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This "Bonham" character is trying to blast your intelligence because he is a liberal scumbag who is offended by anything not liberal.

I think that the feminisization of the western world has created a population full of gutless men.

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This "Bonham" character is trying to blast your intelligence because he is a liberal scumbag who is offended by anything not liberal.

I think that the feminisization of the western world has created a population full of gutless men.

I said he is smart, that is not doubtless. And I don't take sides in this political game. There is no left, there is no right. There is only what I percieve to be, and that is my own views.

It's not so easy for you to label me, but your remarks here allow one to judge you on your beliefs. You can't confuse someone's beliefs with their sexuality for starters. Someone who is Liberal is not scum, someone who judges a person based on their sexuality however, is scum.

A gutless man is not someone who stands up against a man like you, who condones torture. A gutless man is someone who is in favour of George W. Bush and cries "He's our savior! Damn those Muslims".

Don't judge me.

Edited by Bonham
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Ok Bonham, the please stop being a hypocrite, because that is what your posts have demonstrated thus far.

You come here and call a visibly intelligent person "a HUGE idiot", then you call me, a "homophobe" when I have already clarified my position (as not).

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Ok Bonham, the please stop being a hypocrite, because that is what your posts have demonstrated thus far.

You come here and call a visibly intelligent person "a HUGE idiot", then you call me, a "homophobe" when I have already clarified my position (as not).

How does that make me a hypocrite? You've already proven you are numerous times. And someone can be both intelligent and an idiot.

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Who cares if a kid is raised by two men or two women? As long as that home is loving, the child is given love and attention and a decent education and isn't starved, beaten or neglected.....who the fuck cares what the orientation of the parents are?

Move into the 21st Century already, you backwater shitheads.

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Yes, by the tens of millions. Just wait until little Johnny is raised by two "daddies".

Are you claiming the whole western world is turning gay? What a pathetic assumption. No one chooses to be gay. And I'll have you know, gay men have been around since the dawn of man.

It does not change the fact that straight men outnumber gay men in this world. What really matters is that the kid's parents, whomever they may be, should provide for the child and care for it.

I think that scares men like you DRUNK.

Edited by Bonham
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Are you claiming the whole western world is turning gay? What a pathetic assumption. No one chooses to be gay. And I'll have you know, gay men have been around since the dawn of man.

It does not change the fact that straight men outnumber gay men in this world. What really matters is that the kid's parents, whomever they may be, should provide for the child and care for it.

I think that scares men like you DRUNK.

No, I didn't claim the whole western world is turning gay. What I said was what I meant.

A man becoming "feminized" doesn't mean he is gay, just probably worthless.

Gays don't scare me. Once again, I could care less if you are gay.

Gays should not be raising kids, period.

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No, I didn't claim the whole western world is turning gay. What I said was what I meant.

A man becoming "feminized" doesn't mean he is gay, just probably worthless.

Gays don't scare me. Once again, I could care less if you are gay.

Gays should not be raising kids, period.

For your information, I'm not a feminized man. I just happen to think your views are completely out of touch. I can be straight and think gay men have the right to raise a child. I can be a real man and think that women have the right to vote. I even prefer women who take action.

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The only people who think gays have no right to raise a child are homophobes because there is no logical reason why they can't. They're not going to turn the kid gay, they're not going to molest the child, they aren't going to have coke-fueled orgies while the kid sleeps......it's brainless hysteria and ignorance that champions this bullshit. It's wanting to take a segment of society and tell them they don't have the right to do something other people have the right to do. Take the word "gay" and replace it with "black" or "Jewish" and this shit would never fly.

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It should not be considered un-American to disagree with George W. Bush and his cronies on foriegn policy. The last few years have been a major disappointment, to say the least. I really don't think it is ok to invade a foriegn country under false pretenses (remember, weapons of mass destruction, that's right, they downplay that now because they never found any), and then lie about it to the American public and the international community. That just spread more fear and insecurity in an area already willing to hate. Our poor servicemen that put their rear-ends on the line deserve better pretenses. I predicted we would have this kind of mess when the invasion started and said so to anyone who would listen. Sometimes taking the moral high-road means leaving other countries alone to work out their own problems. I also don't like the fact that certain U.S. corporations cough----Haliburton----cough made alot of money from this pointless situation.

Edited by fenderguy
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The hijackers were not necessarily sympathetic to Iraq or Iran. The connection to Iraq

was made nonetheless and would probably have been made had they been connected.

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were going to overthrow Saddam in any event.

That's my point, Iraq didn't have anything more to do with Al Queda than Saudi Arabia did, but they wanted to go after Iraq anyway, so cooked the intelligence in that direction. Because they didn't want to go after Saudi Arabia, they didn't point out that 15 of the hijackers were from there, it wasn't relevant to the case they wanted to make. If the 15 guys had been from Iraq, it would have been used as more "evidence".

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I don't need to get married to have a child. Marriage is not a prerequisite to having a family. There are a lot of people who never get married because they either don't want to, don't believe in marriage or have been burned on it that have children and raise them just fine. My father was raised by a single mother after she left my grandfather. He was an abusive drunk and she told him to get the fuck out of her house and this was in 1956. My dad and my uncle turned out just fine and that was without two parents.

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I think that the feminisization of the western world has created a population full of gutless men.

Yes, by the tens of millions. Just wait until little Johnny is raised by two "daddies".

Little Johnny will still need a father figure though. Even a bear would be a bit too soft with his cubs.

I completely agree with a child needing a mother and a father figure to produce a balance. It's so obvious in today's kid's world how the one parent family phenomena has affected youngsters behavior. That and two mommies or two daddies are far more inferior as a condition in a developmental environment.

Damn, it took a while to catch up on this thread. Good stuff.

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Setting aside all the freaks, failures and disappointments found in life

If this is referring to gays, lesbians and/or single people the only freak, failure and disappointment around here is you. I don't view people different than me as "freaks, failures and disappointments". If you do, you're fucked.

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Oh yes, The Middle East is so fucking underdeveloped because you know the last time I visited Saudi Arabia and The UAE, I remember the highly developed technology in the airport and buildings and people of all races peacefully walking about. You still believe there are Barbary pirates in the Middle East, DRUNK, or probably there are still savages in Africa and the Pacific Islands. You think we should try to westernize them with a copy of White Man's Burden in our hands because you know, your views are so modern <_<

And oh yeah, the only way the Middle East is even slightly developed is because of America. Because you know America, the most original nation in the world, never ever had a taste of cultural diffusion with other nations, you know. No, we never took cultural ques from the French, the British, or from any other nation. So America takes its completely original innovations and ignites a global trade network of goods and ideas for the first time <_<

Oh and how refreshing, a man who's questioning whether a woman should vote or not. Should she be resorted to bake cookies in the kitchen still and not take a step outside? Because you know, it must be surprising that a woman can make up her own ideas and decide for herself. Maybe, she can't make up her mind and must be suppressed from expressing her ideals , yeah that's it :rolleyes:

And you still worried about gay marriage and its possible "poisoning of society". Because you know, all straight couples are completely infallible in raising children. <_< How dare those gay men have sick, perverted thoughts of even possibly corrupting a child's minds, because you know, a child's mind can't be corrupted by any other medium such as the media. And you know, the child isn't going to end up going to school and making friends, hopefully with open-minded ideals, and then forming his or her own choices as he or she grows older. No, he or she is going to be a carbon copy of his or her gay daddies

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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Oh yes, The Middle East is so fucking underdeveloped because you know the last time I visited Saudi Arabia and The UAE, I remember the highly developed technology in the airport and buildings and people of all races peacefully walking about. You still believe there are Barbary pirates in the Middle East, DRUNK, or probably there are still savages in Africa and the Pacific Islands. You think we should try to westernize them with a copy of White Man's Burden in our hands because you know, your views are so modern <_<

And oh yeah, the only way the Middle East is even slightly developed is because of America. Because you know America, the most original nation in the world, never ever had a taste of cultural diffusion with other nations, you know. No, we never took cultural ques from the French, the British, or from any other nation. So America takes its completely original innovations and ignites a global trade network of goods and ideas for the first time <_<

Oh and how refreshing, a man who's questioning whether a woman should vote or not. Should she be resorted to bake cookies in the kitchen still and not take a step outside? Because you know, it must be surprising that a woman can make up her own ideas and decide for herself. Maybe, she can't make up her mind and must be suppressed from expressing her ideals , yeah that's it :rolleyes:

And you still worried about gay marriage and its possible "poisoning of society". Because you know, all straight couples are completely infallible in raising children. <_< How dare those gay men have sick, perverted thoughts of even possibly corrupting a child's minds, because you know, a child's mind can't be corrupted by any other medium such as the media. And you know, the child isn't going to end up going to school and making friends, hopefully with open-minded ideals, and then forming his or her own choices as he or she grows older. No, he or she is going to be a carbon copy of his or her gay daddies

$10 says DRUNK will say something hateful to this person.

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