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Hendrix Porn Film To Be Released


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I dont know...I read on CNN that some refute, some think it is him...I dont see how anyone could not be able to tell either way! There was no one that looked like him...Of course, how could some like Pam Des Barres or Cynthia, who had, um, personal knowledge of the man, say it is him while others dont...hmmm.

One thing that is severely pissing me off is all the media coverage I have seen today has said that the man "died of a drug overdose..." NOT TRUE, CRAP-HOLES...DO SOME REAL RESEARCH and you'd discover that his death certificate states the cause of death as "INHALATION OF VOMIT DUE TO BARBITUATE INTOXICATION...He DID NOT die of a 'drug overdose'...his lungs collapsed because they were flooded with vomit and he stopped breathing due to that reason alone...NOT because of a drug overdose...you'd think after almost 38 years the media would stop sensationalizing his demise and tell the truth...but that wouldn't sell as many magazines...

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One thing that is severely pissing me off is all the media coverage I have seen today has said that the man "died of a drug overdose..." NOT TRUE, CRAP-HOLES...DO SOME REAL RESEARCH and you'd discover that his death certificate states the cause of death as "INHALATION OF VOMIT DUE TO BARBITUATE INTOXICATION...He DID NOT die of a 'drug overdose'...his lungs collapsed because they were flooded with vomit and he stopped breathing due to that reason alone...NOT because of a drug overdose...you'd think after almost 38 years the media would stop sensationalizing his demise and tell the truth...but that wouldn't sell as many magazines...

That's right, unfortunately they couldn't prove whose vomit it was. You can't dust for vomit.

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Something tells me if Hendrix' former producer Alan Douglas gets involved stand-ins will be used and it will be edited beyond all recognition from the original. (I'm kidding, Alan)

Actuallly, Steve, that is very funny! I have read much on Jimi and Alan Douglas...so at least I got the joke. I'll be kind and characterize A.D. as a "leech".

Crash Landing and Midnight Lightning. hhmmmph...that's all I needed to know about the man and his, uh, 'work'...

Bye the bye, I also read that the 'Jimi' in the film wasn't quite, shall we say, "blessed" :D as the real Jimi purportedly was...

Edited by stonefreelee
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One thing that is severely pissing me off is all the media coverage I have seen today has said that the man "died of a drug overdose..." NOT TRUE, CRAP-HOLES...DO SOME REAL RESEARCH and you'd discover that his death certificate states the cause of death as "INHALATION OF VOMIT DUE TO BARBITUATE INTOXICATION...He DID NOT die of a 'drug overdose'...his lungs collapsed because they were flooded with vomit and he stopped breathing due to that reason alone...NOT because of a drug overdose...you'd think after almost 38 years the media would stop sensationalizing his demise and tell the truth...but that wouldn't sell as many magazines...

I think that's kinda splitting hairs. He vomited b/c he took too many drugs or over dosed himself.

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I dont know...I read on CNN that some refute, some think it is him...I dont see how anyone could not be able to tell either way! There was no one that looked like him...Of course, how could some like Pam Des Barres or Cynthia, who had, um, personal knowledge of the man, say it is him while others dont...hmmm.

One thing that is severely pissing me off is all the media coverage I have seen today has said that the man "died of a drug overdose..." NOT TRUE, CRAP-HOLES...DO SOME REAL RESEARCH and you'd discover that his death certificate states the cause of death as "INHALATION OF VOMIT DUE TO BARBITUATE INTOXICATION...He DID NOT die of a 'drug overdose'...his lungs collapsed because they were flooded with vomit and he stopped breathing due to that reason alone...NOT because of a drug overdose...you'd think after almost 38 years the media would stop sensationalizing his demise and tell the truth...but that wouldn't sell as many magazines...

Youre right, Pres. Kennedy didn't die from a snipers bullet. His brains exploded after the bullet hit him. Richie Valens didn't die because of the plane crash, his head was chopped off by a propeler blade.

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Youre right, Pres. Kennedy didn't die from a snipers bullet. His brains exploded after the bullet hit him. Richie Valens didn't die because of the plane crash, his head was chopped off by a propeler blade.

Well, you are correct, to a certain extent. I just wonder how you'd be affected if the media constantly characterized John Bonham's death as a drug overdose. Right, peace... <_<

John didn't die of a drug overdose anymore than Jimi Hendrix did. Would you be concerned about the inaccurate characterization if it was your family member? It hurts when people lie on your friends and family.

Were Jimi, Bonzo, and others abusing substances? Yeah, of course they were...hurtful generalizations aren't as good as compassionate understanding...

Edited by stonefreelee
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As for the cause of death: It was an accidental overdose of sleeping tablets, that's what it was. He was used to American tablets, not nearly as strong as the ones his girlfriend had, and was just trying to calm himself down and get some sleep, after some partying and drugs-taking earlier.

As for that porn film: Why are people even interested in stuff like this - I mean star sex? I just don't get it. :huh:

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Well, you are correct, to a certain extent. I just wonder how you'd be affected if the media constantlycharacterized John Bonham's death of a drug overdose. Right, peace... <_<

John didn't die of a drug overdose anymore than Jimi Hendrix did. Would you be concerned about the inaccurate characterization if it was your family member? It hurts when people lie on your friends and family.

Were Jimi, Bonzo, and others abusing substances? Yeah, of course they were...hurtful generalizations aren't as good as compassionate understanding...

Dude, they both died from over-intoxication of a controlled substance. Bonzo drank himself to death and Hendrix OD'd on sleeping pills. Alcohol is technically a drug, so yes in a technical sense, Bonzo DID die of a drug overdose. He drank too much liquor and choked on his vomit.

Saying someone died of a drug overdose is calling grass green and the sky blue. It is what it is. Let it go.

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Saying someone died of a drug overdose is calling grass green and the sky blue. It is what it is. Let it go.

It's also considered dying of "natural causes" for rock stars. I mean, the phrase "sex, drugs and rock n' roll" was coined out of the clear blue.

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As for the cause of death: It was an accidental overdose of sleeping tablets, that's what it was. He was used to American tablets, not nearly as strong as the ones his girlfriend had, and was just trying to calm himself down and get some sleep, after some partying and drugs-taking earlier.

As for that porn film: Why are people even interested in stuff like this - I mean star sex? I just don't get it. :huh:

The pills Monika Danneman had were called Mandrax and Jimi took 9 of them-one pill represented two doses, so yeah, Jimi Hendrix took eighteen doses of sleeping pills...but still, it remains to be seen if they would have suppressed his central nervous system enough to cause him to stop breathing---it never got to that point.

The stupid individual that was with him (Monica) tried to revive him by pouring red wine down his throat! Real smart one, there. Thanks dumb ass...

To top off the utter stupidity of the day, the paramedics (or whatever they were called in 1970 London) strapped him in a sitting-up position in the back of the ambulance with no attendant!

As soon as the vehicle lurched foward, Jimi's head was pulled backward due to the momentum...and he gargled even more...what a stinking waste...the most inventive musician of the 20th century... gone.

Edited by stonefreelee
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The pills Monika Danneman had were called Mandrax and Jimi took 9 of them-one pill represented two doses, so yeah, Jimi Hendrix took eighteen doses of sleeping pills...but still, it remains to be seen if they would have suppressed his central nervous system enough to cause him to stop breathing---it never got to that point.

The stupid individual that was with him (Monica) tried to revive him by pouring red wine down his throat! Real smart one, there. Thanks dumb ass...

To top off the utter stupidity of the day, the paramedics (or whatever they were called in 1970 London) strapped him in a sitting-up position in the back of the ambulance with no attendant!

As soon as the vehicle lurched foward, Jimi's head was pulled backward due to the momentum...and he gargled even more...what a stinking waste...the most inventive musician of the 20th century... gone.

Most of that is rumor. Monica was messed up and made a lot of stuff up. I would believe the ambulance and hospital staff than her. They said he was clearly dead when they showed up. And Jimi had drank a bottle of wine a couple hours before he died. The pills he took were called vesperax. (spelling?) And 1 or 2 were supposed to knock you out but he took 9. Just a stupid accident.

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Dude, they both died from over-intoxication of a controlled substance. Bonzo drank himself to death and Hendrix OD'd on sleeping pills. Alcohol is technically a drug, so yes in a technical sense, Bonzo DID die of a drug overdose. He drank too much liquor and choked on his vomit.

Saying someone died of a drug overdose is calling grass green and the sky blue. It is what it is. Let it go.

mmm-kay. Here we go...let me try to clarify once again for the benefit of your obviously uninformed ass: John Bonnham DID NOT DIE OF ALCOHOL POISONING, he expired because his lungs filled with his own vomit, which generally keeps you from processing the oxygen which your body requires to live...let me re-iterate: BONZO did not, I repeat, DID NOT DRINK HIMSELF TO DEATH...and alcohol isn't technically a drug, IT IS A DRUG!

Once more, with feeling: Jimi Hendrix DID NOT DIE OF A DRUG OVERDOSE. Have you ever read anything about the man besides what you've read in "Tiger Beat" or "16"? Read a book. Eduacate yourself, otherwise you'll continue to make quite the ass of yourself, which from what I've heard and read on this forum you have done quite a bit.

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