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Attenborough: And there he is, the beast reveals the packet of Marlboro reds... this is common in the day of the life of the beast.


Attenborough: Ahh.. perfect. In all my life studying wild animals, I can tell you with all honesty, this is the most magnificent thing I've seen.

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So what is your view on smoking pot? Isn't it the same only it makes you thicker?

I stopped smoking pot years ago. Quite frankly, I'm sorry I ever got involved with drugs and over drinking. I regret it now. I told this recently to a university professor we know and she seemed upset that I would have a regret of this nature. She still likes to party quite a bit.

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My best friend and I started smoking at the same time. We were very young, and we were such "rebels". Now that we're adults, and have been smoking for many years, it is pretty damn hard to quit. My friend decided to try Chantix and see if she can quit that way. I hope it works. Another lady that I work with has tried the gum and the patches and still can't. Another lady at work tried that other drug that's supposed to help you quit, and it didn't work for her. It's a pretty hard habit to break. You get so sick of it, but at the same time, it's so very hard to give up. A lady at work and I are going to try to quit together-no more smoking after tomorrow. We both want to quit really badly, and so we're hoping that it will help to be able to be each other's support.

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Bonnie, you just have to make the decision, and do it. If you don't want to, then you won't.

Quitting with someone else is a mistake because as soon as one of you breaks, the other will start smoking again.

Chantix actually works, but it made me severely bummed out, and I decided it was better for me to smoke, than feel miserable. I stopped the Chantix after the first week.

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Bonnie, you just have to make the decision, and do it. If you don't want to, then you won't.

Quitting with someone else is a mistake because as soon as one of you breaks, the other will start smoking again.

Chantix actually works, but it made me severely bummed out, and I decided it was better for me to smoke, than feel miserable. I stopped the Chantix after the first week.

Yeah, it's really all about willpower. I no longer WANT to smoke, but when I try to quit I get depressed and irritable, which is why I always give in and start back up again. But I am Soooo tired of it.

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Attenborough: And there he is, the beast reveals the packet of Marlboro reds... this is common in the day of the life of the beast.


Attenborough: Ahh.. perfect. In all my life studying wild animals, I can tell you with all honesty, this is the most magnificent thing I've seen.

Attenborough, LOL! :hysterical: It's like watching Animal Planet!

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So you guys are posting pics of smokers in a lame attempt to justify it because it "looks cool"?

Sorry, no offense intended but that is just plain stupid.

No, I'm sorry because it does look cool. End of story. That's why I put the photos up... I'm not justifying it or condoning it, just proving that in some cases it is an undeniably cool article of fashion...

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I love smoking, but I haven't in eight years. I really hate what it does to my skin, hair, and lungs, and I really hate having to be dependent on anything. I quit about 16 years ago, but still had the occasional smoke until my dad had a heart attack from his 2-3 pack-a-day habit (he survived it, quit smoking, and is healthier than ever, thankfully). I still love the smell of cigarette smoke (though stale cig smell, now that I can smell it, is nasty!!!).

Edited by AllisonAdler
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