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Robert Plant Alison Krauss Gone Gone Gone Music Video


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I loved the bit when they were singing with T Bone. But I hate the rehearsed, choreographed aspect of the rest of it, and I REALLY hate those balloons. I don't like my music staged like that--I guess I'm just not the music video type. *sigh*

Many thanks for posting the link, though. :)

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I bet Phil and Don (the Everly Brothers) never pictured THAT when they first wrote the song! But it was nice. Had nothing to do with anything, but it was cute. By "it," of course, I mean Robert. His treadmill moves reminded me a little of OK Go's "Here It Goes Again" video. And black suits him incredibly well.

Oh, and Alison was cool too.

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OK, I tried it again--well, several times, actually, given that Robert looks sooooo gooooood . . . But the non-T Bone parts still look like they're from an early episode of Top of the Pops to me somehow. :( Bit too close to "Robert as pop singer" which isn't how I want to see him, I guess. Well, I'm sure I'm in a minority here.

But the other thing that has struck me since the Everly Brothers is that "Gone, Gone, Gone" is a song in which the singer is basically threatening the other person that s/he's about to do something to make the other person miserable as hell, and it's all sung to this bouncy tune, etc. (Bit like the stalkers' anthem "Every Breath You Take" being sung so romantically.) It just seems wrong to me, every time. It's not that I don't like the song, it's just that I'm always struck by how the different parts don't fit together.

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Yeah, I think he was just being mean with this one, and there is no point in talking to him if he is being mean.

Mean of me or mean of Robert?

In case what I said was too harsh:

To clarify, what I meant about the song is that the subject matter sounds the same. The difference is obviously the how upbeat the tune is and the nice interaction between the AK and RP.

As for my comment about Robert doing a little jog, I'm just pointing out what caught my eye.

I'm sorry if I did any harm. No harm meant.

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Mean of me or mean of Robert?

In case what I said was too harsh:

To clarify, what I meant about the song is that the subject matter sounds the same. The difference is obviously the how upbeat the tune is and the nice interaction between the AK and RP.

As for my comment about Robert doing a little jog, I'm just pointing out what caught my eye.

I'm sorry if I did any harm. No harm meant.

And no harm done. :D

Yes, you're right that it's similar subject matter, which is very appropriate when it's set to blues melodies like those--it's the upbeat tune that seems out of place with this song. To me, anyway!

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Yes, you're right that it's similar subject matter, which is very appropriate when it's set to blues melodies like those--it's the upbeat tune that seems out of place with this song. To me, anyway!

yeah and there's like this flirtatious juxtaposition going on too. it just doesn't match up with the words!

it's almost like they are being sarcastic or something.

*yeah yeah yeah, one day you'll wake up and I'll be gone, you just watch, you'll see wink wink*

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yeah and there's like this flirtatious juxtaposition going on too. it just doesn't match up with the words!

it's almost like they are being sarcastic or something.

*yeah yeah yeah, one day you'll wake up and I'll be gone, you just watch, you'll see wink wink*

Yeah--"one sunny day, baby, when everything seems OK, baby" you're gonna find me gone because you done me wrong, and you will be so miserable, because this is my revenge--all while, as you say, this flirtatious vibe is going on between them and this cheerful song is bouncing along. Very strange!

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Love the song...the video however is beyond ridiculous. Fun, maybe. Painful to watch, those blow up figures? Ruined a great song and excellent chemistry between T-Bone, Alison, and Robert.

Disco balls, glitter, and deflating ballon-dudes...WTF were they thinking...

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