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My old employer has asked me to play rock band all day!


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How cool is this, hung out with me old boss today, played a bit of footie (soccer) and tennis.

He wondered if I could go back in on saturday (HMV was my old job, that's a big music retail company to people outside if the u.k) and play the new game coming out "rock band" to promote it. All I gotta do is stand in the actual shop window and strike a few poses and rock the crowd with the awesome riffs, and he's even paying me out his own pocket.

So now I gotta come with an outfit (oh yeah I have to dress as a rock star too), I got quite a few crazy clothes so I'm sure I can dig something out!

See ya

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How cool is this, hung out with me old boss today, played a bit of footie (soccer) and tennis.

He wondered if I could go back in on saturday (HMV was my old job, that's a big music retail company to people outside if the u.k) and play the new game coming out "rock band" to promote it. All I gotta do is stand in the actual shop window and strike a few poses and rock the crowd with the awesome riffs, and he's even paying me out his own pocket.

So now I gotta come with an outfit (oh yeah I have to dress as a rock star too), I got quite a few crazy clothes so I'm sure I can dig something out!

See ya

Sounds like a dream! I love Rock Band.

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Hey all,

MATTY PAGE here, chappie who started this topic. Well I've been dressing up this afternoon (what a big girl!!) deciding on what clothes to put on to turn me into a rock star for tomorrow when I play "rock band" all day, this is what I've gone for, you reckon it will do.


I could have worn a wig but as I'm in a shop window for most of the day I thought if it's hot it will be like being in a greenhouse all day!!

See ya

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Hey all,

MATTY PAGE here, chappie who started this topic. Well I've been dressing up this afternoon (what a big girl!!) deciding on what clothes to put on to turn me into a rock star for tomorrow when I play "rock band" all day, this is what I've gone for, you reckon it will do.


I could have worn a wig but as I'm in a shop window for most of the day I thought if it's hot it will be like being in a greenhouse all day!!

See ya

Ignore the robotic hands!!

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