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RIP Albert Hofmann


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LSD Chemist Albert Hofmann dies at 102


NEW YORK (AP) -- Albert Hofmann, father of the mind-altering drug LSD whose medical discovery grew into a notorious "problem child," died Tuesday. He was 102.

Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann, in 1998, long maintained that LSD had many medical uses.

Hofmann died of a heart attack at his home in Basel, Switzerland, according to Rick Doblin, president of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, in a statement posted on the association's Web site.

Hofmann's hallucinogen inspired -- and arguably corrupted -- millions in the 1960's hippie generation. For decades after LSD was banned in the late 1960s, Hofmann defended his invention.

"I produced the substance as a medicine. ... It's not my fault if people abused it," he said.

The Swiss chemist discovered lysergic acid diethylamide-25 in 1938 while studying the medicinal uses of a fungus found on wheat and other grains at the Sandoz pharmaceuticals firm in Basel.

He became the first human guinea pig of the drug when a tiny amount of the substance seeped onto his finger during a repeat of the laboratory experiment April 16, 1943.

"I had to leave work for home because I was suddenly hit by a sudden feeling of unease and mild dizziness," he wrote in a memo to company bosses.

"Everything I saw was distorted as in a warped mirror," he said, describing his bicycle ride home. "I had the impression I was rooted to the spot. But my assistant told me we were actually going very fast."

Three days later, Hofmann experimented with a larger dose. The result was a horror trip.

"The substance which I wanted to experiment with took over me. I was filled with an overwhelming fear that I would go crazy. I was transported to a different world, a different time," Hofmann wrote.

There was no answer at Hofmann's home Tuesday, and a person who answered the phone at Novartis, a former employer, said the company had no knowledge of his death.

Hofmann and his scientific colleagues hoped that LSD would make an important contribution to psychiatric research. The drug exaggerated inner problems and conflicts, and thus it was hoped that it might be used to recognize and treat mental illness like schizophrenia.

For a time, Sandoz sold LSD 25 under the name Delysid, encouraging doctors to try it themselves. It was one of the strongest drugs in medicine, with just one gram enough to drug an estimated 10,000 to 20,000 people for 12 hours.

Hofmann discovered that the drug had a similar chemical structure to psychedelic mushrooms and herbs used in religious ceremonies by Mexican Indians.

LSD was elevated to international fame in the late 1950s and 1960s, thanks to Harvard professor Timothy Leary, who embraced the drug under the slogan "turn on, tune in, drop out." Actor Cary Grant and numerous rock musicians extolled its virtues in achieving true self discovery and enlightenment.

But away from the psychedelic trips and flower children, horror stories emerged about people going on murder sprees or jumping out of windows while hallucinating. Heavy users suffered permanent psychological damage.

The U.S. government banned LSD in 1966, and other countries followed suit.

Hofmann maintained that this was unfair, arguing that the drug was not addictive. He repeatedly said the ban should be lifted to allow LSD to be used in medical research.

He himself took the drug -- purportedly on an occasional basis and out of scientific interest -- for several decades.

"LSD can help open your eyes," he once said. "But there are other ways: meditation, dance, music, fasting."

Even so, the self-described "father" of LSD readily agreed that the drug was dangerous if in the wrong hands. This was reflected by the title of his 1979 book: "LSD: My Problem Child."

Hofmann retired from Sandoz in 1971. He devoted his time to travel, writing and lectures, which often reflected his growing interest with philosophy and religious questions.

He lived in a small village in the Swiss Jura mountains and remained active until his early 90's. "

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LSD Chemist Albert Hofmann dies at 102


NEW YORK (AP) -- Albert Hofmann, father of the mind-altering drug LSD whose medical discovery grew into a notorious "problem child," died Tuesday. He was 102.

Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann, in 1998, long maintained that LSD had many medical uses.

"LSD can help open your eyes," he once said. "But there are other ways: meditation, dance, music, fasting."

Even so, the self-described "father" of LSD readily agreed that the drug was dangerous if in the wrong hands. This was reflected by the title of his 1979 book: "LSD: My Problem Child."

Yeah, like the US ARMY. <_<


Published: December 29, 1981

A former soldier who contended that Army LSD experiments in 1957 had made him mentally ill is not entitled to damages, a judge ruled today.

Federal District Judge Donald Porter ruled that Mr. Sweet, a 43-year-old resident of Pierre, was not entitled to compensation from the Federal Government because he did not file his first claim against the Government until 1978, too late to fall within a two-year statute of limitations.

The Government acknowledged that Mr. Sweet took part in Army experiments with drugs, but said that records did not show whether he was given LSD, another drug or no drug at all as a control subject for comparison purposes.

In 1975 Dr. Van M. Sim, a civilian in charge of medical research at the Edgewood Arsenal, said that the Army ended 12 years of testing LSD on people in 1967 but was continuing experiments on soldiers with other drugs that can produce hallucinations.

He said that 585 soldiers participated in the LSD experiments and that 900 others, all believed to be civilians, took part in the tests under Army contract at universities or private institutions.

Dr. Sim said the Army had begun experimenting with LSD because ''it concerned us that it might be used against us.'' The drug is used in the study of mental disorders, and produces hallucinations resembling those occurring in a psychotic state. Unable to Function Normally.


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LSD Chemist Albert Hofmann dies at 102


NEW YORK (AP) -- Albert Hofmann, father of the mind-altering drug LSD whose medical discovery grew into a notorious "problem child," died Tuesday. He was 102.

Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann, in 1998, long maintained that LSD had many medical uses.

Apparently, one of it's medical "uses" was aiding in longevity!

102! Wow. What a life he lived!

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Well maybe they were able to get the stuff from the 60's that supposedley wasnt laced with tons of speed. The paper blotter acid that was around in the 70s tore you up with speed.

I hear that shit! only thing worse were ludes. :drunk:

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I hear that shit! only thing worse were ludes. :drunk:

The real quaaludes were good. Problem was, so much of what was going around were bootleg ludes. Thorazine, librium and whatever were in them. NOT GOOD. Those crumbly, blurred lettering Rorer/Lemmon 714, 'soft' tablets were fake. The genuine ones were very hard and the lettering/numbers were sharp and perfectly printed.

It's kinda wild to think that LSD was actually legal till 1967, I believe. Those Electric Kool-Aid acid tests were LEGAL ! :thumbsup:

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The real quaaludes were good. Problem was, so much of what was going around were bootleg ludes. Thorazine, librium and whatever were in them. NOT GOOD. Those crumbly, blurred lettering Rorer/Lemmon 714, 'soft' tablets were fake. The genuine ones were very hard and the lettering/numbers were sharp and perfectly printed.

It's kinda wild to think that LSD was actually legal till 1967, I believe. Those Electric Kool-Aid acid tests were LEGAL ! :thumbsup:

We always got the good stuff down here, the bad shit wouldn't pass muster in these parts. Drop the good ones in a beer and if there were fresh would fizz like alkaseltser :D

What I meant by bad was they put you on your ass or cause you to go buy a new set of rims and tires :lol:

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We always got the good stuff down here, the bad shit wouldn't pass muster in these parts. Drop the good ones in a beer and if there were fresh would fizz like alkaseltser :D

What I meant by bad was they put you on your ass or cause you to go buy a new set of rims and tires :lol:

I get your drift. :D

I've seen my share of those boot ludes, even did a few. Only time in my life I can't remember was under the influence of some one night. I scarred my truck up pretty nastily. Live and learn.

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Wow. I hadn't even thought he was still alive. Good on him for making it so long.


(not exactly an accurate reference, but ... meh)


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It is wonderful to hear that he led such a long and interesting life! In our youth, my husband and I were so fascinated by Albert Hofmann that, when we did our first backpacking/Eurorail trip through Europe, we actually stopped in Basel. We didn't know what we would find there but, even in the late 70's, the hippie culture was alive and well. :hippy: There were so many good drugs available over the counter in the small music venues and coffee houses, we couldn't believe it! Very cool, mellow people. Lots of beautiful parks and green spaces in which to chill afterwards.


If you scroll down to the middle of the page to here:

April 30, 2008

Geo answer (4:30)

The answer to today's Geo Quiz is Basel, Switzerland. The city was home to Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann, who died yesterday. The World's David Leveille reports that Hofmann's discovery of LSD remains controversial.

there is a link to an audio feature about Hofmann's life (and a mention of Pink Floyd.

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It is wonderful to hear that he led such a long and interesting life! In our youth, my husband and I were so fascinated by Albert Hofmann that, when we did our first backpacking/Eurorail trip through Europe, we actually stopped in Basel. We didn't know what we would find there but, even in the late 70's, the hippie culture was alive and well. :hippy: There were so many good drugs available over the counter in the small music venues and coffee houses, we couldn't believe it! Very cool, mellow people. Lots of beautiful parks and green spaces in which to chill afterwards.


If you scroll down to the middle of the page to here:

April 30, 2008

Geo answer (4:30)

The answer to today's Geo Quiz is Basel, Switzerland. The city was home to Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann, who died yesterday. The World's David Leveille reports that Hofmann's discovery of LSD remains controversial.

there is a link to an audio feature about Hofmann's life (and a mention of Pink Floyd.

Just found out about this... a true pioneer.

Wow, sounds like a great trip, MSG. :D

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