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Plant/Krauss Manchester Apollo 7/5/08

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That's horrible the security were such idiots there. I hope this doesn't continue for the rest of the shows. I was also curious if the audience would be sitting or standing. I guess it may differ from show to show, but it will be interesting for me if everyone sits. I don't think I've been to a concert in my life where that's happened!

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I'm seeing persistent reports from this tour about over the top security measures. Could

anyone clarify if the security staff antogonizing the attendees are representatives of the respective venues hosting these shows or are they employed by the artists management? Similar hassles were experienced on JPJs solo tour in 1999, thanks to Robert Fripp's use of over the top henchmen employed to defeat tapers, as opposed to any problems with venue security staff. Has this "crowd control" been rather typical at Alison Krauss performances on her own in the past?

Manchester Apollo utilise their own security, who are notorious for their OTT, heavy-handed antics.

At a Journey concert at the same venue last year (never the rowdiest of audiences), I saw a perfectly well-behaved middle-aged punter take one photograph (without flash & between songs). Immediately afterward he was told loudly to "Put that F***ing camera away NOW!" by one of the security gorillas.

When the chap challenged the security guard's language & demeanour, he was pinned against the wall and visibly harassed.

Several people apparently made complaints about this incident - I would be curious to know what the outcome was!

Incidentally Paul, nice review there. Sounds like it was a good night.

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Everyone should have stood up and remained standing; it would have drawn the band's

attention to the oppressive security tactics. I hope neither ever plays in that joint again.

...which would be a great pity, as Manchester Apollo is a great venue and (I would have thought) ideal for the type of show Plant & Krauss are touring.

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I'm assuming this venue is a small theatre?

I have tickets for the Dodge Theatre in Phoenix, which is a beautiful theatre... but I was wondering about people sitting. Oh well, I guess I have to behave at this one and sit down quietly.

The Dodge is a great theater. I saw Robert there in 2005.

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I went to the Apollo show too. It was a really great gig and I've said this before, but the whole project just feels so fresh to me. I mean, people can moan all they like but I actually think I enjoyed this as much as the O2 (If not more). Anyways, I did have some pictures but they are not as good as the ones that have been posted already. However, I might put them up when I manage to swipe a USB of somebody today!

With regards to the security men, when I was in the bar I had my camera in my hand and someone pointed out the signs warning us against taking pictures, and I looked at the sign and then at a security guy and he was smiling at me...Y know, because I'd noticed the sign and had a camera in my hand!!

I took some anyway:P but did notice they were over the top all night for no valid reason. Especially with this guy near the front who was just clapping...The one who got up to shake T Bone's hand before the encore (I think). Can anyone shed any light on why they were paying him so much attention?

And was the lady who asked Robert if we could stand on this forum ?? Shame on him for not answering! :P

Oh well, really nice concert anyway!

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I didn't take my camera because I expected to be search thoroughly for such things before I went in. It's never going to be OK to the artist for anybody to take any record (be it visual or aural) of a concert without express permission. Which is why I was surprised (and delighted) to see good audience pictures of The NIA gig. Just be thankful that Peter Grant is still around to throw a bucket of water at you!

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I was at the gig, and thought it was excellent, very casual and informal, liked that very much. Muscially excellent with slight reservations about the over the top reverb on a couple of songs. Alison Krauss was very impressive, her voice is beautiful and I thought RP tried really quite hard to not be the reason most people were there.

In other news, I have never been to a gig where so many people were on drugs - albeit prescription - to say that the appeal is timeless was clearly evidenced by the age range of the crowd.

As for Apollo security they have always been most vigilant - I remember Steve Hillage stopping gig in the early 80's and refusing to start again untill the security guys buggered off - Nice one Steve.

Indeed I have some happy memories from here Sabbath supported by Van Halen, just before they were asked to leave the tour becasue they were too good!

In response to an earlier question, the place only holds about 2200 - so relatively intimate. It is also a cinema - a fact that is of no importance at all other than it was there that they showed the Song Remains the Same on release, and then showed the "complete version" in about 1980.

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