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Morning zeppelin loves...Last night as i was was told that Phil Collins has retired...This in my personal opinion is a big downer for all...This man helped Zeppelin, Clapton and a list of other many other greats over his career...Many may remember just his that made one say "what was he thinking"...I however I remember a drummer that out stood most...A composer who single handly raised millions for the homeless...Live aid who was the drummer for Zeppelin? Phil Collins...He worked on many projects with Zeppelin...However I have never seen anyone credit him...The last Genesis Tour just came and went and as like Zeppelin the world has lost another great!!!Please take the time and listen to this mans work early and late years does not matter...He will be missed.


Mary Jane

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Morning zeppelin loves...Last night as i was was told that Phil Collins has retired...This in my personal opinion is a big downer for all...This man helped Zeppelin, Clapton and a list of other many other greats over his career...Many may remember just his that made one say "what was he thinking"...I however I remember a drummer that out stood most...A composer who single handly raised millions for the homeless...Live aid who was the drummer for Zeppelin? Phil Collins...He worked on many projects with Zeppelin...However I have never seen anyone credit him...The last Genesis Tour just came and went and as like Zeppelin the world has lost another great!!!Please take the time and listen to this mans work early and late years does not matter...He will be missed.


Mary Jane

where has this info come from maryjane?

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Hi MJ! :wave:

I felt the same way when David Gilmour said same (at least regarding the Floyd). It's a bummer when a musician who's given us so much joy walks off into the sunset. But hey, they earned it, right? I mean, when any professional who's spent 40+ years in the workforce hits retirement age, they should have the right to lay back and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Hopefully Collins will get restless and give us some more. If not, I hope he enjoys himself. He's earned it! Cheers! :beer:

Edited by Evster2012
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Hi MJ! :wave:

I felt the same way when David Gilmour said same (at least regarding the Floyd). It's a bummer when a musician who's given us so much joy walks off into the sunset. But hey, they earned it, right? I mean, when any professional who's spent 40+ years in the workforce hits retirement age, they should have the right to lay back and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Hopefully Collins will get restless and give us some more. If not, I hope he enjoys himself. He's earned it! Cheers! :beer:

Hi Ev :wave:

if true then its his choice but musicians don't retire for long do they?

I think the only issue people had with PC and Zep was the obvious one around the Live Aid show. He and Robert seemed good mates at one time.

Haven't heard anything from any quarter stating this so wil have to wait n see.

Saw PC with Gabriel era Genesis, post PG era and solo but its been a while.

PC has taken a personal battering at times mainy in his private life but he's has usually been highly regarded as a drummer, singer and writer. B)

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Hi Ev :wave:

if true then its his choice but musicians don't retire for long do they?

I think the only issue people had with PC and Zep was the obvious one around the Live Aid show. He and Robert seemed good mates at one time.

Haven't heard anything from any quarter stating this so wil have to wait n see.

Saw PC with Gabriel era Genesis, post PG era and solo but its been a while.

PC has taken a personal battering at times mainy in his private life but he's has usually been highly regarded as a drummer, singer and writer. B)

It was on The Times website a day or so ago, Paul.

I'll try and dig out the link...

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That made very sad. He's one of my favurite drummers and Genesis has become one of my favourite bands in the last couple of years, both PG and PC eras, I even started to like his solo stuff, wich I used to hate, especially his first album wich is great. It's such a shame he's retiring, I was hoping a 5 man Genesis reunion would happen soon, or at least the 3 man reunion would go for a world tour so maybe I would have a chance to see them live.

Anyway, he deserves it but it's a shame for all the fans. :(

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I can't tell if he wrote these lyrics foreseeing his retirement or his inevitable return.

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord

Ive been waiting for this moment, all my life, oh lord

Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord

Either way, it's coming.

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Its alright Retired is not Dead .He will get bored and play again its in the Blood a true Musican cannot help but play.He will be back.

I agree with you Al.

Enjoy your solitude Phil. :beer: Here's to you.

I am certain we will see you again.

My husband's a drummer. He has never been able to put his sticks down for long. We have an entire room devoted to this "addiction". It really IS an obsession you know. Can't be cured either. B)

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Morning zeppelin loves...Last night as i was was told that Phil Collins has retired...This in my personal opinion is a big downer for all...This man helped Zeppelin, Clapton and a list of other many other greats over his career...Many may remember just his that made one say "what was he thinking"...I however I remember a drummer that out stood most...A composer who single handly raised millions for the homeless...Live aid who was the drummer for Zeppelin? Phil Collins...He worked on many projects with Zeppelin...However I have never seen anyone credit him...The last Genesis Tour just came and went and as like Zeppelin the world has lost another great!!!Please take the time and listen to this mans work early and late years does not matter...He will be missed.


Mary Jane

Helped Zeppelin at Live Aid...? I don't think so.....He fucked it up. He just barged in univited. I think i'm right but Robert Plant only knew he was there when he turned around an saw him.

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Helped Zeppelin at Live Aid...? I don't think so.....He fucked it up. He just barged in univited. I think i'm right but Robert Plant only knew he was there when he turned around an saw him.

so they were planning to play without a drummer or what? :huh:

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Phil Collins "retiring" doesn't make me sad.

As for him "barging in univited" at Live Aid. I think not.

Invited to Live Aid, Yes.............Invited to play with Zeppelin, NO.................

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Invited to Live Aid, Yes.............Invited to play with Zeppelin, NO.................

Hmmm, that's news to me. So, a second set of drums was setup prior to Zep's performance with no knowledge whatsoever by anyone that Phil Collins would be playing with them?

Edited by Jahfin
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