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Gasoline, oil, petrol...


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However, we here in America don't drive in the rest of the world and don't pay for gas in the rest of the world. We do that here in America. And as such, the only gas prices we give a shit about are our own. And in a country that's used to paying $1.25 and less a gallon (or was, at one time... my first fill-up, at 15 years old [6 years ago now] was $0.75 [yes, you read that right] a gallon), or was, at one time, $3.75 and up is just too damn expensive. Especially while our economy is in a recession.

But I also wonder how high the prices will go before the citizens do what they did the last time this happened. How high? $5 a gallon? $10? $20? We're gonna let it get as high as it can possibly get, and then our efforts are only gonna be words.

sooo true and I might don't care as well about your prices ... but the fact is that petrol companies are only a few in the entire world and they decide what WE've to do for their profit ...

reading other posts I'ld like to say that there's no discussion about "how many kilometers you do with one litre" or "how many litres for 100 km" (yes we use metric = international standards also called ISO)??

what I know is that cars like hummer (is it a car or a truck?) do 3-4 km for 1 (one) litre when the standard of a family car is about 15 km for 1 (one) litre: and that's all we have to think about it. <_<

Technologically speaking do you think we've enough knowledge to do 50 km for 1 (one) litre?? the answer is YES but who cares????????? :huh:

I also read that "diesel emits lower carbon dioxide per gallon than most gasoline powered vehicles": what !?!?!

Here in europe there are more diesel cars because they do more kilometers per litre (about 20 km for 1 litre!), the engine works perfectly for more kilometers / years and because diesel oil is (was) a lot cheaper.

About pollution: is widely demonstrated that diesel oil emits lower carbon but more and more other flavors (sorry I don't remember the right word but it's something "aromatic" etc.) directly dangerous for the health (and not only for the "hole in the sky"). So, it's not better, it's still petrol and it's still bad for all of us but cheaper :blink:

Ah, if the price will rise again, we think (I mean here in the old continent) there'll be the same usual solution used several times in the past: a war .... ! :o

This is the way some people give us an answer to a non problem, isn't it? :(

Edited by LukeTheDuke
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It bugs me when people in the US say things like; "Well at least we have it cheaper than Europe".

I would think that statements like that would be music to the oil companys ears because it suggests that you are accepting the higher prices.

I suspect that there has been a an ingenious campaign to get the US used to the idea of higher gas prices. The sooner we accept the higher prices, the higher they will go!

Yeah, I think so too. Pretty soon we'll think $3.50 a gallon is a good deal, which of course is exactly what they want.

As for paying more in Europe, don't forget, you tend to drive less. There is basically no public transport where I live, and my husband and I drive a minimum 500 miles a week. We have efficient, four cylinder cars and keep them tuned, but it's a lot of gas at, last I look, $3.97/gallon and raising. Our next vehicles will definitely be hybrids or electric.

What about how this happens this way every year... up up up until Memorial Day (in the States), start of the vacation driving season... staying way up until Labor Day (end of the driving season), up again slightly for the winter holidays (mini-driving season). And of course, record high profits.

Do they think we're that stupid, really? This is collusion, pure and simple. We should be rioting in the streets. At least, anyone who votes for a Republican this year deserves to get fleeced for the rest of their lives.





Diamond Covered Mercedes of Prince Waleed


(snip photos)

Remember this when gasoline cost $5.00 a gallon.

You paid for this one.


The owner should be drawn and quartered on the hood of that thing, right before the diamonds are sold to pay for food for the starving people of the world.

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I just saw an interesting thing on tv about geo thermal energy in alaska producing electricity. With the staggering oil market, it just seems to be a matter of time, changing times. The green movement with products on tv has kicked in more on an advertising level, but when it really takes off its gonna be a huge movement. Its just a matter of time...but who knows how long it will take from now? 25,50,or 100yrs?

I was hoping for a Stanley Steamer for my birthday.


They can take their oil and gas and shove it up their ass.

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I just tanked up; it was $56 and I already had slightly over 1/4 tank to begin with. It was $3.55 a gallon for regular. The Explorer's days are numbered for sure; I miss my old Corolla :(

I am very strategic with my driving too. But we each have to drive 1/2 hour to work (our schedules are different so we can't ride together) and then take the kids to their activities (we do have carpools with other families). But if gas gets much higher, the activities' days may be numbered too.

On weekends when I run errands, I plan where I have to go, and take a logical route (i.e. no backtracking, etc.). I no longer go to the gym on weekends either unless I can knock out a few errands while I'm there; since it's 1/2 hour away (but free membership).

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:rolleyes: my own 'mini survey' - taken at the office today, and from a sample of 14 staff ...........

........... average price over the wekend was £1.08 per litre.

(don't ask me to convert into gallons/US dollars !! :blink: )

£1.12/Litre here - £1.22/litre for diesel. Lucky we pump the stuff out of the North Sea isn't it? :(

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I'm not even old enough to drive and it makes me mad. It's about $3.65 here. I walk places now so my mom doesn't have to take me places and we've cut down on the amount of places we go.

How does being angry help? Global oil production has peaked or will soon peak. It's not a renewable resource. There are 6.6 billion people competing for what's left, soon to be 7, 8, or 9 billion. You have to accept the fact that humanity is sucking the planet's juices dry.

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This is really getting rediculous.

Every single day now it's going up and up and up. I saw that in the UK some have been paying 11 bucks a gallon.

How much will you spend before you say that's it?

How much are you paying?

Soon, people earning minimum wage will have to work an hour for a gallon of gas. Some may not even be able to GET to work if this keeps up.

It is causing everything to skyrocket.

It is a mess.

I do not currently own a car and I love it. I can get anywhere faster by light-rail and bus. Or just walking. When I absolutely need one I rent one, a fuel economy car. If I had little kids I couldn't do it. But now...I don't need or want the hassle.

Has anyone thought of trading down their gas guzzlers?

Or just saying....park it. Till gas is less?

The whole thing is one big fucking scam, where the governments and big oil companies are winners, and the rest of us are the big losers.

Everytime there is some international event, it seems that oil prices go up. Every war, every military coup, some natural disaster here, some recession there, someone farted loudly in France, someone barfed in Romania etc.

Many many years ago here in Australia, I clearly remember before the very first gulf war, that petrol was about 50c a litre. Then came the war and it quickly shot up to about 70-80c a litre. And it never went down. And this is what pisses me off, 2 things. Firstly, whenever fuel prices go up, well here in Australia, they never go back down again.

Secondly, and this really pisses me off, that fuel prices bear no resemblance to world oil prices. How the hell does that work? After the first gulf war, world oil prices to well below a 20 year low. And yet that 20c a litre increase remained, despite the record low world oil crude price.

And that always seems to be happening. World oil prices are dramatically fluctuating and yet fuel prices remain constant-on the increase. Governments and oil companies are needlessy profiteering. When the fuel goes up say 10c a litre, there is no incentive to bring it down again.

The whole thing is a disgrace. I think electric vehicles are the way of the future, but of course, car companies hate that. Very few parts and service in an electric motor.

The whole thing is corrupt from beginning to end.

Edited by ledsabbath
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Being a slight smartass here for a sec. :whistling: *bump*

But, yeah, now we are dealing with the Holiday prices, that surely won't go DOWN like they used to.

It makes me wonder...what would we do with no oil.

Grocery shopping yesterday, everything was higher by a huge amount. If this keeps up, I won't be able to afford to just fricken LIVE. Or, maybe move to Mexico, where all the jobs and farms are headed. :mellow:

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Since oil production has been flat since 2004 and demand has continued to rise due to demand in China and India, we can never likely conserve enough in the USA to affect a lower price of oil in the future.


The time is long overdue to drill oil ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE we can find it in our own territory. Increased drilling, and refining are necessary... as well as nuclear energy. Wind, solar or bio-fuels is NOT the answer to our situation. The amount of energy they could provide is probably less than 10% of our needs.

I hope all you "save the planet" green nut jobs are happy with the rising cost of crude oil. If the trend continues and global production remains flat. Expect to pay $12 - $15 dollars per gallon in the next five years. Run your car on corn or monkey turds if you like. But it makes no damn sense when there is still oil to be drilled and used in good quantities.

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  • 6 years later...

I'd say it's gone up 'a bit' since this thread was started.

Currently, it's $3.81 a gallon at Safeway right across the street from here.

I don't even want to know what a gallon costs in Europe.

I really wish I could convert my truck to a steam engine.

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The whole thing is one big fucking scam, where the governments and big oil companies are winners, and the rest of us are the big losers.

Market demand, refining schedules & capacity, and ease of access to supply dictate prices; it’s a complicated issue that appears to be a scam to someone who has not thought it through.

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This is really getting rediculous.

Correct, the person I saw today driving in a minivan which had room for 5 passengers to sit comfortably in with each having their own bucket seat, had 1 person in it (the driver), clearly prices are not that high as we have not seen anyone in significant numbers carpooling…

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Correct, the person I saw today driving in a minivan which had room for 5 passengers to sit comfortably in with each having their own bucket seat, had 1 person in it (the driver), clearly prices are not that high as we have not seen anyone in significant numbers carpooling…

There's lots of subsidized empty busses running around too.

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There's lots of subsidized empty busses running around too.

Public transit is the biggest example of government flushing tax dollars down the drain because of a few loud urban types who think they are owed the world, everyone bitches about petrol prices but no one is carpooling or taking the bus, so petrol prices are not that hight, people like to bitch and that is about it frankly.

Edited by Charles J. White
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