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Ted Kennedy Thread


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Martha Moxley was killed by Michael Skakel. Michael Skakel is the nephew of Ethel Skakel Kennedy, the widow of assassinated Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. Michael Skakel is not a Kennedy by blood.

I heard that was the fact. He had no alcohol in his blood. I love modern Science.

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Kennedy leaves hospital after tumor diagnosis

NBC News and news services

updated 1 hour, 22 minutes ago

BOSTON - Sen. Edward M. Kennedy walked out of the hospital accompanied by family members on Wednesday, one day after being diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor that experts say is almost certainly fatal.

A square bandage at the back of his head marked the spot where doctors performed a biopsy Monday that led them to diagnose him with malignant glioma.

The 76-year-old senator, the last son in a famed political family, was diagnosed with a malignant glioma in his left parietal lobe — which helps govern sensation, movement and language — after suffering a seizure in his home Saturday morning. Malignant gliomas are diagnosed in about 9,000 Americans a year.

Kennedy's dogs, Sunny and Splash, met him at the hospital door Wednesdasy. Hospital workers and well-wishers greeted Kennedy with applause. Before he and his wife, Vicki, got into a dark Chevrolet Suburban, he kissed his daughter, Kara, and his niece Caroline Kennedy, and embraced his son, lawmaker Patrick Kennedy.

The senator departed with a wave as television news helicopters followed his 75-mile trip south to his Cape Cod home. Along the way, he could be seen waving to nearby motorists from the front passenger seat of his sport utility vehicle.

Recovery from biopsy

Doctors announced Kennedy "has recovered remarkably quickly" from the brain biopsy. They said he will recuperate at his home over the weekend while awaiting further test results that will help determine his treatment plan.

"He's feeling well and eager to get started," said Dr. Lee Schwamm, a top neurologist at Massachusetts General, and Dr. Larry Ronan, Kennedy's primary care physician.

In an e-mail Tuesday, Vicki Kennedy told friends the grim diagnosis was "a real curveball" that left the family stunned even as Kennedy joked and laughed with them. She expressed pride in how her husband was handling the news.

"Teddy is leading us all, as usual, with his calm approach to getting the best information possible," she wrote in an e-mail Tuesday to friends.

"He's also making me crazy (and making me laugh) by pushing to race in the Figawi this weekend," she wrote, referring to the annual sailing race from Cape Cod to Nantucket.

The diagnosis cast a pall over Capitol Hill, where the Massachusetts Democrat has served since 1962.

Fellow senator weeps

Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd, the longest-serving member of the Senate, wept as he prayed for "my dear, dear friend, dear friend, Ted Kennedy" during a speech on the Senate floor.

"Keep Ted here for us and for America," said the 90-year-old Byrd, who is in a wheelchair. He added: "Ted, Ted, my dear friend, I love you and I miss you."

In a statement, President Bush saluted Kennedy as "a man of tremendous courage, remarkable strength and powerful spirit." He added: "We join our fellow Americans in praying for his full recovery."

Kennedy has been active for his age, maintaining an aggressive schedule on Capitol Hill and across Massachusetts. He has made several campaign appearances for Sen. Barack Obama.

"He fights for what he thinks is right. And we want to make sure that he's fighting this illness," Obama said Tuesday. "And it's our job now to support him in the way that he has supported us for so many years."

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said: "Ted Kennedy's courage and resolve are unmatched, and they have made him one of the greatest legislators in Senate history. Our thoughts are with him and Vicki and we are praying for a quick and full recovery."

Kennedy has left his stamp on a raft of health care, pension and immigration legislation during four decades in the Senate. In 1980, Kennedy unsuccessfully challenged Jimmy Carter for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The Kennedy family has been struck by tragedy over and over. Kennedy's eldest brother, Joseph, died in a World War II plane crash; President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963; and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1968.

Ted Kennedy shocked the nation in 1969 when he drove his car off a bridge to Massachusetts' Chappaquiddick Island and a young female campaign worker drowned. Kennedy, who did not call authorities until the next day, pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident and received a suspended two-month jail sentence.

Kennedy, the Senate's second-longest serving member, was re-elected in 2006 and is not up for election again until 2012. Were he to resign or die in office, state law requires a special election for the seat 145 to 160 days afterward.

Edited by eternal light
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Man, you guys are brutal! The man could be dying and you trash him. :huh: Not nice. MSG was nice. :D

I was very sad to hear the news. I looked up the kind of tumor he has and it doesn't look good. Two years average survival rate, with treatment. At 76 years old that chemo could wipe him out. I have noooo clue what just happened on the board. It just kept going, going, going down, and down, flippin weirdest thing ever. Sorry, I tried to fix it. :huh:

Thanks Hotplant. :) It's interesting that senators on both sides of the aisle cried when they heard the news - ultimately, it doesn't really matter whether you agree with the man's politics or the way in which he chose to live his life - you still feel sad when you hear something like this. I don't have an audio clip of it but this morning on NPR, they played a soundbite from Orin Hatch, a conservative Republican, who explained that, while he and Kennedy sparred politically over the years, they were, beneath it all, friends and he felt a tremendous sadness upon hearing the news.

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Wouldn't wish cancer on anyone, but I wouldn't wish drowning on anyone either.

There are many who see this as, to use a recently resurrected phrase, Ted's chickens coming home to roost.

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Can the media and the people here please stop making it seem like the man is dead? Everyone is already talking about him in the past tense.

He is still alive, and no one knows what will happen. Brain cancer is treatable, and especially for someone like him, who will have access to probably the best doctors in the world.

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Can the media and the people here please stop making it seem like the man is dead? Everyone is already talking about him in the past tense.

He is still alive, and no one knows what will happen. Brain cancer is treatable, and especially for someone like him, who will have access to probably the best doctors in the world.

My husband just commented on the same thing - he said the media are giving retrospectives on the man's life as if he has already passed from this world. With the best medical care available, he may live several more years.

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According to what I've read, the type of tumor he has is very severe. The fact they haven't mentioned surgery as an option tells me it's inoperable. An inoperable brain tumor in a 76 year old man pretty much means one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. I hope however long he has left is comfortable and with a minimum of pain and discomfort.

He's not dead and no, we shouldn't discuss him in the past tense as though he were. The type of tumor I've read that he has, gives him anywhere from less than a year to live to 5 years to live. Even at his age, that's a grim prognosis.

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There's an old saying in the mechanic field when working with injectors "Don't inject anything that can't be cut off" when I had my surgery I thought I over heard one of the surgeons say "At least we were able to cut it out". Can't cut the head off and survive for very long ( unless you're a cock roach ) :'(

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forget that the guy is a politician... hes got cancer and will likely die from it... medical news doesnt get much worse then that

I feel sorry for him and his family and I hope he is cured or does not suffer if he dies

Man this really sucks.

Seems like all the Kennedy brothers end up dying from something in the brain.


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Thanks Hotplant. :) It's interesting that senators on both sides of the aisle cried when they heard the news - ultimately, it doesn't really matter whether you agree with the man's politics or the way in which he chose to live his life - you still feel sad when you hear something like this. I don't have an audio clip of it but this morning on NPR, they played a soundbite from Orin Hatch, a conservative Republican, who explained that, while he and Kennedy sparred politically over the years, they were, beneath it all, friends and he felt a tremendous sadness upon hearing the news.

Thank YOU, MSG. Honestly if you can't say something nice about a dying man...Fuck off! :angry: Can't wait for some of the asswipes who said crappy things to get a fatal diagnosis. Jerks.

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Boston contemplates life after Ted Kennedy

Brian Hart of Bedford first met Kennedy in November 2003 at Arlington National Cemetery, when the senator attended the funeral of Hart's son John, a soldier killed in Iraq. He recalled Wednesday how the senator listened to his story about soldiers and their vehicles lacking proper armor. Kennedy followed up by calling a hearing later that month.

Today every military vehicle in Iraq is armored. And within six months of Kennedy's hearing, all U.S. soldiers had been issued ballistic plates for their body armor.

"He's a wonderful guy. Literally hundreds of people are alive because of his work and literally hundreds were not wounded because of his work," Hart said.


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Can't wait for some of the asswipes who said crappy things to get a fatal diagnosis. Jerks.

so what makes you any different?

Doesn't your statement enroll you firmly into the ranks of said jerks?

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