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Re Led Zep IV and the flats on the inside cover

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I recently took a cple of pics of the 1 remaining block of flats at Eve Hill Dudley that were used on the inside of Led Zep IV. 2 blocks were demolished a few years back one remains. I think the remaining one is the one most prominent in the original shot.

BTW I think I was situated on roughly the same spot for the 1st pic as the original, and the other pic is from the entrance side. The final one iis of course the original shot.

Does anyone know for sure if this is the block featured as it looks substantially different now to when the original pic was taken?

Come on my fellow Black Country peeps clear this one up :D






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:( most of these high-rise are a blot on the landscape, IMO.

Trouble is, we (in the UK) seem to be becoming a 'battery-hen' society. Building land is very expensive, because of its increasing rarity. Also, housing is becoming less and less affordable, so more people are forced to rent instead - and usually the properties in demand are low-quality, cramped, claustrophobic shoeboxes, located in ever-sprawling towns which are becoming concrete jungles, sometimes no-go areas especially after dark. :(

EDITED to say, my workmates (who are from the locality) tell me this block is council owned, and the occupants are tenants.

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I live right on the western edge of the English conurbation known as the West Midlands and we do have a lot of social problems as you Zep fans do in the U.S.A. and most other countries.

These towerblocks from Led Zep IV were a notorious place for drugs and the associated violence (something like I guess 'the projects' are in New York). Which is why the Council demolished 2 out of 3 but I would guess they kept the one as state built housing is rare these days in England. Thanks to Maggie's government in the 80s and later governments cutting social housing projects back to almost nothig. I always intended to buy my own property but it is well outside my range now. For example my parents 3 bedroom semi was worth around £15,000 in 1980. Now its worth over £150,000.

As far as I know, they are now well kept by the tenants and the drug problem has been reduced with the council vetting tenants more closely.

Although the drug problem has simply moved elsewhere, and in case anyone thinks I am pro the present government attitude to dealing with drugs, i'm not. My personal view is G.P.s should be able to prescribe to addicts in return for them getting treatment and being on a confidential medical register as was done before the 60s.

Also scrap methadone why cant heroin users be progressively helped by using milder and milder opiates e.g. heroin to morphine to dihydrocodeine to codeine thus minimizing withdrawl.

Rant over

Cheers all


A Yam Yam and proud of it :D

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  • 5 months later...
Does anyone know for sure if this is the block featured as it looks substantially different now to when the original pic was taken?

Come on my fellow Black Country peeps clear this one up :D




Looks like you took this shot from my garden. lol

I've lived next this tower for just under 30 years now.

Butterfield court was modernized when they knocked Prince of Wales & Millfield court down in 1999.

Butterfield court already had modernization work done prior to then though.

It is the same tower block from the album though..

It used to be great when the 3 towers were up. :D

They weren't full of druggies & prostitutes though. There were a few rogues, but you get that pretty much everywhere.

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  • 2 months later...

The block of flats in the modern photograph is not the same block of flats as that shown on the album cover. It's obvious if you take the time to look at the windows, they're a completely different layout.

They would have had to entirely demolish and rebuild the sides of the structure to alter the window configuration to that extent.

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