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"Almost Famous" revisited


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I liked it quite a bit and not just based on the references to Zeppelin. It has often been billed as Cameron Crowe's "love letter to rock n' roll". That was the appeal of it to me. Most of all I was able to relate to young William Miller as inside my Algebra textbook you would likely find the latest issue of Creem, Circus, Hit Parader, etc. as my passion has always been music. I also agree that it was "niced up" as you put it but that's something Cameron Crowe addressed early on. Anyone that's even the most casual music fan is already pretty well versed in the "sex, drugs and rock n' roll" side of it. Crowe merely chose not to focus on that aspect of the story. It wasn't an attempt to gloss over it, it was because that side of the story has so often already been told (and usually very poorly I might add). Is it the best motion picture ever made? Far from it. Is it one of the best movies about rock n' roll ever made? Maybe not but in my book it's definitely up there, especially for someone who grew up during the very time period in which the movie was set in. In case no one has noticed, rock n' roll is a subject matter that's very hard to capture on film and very few ever get it right. Either you end up with utter crap such as Rock Star which is riddled with every cliche in the book or something like Almost Famous which is far from perfect but with scenes like William Miller listening to Quadrophenia for the first time or Penny Lane telling him on the tour bus that this is "home", it's the closest any filmmaker has come to conveying my passion for music.

I like what your saying here and I agree. I happen to love this film, the cast was perfectly picked, especially Kate Hudson IMO, and ultimately its all very entertaining. Perhaps it gives you a little insight or taste of what things look liked back then and I am just really so mesmerized by that whole era. It all seemed so much simpler. But, I guess thats another topic completely.

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Didn't think it was all that great to be honest.

Don't get me wrong, I kind of 'liked' it but I was disappointed in it after all the talk I had heard previously. Take out the Zeppelin references and the music and it's 'ok'......but no more than that (IMO).

I first watched it about 5 years ago but didn't bother to watch it again until it was on t.v last year or so. I enjoyed it less the second time.

Definitely not one of my favourite movies. Oh well.

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