daydream for ever.

Libra-Aries Compatibility

Fiery Aries and Airy Libra have natural affinity though they are opposite signs. They can repel as well as attract If conflict arises, Aries triumphs while Libra becomes upset and leaves. Initially, there is often a strong physical or emotional attraction between these two. The archetypal Arian and his sexy sidekick -a real libran lass is a good duo. Librans will say they don't like the sound of that one bit, but once they get going, they'll enjoy every minute of it and the eroticism will awaken alll sorts of urges and surges inside them. When Aries teams up with Libra they make a most delicious duo, with the laid-back, luscious Librans completely contrary to those rough and tumble Rams.This twosome are so terrific for each other they're bliss to behold. Assertive Arians will teach their Libran lovers to stand up for themselves more and not act like doormats, so all and sundry can stomp all over them. They'll tell them that though togetherness can be terrific, everyone's unique in some way or other.

Who writes this stuff. :o:o

I am so not like a libra in so many ways. I don't "woo". I have never wooed in my life and won't be wooing in the near furture. And i wouldn't write love letters or poems if my life depended on it. And even then i would have to think about it. But they are saying Libras like to do that. Complete Nonsense.

Anyways, From reading everything i think i match best with an Aries. What month are they born in?

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Who writes this stuff. :o:o

I am so not like a libra in so many ways. I don't "woo". I have never wooed in my life and won't be wooing in the near furture. And i wouldn't write love letters or poems if my life depended on it. And even then i would have to think about it. But they are saying Libras like to do that. Complete Nonsense.

Anyways, From reading everything i think i match best with an Aries. What month are they born in?

That's MY sign! (in other words, if you dated someone within that sign, they'd probably behave kinda like i do...are you sure you could handle that?)

March 21-April 19 is Aries.

Edited by ~Bonnie~
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