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Ted Kennedy Thread


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The prognosis does not look good for the senior senator from Mass.

Love him or hate him, you got to give him his due. The man has seen, and a been part of so much history, it's hard to believe he's still active up until a few days ago. Just think of all the changes that have happened since he was elected. I, for one, wish him the best and hope he pulls through.

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The prognosis does not look good for the senior senator from Mass.

Love him or hate him, you got to give him his due. The man has seen, and a been part of so much history, it's hard to believe he's still active up until a few days ago. Just think of all the changes that have happened since he was elected. I, for one, wish him the best and hope he pulls through.

I'll be thinking of you!


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The prognosis does not look good for the senior senator from Mass.

Love him or hate him, you got to give him his due. The man has seen, and a been part of so much history, it's hard to believe he's still active up until a few days ago. Just think of all the changes that have happened since he was elected. I, for one, wish him the best and hope he pulls through.

I wish him and his family the best. I lost my grandmother and an uncle to brain cancer :(

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True....but still; it's really hard on the family members because the ill person's personality changes so much :(

Yeah I feel for his family and he's suffering. I had 2ft of my ascending colon removed because of a tumor so it's not a pleasant time. I guess with all the tragedy he's seen in his family since that time, he's living his hell on earth.

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Chappaqudick was a stain that will never wash away and I hope he pays for that in the afterlife. That said, I don't wish a brain tumor on anyone. This family has been through too much in the last 45 years.....I can't even begin to imagine how they're suffering.

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I think with his second brother taking a bullet in his run for president, that pretty much shot Ted's wad.

The dude ran in '80 and was going to in '72. J Edgar Hoover wasn't immortal after all.

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I've been on that bridge on Chappaquidick Island Mary Jo and Teddy ran off that fateful night. I just stood there all alone, no one for miles, and contemplated that tragedy. We'll never know if it was truly an accident or if there were sinister motives involved.


I mean no disrespect,but I always figured lust and booze.

I lost my mother to cancer in 1988, and it's a sad way to experience the demise of a vibrant life.

Rarely agree with much on his side of the aisle,but hope he can enjoy a few more years for reflection and enjoyment of a fine Canadian blend.

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Yeah I feel for his family and he's suffering. I had 2ft of my ascending colon removed because of a tumor so it's not a pleasant time. I guess with all the tragedy he's seen in his family since that time, he's living his hell on earth.

Yikes Doc; I hope you are ok now! :(

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The prognosis does not look good for the senior senator from Mass.

Love him or hate him, you got to give him his due. The man has seen, and a been part of so much history, it's hard to believe he's still active up until a few days ago. Just think of all the changes that have happened since he was elected. I, for one, wish him the best and hope he pulls through.

Well said. My prayers are with him and his family.

Chappaqudick was a stain that will never wash away and I hope he pays for that in the afterlife. That said, I don't wish a brain tumor on anyone. This family has been through too much in the last 45 years.....I can't even begin to imagine how they're suffering.

When it comes to Senator Kennedy, Chappaquiddick is never far from my mind. I was a child when the "incident" happened and I have memories of it being talked about in hushed tones. I remember an older cousin took me aside and explained to me what went on in the car. :(

Yeah I feel for his family and he's suffering. I had 2ft of my ascending colon removed because of a tumor so it's not a pleasant time. I guess with all the tragedy he's seen in his family since that time, he's living his hell on earth.

I am very sorry to hear that. I had no idea either! My best wishes to you for continued good health.

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Man, you guys are brutal! The man could be dying and you trash him. :huh: Not nice. MSG was nice. :D

I was very sad to hear the news. I looked up the kind of tumor he has and it doesn't look good. Two years average survival rate, with treatment. At 76 years old that chemo could wipe him out. I have noooo clue what just happened on the board. It just kept going, going, going down, and down, flippin weirdest thing ever. Sorry, I tried to fix it. :huh:

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I think it was his nephew?

Martha Moxley was killed by Michael Skakel. Michael Skakel is the nephew of Ethel Skakel Kennedy, the widow of assassinated Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. Michael Skakel is not a Kennedy by blood.

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