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Hendrix Porn Film To Be Released


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Most of that is rumor. Monica was messed up and made a lot of stuff up. I would believe the ambulance and hospital staff than her. They said he was clearly dead when they showed up. And Jimi had drank a bottle of wine a couple hours before he died. The pills he took were called vesperax. (spelling?) And 1 or 2 were supposed to knock you out but he took 9. Just a stupid accident.

Well, it's obvious I wasn't there and I can only go by the accounts I have read that have come out over the years. The most recent one (and to me the most telling) is by respected (imho) journalist Sharon Lawrence who was there, in london and a friend of the man, at the time of his passing. Her book is entitled "Jimi Hendrix: The Man, The Magic, The Truth". This is an excellent book. Here is a passage from page 220:

"At the September 28th inquest in Westminster, a noted forensic expert, Professor Donald Teare, offered the results of the autopsy he'd conducted a week earlier. The cause of Jimi's death was given as "inhalation of vomit due to barbituate intoxication." A minor amount of amphetamine and cannabis were the only other drug substances found in Hendrix's body."

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Well, it's obvious I wasn't there and I can only go by the accounts I have read that have come out over the years. The most recent one (and to me the most telling) is by respected (imho) journalist Sharon Lawrence who was there, in london and a friend of the man, at the time of his passing. Her book is entitled "Jimi Hendrix: The Man, The Magic, The Truth". This is an excellent book. Here is a passage from page 220:

"At the September 28th inquest in Westminster, a noted forensic expert, Professor Donald Teare, offered the results of the autopsy he'd conducted a week earlier. The cause of Jimi's death was given as "inhalation of vomit due to barbituate intoxication." A minor amount of amphetamine and cannabis were the only other drug substances found in Hendrix's body."

When a seizure occurs, the main goal is to protect the person from injury. Try to prevent a fall. Lay the person on the ground in a safe area. Clear the area of furniture or other sharp objects.

Cushion the person's head.

Loosen tight clothing, especially around the person's neck.

Turn the person on his or her side. If vomiting occurs, this helps make sure that the vomit is not inhaled into the lungs.

Look for a medical I.D. bracelet with seizure instructions.

Stay with the person until recovery or until you have professional medical help. Meanwhile, monitor the person's vital signs (pulse, rate of breathing).

First Aid for Convulsions Caused by Barbiturates, Intoxication or Withdrawal

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As for the cause of death: It was an accidental overdose of sleeping tablets, that's what it was. He was used to American tablets, not nearly as strong as the ones his girlfriend had, and was just trying to calm himself down and get some sleep, after some partying and drugs-taking earlier.

As for that porn film: Why are people even interested in stuff like this - I mean star sex? I just don't get it. :huh:

Here in the U.S., I tend to think that some people are interested to the point of obsession in stuff like that because of the Puritanical views on sex held by certain people here. Are Icelanders as interested in "star sex"?

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mmm-kay. Here we go...let me try to clarify once again for the benefit of your obviously uninformed ass: John Bonnham DID NOT DIE OF ALCOHOL POISONING, he expired because his lungs filled with his own vomit, which generally keeps you from processing the oxygen which your body requires to live...let me re-iterate: BONZO did not, I repeat, DID NOT DRINK HIMSELF TO DEATH...and alcohol isn't technically a drug, IT IS A DRUG!

Once more, with feeling: Jimi Hendrix DID NOT DIE OF A DRUG OVERDOSE. Have you ever read anything about the man besides what you've read in "Tiger Beat" or "16"? Read a book. Eduacate yourself, otherwise you'll continue to make quite the ass of yourself, which from what I've heard and read on this forum you have done quite a bit.

Nobody said anyone died from alcohol poisoning, everyone agrees that Bonzo died of asphyxiation. Which resulted from him drinking too much. What's your deal?

According to the coroner, he drank the equivalent of 40 measures of vodka in the 24 hours before his death. That's the equivalent of 6.5 gallons of vodka. That's an overdose.

Hendrix died of asphyxiation, yes. Which resulted from drug overdose. What's your deal?

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Anyway you slice it both Hendrix and Bonham died of self-abuse. Both deaths were preventable and were due to their own recklessness.

If you are totally sober then good for you, if not why judge?

Both were tragic accidents.

Self inflicted? yes.

Self abuse? no more than anyone who has taken a drink or medication just a tad too far.

They both suffered "Death by Misadventure".

Deaths (by accidents) on the road are preventable too, yet they still happen!

BTW, WTF has this got to do with the film anyway?

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Nobody said anyone died from alcohol poisoning, everyone agrees that Bonzo died of asphyxiation. Which resulted from him drinking too much. What's your deal?

According to the coroner, he drank the equivalent of 40 measures of vodka in the 24 hours before his death. That's the equivalent of 6.5 gallons of vodka. That's an overdose.

Hendrix died of asphyxiation, yes. Which resulted from drug overdose. What's your deal?

Not sure if you noticed but I was replying to the post by electophile which stated "Bonzo drank himself to death..." hmmm..perhaps you, with all your enlightened wisdom and knowledge, can give us the medical definiton of ''drinking yourself to death''. I dont believe that translates to 'asphixiation' now, do you? I think the closest approximation would probably be 'alcohol poisoning'. Of course, I dont have 12 years of medical schooling like you most likely do...

Just sayin'...oh, and do you really think 40 shots of vodka is equal to 6.5 gallons? Might wanna re-think your inks...

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Youre right, Pres. Kennedy didn't die from a snipers bullet. His brains exploded after the bullet hit him. Richie Valens didn't die because of the plane crash, his head was chopped off by a propeler blade.

No disrespect pb, but that is how these things are spelled out in medical terms. Do you really think the cause of death on JFKs death certificate is listed as "Lee Harvey Oswald"? :blink:

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Not sure if you noticed but I was replying to the post by electophile which stated "Bonzo drank himself to death..." hmmm..perhaps you, with all your enlightened wisdom and knowledge, can give us the medical definiton of ''drinking yourself to death''. I dont believe that translates to 'asphixiation' now, do you? I think the closest approximation would probably be 'alcohol poisoning'. Of course, I dont have 12 years of medical schooling like you most likely do...

Just sayin'...oh, and do you really think 40 shots of vodka is equal to 6.5 gallons? Might wanna re-think your inks...

Yeah, I've never heard the term "measure" before, so I put it into several conversion sites and they all gave me the same answer. I could be wrong. But in any case, nobody's going to deny that it was too much. :P

If you take it literally, sure, I can see where you're coming from. But used loosely, I wouldn't say anyone's wrong in saying that he drank himself to death.

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Have you ever read anything about the man besides what you've read in "Tiger Beat" or "16"? Read a book. Eduacate yourself, otherwise you'll continue to make quite the ass of yourself, which from what I've heard and read on this forum you have done quite a bit.

The only one making an ass of yourself here, is you. I don't read Tiger Beat or 16, I have never read any of those magazines. I'm 25.....I don't think Jimi Hendrix was ever in an issue of either of those magazines that would have been out in my lifetime anyway. So that was really stupid. Secondly, I read books. A lot. In fact my closet is stacked floor to ceiling with them. So that was really stupid too. Thirdly, I am educated, I possess a college degree. You know nothing about me, so keep your armchair psychoanalysis to yourself, okie-dokie?

What in the perpendicular blue fuck made you think Jimi Hendrix was in Tiger Beat? That's a fucking teenybopper magazine.....since when did he ever appeal to that demographic dead or alive? Holy shit, dude. That whole paragraph was a big pile of wrong.

BTW, this is for YOUR uninformed ass. I never said Bonzo died of alcohol poisoning. Nowhere in the post you quoted and then proceeded to rant away at, did I say that's how he died. Check this:

Bonzo drank himself to death

Bonzo DID die of a drug overdose. He drank too much liquor and choked on his vomit.

Where in either of those instances that I discussed how Bonham died did I use the words "alcohol poisoning"?

Edited by Electrophile
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Where in either of those instances that I discussed how Bonham died did I use the words "alcohol poisoning"?

For some reason there are people here with a vested interest in deifying dead rock stars. The distinction between a drug overdose and asphyxiation caused by drugs is important to them, because one implies an accident (asphyxiation). JPJ said that what happened to JB could have happened to anyone.

To say it's an overdose/poisoning implies that they were a drug addict or otherwise abuser. This tarnishes them in the minds of their fans - hence the reactions we see in this thread.

There is no doubt in my mind John Bonham was a heavy alcohol abuser, whether he was an alcoholic I do not know. But in the end what's the difference? He died because of the choices he made to drink to excess.

Edited by Cactus
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Yeah, I've never heard the term "measure" before, so I put it into several conversion sites and they all gave me the same answer. I could be wrong. But in any case, nobody's going to deny that it was too much. :P

If you take it literally, sure, I can see where you're coming from. But used loosely, I wouldn't say anyone's wrong in saying that he drank himself to death.

I'm not sure what the standards were in the UK at that time but I know that where I come from, a shot is 30ml, which is 0.03 litres. Therefore, 40 shots is equal to 1.2 litres, or just under 2 standard sized bottles. It's a lot, but compared to what some alcoholics would drink in a day, not an automatically fatal dose.

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For some reason there are people here with a vested interest in deifying dead rock stars. The distinction between a drug overdose and asphyxiation caused by drugs is important to them, because one implies an accident (asphyxiation). JPJ said that what happened to JB could have happened to anyone.

To say it's an overdose/poisoning implies that they were a drug addict or otherwise abuser. This tarnishes them in the minds of their fans - hence the reactions we see in this thread.

There is no doubt in my mind John Bonham was a heavy alcohol abuser, whether he was an alcoholic I do not know. But in the end what's the difference? He died because of the choices he made to drink to excess.

Wow. I must admitt, Cactus, you hit the nail right on the frickin' head. What you wrote was, sadly, very true...that is why I am such a freak on this one...I dont deify Jimi, per se, but the man and his incredible contribution to our world, to my world, is what I instinctively try to protect. You are so right - one does indicate accident and one (od) implies drug addict/alcoholic....which is why I went into psyco mode...It seems everytime I read that in the media about Jimi or John..the term 'drug overdose'

seems to overshawdow/tarnish the good they have brought to the world...and that is the last thing I want to think about (their demise) when I think of them...Maybe it is part denial...but yeah, they basically destroyed themselves through recklessness...I just dont want them to be remembered for that. My apolgies to all in this thread for being, well, a big ass. I love Jimi and LZ and hate to see their legacies tarnished in anyway...it's hard to accept that THEY did the tarnishing themselves... :(

Edited by stonefreelee
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The only one making an ass of yourself here, is you. I don't read Tiger Beat or 16, I have never read any of those magazines. I'm 25.....I don't think Jimi Hendrix was ever in an issue of either of those magazines that would have been out in my lifetime anyway. So that was really stupid. Secondly, I read books. A lot. In fact my closet is stacked floor to ceiling with them. So that was really stupid too. Thirdly, I am educated, I possess a college degree. You know nothing about me, so keep your armchair psychoanalysis to yourself, okie-dokie?

:bagoverhead: I'm...sorry. I regret I have implied you were a teen. I know Jimi was never in those mags (of if they were even around at that time)! I was, well, "showing my ass" might be a good way to describe it.

I hope you have also read my above reply to Cactus, it might explain a little bit. If you read as much as you say you do, the sharon lawrence book is beyond excellent and in fact comes to the sad conclusion that, well, I cant even bring myself to say it...but, secretly, I agree with her conclusion---which makes me even more of a freak, I suppose...The book does not delve into his music, it delves more into the man himself...the author was also around him at that time, they had somewhat paralell lives...please read, you'll be pleasantly suprised (and saddened)...his life was such a mixture of briliance, hardship, creativity, and tragedy...a must read t really understand the man. Again, my personal apologies to you.

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For some reason there are people here with a vested interest in deifying dead rock stars. The distinction between a drug overdose and asphyxiation caused by drugs is important to them, because one implies an accident (asphyxiation). JPJ said that what happened to JB could have happened to anyone.

To say it's an overdose/poisoning implies that they were a drug addict or otherwise abuser. This tarnishes them in the minds of their fans - hence the reactions we see in this thread.

There is no doubt in my mind John Bonham was a heavy alcohol abuser, whether he was an alcoholic I do not know. But in the end what's the difference? He died because of the choices he made to drink to excess.

The fact that these people were drug addicts/abusers doesn't tarnish them in MY mind, because they were a product of their times. I'm not stupid, I know how the late 60s, 70s rock scene was like. Lots of drugs, lots of booze. So naturally these people abused those substances merely because they could or because it helped the creative process or whatever they said to excuse their behavior.

Jimmy Page was a drug addict.....is anyone going to really debate that? There's no shame in saying he WAS an addict now that he's clean and past that. We're fortunate he didn't take the route that others like him did. An alcoholic is defined as someone who is addicted to intoxicating drinks. For Bonzo to drink in the way he did and in the quantity he did, doesn't that belie an addiction to the substance? I think it does.

If facing the fact that these people were addicts bothers you, you're deifying these people and you shouldn't.

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If facing the fact that these people were addicts bothers you, you're deifying these people and you shouldn't.

No, it doesn't bother me. I told you already. I dont like the fact that the media always seems to harp on that, which takes away from what they accomplished. It's just like the old saying, "It doesn't matter how many good things you do. Fuck up once and that's what people focus on" ...or something like that...

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No, it doesn't bother me. I told you already. I dont like the fact that the media always seems to harp on that, which takes away from what they accomplished. It's just like the old saying, "It doesn't matter how many good things you do. Fuck up once and that's what people focus on" ...or something like that...

Well unfortunately, when you die the way they did.....that's how you'll be known. Elvis was a great singer, but he died on the shitter and that's how everyone knows him if they don't know his music that well. They know him as the guy who died on the toilet. That's a more undignified way to go than passed out in bed with some groupies or something.

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Well unfortunately, when you die the way they did.....that's how you'll be known. Elvis was a great singer, but he died on the shitter and that's how everyone knows him

my point exactly...except by those that know better...

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Are You Experienced?

Axis: Bold As Love

Electric Ladyland

It is more important to remember what he created when he was alive than how he died. In my opinion, everyone in the world should have these three releases.

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No disrespect pb, but that is how these things are spelled out in medical terms. Do you really think the cause of death on JFKs death certificate is listed as "Lee Harvey Oswald"? :blink:

No, silly, it lists The Bay of Pigs as the cause of death.

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