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Oh my god, I hate Emos.


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So, I was on YouTube and I was scanning through music videos, and I stumbled across the word 'Emo' in the comments section, and for some reason, I felt an urge to see an Emo forum.

So I found this one forum, Emo Corner, which I now regret thanks to the huge tumor growing on my brain from reading their retarded NONSENSE.

Here are a few examples:

'Why i love being an Emo'

"Now there is a lot of people out there who pretend to be emo, u know 'scene kids'.

But emo is just not slashing and cutting, its about what u feel deep inside and being able to express your emotions unlike others.

Yes emo kids cry and are different, but I think that is a good thing and it would be a lot nicer if there were a lot more emo kids, the world would be a better place!

p.s: this is my first ever comment on this website and I have never been on such a fantastic site!"

Let's pray it's your last on the internet!

'Emo Black People...

"Well,black emos can't get attention since you can't see their scars.lolol"

"haha! that is so true. lol"

When will these people DIE?! They're like cockroaches.

And now, for you, I will expose an Emo poem. :(:

"I wrote you a poem

I wrote it on my wrist

I wrote it with a razor blade

It ended with a twist

The blade was sharp and narrow

I do it to kill the pain

I finished my first sentence

And then i slit a vein

I saw my poem

Running down my arm

And dripping onto the floor

I looked down

On the floor I saw blood

And then I saw no more."

I think I've seen enough. Anyway, discuss, what is the deal with Emos? :blink:

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So, I was on YouTube and I was scanning through music videos, and I stumbled across the word 'Emo' in the comments section, and for some reason, I felt an urge to see an Emo forum.

So I found this one forum, Emo Corner, which I now regret thanks to the huge tumor growing on my brain from reading their retarded NONSENSE.

Here are a few examples:

'Why i love being an Emo'

Let's pray it's your last on the internet!

'Emo Black People...

Oh Grandpa :D

Next you'll be banging on the wall telling those damn, infernal Bobby-sockers to stop jitterbugging and to turn down the grammaphone that's been blaring that awful Glenn Miller racket... :P

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They whine about how society rejects them. I wonder why it rejects them? I know that they are people too, and want to be accepted but I can't really relate to them. They also claim to cut themselves to dull the pain, but every time I've ever cut myself, on accident it isn't like I do it for fun, it hurts. If they're cutting the skin off an apple and cut themselves does it hurt then? Another thing is scene kids, they're all over here. They wear black, die their hair and get the different hair cuts, but are bubbly and outgoing.

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It's all about being trendy. It's the cool thing to do right now-if you notice, they all say the exact same things, wear the exact same clothes, like the exact same bands, behave the exact same way, etc. In a few years, the whole "emo kid" thing will pass, and then it'll be on to something else.

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What is it about being trendy and "normal"? I think being normal is highly overrated. I may get made fun of for being a hippie but I wouldn't trade how comfortable I am in my own skin for anything. I have two quotes to end this little rant with: "Where's your will to be weird?" - Jim Morrison and "Don't compromise yourself, it's all you've got" - Janis Joplin. The second one is probably my favourite quote.

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I know I am sick to death of hearing and seeing My Chemical Romance on the rock tv channels here in the UK...they're Emo music aren't they??

Not really, they're more just pop rock dressed up like Emo

The traditional Emo bands are Sunny Day Real Estate, Jimmy Eats World, Dashboard Confessional, Bright Eyes, Taking Back Sunday

And then there was like another emo movement before that in the 80's and 90's with bands like Rite Of Spring

The actual definition of exactly what Emo is and when it started and who's in it seems impossible to define, because now that 'emo' is in the media, no one seems to be want to be associated with it, even just plain old 'emos'

Emo almost seems to be a phantasm because no one wants to admit being one.

Then you would see kids dressed in 'emo' style, only to have someone tell you that that's not 'true' emo style, and those kids in reality should be considered Gothtards...

ah, who the fuck knows.

All I know is that it really reached its mainstrem peak around 2004/2005, and frankly, I would've thought, be a little old fashioned by now.

It's like when you look back at the 60's, people like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, they only wore those psychedelic clothes for about a year, or a year and a half. By 1968, they were back into their denims...

Edited by Gainsbarre
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What worst. the kids who only shop at abercrobie and Fitch or American eagle or emo kids. IM not sure, ive never had to punch an emo becasue he was being a dickweed or fucking with my girlfriend.

I remember going to a frat party and somebody asked me wear i bought shirt because he liked it, and i said Kohl's and he starting laughing with all his buddies with their same style abecrombioe shirts. i left and when i was leaving, i "accidentally" backed into the same fucks piece of shit mustang with my trailer hitch on. i was told he had to replace the radiator and the fan. I wont do it now since my new truck is about 8 inches lower than my jeep.

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Unfortunately Pb, it seems like this generation of males has been raised to be a bunch of metrosexuals.

A bunch of gutless, vain, feminized, pieces of shit.

They spend more time in front of the mirror than a woman.

Gotta wear brand name, brand new looking clothes.........looking like a bunch of idiots.

It's a sign of weakness, in my mind, to care about how you look that much.

Unfortunately, because nowadays males don't have to be masculine because of a spoiled society where they don't have to do any work that would traditionally define a man, they end giving a fuck about womanly things.........like what shirt their wearing.

It's terrible.

It is understandable for one to have the desire to look good, and to make that happen, but this situation is far beyond that.

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Oh Grandpa :D

Next you'll be banging on the wall telling those damn, infernal Bobby-sockers to stop jitterbugging and to turn down the grammaphone that's been blaring that awful Glenn Miller racket... :P

:hysterical::hysterical: Guffaw like nobody's bidness. I need a kleenex after that one.

Well, I don't have a problem with them, they're cute as hell and I saw one in the store with a girl on each arm, so something's working there ;) Now, the cutting thing? Ew. I think the ones I've seen are just in it for the fashion. It's on it's way out, anyway, so nobody get their undies in a bunch, okay?

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and people wonder why I'm a Republican. I wish all emo kids were born with hemophilia. The disease that prevents the blood from clotting in case of a cut. A good freind of my has it and it's a scarry disease, well i thought it was.

"Scarry!" Get it? Scar-y! :lol::unsure: Nevermind...

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:hysterical::hysterical: Guffaw like nobody's bidness. I need a kleenex after that one.

Well, I don't have a problem with them, they're cute as hell and I saw one in the store with a girl on each arm, so something's working there ;) Now, the cutting thing? Ew. I think the ones I've seen are just in it for the fashion. It's on it's way out, anyway, so nobody get their undies in a bunch, okay?

Cutting oneself to fit into a clique or social group is stupid. Cutting oneself because you have a mental illness that makes you feel like this is what you should be doing is quite the opposite. Having worked with those with mental illnesses, I find people who self-mutilate for appearances or to "fit in" absolutely reprehensible. You can be "emo" without insulting people who have real problems.

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Unfortunately Pb, it seems like this generation of males has been raised to be a bunch of metrosexuals.

A bunch of gutless, vain, feminized, pieces of shit.

They spend more time in front of the mirror than a woman.

Gotta wear brand name, brand new looking clothes.........looking like a bunch of idiots.

It's a sign of weakness, in my mind, to care about how you look that much.

Unfortunately, because nowadays males don't have to be masculine because of a spoiled society where they don't have to do any work that would traditionally define a man, they end giving a fuck about womanly things.........like what shirt their wearing.

It's terrible.

It is understandable for one to have the desire to look good, and to make that happen, but this situation is far beyond that.

You should kill them just for getting laid more than both of you.

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Cutting oneself to fit into a clique or social group is stupid. Cutting oneself because you have a mental illness that makes you feel like this is what you should be doing is quite the opposite. Having worked with those with mental illnesses, I find people who self-mutilate for appearances or to "fit in" absolutely reprehensible. You can be "emo" without insulting people who have real problems.

Oh, sorry. I meant into the emo style. Not into cutting. I realize that's a very serious thing.

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You should kill them just for getting laid more than both of you.


Oh, sorry. I meant into the emo style. Not into cutting. I realize that's a very serious thing.

Oh I know what you meant, I was just making an observation.

Edited by Electrophile
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