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Little Miss

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I have read in a couple of places that smoking one joint is the equivalent of one pack of cigarettes, in terms of lung-damaging chemicals.

If that's the case I wonder how Bob Marley lived to the ripe age of, was it 36? It was said he smoked a pound a week. How many joints is that? 500? 1000?

Equivalent cigarettes would be 10,000 - 20,000 a week! His 36 years would have been the equivalent of smoking cigarettes for hundreds of years!

Bring on the Gunjeh! :thumbsup:

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An interesting hobby? Interesting? Hobby?

It's not a hobby you cretin.

If you don't like smoking, then at least articulate your views in a mature way rathert than 'boohoo smokers are losers'.

Face it, smoking looks cool. Always has.

As for looking unhappy in yourself? What an idiot judgement.

I can't even understand what you are writing. Calling people cretins here will only get you banned by the MODS. You do however come across as the typical smoker - highly strung being the primary characteristic. And you say "smoking looks cool". Please just grow up, it looks cool to a moron.

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Smokers were warned that once the anti-smoke Nazi's got their foot in the door they wouldn't quit. First it was 'smoking or non-smoking?' and now it's a juggernaut that doesn't quit. I don't smoke but I could care less if others do. Those 'No Stank You' commercials drive me crazy and they sure as hell don't work and are a waste of tobacco tax revenue. Yeah, like they really care and want people to quit, and what, kill the cash cow?? Yeah right!!! <_< And I'll never forget that one asshole mayor of some city who wanted to use the tobacco tax money to pay off the city debt when it was 'supposed to go' only for health related problems. <_<

Tell Saint Peter at the golden gate

That I just hate to make him wait

But I've just got to have another cigarette!!


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Smoking in no way looks cool. Both my parents are smokers and I've gotten into roaring arguments with them over the years about it, because when I was 16 and playing basketball in H.S., I had to go for a physical and when the doctor was checking my breathing, he actually asked if I smoked. That's how bad my lungs sounded from inhaling cigarette smoke for 16 years. They quit smoking around me after that, but now that we're trying to sell our house, we're having issues because all the furniture smells like cigarettes and it's turning off potential buyers. We've had to dump hundreds and hundreds of dollars on steam cleaners to try and remove as much of the smell as possible.

It's an addiction like any other, I understand that after living with two smokers. They're not losers, they're dependant. That being said, glorifying it makes no sense to me. Smoking killed my grandmother, my grandfather and I don't doubt it will kill my parents. After my mom was hospitalized with bronchitis a few years ago, I resigned myself to the fact that I will probably bury the both of them before I'm 40. I'm currently 25. They've tried to quit, and they've never been able to do that. I wish they would, because I don't want to see their last years end up like my grandparents' were.

Ozone, they have companies that will fill your home with ozone and it will destroy every organism in the house. Germs, smells everything. After Katrina alot of businesses mainly reastaurants and grocers used it to kill mold from the floods. It's fairly expensive but it works. Some automotive dealers even use it to sell a car that was previously owned by smokers. A friend of mine once purchased a Corvette at an auction that someone had died in and it was the only way to get the smell out.

Link http://www.o3ozone.com/q&a_informed/oz...pplications.htm

Edited by Dzldoc
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I can't even understand what you are writing. Calling people cretins here will only get you banned by the MODS. You do however come across as the typical smoker - highly strung being the primary characteristic. And you say "smoking looks cool". Please just grow up, it looks cool to a moron.

I think it's harder for you to quit attacking us than it is for us to give up smoking.

I started smoking at 12, I gave up when I turnt 18. And I gave up just like that, no problems at all. So, I stopped smoking for a year or more, and then I got bored and currently my life was a tad shit anyway, so I decided I'd give that stick my lips again. And yeah, smoking has a sort of romanticised look to it. Ever seen smokers in Hollywood? Ever seen Plant or Bonham or Page smoke a cigarette and think, my gosh they make it look pretty fucking excellent?

Although saying that, I can quit whenever I want, the addiction is there, yes. But my will power is stronger than the addiction. Unfortunately for me, I like smoking. :D

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For the most part I think people are aware that cigarettes are no damn good for you and little by little it is dwindling and certainly is not accepted like it once was. Ever watch the old movies on AMC? Anything before early 60s they always seemed to have a cigerette going. It was the in thing then. Especially in the movies from the twenties through the early sixties. The old war movies. Men and women alike always had a cigarette burning. Now its pretty much against the law everywhere to smoke indoors and the prices are skyrocketing. I think you could say they have put a "sin tax" on it like in Canada. I quit over 15 yrs ago and I will never go back.

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I almost always smoked when i drank and the yrs just caught up with me, had too much time on my hands and am now smoking. All i can say, is we are all creaturely beings...we eat,drink and live our lives. As for nicotiine, it can be great and it can be not so good. From all the news info and what i have read, dont really know about how dangerous it is.

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I almost always smoked when i drank and the yrs just caught up with me, had too much time on my hands and am now smoking. All i can say, is we are all creaturely beings...we eat,drink and live our lives. As for nicotiine, it can be great and it can be not so good. From all the news info and what i have read, dont really know about how dangerous it is.

It's just a little tobacco,paper cotton and v http://old.ash.org.uk/html/regulation/html/ukadditives.html

Hey even has a little Ascorbic acid ( Vitamin C ) can't be all bad :rolleyes:

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Most of the tobacco is grown in Virginia, which has some of the largest uranium ore deposits in the country, and maybe the world.

When the tobacco is cured, it is often stored in big basement storage facilities, where it supposedly soaks up all of the radon gas coming from the ground. This is an addition to the radioactive substances in the growing soil itself.

One of the biggest causes of cancer which people are unaware about, is all the radioactive particles that are lodging permanently in the body. The lungs, specifically, because those particles lodge themselves quite deeply, and the body isn't capable of extreting them.

The chemical additives are terrible as well. I remember I started smoking American Spirits, which are supposedly an additive free cigarette, that they were completely unsatisfying, and I had no desire to smoke.

I think that we are addicted to the additives as much or more than we are addicted to the nicotine.

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Smoking in no way looks cool. Both my parents are smokers and I've gotten into roaring arguments with them over the years about it, because when I was 16 and playing basketball in H.S., I had to go for a physical and when the doctor was checking my breathing, he actually asked if I smoked. That's how bad my lungs sounded from inhaling cigarette smoke for 16 years. They quit smoking around me after that, but now that we're trying to sell our house, we're having issues because all the furniture smells like cigarettes and it's turning off potential buyers. We've had to dump hundreds and hundreds of dollars on steam cleaners to try and remove as much of the smell as possible.

It's an addiction like any other, I understand that after living with two smokers. They're not losers, they're dependant. That being said, glorifying it makes no sense to me. Smoking killed my grandmother, my grandfather and I don't doubt it will kill my parents. After my mom was hospitalized with bronchitis a few years ago, I resigned myself to the fact that I will probably bury the both of them before I'm 40. I'm currently 25. They've tried to quit, and they've never been able to do that. I wish they would, because I don't want to see their last years end up like my grandparents' were.

I'm sorry, were you trying to make it sound uncool and unsexy? Mission not accomplished. That all sounds hot, am I right?

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Ever seen Plant or Bonham or Page smoke a cigarette and think, my gosh they make it look pretty fucking excellent?

I have seen pictures of Jimmy smoking onstage during the '77 tour.

He looks pretty fucking cool !

But then.... Jimmy looks pretty fucking cool, in many situations !

Smokers' breath..... now that's pretty uncool.

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I have seen pictures of Jimmy smoking onstage during the '77 tour.

He looks pretty fucking cool !

But then.... Jimmy looks pretty fucking cool, in many situations !

Smokers' breath..... now that's pretty uncool.

Also at Knebworth 79 and there was a cool video from the 88 Outrider tour which showed some Jimmy behind the scenes, where he is never without a cigarette. He makes it look cool...

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Britney Spears

(sorry Gainsbarre, I couldn't resist :P )

What is this seventh grade?? You look so cool. Oh man, can I hang out with you?? Go dump your full ashtray of butts in a parking lot or something. Go flick your butt out the window of your car. Go smoke your cigarettes and leave us alone.

I'm very sorry if I offended anybody with my comments. I care about people and want everybody to live a healthy and prosperous life. If I've changed one persons habits with my comments, it was worth it, although I may have offended some.

Aw, thanks JethroTull. :) I had read your previous post earlier today and it bothered me because I felt that the original poster, Little Miss, was doing precisely that. She started this thread for smokers, not the non-smokers.......it's like the smokers do everything they can to be considerate and not bother others with their habit but then the non-smoker follows them around & complains, etc. Well, I had intended to come on here & give you a piece of my mind (i had a real fine bit of sarcasm planned, if I must say so myself, LOL) and then I see your apology. Cool, I feel the love brother. :hippy: I think that helps more than lectures.

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