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Gasoline, oil, petrol...


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This is really getting rediculous.

Every single day now it's going up and up and up. I saw that in the UK some have been paying 11 bucks a gallon.

How much will you spend before you say that's it?

How much are you paying?

Soon, people earning minimum wage will have to work an hour for a gallon of gas. Some may not even be able to GET to work if this keeps up.

It is causing everything to skyrocket.

It is a mess.

I do not currently own a car and I love it. I can get anywhere faster by light-rail and bus. Or just walking. When I absolutely need one I rent one, a fuel economy car. If I had little kids I couldn't do it. But now...I don't need or want the hassle.

Has anyone thought of trading down their gas guzzlers?

Or just saying....park it. Till gas is less?

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that's ridicolous: here we pay 1.45 Euro per litre! and you're disappointed for 4$ a gallon??

... and for those about diesel, the price here is 1.40 Euro per litre. B)

So, if you need a price in US$ it's pretty easy: one litre is 2,26$ (change is 1.56 more or less). How much litre is your gallon? 3,78 litres (I think it's more, but I'm not sure)?? so, your gallon here will cost 8,54$ :o

If you want to start a discussion, if've to consider that all the problems we've worldwide are related to your low price ... this is why you need petrol from the arabian countries (you know what I mean) and you never started a serious transition to alternative energies

Next step? use bio fuel, so there'll be more people hungry and no food to eat

And go on this way, worse and worse.

Uhm am I wrong if I remember that you don't know the meaning of Kyoto protocol and you really don't care about it's meaning ...

Sorry but I'm a little bit bored about all these arguments on high prices: WE have high prices, not you all.

cheers from the sunny Italy


p.s. you it's referred to the US people not one single person, of course.

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This is really getting rediculous.

Every single day now it's going up and up and up. I saw that in the UK some have been paying 11 bucks a gallon.

How much will you spend before you say that's it?

How much are you paying?

Soon, people earning minimum wage will have to work an hour for a gallon of gas. Some may not even be able to GET to work if this keeps up.

It is causing everything to skyrocket.

It is a mess.

I do not currently own a car and I love it. I can get anywhere faster by light-rail and bus. Or just walking. When I absolutely need one I rent one, a fuel economy car. If I had little kids I couldn't do it. But now...I don't need or want the hassle.

Has anyone thought of trading down their gas guzzlers?

Or just saying....park it. Till gas is less?

I hear ya.

When I lived in San Francisco, I mostly used the bus, BART, or walked.

Where I am now, the public transit is pretty much nonexistent, so I have to drive. However, I don't have a gas-guzzler. What I have now isn't quite as 'economical' as the Festiva I used to drive, but it's a lot more comfortable. Daytime driving during summer in the deep south without air conditioning was ...erm... not pleasant.

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$4.40/gal diesel. $109.43 to fill up the H1.

Wife's car only takes premium unleaded, and that's over $4.00/gal, too.

Luckily, our other car - soccer mom-mobile (minivan) I can fill up for around $3.85/gal.

How is that lucky? That's bullshit. Don't start including "lucky" in that statement until you're paying $2.00 or less.

Your wife's car only takes premium? Tell her to get a new car or you're gonna do it for her. Don't take "no" for an answer (it can be done... use some balls... :D). And don't give me the housing bullshit. There are cheap apartments and such much closer to Savannah then Blue Ridge. And when I say much closer, I mean much closer.

As to you, Luke:

Don't get me wrong. I feel you on the gas prices and, you're absolutely right. Compared to many other countries, America does have it cheap, still.

However, we here in America don't drive in the rest of the world and don't pay for gas in the rest of the world. We do that here in America. And as such, the only gas prices we give a shit about are our own. And in a country that's used to paying $1.25 and less a gallon (or was, at one time... my first fill-up, at 15 years old [6 years ago now] was $0.75 [yes, you read that right] a gallon), or was, at one time, $3.75 and up is just too damn expensive. Especially while our economy is in a recession.

But I also wonder how high the prices will go before the citizens do what they did the last time this happened. How high? $5 a gallon? $10? $20? We're gonna let it get as high as it can possibly get, and then our efforts are only gonna be words. Why is that? Because of the assholes who live in fucking Blue Ridge and work in fucking Savannah (that's a Georgia example):


They don't have a right to complain about gas prices, IMO. If it's too much for them, then why don't they live closer to where they work, or vice-versa? And don't give me the housing bullshit.

Edited by Nathan
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$4.40/gal diesel. $109.43 to fill up the H1.

Wife's car only takes premium unleaded, and that's over $4.00/gal, too.

Luckily, our other car - soccer mom-mobile (minivan) I can fill up for around $3.85/gal.

Please don't tell me an H1 is a hummer.

Whether someone can afford it or not, those vehicles reflect the boorish hawgishness of over consumption and the I have Big Balls syndrome. They take so much more of the limited resource we all must share. Not to mention how those 'doublewides' hawg parking space. :rolleyes: They also correspond with the waists (pun intended) of the growing American bulging phenomenon.

These rising prices make me drive even more conservatively than I ever have. As far as political and living views I wonder how the correlation of hummer owners/conservatives play out. That in itself is an oxymoron.

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Well, that's your opinion. I disagree, except on hogging the parking spaces.

But how can you disagree on the fact that those vehicles consume a disproportional amount of a non renewable resource compared to a more efficient one ?

No different than taking more room to park.

There aren't anymore dinosaurs roaming the planet.

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I was in -south carolina three weeks ago and it was $3.05 a gallon and then the market hit 115 a barrel and then closed at 114 and the next day, gas was up to 3.17. By the time i got back to -new york it was $3.77 and now today it hit a new mega high on the market. Apparently there is a strike going on and -bp shut down a major pipeline.

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I think the prices are around $3.50 USD per gallon. If things REALLY got bad, I could ride my bicycle. My work commute is twelve miles round trip. I could ride 6 miles easily in 1/2 hour. That being said...money is not a big issue in my household.....

Today, it is $3.56 a gallon in St.Louis. I have to drive 25 miles (mertric? what the hell is that?) each way to work. I support five people on one income. Can I move to your 'household' JT? :D

I guess I should have used condoms...(just kidding, kids--I'll pay whatever I have to for you :P !)

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Well I have already slowed down my traveling.I used to get in My Dodge Ram Pickup fill it up for between $35 and $40 dollars and start off on a long senic ride at a whim .I would tell one of my friends to pack for a few days a week or sometimes two and just go almost always a concert was in the plan.

Now it cost $80 to fill it up and I still go but about half as much its not that I cant afford it . I just dont want to and what is really My biggest concern is the price of everything else being driven up by it.Gas effects everything it cost more money to transport it nearly double what it did a few years ago well we eat that cost.I honestly believe this increase is being set up by the oil companies as they are the main ones who benifit from it .Our Goverments know this inflated price is Crap but they let it go on.

I guess when the Delivery Trucks quit rolling and the Planes quit Flying all this will stop and gas will come back to $3.00 a gallon and We will think oh man thats great I can afford that thank God for the cheap Gas .Its all to make you accept the higher prices and be happy about it.If I did not work where I had to commute I would buy a bike.But the Heliport is about 150 miles from Me and its in the marsh and no I am not moving to the swamp thank you anyway.I only have to make the commute round trip about 300 miles once a month. My other gas usage is leisure which I have cut back on.Also my truck is payed for and I dont want a note till it falls apart so I will have to live with the gas guzzler for a while longer.

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The crappy thing is (for me, anyway) these price increases (gas and everything that effects) really seem to hurt the 'little people', the mid to lower end of the financial spectrum. I drive a fucking '98 Mercury Tracer (a glorified Escort) four cylinder which probably only holds 12 gallons max...I drive only to and from work (50 miles a day, total) and I have to pay for my wife's gas (stay at home mom raisng three kids) driving the kids to places they must go and grocery store, etc.

We do the bare minimum of driving-only things we need to do to survive...this is fucking killing us (and millions of others)...but what can you do? You have to eat...which means you have work, blah, blah, blah...

I know there are probably a good number of members on this forum who may drive SUV's, hummers, whatever. I have nothing against any of you...we are all in different stations in life. But please, I dont wanna hear how you had to pay 200 dollars (or equivilant) to fill up your fuel wasting vehicle. There are millions out there who are really suffering because of this ongoing rape...

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But how can you disagree on the fact that those vehicles consume a disproportional amount of a non renewable resource compared to a more efficient one ?

No different than taking more room to park.

There aren't anymore dinosaurs roaming the planet.

I dont believe only Dinosaur parts will make oil in Two Millon years people will turn into hydrocarbons to as per the great show on tv Star Trek We are Carbon units too. :D:D

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I just saw an interesting thing on tv about geo thermal energy in alaska producing electricity. With the staggering oil market, it just seems to be a matter of time, changing times. The green movement with products on tv has kicked in more on an advertising level, but when it really takes off its gonna be a huge movement. Its just a matter of time...but who knows how long it will take from now? 25,50,or 100yrs?

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