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Heaven Knows

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Hey Spats-here are all of the compatibility things for Libra, so that you may read them and make up your own mind:

Gemini-Libra Compatibility

This combination creates a mutual appreciation of all that is refined, artistic, beautiful, sociable, interesting and informative. Gemini likes to communicate, so is happy to share with Libra who, in turn, is not satiated or complete when alone. Gemini and Libra have so much in common that sometimes there's no needs for words.They both need to feel an intellectual rapport with their paramour, because neither can fall for fools. The luscious Libran way of wooing will truly transform the twin, who'll be drowned under a delicious deluge of love letters, passionate poems and sometimes snatches of songs. In return, that Geminian quick wit will keep the Libran laughing and those sudden swings of mercurian mood, from rumbustious pompishness to ravishing romance in the time it takes a heartstrings to ping, will make sure the Venusian valentine never veers from the path of true love.

I'm a Gemini, Spats is a Libra. We would never work, no matter what the above paragraph says. I like human males, he clearly isn't one. Besides, the opening line is the tip-off; I like the ballet, the opera, the symphony......I can't see his lazy ass going to any of those things.

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Okay, if you don't ask for my phone number in the next week i will presume you are not interested. Deal? :D

Depends. Do you WANT me to ask for your number? Because, you know, most people if you just randomly contact them and ask for their number, they'd be like "Well that's kinda creepy..."

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I am much less controlling than i once was, maybe. Well anyway, :) I am always willing to compromise, and that's very important in a good relationship. I like the man to be the "boss" in bed...

Or at least believe so. "Magnolia" stuff. B)

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Of course he wants you to ask or he wouldn't have mentioned it. Do it before you hurt his pride...

How can it be creepy, you already know him pretty well in many ways...

Not really.

A)I don't know his name, not even just a first name.

B )I don't know what he looks like.

C)I don't know what his occupation in life is, or even what his hobbies are....

Not to brag on myself, but I've always been someone who has options....I've never been desperate. I kinda like to know these things about a guy first and foremost....

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Fair enough. Have him provide this information to you, and go from there. I'm not trying to be a matchmaker, but i asked for a phone number a couple months ago, and i'm sure glad i did....:) Spats seems to have made the first move so what do you have to lose?

btw...i'm not jaded against Spats like so many here are.

Well there you have it. Spats, if you could provide this information please?

And Then perhaps if I did have your number I would not be opposed to calling....

I mean, if I am going to be paying international calling rates, I should at least make sure I'm getting my money's worth...

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I'm a Gemini, Spats is a Libra. We would never work, no matter what the above paragraph says. I like human males, he clearly isn't one. Besides, the opening line is the tip-off; I like the ballet, the opera, the symphony......I can't see his lazy ass going to any of those things.

What is your defiintion of a human male? A guy Who will do whatever you want him to do no questions asked? No, i am not one of those guys.

I can't stand the ballet, the opera or the symphony. That's why i wouldn't go. Not because i am lazy. I don't have a lazy bone in my body.

Again, if you don't like me then let's just not go near each other. I don't have a problem with you. Live and let live.

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Of course he wants you to ask or he wouldn't have mentioned it. Do it before you hurt his pride...

How can it be creepy, you already know him pretty well in many ways...

I was just having fun. Making a joke about how i like them to call first. We talked about this awhile back.

I live in Canada. Very far from where Bonnie lives. A person will go broke doing long distance calling on cell phones. When i was in Florida a couple years ago and was calling home i almost had a stroke when i saw my cell phone bill. :o:o:o

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Not really.

A)I don't know his name, not even just a first name.

B )I don't know what he looks like.

C)I don't know what his occupation in life is, or even what his hobbies are....

Not to brag on myself, but I've always been someone who has options....I've never been desperate. I kinda like to know these things about a guy first and foremost....

A) I have a boring first name, a really lame middle name, and a forgettable last name.

B) Not ugly but not gonna be mistaken for Johnny Depp in this life time. I wish i had movie star looks instead of average looks.

C) just your average job.

Are you excited yet??? :D

Seriously, i am amazed people will give that much info about themselves online to people they don't really know all that well. Anyone agree? :o

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A) I have a boring first name, a really lame middle name, and a forgettable last name.

B) Not ugly but not gonna be mistaken for Johnny Depp in this life time. I wish i had movie star looks instead of average looks.

C) just your average job.

Are you excited yet??? :D

Seriously, i am amazed people will give that much info about themselves online to people they don't really know all that well. Anyone agree? :o

Ooooh, yeah!! That's totally hott! RAWRR!


I don't really see anything wrong if you talk to someone a lot online. But I'm not totally uptight about it either. I mean like, I'll tell anyone my first name, but I'm not going to divulge any further than that unless I know you. And I have no problem telling people I'm from South Dakota, but I'm not gonna just go around handing out my address. And nowadays, meeting people online is just about the same as meeting people in person, there's about the same ratio normal/crazy people. To use this message board as an example, there are several people who have met up in real life, there are many people who have exchanged telephone numbers and addresses and actually call each other, and there are even those who have met their boyfriends/girlfriends here.

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Make them believe that they're in charge.

The "magnolia" thing is a southern term. Allow people to believe you're delicate, but take on the world.


So in other words one person who reads minds about what others are thinking and calls it "Magnolia Stuff," is believable by anyone with a brain?

That's weird.

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Don't worry, nobody who knows you will give themselves a headache trying to read your mind, lol.

Thanks Heaven Knows.

Simple playfulness isn't understood sometimes, or doesn't come across when typed. :blink:

Oh well.


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I like to be understood, whether i'm trying to be in control, or being submissive to someone else's wishes. I prefer to be upfront, not deceptive. As a Leo, i will make my needs known, when i need them to be...

The older i get, the more i hate "games". The only time i will pretend someone else is in charge is when we are role playing, lol.

Hmmm, maybe I didn't define "magnolia" well: it is not deceitfulness, never weakness.

It's simply charm. Allowing another person to strongly believe in their own brilliance. I believe it's really diplomacy.

It's more a matter of charm than anything else. I don't believe it is used in every state. Well, maybe it is and I'm not aware of it. :)

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If you look in the phone directory you can find palm readers. Or if you go for Chinese you can get fortune cookies. I have as much faith in all of it.

Almost zero percent.

Life is what you make it. Dreams are ok for fiction, however if you have any sense you wont get caught up in it. Over all of them I will go with the fortune cookie. At least this way I get something for my money.


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Hmmm, maybe I didn't define "magnolia" well: it is not deceitfulness, never weakness.

It's simply charm. Allowing another person to strongly believe in their own brilliance. I believe it's really diplomacy.

It's more a matter of charm than anything else. I don't believe it is used in every state. Well, maybe it is and I'm not aware of it. :)

Wouldn\t you be better off admitting you haven't a clue what your talking about?

Magnolia is a flower, it's as simple as that.

Or MAYBE a term of endearment for a "Southern Belle. But as far as being used to portray someone who is submissive to let someone else be fudged into thinking they respect you, I think your definitions lack much if any resemblance of actual true definitions. If it does would you please direct us to them? Your simply associating southern women as airheads or passive and then patronising us to cover it up.

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Ooooh, yeah!! That's totally hott! RAWRR!


I don't really see anything wrong if you talk to someone a lot online. But I'm not totally uptight about it either. I mean like, I'll tell anyone my first name, but I'm not going to divulge any further than that unless I know you. And I have no problem telling people I'm from South Dakota, but I'm not gonna just go around handing out my address. And nowadays, meeting people online is just about the same as meeting people in person, there's about the same ratio normal/crazy people. To use this message board as an example, there are several people who have met up in real life, there are many people who have exchanged telephone numbers and addresses and actually call each other, and there are even those who have met their boyfriends/girlfriends here.

I am amazed people would hook up with people they met on line. I don't think i could ever do that. because you really don't know what you are getting into. And besides long distance relationships for the most part don't work. For awhile they may but most don't last. I have known people that did get together and ended up marrying someone they met on messageboards. :o But that's the minority. Not surprisingly it was the guy that ending up having to move. if it was NY i would move but other than that no way.

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